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What can you really say about The Big Lebowski? Well... a ton, as it turns out. The Coen Brothers' 1998 cult-classic comedy is one of the most quotable films of all-time, with one of the most bizarre cast of amazing characters you'll ever encounter in the genre. Smart, witty, and wonderfully written, The Big Lebowski rings loudly more than two decades after its release not because of '90s nostalgia or hazy retro glasses. It's an authentically hysterical movie, and more than worthy of an episode of KnockBack. So mark it an eight, Dude, and then sit down, do a J, and join us for a fun episode about an enormously influential flick. He asked me to repeat that: Join us for a fun episode about an enormously influential flick.



Tony Rivera

“Shut the fuck up, Donny!!” 🤣 The Dude abides.. can’t fucking wait. Thanks guys!!


This episode really ties Wave 9 together.


As much as I want to listen to this immediately, I’m definitely saving this episode for my next, hopefully marmot-free, bath+j.

Juan Paolini

Yeah well, that’s just like your opinion, man.

Jose Horrach

Oh hell yeah, I'm so ready!

Britton Dowers

Going to add a White Russian as well when listening.


One of my favorite films of all time, really looking forward to this episode. Going to make a White Russian and listen to it with my special lady friend!

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Uhm, guys. I have to say something I'm not proud of. I have never seen this movie. I only know it from some quotes and gifs from the movie, and memes. Guess this is a good time to finally watch it.


This is the greatest film barometer to use on any new acquaintance who claims to enjoy films.

Marcus Brown

This episode really tied everything together.

Tony Rivera

Unhearted. Lol jk - to be honest, I didn’t watch this until I was in late college over a decade ago.. F, I’m old.. anywho.. I saw it again post-college and laughed even harder. Now it’s a favorite. Do yourself proud and get the steelcase limited edition at a Best Buy if you can. It’s reasonably priced and worth every penny.

Ryan Harvey

The part where the dude ran over and tried to see what Jackie Treehorn wrote only to find that he had drawn a stick figure with a massive dick was definitely my favorite part! Great episode guys!

Simon C

That podcast really tied the room together

Kenneth Oms

I introduced this movie to several of my coworkers through gifs of the film. Especially the gif of the scene where he goes “I can’t be worried about that shit, life goes on man.”


Eight year olds, Dude.

Kenneth thomas

Immediately upped my pledge to hear this one! Hey Colin, off topic question, are you familiar with the streamer/political debater dude Destiny? He's ultimately hate-able sometimes with arrogance but hearing you have a convo with him would be wildly entertaining.

Ethan Barbee

I love that Dagan mentioned Hell or High Water, such a fantastic modern western (that’s set in modern day) with an AMAZING performance by Jeff Bridges, as well as Chris Pine and Ben Foster. It’s currently on Netflix, I highly recommend it. It’s quaint, yet powerful.

Kenneth thomas

btw it's Creedence, not Clarence Clearwater Revival, although Clarence is hilarious. They are a f'ing awesome band if you've never dug into their catalog.


The only part where the dude showed some initiative and had a good idea to solve the case!


Hi Colin, great listen although you overlooked the greatest small detail in the whole finger. When we see Jesus for the first time check out one of his fingers...it’s a coke finger! The creep can roll.


Just because it gets brought up all the time, and as a New Englander. We have three types of bowling in New England. 1) Ten pin: normal sized pins, and normal sized balls 2) Duck pin: Miniture pins, light weight ball, played like ten pin 3) Candle Pin: Long tubes for pins, ball is tiny (fits in the palm of your hand). The pins stay on the lane between throws and is called playing the timber, you get 3 throws a frame


For what it's worth, we know that, so if it came off like we said that, that was certainly an accident. (Though as I recall, I couldn't remember the band's name on the spot.)

Adam Barnes

What the Hell is half and half?

Ryan Murdoch

Colin, the download link has been missing from the last few episodes posted, is it possible to bring it back?. Gonna listen to this tonight, cant wait, The movie is so ridiculous.


Yes! Patreon made the decision to remove the download links (because people were stealing content, I guess), but they've decided to roll back their decision. I don't know when everything will be back to normal, but I assume imminently.

Kenneth thomas

See what happens Larry, when you FIND a stranger in the ALPS


i myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course

Dr. Peter Venkman

GQ posts these videos on youtube that show talking head interviews. They have actors break down some of their biggest roles. They just put one up with John Goodman. It's really cool.

Brandon Soto

Forced conversations anywhere are the worst. Especially when they make corny jokes and you gotta fake laugh at them

Trent Miller

Knockback- making me watch movies that I’ve missed but now absolutely love. Thank you. “Mind if I do a J?”