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In middle school and high school, the house party -- or your local equivalent -- was a rite of passage. It's when you got away from the doldrums of secondary academia, socialized with your peers away from the prying ears and curious eyes of teachers and parents, and perhaps even indulged in some age-inappropriate pastimes. Indeed, it's all a tale as old as growing up itself. Today's episode of KnockBack is dedicated to cracking open the now-dusty party time memories of our youth, the good and bad, the funny and harrowing, the hilarious and cringey. From the mid-'80s through the early-aughts: Let's party, dude.



Tim J Weckwerth

Been looking forward to this one!


Finally this week's sweet escape from this tumultuous world has been posted

Craig Carter

I haven’t listened yet but this better be about the late 80s early 90s franchise featuring Kidd n Play


I love your stories! I'm excited to listen to this one. Thanks!!!

Joey Finelli

Where is the Zima?!

Anthony Longo

I knew it was Stand By Me !

Nate McKinney

Duuude. This took me back. In high school a friend of mine did a tab of acid, tied a necktie around his head like he was Rambo. Then he wanted to walk across town to my house to play Resident Evil 4 (which had just come out.) Really stupid in retrospect haha. My other favorite/worst party story was in college. This guy Richard shows up. He brought his own bottle of Patron. He went way too hard way too fast. We had to take away the keys and the patron. He then proceeded to walk around the house with a flashlight looking in cabinets going "WHERE'S MY PATROOON?!" We had to carry him to put him to bed in a little side room. Went to check on him later and he'd pissed all over the room.

Kenneth Oms

Man there’s something mad cool about Dagan and his wife having smoked together and partied together, but have gone on to have a wonderful family and careers breaking all those dumb stereotypes of the late 90s and mid 2000s. Great episode!

Erik Peterson

This podcast " ...gonna make house party, look like house party two" Also "rubbing my head with intent" hilarious


Hey Colin, I just wanted to say that acid is mind blowing. I did it once a few years ago and it was the coolest drug experience ever.

Brandon Soto

I used to think sex & sexy were curse words when I was a kid.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Bud, a few things. You kissed a girl in 3rd grade? 😳 I had the same crush for my first 8 school years , we’re still friends and we’ve never kissed til this day. Maybe that’s why we’re still friends??. 😉 And I recall certain families allowing drinking at teenage parties. It was terrifying to us as parents. Nah, it never would have flown in our house. I think it’s a responsibility thing ... at least with us. This episode brought back memories of you as kids and of Dad and I as kids too. Thanks, my boys. ❤️❤️


I know at least 50 people have commented this already, but the white mans burden was also a moral ideology aimed to support imperialism. It argued that the west - Europe and America specifically - had a moral obligation to imperialize other lands to correct their “savagery” through the example of western culture. It was really just an excuse for western powers to steal other nations’ resources, but I’m sure some people truly believed it - pretty fucked!


I think we've talked about the third grade thing in a previous episode! Some girl kissed me behind a world atlas!

Marcus Brown

I have never been to a school party, but I've always fantasized about it. Growing up with 80's and 90's movies I expected alot but it wasn't a thing for some sad reason. I enjoyed hearing your guy's experiences. Great episode as always.


No it’s exactly what you said, I was just adding to the conversation by bringing up its relation to imperialism specifically. I think you guys discussed it more in the context of American slavery, which it also applies to.

Luke Tucker

Am I the only nerd that never really went to parties? I've never been interested in drinking or drugs for whatever reason, and while I was fairly well-liked by popular kids in school, I never really went to parties after middle school. I was a shy and lonely kid who would rather just play video games or watch movies or sports. The nice kid who was always liked "as a friend" by pretty much every girl I liked. In retrospect being a year younger than everyone in my grade probably didn't help. Nor did living in a town of less than 30K. Sometimes wish I could redo much of those times, but such is life. It's not perfect but I have lots of blessings now. Sorry to unexpectedly get so deep, lol. Enjoying KnockBack as always!


No, I think there are a lot more people like you. I'm generally like that, but I've had my moments.


This was a very fascinating discussion. Sadly, I missed out completely on all these kind of house party experiences cause my parents are quite religious and they never allowed me to go. In fact, I missed out on potentially my first girlfriend because I told her I wasn’t allowed to have relationships at the time (age 12-13). This did get me thinking about my first ever crush, the situations where I ‘missed a cue’ or dropped the ball completely. I missed out on a lot of stuff and experiences, and my University time wasn’t very eventful either. I feel like i’m struggling and failing to try and do stuff I couldn’t do back then. Having been single for 10 years now, (not for lack of trying, or lack of hygiene or whatever cliche excuse, I’m actually quite outgoing), with nary a meaningful exciting encounter, I’m beginning to lose hope honestly. Still, it’s interesting to hear about this stuff, and see how real it is compared to the movies.

Will Caldwell

Farting squid ink, lmao.