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For thousands of years, humans have been smoking, eating, and enjoying the fruits (well, buds) of the marijuana plant, also known as cannabis. Once associated with deviant behavior and long mislabeled as a gateway drug, marijuana -- like virtually any other substance, legal or illegal -- has different effects on different people, and while certainly not a positive for some, many others the world 'round enjoy smoking a joint, blunt, bowl, or bong. Some among us even prefer it over alcohol and other common libations. Fresh off of the late 20th century's War on Drugs, grass has found greater and greater acceptance (and even outright legality) in parts of US, all of Canada, and elsewhere, and a majority of people (particularly in western countries) have at least one experience with The Devil's Weed. So let's talk about it from two perspectives: The occasional dabbler (Dagan) and the chronic user (Colin), the ups and downs it provides, and the funny and memorable stories that accompany its use, acquisition, and more. Only then can we answer the age-old question: Who's got the herb?



David Graham

If you were a Pokémon, you'd be a grass type.


Happy Danksgiving, am I right?! I'm gonna get high later and eat all the Thanksgiving leftovers while listening to this

Dean Redinbaugh

Cool beans, I actually have two plants I need to take down and wet trim today... Death stranding was the perfect stoner video game, right? :-)



Craig Carter

Got my Filipino girlfriend to answer your population question of the island. It’s over 100,000,000 which is actually way more than I would’ve guessed cause I thought your guess was pretty high lol Anyways happy thanksgiving to the Filipinos and everyone else but mostly them

Ryan Murdoch

Well, guess what I'm doing tonight after work, and what in gonna listen too while I do it. The percent Friday night!. Thanks Moriarty bros.


Just in time for thanksgiving!! This is a bountiful blessing


This pleases me. Very happy that my topic got through.


It was a Florida DOG story Colin. Also if Dagan isn't going to come up with realistic fake news the intro game this wave is just boring to me.

Erik Peterson

Perfect for Thanksgiving


I love the idea of a fbi agent who loves all things Colins Last Stand who hears Dagan talk about his possible power and is conflicted on whether or not to turn him in cause he doesn't want the show to end.


Colin, I live in Midlothian,right down the street as it were, I have a Dr. Recommendation for THC-A oil which is currently allowable with an affirmative defense letter, while we can't buy flower here yet, our first vertically intergrated dispensary is set to open by years end off Decatur St., its not ideal but it's the safe option. https://www.vanorml.org/register I'd be happy to answer any questions. Love the content. Be well

Jeff Pollard

Happy Thanksgiving, guys!!! Dagan, please don't eat undercooked poultry. :)

Alex Lawrence

I look forward to the many a pregnant pause every time the train goes by from here till the end of time

Alvin Banaag

Hey C & D, from the Philippines here. In regards to the Salmonella surname, as far as i know, there’s none or haven’t heard of any. As for Filipino surnames, they’re usually Spanish-derived. A little history, the Philippines was under Spanish rule for 300yrs, then the Americans came in after Spanish-American war, then WWII happened and the Japanese took over. After the war, around 1946 we had the Philippine republic. Cheers!

Scott MacLure

Haha when you spoke about weed not giving you a hangover I was going to disagree. It definately can make you feel cloudy which I refer to as a stoneover!


Sweet, can't wait to tune in tomorrow while I'm at work! Thanks for all the work you do!

Corey Adams

Listening to this while smoking. Niiiiice 😎


I've had that for sure, but only after smoking heavily the night before (I'm talking half an eighth or more in a night)

Will Hahn

Hey Colin, did you mean the FDA, instead of the ADA? Lol.

Caleb Greer

The first time I was offered weed was by a friend after I’d just been accepted into nursing school at the time and my drug test for clinicals was the next day lol. Had to reject the devil’s lettuce that night.

Kenneth Oms

When I got to the end of this episode and Dagan was about to talk about your dad, Patreon stopped working. I thought your dad went to the headquarters and took it down to keep us from finding out about the cookie tin lol

Michael Candelaria

So, since KnockBack requires that a thing be "over" or "finished" to be covered, does that mean that Colin has officially quit smoking weed? I haven't had a chance to listen yet so I don't know if that's addressed.


The reason why you get dreams when you stop smoking is because THC surpresses the REM phase of sleep. REM is when the brain dreams (and does some other functions), and when it hasn't happened in a while the body overcompensates the next time REM activates (when THC is out of your system). The next part is conjecture: Feeling more tired after "weed dreams" might be because the body spent too much time overcompensating with REM that the other phases didn't get hit enough. So once those dreams calm down the body can resume a regular sleep cycle and you feel well rested again.

Dean Redinbaugh

Can we please get a weekly quiz show, mini segment or fake News podcast from Dagan? :-) I will triple my pledge! Also my mom's name is Betty Ann as well and I'm planning on showing her and my dad a few games once I move back home as well... going to try again with Red Dead Redemption 2 for my dad who is a western fan... I rented an Airbnbthis summer when they came out and had my entire family try out psvr, I left it set up and they played it all week... couldn't Take the controller out of my dad's hands when he was playing eve valkyrie...

Dan P

That part where Colin was talking about "being on the outside" was so relatable. I got into weed for a similar reason, but then realised eventually that it helped me with my creative pursuits, and also gaming while high is *FUN* as shit. Even though I've been a fan since Podcast Beyond and Kinda Funny (until Colin left), which then I realised all along I was actually just a fan of Colin - as I've always felt the most in common with him (than the other members). This episode has shed some light on why that might be, for me.

Alex Bolton

Colin are you a fan of the Gravity Bong (GB, Geeb, etc)? I was surprised you didn't mention them specifically, as I knew that as a Massachusetts cheap smoking staple, did you ever even encounter it at Northeastern?

Chris B

The way you guys were saying “marijuana” kept making me laugh. I don’t know why, but it almost made you two sound like narcs lol




Yeah, I sure did! Not really my style, but I'd have smoked weed out of literally anything when I was 20.

Matt Brace

I quit drinking over a year ago but not smoking weed. That why I love Canada its legal and you find more and more people being ok with it.


I found it interesting you called drinking and smoking at the same time getting the spins. Have you ever heard it called getting crossed or is that just a Midwest thing?

Joey Rawlings

I’ve always avoided pot since the idea of inhaling anything would likely trigger an asthma attack. Recently, a CBD store opened in my area (Maryland) and I’ve been interested in possibly trying edible CBD products. Would either of you (or any CLS community members) have any advice for me? Thanks!

Forrest Hunter

Deleterious... what a great word!


Feals CBD is pretty good. Helps me sleep. It's worth nothing they are a sponsor of Sacred Symbols, so.

Anthony Lencioni

As someone who partakes daily I really appreciate the detailed nature and respect giving to people who supply the goods :)

Brett Carlson

As a fellow New Yorker and pot smoker it is very novel to hear you explain how New Yorkere smoke Dutch Masters almost exclusively back in the day. Because there really is diversity around the country about how people consume their pot. Hilarious factoid about us in New York.