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It took a while for PlayStation 3 to really get going, but when it did, it graced players with a slew of amazing exclusive games that solidified the console's place in industry history. Interestingly enough, though, it was one of its very last exclusives -- launched in the shadow of PlayStation 4 -- that easily takes the cake as PS3's best game. Naughty Dog's The Last of Us came out in the early summer of 2013, and immediately bowled over millions of gamers around the world with its incredible story, amazing characters, award-winning performances, and fantastic gameplay. It's truly, actually, really, and definitely one of the best games ever made, and we are thrilled to dedicate nearly three hours to talking all about it. So take a knee, craft what you need, and let's get going. Oh... and avoid those spores.




My favorite video game of all time

Tony Rivera

3 glorious hours of Long Island banter.. the Moriarty’s never disappoint. Can’t wait!

Brandon Soto

I avoided this game for so long cuz the trophies suck. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s one of the greatest games ever made. The performances and the writing are the standard to beat for years to come. This was the game I introduced to my now 58 year old father that attracted him to modern games. He has played TLOU more times than I have, and is quite excited for Pt II. This is the only time that he has, on his own, brought up and and searched out an upcoming game. It’s quite endearing. I’m proud of his taking to the medium as I was confident that he would enjoy it. He’s also a big Fallout fan. I think he’s partial to the post-apocalyptic genre. Can’t wait to listen! Best to you both.


Wow I wish my dad were like this! I hope he is now looking for other games to play too :)


3 HOURS?! About TLOU?!? BRUUUH, this is going to be awesome. Can't wait to listen to it! Much love to you, Colin & Dagan <3


I never got the criticism that the gameplay isn’t that great. I’ve thought it’s the best marriage of tone,story, and gameplay I’ve ever seen. The brutality of the combat is such a big part of that game.

David Graham

A three hour episode about a topic I submitted: what else could I possibly ask for?

Will Hahn

Beat this game on grounded twice. Super fucking hard, but not having the listening mode made the gameplay a little more realistic, which was cool.

Patrick Dougherty

I am glad to hear the studio and Neil is friendly to you Colin. Also, I have been digging through IGN's site, anyone else having trouble finding the link Colin refers to for the interview with Neil in 2013?


Was it worth playing it on grounded? I want to replay it again, I haven’t beaten it since it launched.

Kenneth Oms

When this game came out originally I didn’t own a Sony console but I would go over my best friends house (he was my neighbor) and I’d play it with him. It was like going over to watch/play a really good movie. Took us a few days/thunderstorms (Florida) later, but man what a journey.


My favorite piece of fiction I’ve ever experienced in any form. Can’t wait to listen!

Adam Barnes

Seriously considering blowing off work just to stay home and listen to this while playing tlou factions

Tony Colton

Oh fuck yes!! Looking forward to this one


I like the combat a lot, but I can see why -- in a game of such perfection -- combat is at the bottom of the list of strengths.


If you just go to IGN's "object" for TLoU an then search the content from there, you'll find everything we did for the game back in the day.


This is what we were waiting for. Thank you Colin and Dagan!!!!

Kenneth thomas

Colin, this one is a pleasure to listen to. Thanks. What do you think of no multiplayer in TLOU2? I liked the original but I'm kind of happy they are putting all resources into the main game. I know you were a huge fan though.


I guess I need to play this again. I just remember it being clunky, hard to control and boring. Too much emphasis on story and not enough on the "game" part, the part that matters.


Colin, I agree with your interpretation about Joel at the end. I wasn’t convinced that synthesizing a cure was a given and I thought he was justified in sparing Ellie’s life. I also thought that Ellie’s lack of maturity made her consent to the ‘operation’ suspect and that the Fireflies’ acceptance of her ‘consent’ suspect as well. It’s a utilitarian perspective that I openly reject. That Joel came to love again so deeply, that Ellie was so important to him, and he to her, I thought the ending was beautiful. Her acceptance of his explanation right before the credits roll goes a long way to showing that she’s willing to accept a lie to be ‘off the hook’ I think. She wants to live, and be with Joel. Ps I don’t think the Fireflies are the ‘good guys.’ I am quite skeptical of any group who promises to save the world, regardless of intentions.


Ummm I cannot wait to listen to this tomorrow, almost 3 hours about my personal best game ever. LFG.


She never gives consent. It’s alluded to by Marlene to Joel that “you know ellie would want this” or something to that effect. I always interpreted it that she never really fully regained consciousness before they sedated her for the operation. Therefore Ellie never got the choice. Oh and you have to murder those doctors in the room about to operate on her. If your gonna kill Marlene to keep Ellie safe, they gots to go to unfortunately!


I guess I'm in the minority on just immediately realizing it was Nolan North. I was impressed when I found out it was him because his voice is so recognizable to me. He didn't sound anything like Drake to me.


I played TLOU at the same age as Ellie is in the game (14). It’s interesting how Dagan got the fathers perspective while I got the perspective of someone at that age while playing

Michael Smoley

The mad libs were a fantastic idea for an intro, I'm cracking up to it


I had to google “Five Guys name change” to see if that was real or not....Honk honk...

Dave Carsley

This is the first Knockback episode I've listened to, and every 5 minutes I get confused for about 2 seconds because I think Colin is calling his brother "Dig", and Dagan is calling Colin "Kyle"... Lol. Now that I type that, I realize it sounds like a dumb morning radio duo: "Kyle and Dig in the morning and the best rock all day long; 94.7 FM!"

Big Swingin' Rick

Awesome episode. People refer to the infected as "zombies", but I was always under the impression that the infected are still alive, am I wrong? Also I love that ending, in my mind Joel decided that Ellie's life is more important that saving what's left of a shitty humanity, even if it would work

Dustin Johnson

Hi Colin, you had mentioned that you were curious about the sales breakdown of the Last of us. Here is an update from Sony earlier this year where It was past 17 mil over 10 mil on PS4. So argument could be made for the case of an early PS4 defining page. https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/05/21/god-of-war-sales-have-passed-10-million

Tanner Brant

Great way to spend Outbreak Day :)


That happens to me a lot. I'm not great at identifying voice actors, but I remember being able to here, as I recall.


They are technically alive, yeah. But "zombie" is kind of a more ubiquitous term than just "undead" at this point, I think.


Yeah, those are big-time sales. For as excited as the PS3's audience was about TLoU, I think it took a while for people to really notice (or have access).


Maybe I'll delve into the PS4 one one day...

Dr. Peter Venkman

I love it. You guys are great. So excited for part 2.

Joe McPartlin

Great episode. One of the things I remember most about TLoU is how my girlfriend's father, not at all a fan of video games, watched me play though hours of it because of the production quality and gripping story. Few games bridge the gap between game and cinema like The Last of Us did in 2013.


Quite a hot take on Uncharted 4! It's probably tied for my favorite one alongside Uncharted 2. Loving the pod so far


I'm pretty sure in the hospital there is a audio recorder that says something like 12 other kids were immune but the vaccinations failed. She would have been just another casualty.

Kenny Gutzler

I know this is meant as a joke - but not here, man.

Dave Carsley

Just finished the episode, and I'm really glad you guys mentioned Gustavo's music. The vast majority of podcasts and video essays on this game don't mention it at all. And while I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that per se (as the job of a great soundtrack in films or games isn't really to stick out and be noticed), I sometimes wonder if perhaps many people don't realize that all the memorable moments that hit us so hard with feelings and emotions in this game almost certainly would not have been quite as effective without the music Gustavo composed (and the smart ways in which the game designers elected to use it). In my opinion, the soundtrack of this game is nearly as important to its atmosphere as that of something like DOOM (2016)-- albeit in a very different way.


Lol Colin called the Infected Freakers. Too much Days Gone

Zach Brown

Dagan's fatherly perspective on this game is spot-on. My daughter is 12 as well, and I couldn't empathize more with his take on this game being a story about a parent's love for his child.

Kevin Sullivan

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I was right there with Joel when he went on his mission to get Ellie back. I was so caught up in not letting her get hurt that I didn't even consider the greater good perspective.

Hose A Contra Razz

This game is one of my favorite games of all time, also the only game I will only play once because I don't want to ruin my first experience. the podcast bought back so many good memories I had playing the game and I feel playing it again will ruin my first run.


This was my introduction to KnockBack and to Dagan. I loved this. Your brother seems like such a cool dude. I see where you get it from.

Alex Bolton

Great conversation Colin and Dagan. Since you did a spoiler cast for the first TLOU with Neil Druckman, what are the odds you could pull off one with Druckman and Chris for TLOU2 for a SS+ episode???

Alex Bolton

Knockback has an incredible backlog of content, you should really listen to some older episodes! Colin and Dagan are an excellent duo and they make anything sound interesting, it's by far my favorite of the podcast series he does


I see what you're saying, but I'm in the middle of my 9th playthrough, and I can assure you it's really enjoyable each time. Only game I never skip a cutscene, and you also notice and pick up on different things with each playthrough. Also, playing on higher difficulties forces you to play a bit differently. Enemies aren't just harder, your resources are so scarce, you basically have to play 98% stealth and if you do fire your weapon.. better hope you don't miss and you make it count. You're pretty much limited to bottles, bricks and your fists. Occasionally get melee weapons, but that's rare too.


I'm not a big soundtrack or score guy, as you know, but in games like this, it adds a lot to the game's texture.


I feel that way about Journey, but just because it illicited in me this immense emotion that I have never had before with a game.

Nate McKinney

Hey Colin! I'm currently replaying Last of Us on my PS4 for the first time since beating it back in the day. The coolest thing just happened and I had to come nerd out about it. I was in the Capital building just after Tess dies. I'm hiding behind one of those waist high display cases, a soldier walks in and climbs on top of the case and spots me. I pressed the square button and Joel pops up and grabs the dude by his ankles and yanks them out from under him. It was such a small thing, but so contextual, you could go through the whole game and never see that animation. I certainly don't remember it from my first playthrough. I just thought it was really fucking cool!

russell dornisch

Colin - It sucks that the relationship with Sony is so bad for whatever reason on their side... The history of Naughty Dog was so well written and I love those behind the scenes stuff in everything. What could have been! Had you written a book you would have brought Jason Schreier to shame. Hopefully you might explore that or a book in the future?


The beginning of the Last of Us with Joel and his daughter is imo the best opening to a video game ever. It's not my favorite game, but I will never forget that enveloping experience in the game.


Thank you. If I write a book, it'll likely be fiction at this point. I dunno why Sony doesn't want to work with us, but we'll live.

David P

I played Tlou back in '14 with admittedly clouded judgement because of how many people said it was the best game ever, which probably increased my expectations to somewhat unreasonable levels, though I do still think it's a very fine game. (The same thing happened to me with ocarina of time, which I gave a second fair shake on 3DS and enjoyed it vastly more) I'm excited to give the game a second shot with a more open mind on PS4 now thanks to Plus and play the DLC for the first time.

Your Boi Nicky V

Great stuff. Love hearing Dagan talk about modern games from a first time player's perspective.

Liam Mcnulty

Amazing podcast, thank you. One thought; I have a daughter, 5 years old, and if we were in TLOU world, and my daughter absolutely carried a cure, no doubt about it and she had to die to save the world, I'd happily watch the world burn, and everyone in it, to keep my daughter safe. It seems to me the world of TLOU doesn't deserve to be saved anyway.

Jeremiah Lyne

Still remember finishing TLOU and feeling disappointed as I knew I wouldn't have the opportunity to play another game of that quality for for a few years. Also, I think the game owes a lot to Resident Evil 4.


Interesting. I suppose I can see it in some respects, with the colors and some of the settings.

Liam Mcnulty

Honestly, no idea! I don't understand how any parent could tbh. I know he's not technically her father, but he loves her like a daughter, and has already lost one child, going through it once is bad enough, but twice would make anyone snap. I don't see Joel as a bad guy, only human

Kenneth Fegley

Just wanted to say I appreciate the episode title

Jacob Knopp

I recently bought this game based on your lauding. I adore it! Thanks for getting me into this masterpiece, Moriarty Bros.