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Christopher Nolan is one of the modern world's most talented filmmakers, full stop. If you ask 10 people what their favorite Nolan flick is, you may very well get 10 different answers. (Really. He's directed 10 films.) Yet, in a catalog of works-of-art, Interstellar may very well be greatest of them all. Released in 2014 to an astounding critical reception and with hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars grossed, Interstellar tells the unusual (and riveting!) story of the end of the world, and how a daring trip through space and time might just be able to undo Earth's dire, apocalyptic situation. When it comes to storytelling, Interstellar is thorough, but in terms of its rigorous and realistic science that hinges upon what's actually possible, Interstellar's a movie so deep, you could drown in it. So let's drown for a bit, shall we? Not like Dr. Doyle on Miller's Planet, mind you. Metaphorically.



Nicholas Cowley

Yes! One of my favorites! I was excited/expecting this episode when Colin mentioned how much he liked it

Juan Paolini

Have been going through a lot of Knockback episodes lately and love that Colin and Dagan share my admiration for Christopher Nolan. So excited for this one!


Was the first movie I bought on 4K disc and is stunning.

Dan Sievers

Hands down my favorite movie. 2nd favorite, Inception of course! In Nolan We Trust


Haven’t listened to this episode but I will say this. I saw this movie in the theaters and it was one of the best expletives I’ve had. Beautiful movie and what a great experience. My favorite moment is them coming back to the black scientist saying “you’ve been gone for 27 years” the acting from him was brilliant.

Trent Miller

I love this movie. So good. I went and saw it in theaters and I had to pee from about 15 minutes into it. I kept thinking that the movie can’t be that long and it was so good that I didn’t want to miss anything. Well I did end up making it through the whole movie and hurried to the restroom afterwards. Needless to say I had the longest pee of my life at 2 minutes and 6 seconds.

Barrett Boswell

Not really about the American Revolution but more about political figures during it in its first few episodes is HBO's John Adams. Love that series.


Hey Col! Loving the episode. Just wanted to explain the tesseract. You were correct in saying “a tesseract is to a cube as a sphere is to a circle.” It’s what’s called a hypercube, and it’s just extending the mathematical description of a cube to a hypothetical fourth special dimension. A tesseract’s shadow would form a cube. (Just like how a cube’s shadow would form a square.) hopefully this clears up what a tesseract is a little bit!


Also!! I highly recommend the book “Black Holes and Time Warps” by Kipp Thorne if you’re interested in learning more about the physics of black holes on a cursory level. It’s my favourite book of all time and I think you would really love it. The book starts by setting up a science fiction scenario, then you spend the rest of the book understanding why certain events occurred during the story.


As a math major who had to take physics classes all the way up to quantum physics.. this movie takes fat liberties with its "science." And that not even getting into the cringe-y love narrative. The power of love? Seiously? This is Nolan's best work? What an insult to Memento.


Nolan’s biggest strength is staging things so they seem powerful and profound, his use of music is great, technically he’s a great film maker, he creates visual feats that are easy to get swept up in, but when you actually think through what’s happening, it’s frequently laughable. He’s far more pretentious than intelligent (in my opinion).


Agreed. His narratives were a lot more sound in his earlier works.


It was kind of explained a bit above but the best way I could "visualize" a tesseract which is basically a 4 dimensional cube is to compare it to the lower dimensional analogies.


A square (2D cube) is surrounded by 4 1D lines on its edges. Pretty easy to see in your head. A cube (3D shape) is surrounded by 6 2D squares on its faces. Also pretty easy to see in your head. A tesseract is surrounded by 8 3D cubes on its "faces". We can't visualize this @.@

Will Hahn

Dude.... you’ve never seen The Prestige?! That movie is brilliant. Knowing that you are a very busy man, when you have time, go watch it! It’s on Netflix!

Michal Dudic

I'd go as far as to say that Hereditary is a 10/10 oscar-worthy film and the best horror film since The Shining, I can't recommend it enough. (I may have oversold the movie. either way, it's great)

Devon McCarty

The timeliness of this episode is crazy. I know you want to go to Mars, and I can safely tell ya that all the mighty space-nerds are proactively working on the best course of action to get you there. I spent the majority of today researching and writing the script for a video project I'm doing with NASA and the company I work for here in Cleveland, Ohio. The project piggybacks on the process of In-Situ Resource Utilization (taking elements from Lunar or Martian surfaces and turning it into Oxygen), and then using the process of Liquefaction to convert the Oxygen into a liquid fuel source. That fuel would be stored and available for whatever interstellar traveler's fuel light flipped on. My company helped them "stress test" some of the components they want to use to pitch this process to the powers that be as a viable method of fuel harvesting. Just thought it was kind of cool to have spent most of my day researching the practical travel methods to the Moon and Mars, and then to see this. Also, great movie.

Nicholas Perfect

God, I can’t wait to listen to this tonight


Would anyone believe me if I said that I turned to my girlfriend during the book scene at the beginning and called the end of the movie?

David Graham

Just watched the movie for the first time, so that I can listen tomorrow. This ranks up there with when I tried McDonald's hotcakes because of your recommendation. What a film!

Alex Cabrera

Adult Murph gets the data via the watch she finds when she goes back home. The second hand is moving in Morse code.

Anthony Longo

I’m gonna have to rewatch it. I think I missed a lot.

Red Head Redemption

Yo Colin, I’m a little disappointed in you for not remembering the fantastic mini series, John Adams, starring Paul Giamatti. But fear not, all is forgiven for all the hard work you do for our entertainment.

Dan Parsons

Really excellent episode about a wonderful film. I have just ordered the Nolan 4K blu-ray collection after listening to this, i haven't bought movie disc for about10 years.


I’m very surprised neither of you brought up the score

Brandon Soto

A 4 and a half year old movie considered retro? 🤔

Kyle Goodrich

Dude you guys HAVE to watch the prestige

Brent Lindquist

You really do need to watch The Prestige. David Bowie as Tesla!

Simon C

Big shout to the sound and music design! Get that 5.1 surround sound blasting! The build up in the track "coward " wow when it kicks in!!!! Wish I watched in IMAX!

Austin Ashworth

One of my favorite movies as well! Nolan truly is a master.


We can't talk about everything, unfortunately. We will always leave something out. But it also gives us cause to perhaps return to some of these topics in the far-flung future (no pun intended).


I believe this one was voted on by the audience. Our only rule is that something must be "done" to have an episode of KnockBack, and obviously, Interstellar is a standalone.


In my freshman year of high school, I told this girl that I’d take her to my school’s homecoming dance. Instead, I took her to see interstellar L M A O. What a first date that was.

Ryan Murdoch

My wife and I took acid and watched this movie one night, it was quite the experience.

Hugo's Desk

Only half way on the episode (amazing as usual) but before I forget, have you watched “Mars”? It’s a Tv show from the Nation Geographic channel. It’s amazing. It’s half fiction half documentary and really goes deep into the political and social implications of living in Mars. Check it out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_(2016_TV_series)


Loved the brief conversation on the horror renaissance! You brought up two of my favorites from the past few years, The Witch and Hereditary. I felt the need to take a shower after my first viewings of each and Toni Collette was absolutely robbed an Oscar nom.


Listening to the podcast made me want to watch it again ASAP! So I did and it just gets better and better every time. I can’t wait for Nolan’s next film.

Will Ellis

Man you could say this about any Nolan movie with a good argument, but the prestige might be his best film.

Kevin Sullivan

Interstellar is also one of my favorite movies and I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation. I was not aware of Kip Thorne and his book so I have placed it on my summer reading list. I must offer a few only slightly related comments as you all pretty much summed up my feelings on this film. First, I have no issue with Dagan's joke about address numbers. I have relatives on a small countryside road in Ireland who receive mail simply addressed to their name, street, and county. Their house and the two others on the road, all spaced out by a mile or so, do not have a number. Second, while I agree with your thoughts on horror movies broadly, you should both watch Hereditary as it is quite excellent. It doesn't use cheap jump scares and is quite unsettling thematically. Thanks to the both of you for this podcast series - keep doing God's work.

Petre Cismigiu

we all know what the event horizon really is guys, c'mon.

Scott MacLure

I am so glad that I caught this in the cinema its such a cool movie and done so well. Im considering renting a cinema near me to watch it as a birthday bash, they allow you to rent out an entire room to watch or play games and its relatively affordable price for having the experience again. Look into it!

David Passman

Colin, not sure which of your podcasts this would go (Side Quest or Fireside Chat), but I'd love to hear your thoughts about the recent black hole image & perhaps expand into topics like event horizon, dyson sphere, rare-Earth theory, etc. Love your insight on those subjects. Thanks for the great content!


If I could get someone on Fireside Chats that could speak to all of that, I totally would!

Koray Savas

I saw this one at the Air and Space Museum In 70mm IMAX. Went in completely blind, no trailers, no info. It’s the best theatrical experience I’ve ever had.


Interstellar ranks below prestige, memento, dark knight, inception, dunkirk, and batman begins for me due to some silly, mawkish "power of love" dialogue/plot twists and some questionable acting (worst performance by a cameo in history). However, there was plenty to love in this movie like the most awesome narrative implementation of time dilation I've seen. Anyway, would love to get your Nolan rankings at some point, Col. Only one I haven't seen is the following.

Jose Garcia


Brett Carlson

Great episode Colin. Interstellar my favorite space drama ever. I am hugely into the universe as well. I am up nightly into the darkest hours just to catch a glimpse at the stars. Human beings used to be foward thinking in regards to what your brother was saying. It is only in recent decades that with the rise of technology the further inward society has turned which seems counterintuitive. I have to say though I disagree with America needing to stick our flag in space. The only way anyone is really going to explore space in the capacity this movie presents is with GLOBAL cooperation. The cost for space travel will be orders of magnitude higher then any one country could afford. We would go bankrupt immediately if a mission failed. In order to see space in person human beings collectively needs to work together. We need the best minds from all around the world. People forget that we are all the same species. America is a figment of our imagination. It has no real basis in reality. Borders are imaginary lines and society is simply an unspoken contract to work together for a common goal. We need that translated on a global scale for space travel. There are already many countries working together at the large hydronic collider facility. Americas collider was shutdown and never finished if you remember.

Brett Carlson

Just to let you guys know, the concurrent timelines you were alluding to is a real theory in quantum mechanics that also relates to the fact that your body dying does not kill what you are in essence and there are infinite permutations of your life happening at the same time all the time. It is fucking fascinating and I highly recommend you look it up and read further into it.


I was so happy to see that you guys did an episode for Interseller. It’s one of my all time favorite Movies and is probably the main reason why I named my son Cooper :)

Jeremiah Lyne

Great sense of exploration in this movie, when they were going through space, I always appreciated how exposed the film made you to dangers. I still felt it was one of Nolan’s weaker movies though - I couldn’t get over the numerous plot holes: Still don’t know how a poor society managed to create the insane space ship at the end. Also, why not just live on the space station, looked great!! Also, surely it would have been easier to just fix earth or move underground.

Alex Gates

I've been telling you for years, but for the love of all that is good on this earth please watch The Prestige, Col. It's my favorite movie of all time. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO IT!!!

Richard Kikuchi

I heard you mention that there was a lack of good content about the Revolutionary War. Might I suggest HBO's John Adams? Probably one of the better miniseries they ever did. Everything is to the period, and Paul Giamatti is excellent


I don't necessarily disagree, but I don't see any reason why we can't start on our own first. We don't need anyone to establish a base on the moon and Mars. We can do that alone. We can build shit in low Earth orbit, and do all sorts of great stuff without international cooperation. But I agree that to go interstellar (literally), we'd need to think bigger. And I think that even if we did go to another star as the US and not Earth, we should obviously bring folks from other countries along for the ride. =D


Isn't the argument that the ship was built in secret and using diverted funds for many years?

Jose Garcia

For reals tho I really enjoyed the episode as well. I also hope he does another sci-fi film. I’ll be first in line to see it

Jeremiah Lyne

Must watch the movie again - missed the diverted funds bit. I still don’t think that world would be able to produce enough to be to create such a structure but who knows.


This was an amazing episode! I love this movie and loved the way you guys dissected it.

Joe McPartlin

Finally watched Interstellar tonight and the first thing that came to mind was how I missed this episode two years ago 🤣 Great discussion, gents