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When it comes to Nintendo franchises, Metroid sticks out like a sore thumb. It's completely unlike almost any other Nintendo fare. It simply doesn't fit. But that's what makes it so interesting. It all started humbly enough in the 1986 original, but underneath the unassuming facade of a side-scrolling action game was a shockingly deep (and ruthlessly difficult) adventure, one that required its earliest players to make maps by hand, distinguish between items and weapons with unclear uses, and keep their wits in a sprawling map far harder to decipher and navigate than its cousin, The Legend of Zelda. There were even multiple endings! By the early-'90s, Metroid returned with a Game Boy-exclusive sequel created with the same explorative mantra in mind, and, well, the rest is history. Or herstory, perhaps, since Metroid also introduced gamers to one of the medium's first iconic female protagonists. But enough delay: Let's chat about Metroidvanias long before that term even existed.



Tony Rivera

Ohhhh man... the legendary duo takes on the legendary franchise. As the contemptuous John “Ray” Arnold muttered through a cigarette in Jurassic Park: “Hold onto your butts.”

Craig Mcguire

Very vaguely remember playing these back in the day so it will be intetesting to see if this stirs up some old memories.

Jason Stafford

Man, I'll never forget my foldout map of Metroid from Nintendo Power. It was awesome. Then I left it on my bed when I went to school, came home and my cat had torn it to confetti. Metroid 2 for me was playing on my Gameboy at the Collinsville Trade Day flea market in Collinsville, Alabama where my grandparents sold wood crafts. Portable gaming will always be special to me because it seems like I've spent my whole life someplace I didn't want to be. Haha!

David Kramme

Great episode guys, even more than Zelda I was obsessed with Metroid when it came out, I was nine at the time. I still remember the music, atmosphere, but especially fighting the last boss like 20 times. When I finally took it out the countdown started! fell once but eventualy made it up the shaft my heart racing, and final reveal blew me away lol, That was the first time a game truly surprised me and while I've had similar moments through the years, just thinking back to those simpler days makes me smile like an idiot here at work.

Drew Sleezer

I will never stop dreaming about a Metroid game that is heavily inspired by the gameplay and horror of Dead Space.

Caleb Greer

Top notch podcast, wouldn’t have known it was remote if you didn’t say so :)


Getting serious Vision of Escaflowne vibes from this wave 8.5 intro game Dagan has conjured forth. Great quality as always, the conversation didn’t feel negatively altered by recording remotely.


Great episode!

Jason Stafford

Same here. If they didn't tell me, I wouldn't know and that's even turned up loud in my truck!

Michal Dudic

I first played Metroid as an adult because I didn't have an NES and I loved it. I guess it helped that I did so with a map and save states.


Really great episode guys, and it's like you read my mind, lol. I just started playing Metroid Prime for the first time. Do you think you'll ever get around to the Prime Trilogy? I just wonder how you guys feel about Metroid in 3-D I guess.

Nick DeBoer

This episode was a lot of fun! Great memories playing Metroid on the NES many years ago. Also fun that the Jaws NES game was mentioned. First game I got with my NES! So easy to get to the boss but I only beat it like twice. As to Alien and Aliens as episodes... yes please! Well done with the remote aspect also. Audio is great.

Ryan Murdoch

So true, when I heard they were doing it that was I was disappointed. There really was no difference, its kind of impressive, all credit goes to Dagan of course ;D

Michael Miller

You guys may have mentioned it and I just didn’t hear, but Nintendo released a full remake of Metroid 2 on the 3DS back in 2017 and it’s actually quite good. Excellent episode btw. :D

Jason Stafford

Yeah, it's really well done. I actually bought the fancy new 2DS just to play it.

Kevin Sullivan

Do you like to invest in the luck stat when it is present in an RPG?

Russell Garrett

As much as I hated having to dig my 3DS out from whatever drawer I’d thrown it in, Samus Returns is a very good game.

Craig Carter

Can’t wait for future episodes of Knockback when we’re all dead. Perhaps you guys can wax nostalgic about what it was like to be alive? Looking forward to it!

Alex Lawrence

Lightning round vs mode? Big fan🤝

Brandon Soto (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 09:24:25 Such an important franchise. I didn’t even know who Samus was until Smash Bros. Also cool how they remade Metroid 1 on GBA & 2 on 3DS. Awesome remakes.
2019-06-25 14:35:07 Such an important franchise. I didn’t even know who Samus was until Smash Bros. Also cool how they remade Metroid 1 on GBA & 2 on 3DS. Awesome remakes.

Such an important franchise. I didn’t even know who Samus was until Smash Bros. Also cool how they remade Metroid 1 on GBA & 2 on 3DS. Awesome remakes.

Brandon Soto

Nintendo is starting over completely with Metroid Prime 4. Just pray they don’t mess it up and treat it with care.