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The Star Wars license has seen some topsy-turvy days as of late. Since Disney acquired the brand nearly a decade ago, The Mouse has endeavored to expand The Galaxy Far, Far Away in all ways imaginable: Core movies, spin-off movies, TV shows, cartoons, theme park attractions, and on and on and on... and video games were supposed to be a big part of the flood. But they really haven't been. Battlefronts 1 and 2 sold well but largely underwhelmed, and Visceral's project was cancelled completely. So expectations were huge for Respawn Entertainment's single-player Star Wars adventure Fallen Order. Now that it's here, now that we've beaten it and digested the experience, we figured we'd record a little something about what is, at the end of the day, a pretty awesome game. So meditate, young Padawans. When you're ready, hit play, and off we'll go...




Great timing. I just finished it

Bryn Findlay-Dykes

Shwmae boys, was just listening to the episode and was delighted to hear the mention Wales as a proud Welshman! However I was slightly disturbed at the butchering our beautiful language! You weren't actually too far off the mark. The pronounciation of the name "Llewellyn" is hard to type out, because the 'Ll' sound doesn't exist in English. The closest I can think of is 'Sh', but more from the back of the throat. Going by that logic it's pronounced. (throaty)Sh-eww-el-in. Or you can be a loser and anglicise 'Ll' to just the letter L. The name means something like a lion(llew)-like leader. It was also the name of the last prince of Wales before English conquest. The more you know. Keep the up the great work as always, and I hope you enjoyed 'The Crown' Colin :)


The theme song need a plus of something.


In mass effect they all have translators built into all their gear. I’m a huge mass effect nerd but they actually explained that in game. It’s a old game so just wanted to give people a insite that it is cover why everyone understands Everyon in mass effect

Will Hahn

“She likes her souvenirs, but... honestly, I’m not in it for the memories, and you’re not worth my time. So let’s make this quick.”

Richard Duflo

I listened to this while I was getting a root canal done this morning. Thanks for helping get me through that Also, shout out to Phil LaMarr. He did the voice for Vamp in the MGS series. He’s another MadTV alum Anyway, great episode and a pretty great game minus the technical issues. It’s a pretty easy Plat too


It's so weird, because I'm watching The Crown's third season and there's an entire episode about the Welsh language and the Prince of Wales learning it and such. Good timing. =)

Jeremy Miller

"How does anyone understand what these Droids are saying? It's just beeping!" Samuel Morse: 𝓐𝓶 𝓘 𝓪 𝓙𝓸𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾?

Kenneth Oms

I can’t wait for the knockback episode on the new trilogy


So according to Colin, this is “Goldilocks the Video Game” Not too this, not too that, but just right...


Also, I’m sorry but I need to be pedantic. Saw is actually from The Clone Wars originally.

Alvin Banaag

I wish the game would’ve let us fight, even if just for a little, darth vader like the first sister boss battle at the beginning and vader would be toying with you.


You both keep saying it was rushed for the movie, but it’s not connected to it. Do you think EA could have given a short QA period because they wanted it to fail? They have said games like this are not wanted anymore. I obviously have no faith in EA and could see them trying to do things behind the scenes to sabotage the game.


I'm so glad you guys enjoyed the narrative. I'm a huge fucking Star Wars nerd and by the end I was worried the story would've been lost on a lot of people. So much of this game's content draws from The Clone Wars, Rebels, Charles Soules' Darth Vader comic and Jeremy Barlow's Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir comic. I felt like this game was made for people like me, but I'm so happy other people enjoyed it too. Nice to hear people talking positively about Star Wars. Little side note, the fast travel situation is weird considering on Kashyyyk you can use the Shyyyo bird to fast travel back to the base of the tree.


Sad to hear you guys had so many technical issues with the game, that really sounds infuriating. I ended up playing this on PC and had 0 issues. Seems like maybe it was just not optimised enough for consoles?

D'Ante Almo

I needed this. Definitely gonna pick it up now

Anthony Longo

Did Chris really just pronounce it “ E-wohn “ McGregor. Holy shit dude.

Jason Stafford

Colin, I keep hearing you mention getting a suit of Scout Trooper armor. Do a little reading up on the 501st Legion. It's a Star Wars costuming club that does a ton of work for charity. They have a unit for Scouts and I'd be willing to bet they have a chapter in the Richmond area. They get together and help each other with their armor and all kinds of stuff. I've always wanted to join and still might one day.


Could have been cool. Probably unneeded dev resources when time was clearly tight, though!


I highly doubt EA wanted it to fail. If anything, they were probably desperate for a success. And they've found one!


I'm positive there's plenty I missed, but as a Reformed Star Wars Fan, I kept up fine. Chris seemed to, too.


Listening to your technical issues with Fallen Order, and I believe you, but this wasn't my experience. Aside from very minor pop-in and a few clipping issues (mostly to do with the light saber) it ran great for me. I ran it on PC and my rig is pretty powerful, so it maybe brute forced the issues away? But you spoke of loading issues and I ran it on a basic $20 7500rpm HDD and my load times were insanely quick. Actually, I was quite impressed with the load times, because I had the option of an SSD and didn't feel it needed it. Frame rate was rock solid too. Maybe it was just console optimization that was bad?

Dean Willicombe

Hi Colin, Love the shows you guys are putting together, just wanted to make a suggestion which myself and a couple of my friends have commented on, so others may be thinking the same.. Is it possible that you can make non-spoiler full review podcasts on Sacred Symbols+ in the future ? I'd love to hear in-depth views from yourself and Chris on the latest games but am put off that everyone of these types of shows seems to be a spoilercast. Sometimes I make a decision on whether to get a game based on the opinions of you guys and others so don't want the game spoilt to find out this information. Would be an interesting one to put out to the audience to see what they think ? You both only tend to give brief reviews on games on the main podcast. Thanks. Dean Willicombe from the UK


Game started off great for me but I've been completely spoiled by games on the Wii like Metroid Prime Trilogy to enjoy the level design it's just ..... "EEeeeH"


After the first few episodes of SG-1, all of the worlds just speak English without explanation. It would get really annoying, if that suspension of disbelief didn’t exist. I always took Star Wars that way, too.


It is funny, and weirdly a further explanation then what Stargate provides. I wonder what the rational was to even give it a name and how “common” was settled upon?

Anthony J Sanchez

Anyone know why this won't play? All of the other podcasts work without any hiccups.

Anthony J Sanchez

I got it to work. Just uninstalled and reinstalled the app.


Just got the platinum. Loved this game!

Paul Moss

Hey guys. I just finished the story and am going to try get the platinum for this. I loved the game but wow... That map system is terrible. I am trying to get back to the Swap area on Dathomir and have been trying for almost an hour... Either the maps need fixing to allow way points to be set or they should be including fast travel. Anyway I just wanted to have a moan. Looking forward to hearing what the guys have to say about this game.

Dave Dufault

I had issues downloading this too, but you can just download it from the actual post (failed 3 times prior to trying this). So trying going into the comments then downloading as this worked for me without having to uninstall the app