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Children aren't exactly the most rational creatures on the planet, and naturally, the Moriarty Boys weren't immune to this reality in their younger years. Today's episode of KnockBack is structured around that irrationality, specifically when it comes to the things kids fear. Dagan was afraid of nuclear war, sharks, and aliens. Colin (that's me!) lived in silent fear of a recurring nightmare known as The Tickley Monster, being buried alive, and often wondered if was he was going to die of AIDS (thanks, late-'80s and early-'90s Paranoid America!). All of this is easy to look back and laugh at (and trust us, we do), but it's likewise rooted in the mysticism of youth, when we frankly don't understand very much about the world around us, but think we do. So let's embarrass ourselves just a tad, shall we?



Tyler Floyd

I always love these shows. Colin always seems really happy spending time with his brother. Reminds me of when my brothers and I get together. Really awesome to hear him sound so happy. The Dagan and Colin dynamic is the best. As always, keep up the great work!

Michal Dudic

Man, you are really stretching my anticipation with holding that Parks and Rec episode for last!

Nathaniel Taylor

I always loved dinosaurs as a kid, and watched the jurassic park movies as a fairly early age. Pretty sure that that led to my childhood fear that there were raptors hiding in the basement when the lights were off. When the lights would go off, id sprint upstairs. 😂

Jason Stafford

I had a terrible fear of the band KISS, Gene Simmons specifically. Nonstop recurring nightmares. They even chased me in this (really awesome now that I think about it) "KISSmobile". Like a hot rod with a big Gene face on the front. Gah I was terrified. It really cracks me up as an adult now that I know it's all looks and that's one of the least threatening bands (musically anyway) of all time.

Kenneth Oms

Hey Colin, I think the movie your referencing is Carrie one of the remakes I think or the movie Valentine. I wish I would have wrote in, one of my worst fears as a kid was showering because I saw the movie psycho as a young kid, and my parents took me to the universal studios re-enactment of the movie as a kid and the Norman bates actor dressed as his mother chased at me with the fake knife on our way out lol.


Colin! Please do a whole episode about UFOs/Aliens please! Stuff is real creepy and I would love to leave my story on the comments someday.


Hahaha dagan being afraid of being beat up by a girl... that is classic, such a character


Colin - I know it's a long shot but is the movie you're referring to about being trapped in the pool 2017's 12 Feet Deep? Never saw it but definitely a horrifying premise.

Brad Gray

Loved this episode. I’m actually terrified of open water which is ironic because I’m PADI scuba certified (I love being down there but have to fight the panic inside the entire time). Also ironic considering I used to work on cruise ships. Wish I had thought of that earlier because I promise working on cruise ships would have made for a great fireside chat topic.


My understanding of quicksand is that you basically get stuck in it. As Colin said, it doesn’t just suck you under in seconds. But when you get stuck, it’s the motion of trying to get out that get you sink in more. It’s defintely a real thing, there are plenty of videos out there of how to survive it.

Thomas Culp

I haven’t made it all the way through, but I remember being terrified of spontaneous combustion, along with a plethora of other things from Unsolved Mysteries. Damn that Robert Stack.

Russell Garrett

Was it intentional that you posted this on the same week that you posted the sleep paralysis Fireside Chat? I only ask because you mention The Tickley Monster in both.

Tanner Brant

Great wave! As always looking forward to more Knockback

Marcus Brown

Great episode as always and alot of your guy's fears definitely sounded terrifying. Most of mine as a child still haunt me today like Aliens thanks to signs, deep water thanks to almost drowning, and the dark/woods thanks to Michael Meyers and The Blair Witch. Very much enjoyed this wave and can't wait for 10! ❤

Nate McKinney

The Jaws part reminded me of a hilarious story. I was watching a Jaws documentary and Spielberg tells a story of being at the beach and there was this kid crying. The kid's mom recognized Spielberg and came up to him and was like, "This is your fault. You tell him it's safe to go swimming!"


Spontaneous Human Combustion was such a big thing in the '90s. Where the hell did that come from?

Jason Stafford

I just remembered another horrible one while listening to the show. I lived with my grandparents for a few years and the bedroom I stayed in was really weird. The toilet and shower were in one room, but in the part of the room with the bed was this really long vanity and mirror. This thing was like 6 or 8ft across and the bed faced it. When I laid down to sleep and closed my eyes, I just knew that the devil was peeking up at me from the mirror like a demonic kilroy was here. I'd snap up and stare at the mirror, then lay back down and repeat this process over and over. Every time I closed my eyes I'd be in abject terror that the devil was staring at me and laughing. I finally started reading books late into the night until I was too exhausted to stay awake. 😈😈😈

Nate McKinney

Also, yes, the Unsolved Mysteries theme is fucking terrifying. Theme songs that freaked me out as a kid included that one, Halloween, and Tales from the Crypt. Vincent Price's voice and laugh from the Thriller video scared the shit out of me too. I would bolt through the house as fast as I could to get away from the TV whenever any of those things was on.

There’s No I in LLC

Hey Dagan no such thing as a poisonous snake. There are only venomous snakes you mook.


I can’t rest easy without clarifying one thing... Tornadoes are not all that rare in the Northeast. The main season is June and July and they are not a new phenomenon at all. Especially not in Virginia. Tornadoes are also pretty common outside the US. Italy gets lots of tornadoes and so does Argentina. But they can and do occur just about anywhere on earth. Tornadoes have occurred in Alaska and I’ve even seen video of a snowstorm tornado. The overall point about how insane they are in the plains was spot on tho

John Fazio

I have always had this irrational fear if I’m pissing outside in the dark facing the woods. A fear of some creature coming out to bite my dick off. I even ask myself what dick hungry mongrel would even be out there. This is true by the way.


Just in time for It Chapter 2.


I have always been scared of any unknown abyss. Whether that is trees that go on forever, the dark, deep water, or bottomless mimosas; I am frightened.

Josh Correa

Loved this episode, the part when you guys talked about the fear of The Blare Witch movie made me thing of the Slenderman craze a few years back. I like the creepypasta story and loved even more the YouTube series Marble Hornets based on it. But it was such a tragedy to hear about the girl murdering her friends thinking that would save her family from Slenderman. It's scary to think how someone's fears can make them actually think they are real, even more tragic when they act upon them.

Ryan Murdoch

Edward scissor hands scared the shit out of me when I was a kid, I had nightmares about him for like 2 years. Last time I watched it was in 2004 when I started dating my wife, its the only time I was somewhat brave enough to make it through the whole movie. It's fucked up though man, ya build a person and run out of materials......fuck it, ill just give him these blades instead of hands.....come on.


That movie is so weird above and beyond the mere existence of a man with... well... scissorhands.

BettyAnn Moriarty

What a great episode. First, sorry for not taking down the ‘tickley monster’ pic when you told us all about it. If I come across it, I’ll certainly give it to you... 😬. I loved hearing that Lils is part of a non bullying club. That’s my girl. ❤️ I too have a strong fear of enclosed spaces and not being able to breathe. I have no idea why (except that I got stuck in an elevator all by myself) but going through a tunnel terrifies me, rapid heart and all. I can relate. We’ll need to talk about that. ❤️❤️

Trent Miller

I loved this episode. I found it especially funny listening to you talk about the tickly monster as I was trimming my own mustache.

Simon C

Great episode guys! My childhood fear was superman 3, when the woman got turned into a robot, wtf that scared the shit out of me as a kid and still freaks me out today!


I never thought I’d hear another person say Mary statues are creepy. They are HORRIFYING. I thought it was just me...

BettyAnn Moriarty

I’ll try bud. 😉 Oh, one more thing... the ‘crying’ Mary statue was more then creepy. Although I never witnessed it crying, I was told that it did- often. No wonder Dana refused to baby sit during that time period. It was so freaky... (god forgive me...)


Good episode guys. My gf has some of the strangest fears. Deathly afraid of cotton. Just the sight of it scares her. She claims the sound of it freaks her out lol. Another is styrofoam, she asks me to open take out food out of the box while she’s in the other room 😂. Escalators, this becomes a problem when we go to events where we don’t have much of a choice but to get one it. Last one, revolving doors. Going to our near by XSport fitness she refuses to go through it because she thinks she will get stuck in it lol.


I recall being afraid of piles of string. I use to have these nightmares as a kid of this monster that had no face but would appear in tangled in my toys and would fill the room to try to pull me in. I would have these dreams for years until obviously I didn’t have a messy room full of toys

Alan Miller

These episodes of Knockback are definitely my favourite. It's so cool to hear about other people's experiences as it really makes me reflect on my memories. It really pushes the nostalgia buttons. This episode reminded me how utterly terrified of Poltergeist I was. I saw it when I was 4 years old and it gave me horrific nightmares. I still haven't watched it since and I'm 40

Shawn Jones

Irrational childhood fear; hand grabbing you from within the toilet bowl.

Danny Gonet

Just got around to this episode. JOHNNY GOT HIS GUN was the scariest fucking thing ever when I was kid. I remember making my mom force my older brother to turn off the Metallica One video because I would run away whenever it would come on 😂