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It may be hard to believe, but it's been nearly seven years since Borderlands 2 launched, and so with Borderlands 3's recent arrival, you may expect fans to be delighted. Some are, no doubt, but many others aren't, and such a situation calls much into question: Are there too many loot-based shooters? Can a game like this compete on the modern market? Is Borderlands 3 simply too late? Chris and Colin don't see eye-to-eye on this much at all, which makes for an interesting conversation. Then, how 'bout some news?! GameStop keeps tanking, Final Fantasy VII Remake appeals to the old-schoolers, Control's sales are soft, and Ubisoft promises massive open-world games galore in its future. Finally, to round things out, we take some listener questions. Are publishers and developers releasing DLC too far after a game's launch? What do we think of Katamari Damacy? How do we carve out time to game? If you get a DiGiorno Pizza delivered via Amazon, does it rip a hole in space and time?


0:00:17 - Intro
0:03:17 - The critics agree: Sacred Symbols+ is a hit.
0:04:53 - A note on our Control spoilercast.
0:06:46 - The date for this year’s Game Awards has been announced.
0:08:20 - A strange coincidence concerning Macaulay Culkin.
0:10:19 - Why is PewDiePie still relevant and newsworthy?
0:13:39 - Are we Death Stranded-ed out?
0:19:13 - If you get DiGiorno pizza delivered via Amazon... isn't it delivery?
0:20:47 - What have we been playing?
0:39:14 - GameStop is closing ~200 stores.
0:41:20 - Square Enix shows off Final Fantasy VII Remake's "Classic Mode".
0:45:59 - Remedy outlines its plan for Control DLC.
0:52:11 - Nioh 2 gets an open beta and release window.
0:54:21 - Ubisoft will only be making large, open world-games moving forward.
0:59:47 - Some JRPG news for gigantic nerds.
1:01:03 - A Narcos (Netflix) game is coming to PS4.
1:02:50 - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne has been a huge success.
1:03:20 - These are the best-selling games of August, 2019.
1:08:38 - Anthem is being added to EA Access.
1:09:24 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:11:49 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:21:02 - PSA.
1:23:00 - What’s our opinion on Katamari Damacy?
1:24:50 - Do we have a game-playing routine?
1:26:47 - Does Colin have a plan for his 100th Platinum Trophy?
1:28:15 - Will the Games-As-A-Service trend ever end?
1:32:32 - Why is New Game+ always available for games so late these days?
1:35:04 - Do subscription services remove incentive to buy games at launch?



Adam Thiry

Yippee! Been waiting to download this for my drive today


Poor Eli. Currently level 26 in BL3 and having a good time playing through the campaign. Perfect game to play whilst listening to podcasts. Thank you gentlemen!

Craig Carter

I very much welcome solo let’s plays from our boy Silly Christopher


Hey Chris and Colin wanted to let you know the yakuza games actually do have this in it as well. You can get name brand alcohol and even mtn dew. It’s actually very funny

Andrew Christensen

If colin moves back east? How are we gonna get sacred symbols lets plays 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Saulius Vekteris

Blasphemous is one of the most artistic and atmospheric game. Its mindblowing how gruesome it looks. The boss fights oh they are the best. Exposito boss fight....that thing will shred you in two pieces if you are not careful. Highly recommended as Colin said.

Dave Carsley

This is only my [totally unsolicited] opinion, but I do not think the show would be nearly as good if done remotely. I don't think I need to give a long, drawn-out commentary on exactly why unscripted conversations held remotely aren't nearly as engaging or entertaining as those held in person-- I think most of us have had enough listening experience to know that they just aren't, for a variety of reasons. The interaction simply isn't the same. Of course, I'm not pretending I have a better solution. If Colin's life is calling him to relocate geographically, then relocate he should! A video game podcast should not alter such an important life event. Neither my listening nor my support would cease. I'd still be here, I'd just probably be holding out hope that we'd get some in-person shows occasionally as Colin has friends in California, and I believe Chris still has family in New York (where I'm assuming Colin is trying to get closer to). Just my two shillings!


My wife and I are having a ton of fun in Borderlands 3. It’s great for co-op. Guess it’s not for everyone. *shrugs*

Dave Carsley

Here's the thing about PewDiePie: If he was indeed "smart" enough (for lack of a better term) to surround himself with the type of people who would warn him about the iconography of his shirts, then he wouldn't be PewDiePie, and he wouldn't be nearly as famous. I'm not a huge fan, but I know enough to know that people on YouTube love him because he's "their guy"; he's what people are fighting the losing battle to keep Youtube about-- one normal man and a camera. No entourage. No makeup artists. No scrpit writers. No publicists. No "handlers".

Kenneth thomas

Really interesting to hear what bothers people about BL3...I finished the story and honestly didn't think once about the inventory being annoying, or the fast travel being weird. The map spinning around is annoying but other than that...haven't had any problems with the game itself. The lag while playing online is another story. One tip for inventory management...use a mouse and keyboard :|

Monterey Jack

Not sure if you ever played Enter the Gungeon, but I've been playing it a lot lately (trophy hunting). It has such an amazing yet simple UI and menu. It seems like a lot of indie games have a better grasp on that concept than AAA studios these days.

Watch Ergo Proxy

The problem with AC Odyssey is that most of the content isn't engaging. It was a 130-hour platinum for me including the first DLC story, and I was engaged for maybe the first 15 hours and the last 10 hours. The game is DULL. It might be getting sales from people that have no investment in the series, but Odyssey is the most boring experience I've had with the mainline series. It's a shame because I've always been super invested in the lore, and now we know they'll never be bringing the series back to its roots.

Caleb Greer

Your conversation about Gears numbers and subscriptions is important. And yeah, Game Pass Ultimate was like $1 on a sale, and it’s $15 normally. Fucking phenomenal deal for Gears ($60 game) and 99 other games for a month. It’s like theft. And so far no, Microsoft seemingly doesn’t care about their units sold numbers anymore if you look at their financial reports (bunch of gameindustry.biz stuff about that) and the stuff Phil says. Their subscription service revenue is incredibly profitable for them, and Phil says they’re just focusing on number of players (and I assume new subscriptions to Game Pass that month). Great for the consumer, and game quality has seemingly not suffered from it. If anything it’s gone up comparing Gears 4 to 5.


I had a very different experience with AC odyssey. I thought the game was absolutely wonderful, and other than the plot getting weird at the end I was engaged the entire 50 or so hours it took me to platinum. AC in my opinion is filling in the space for vast and varied single player RPGs that was left by Bethesda.

David Kramme

I too tried listening to his podcast to get a different perspective, I couldn't stand how funny he thought he was, some of his views are pretty abhorrent, I don;t think he's a Nazi or anything like that but had to bail out eventually, i think he's much more interesting when debating or discussing his ideas or where they're coming from. I'd also like to add maybe do a side quest on WoW, i dare you nerds! love the content take care.

Barrett Boswell

You and Chris' Shapiro opinions were quite funny. I listen to him usually daily, I find his opinions pretty interesting, and I completely understand how he could be annoying to you both lol. His tone sounds quite arrogant.

Jason Bristol

I think there needs to be more clarity said about FF7 Remake Classic Mode. It the gameplay from TGS, when they switch to classic mode it plays in exactly the same way as normal mode. The only difference is that you don’t have to move characters or hit the attack button, you simply play through the command menus and switching characters, so basically it’s more appropriate to call it a “auto mode”.


I think we'd each do our own Let's Plays, and so you'd just get more of them. Then, a few times a year, perhaps I can fly Chris to me so we can do a lot of collaborative work in a flurry. Still very much in The Thinking Process.


It's pretty incredible from an aesthetic and presentation standpoint. Lots of strange lore and interesting voice acting. Obviously, the setting is amazing. I wish it played a bit better, though.


It's interesting you say that, because the reason I even became comfortable thinking about the idea of doing Sacred Symbols remotely is because I listen to quite a few great podcasts that are done seamlessly remotely. Pro Football Talk, The Ringer NFL Show, The 538 Podcast, and Making Sense With Sam Harris are all AAA, high-caliber, much-more-popular-than-CLS podcasts recorded partially or entirely remotely, and they're awesome. Additionally, Dagan and I have done several KnockBack episodes remotely, and the feedback has been that no one would have known if we didn't say anything. All I ask is for you to hear the actual results before you make a decision, but ultimately, it's up to you. And nothing is set in stone. I can't be a slave to geography anymore, though. I'm 34. I came to California when I was 22. I miss my family. A lot. My nieces and nephews are growing up with me 3,000 miles away, my parents are getting older (and my mom isn't in the greatest of health)... I need to reconnect with what's truly most important. I hope the audience understands that that's the intent.


That's true. As Chris said, he's unscripted and smaller than we'd think in terms of production scope... and that's the catch-22. I personally have no problem with him, but I do have a problem with him continuously making mistakes that hurt the greater whole.


I'm running into this weird problem where I go into the missions to select one and the game just keeps putting the prompt at the top-most mission. It's weird. And obnoxious.


I did! Played it back when it came to PS4. It was cool, but it didn't hold my attention long.


Yeah, like I said, I think we need to recalibrate how we define success, and Microsoft might be at the tip of the spear with that.

Phil Walker

I bought €500 of gamestop shares on the cheap 10 days ago. Hoping they can survive long enough for a next gen bump 😬🤞

Cory Mitts

I agree that it might be too late to stop the bleeding but I would personally be much more inclined to visit a GameStop if it becomes what you suggested in the podcast. The prospect of it morphing into a kind of general hangout spot to meet fellow nerds in addition to selling used games is pretty intriguing actually. Also, just have to say that both of you reacting so viscerally to my “shlooter” suggestion was everything I had hoped for. Love the show and keep up the good work!

Erik Peterson

i have PSNow, Plus and Origin Access. They definitely keep me from needing to buy most games at launch and the few that I have ended up on one of those services within a year or so. Considering I get PSNow discounted every Black Friday or New Years along with PSPlus I pay less than two full retail games for a year of each. Keeps me from making impulse buys on certain games. The thing that sucks the most is that PSNow is only usable on 3 devices now(PS3, PS4 PC) instead of VITA, phone tablet and TVs it was available on at launch. I have a laptop connected to the XFINITY hotspot in my building so it doesn't count against my Data.

Richard Duflo

Almost 2 hours of great gaming content. So of course, im here to comment on the 2 seconds of podcast ad talk Bill Burr’s podcast has some of the most entertaining and funny ad reads. Spittin Chiclets is probably the best hockey podcast, but their ads can be pretty tough to listen to. Since I’m a patreon supporter, I haven’t heard the CLS ads, so I can’t comment on those. Anyway, great show!

Ryan Harvey

I really hope Death Stranding is a pleasant surprise. Hes trying to make a new type of game, and well I hope he succeeds although strand games is a funny name... Anyway. How about this : Loot-shooter The er suffix repetition makes my blood boil and this seems fine.


It came out pretty late in the month, but I'd be super curious if WoW Classic had that affect on sales. It's freaking huge, and there are still insane numbers of people playing. It's also subsciption gated, no up-front sale. I know anecdotally that I haven't bought any games since it came out. I didn't even finish Fire Emblem. I'll be eagerly awaiting next month's NPDs.


I'm absolutely pushing my luck submitting questions with such stupid bookends, but nothing makes me smile more than Colin reading it out loud


It's funny, I donate and get the early and ad free versions, but I listen to the podcast driving at work and because of a very specific way my car's audio system works, I still listen to the free feed on Spotify, so I still hear the weird ass ads. I just try to skip them, cause no, I'm not buying a god damn Nature Bar, even if they try to sell it to me three times in 90 minutes

Dean Redinbaugh

Jesus... were about the same age and it's a lil scary how you've had similar life events/interests at the same time as myself... big 311 fan here formally from Omaha. Found the perfect spot in the mountains, 30 minutes from red rocks, to be a wannabe hermit. I'm moving back this upcoming March mainly to help out the family and to reconnect with friends... I've been wanting/feeling obligated to do it for years, but when I verbalized my thoughts and intentions to friends and family, it helped me accept my fate ;) Wish you and yours the best wherever you end up.

Dean Redinbaugh

I honestly wasn't interested in till I saw the last few videos. That ladder for some reason does a lot for me :-) But that skull guy really weirds me out

Devon McCarty

I think the main issue with Death Stranding, is we don't know who this lead character is or why we should care about him. Yeah the world is weird and there is all kinds of shit to do/explore. But if you can't make me care about the character, you won't hold my attention enough to care about your game, no matter how many gameplay videos I see. Marvel's The Avengers, is sorta having the opposite problem. Where they're almost showing way too much story, and nowhere near enough gameplay.


I think borderlands 3 is excellent


Did Patreon take away the MP3 version again? Boooo if so


I've been playing Borderlands 3 on the Xbox One X and the base PS4. The difference is massive. While I can't speak for your expierience on the pro, on the One X everything runs smoothly and beautifully. On the base PS4 it runs like hot garbage and is almost unplayable especially during online co-op. I also think that the map in Borderlands 3 is my favorite map in any video game ever! The way you can really see the depth, even on the minimap, is really useful for navigating terrain with any sort of verticality. What I don't like is that the social menu isn't in the echo, and that the inventory isn't super snappy. Also it was definitely a weird choice to put the guardian rank menu in there before you beat the game. As far as writing goes I'm with Chris. You notice a little bit that there are different people in charge, but it certainly maintains the heart and sole of a Boderlands game. Gameplay is suuuuper solid and the guns are satisfying. For my money so far I'd take BL3 over BL2, but I'm not done with the game so I can't really say how I'll love the final half of the story.

Daniel Schiffer

Can't wait for the BL3 spoilercast!


I’m surprised that Death Stranding footage hasn’t been officially translated into a new video. 100% agree with you guys on menus and UI lately. Don’t know what the hell is going on. I think Asssassin’s Creed could be split into a more stealthy-like game, but to me Origins & Odyssey felt like a natural progression. Odyssey is 1 of the best bang for your buck games this generation, and I’d put it up there with 2/Brotherhood for best in the series. Number of active players might be the bigger thing. It’s how I feel whenever I see that Minecraft is still huge. “What dimension did you write this from?” Oh shit, not again!


To give another perspective on the DLC topic: I tend to buy used games a month or two after release instead of full price new releases. This way a publisher makes no money from that purchase. I feel that DLC (even released months after the game was released) is a way for publishers to get a couple of bucks from people like me = the aftersale market. This off course would only be applicable for single player experiences. Multiplayer DLC off course has the goal to retain interest in a title until the next installment arrives. My 2 cents.

Jonathon Haeffele

I was wondering the same thing. I usually download the show and listen to it at work since I usually get no cell service at my job. I guess I'll have to wait until Friday to listen :(


In borderlands 3 you can literally fast travel at any time from anywhere. You don’t have to go back to sanctuary. It is deep in some bad menus though

Tony Parra

Unfortunately we don't have the ability to download the podcast in mp3 format again :(

Kenneth Oms

Usually I comment about the episode but I have to give props to Colin for reminding me that I should make a dermatology appointment. Skin cancer is a bitch and walking everywhere in NYC when it’s sunny out has got me more cautious about it.

Dennis Fox

Just here with a quick correction, Nioh does have multiplayer it’s in the same vein as the Souls series as you summon someone with the rice cup and they are with you until you kill the area boss. And a quick aside, if Colin feels the need to move I feel like it would be perfectly fine, the remote episodes of knockback feel no different then the normal episodes so I feel like Sacred Symbols would be just fine.

Raymond keys

Hey Colin have you beaten Oninaki yet? Is the platinum trophy hard to get?

Oliver Johnson

I think your guys’ take on FF7’s ATB option is pretty over dramatic. It sounds like the way the game was introduced and continued to be shown as is the proper way to play. The Classic system just seems to be an alternative for those interested in the game that might not be as adept at action games. From the way it’s described it sounds like the basic combat is just automated. Reminds me of the beginner mode in MvC 3 for people who aren’t able to do combos.

Brad Bury

Anyone else having an issue downloading the podcast?


Hi! I'm seeing your MP3/download issues, and I've relayed them to Patreon. I don't know what the issue is, but hopefully it's solved soon. Thank you for your patience!


Possibly so. When I saw David French talking about how he was playing it, I was like "okay, so literally everyone is playing it."


Interesting point. Without that grounded reality and someone to cheer for, you're just a faceless protagonist (even though you're not exactly faceless here).


Truth be told, I'm second-guessing whether I really wanna do it. Still pondering. I don't really like the story and I think the writing is bad, so what's there to say? LOL.


I think the maps are too big and too complex. I don't really get the design of the game in contrast to the first two.


See my message below! (TLDR: I don't know what's going on, and I reached out to Patreon for help.)


I think you're probably right -- and I said as much -- but I think it's better to serve the earliest audience possible. Those are the people that really butter the bread, as it were.


Oh, I think so too. I'm not worried about the quality. In fact, it's somewhat exciting that splitting apart geographically might allow Chris and I to actually do more independent content for the channel, too.


What was over-dramatic about it? I simply said Square Enix did a great job of proving doubters like me wrong about their game, so why put in an option that you kinda proved didn't need to be there in the first place?


See my message below! (TLDR: I don't know what's going on, and I reached out to Patreon for help.)

Jonathon Haeffele

Thank you for quickly getting the problem resolved! This will make work go much quicker tomorrow!

Nate McKinney

"I'm the British guy." "You mean the Irish guy?" Colin's Irish ancestors all rise angrily from their graves.

Kyle Martin

Calling an Irish man British, there is only one crime bigger... "The name Moriarty is an Anglicized version of the Irish name Ó Muircheartaigh" I'm on to you Colin, Ireland will not forget this.


My favourite part was "they all sound the same" My welsh accent is offended!


Mutazione: moo-tah-tsee-OH-nay.


Chris thinks Black Flag was just okay?

Alex Bolton

Hey Colin, here's a video from PewDiePie addressing the whole donation thing you touched on this episode. Figured id post this to you so you can get a little more perspective on the situation than the headlines. Pewds finds himself in cancel culture mobs almost every other month it seems, and they remind me a lot of your hashtag situation in 2017. Give the first 5 minutes a watch, I agree with you that maybe he needs an agent to double check everything he says and does, but people blow a lot of this shit wayyyy out of proportion. https://youtu.be/lHB9yzsQGnY

Jimmy Champane

Great episode! I think the low sales on Control are a combination of the esoteric and niche genres Remedy likes to explore and the almost complete lack of marketing. It felt like this game was announced and then it was just out a year or so later with no fanfare outside of games press after the embargo lifted. I also think that it being an Epic Games Store exclusive on PC didn't help much either as that launcher is a complete mess.

Brad Bury

May have been said already, but just a FYI... You can change the map in Borderlands so it always stays north in the options. Menus still suck but that was my biggest pet peeves.

Your Boi Nicky V

You two are telling it like it is with Death Stranding, I love MGS but god that game looks boring and pretentious as fuck. Anyway, glad to hear you got good news regarding your health Colin. Gave us quite a scare there.

Jonathon H

Can anyone help me beat this Kilawatt boss fight in BL3? Add me fatchaffer on PS4, you’re my only hope.

Barrel Titor

Well never knew Patreon plays audio while minimized. Good business.

Barrel Titor

I also must add, I think it was Shadow of Mordor which kicked off the photo mode trend. Perhaps tf2 even.


Like I said, I'm sure there were others. But I really think it popped off in a major way with Sony.

Alex Bolton

You did I was just giving you more information in case you cared to know more