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If there's one true reason why the American adaptation of The Office resonates so much with people, it's because it feels hauntingly real. Lots of us know a Michael Scott or a Dwight Schrute, a Pam Beesly or a Jim Halpert. And lots of us understand, in one fashion or another, the 9-to-5 grind, and all that comes along with working in seemingly soul-sucking corporate environments. While The Office first premiered as a British show starring Ricky Gervais back in 2001, its 2005 to 2013 run starring Steve Carell is widely considered to be one of the greatest television comedies ever made, and today's episode of KnockBack -- the longest in our podcast's run so far -- we take the time necessary to show this monumental cringefest the love and respect it deserves. So let's travel to Scranton, Pennsylvania, the home of the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, and get to know some folks. If you're good, we can stop by Schrute Farms on the way home.



Edwin Garcia

I was looking forward to it


Michael went from an asshole to an idiot. Love this show despite all its flaws. Should have ended at the wedding of Jim and Pam


I would say that it should have ended when Michael left. There was a noticeable drop in quality after Jim and Pans wedding but I feel it was still entertaining enough to carry on a little further. But seasons 8 and 9.....😩

Conor O'Neill

I am so pumped to listen to this! 😁


Michael Scott is one of my all time favorite comedy characters. Steve Carrell really played an ass-who-doesn't- realize- it perfectly.

Kyle Goodrich

Already can't wait to see Dagan's post of your drawing I'm laughing my ass off just listening to you guys describe it hahaha

Josh in Tampa

“Infinite paper in a paperless world”

Michal Dudic

The Office rules, as does cringe comedy in general. The more uncomfortable, the better. I love a good coordinated dumpster fire, I just can't look away. One of the reasons why I ADORE bad video game press conferences. I'm not going to sing praises on Parks and Rec because you've already said you're going to watch it (wise choice), but I'm going to recommend Community as well. Very special brand of humor. And if your crush on Alison Brie is still ongoing, this is a no-brainer.


I’ve debated over what is my all time favorite show and I have come to the conclusion that it is The Office. I don’t think I’ve laughed out loud so much in a tv show. The show brings the comedy but also has some good sentimental offerings. I watch this show over and over and every time Michael leaves it bums me out lol.


2 hours and 40 minutes. Lets dig in.


I liked that we got to see Jim be a bad spouse and have them work through it.

Liam Mcnulty

Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica


You both need to watch Parks and Rec. It's fantastic. Colin you will love Ron Swanson.

Andrew Christensen

"[In the Wonder Years], when the brother dies in Vietnam" Dagan: "ya that was such a HAPPY moment" 😬😬😂😂😂😂😂

Kenneth Oms

Like Dagan i jumped on this show after it was long over and all the seasons were on Netflix. I laughed so hard, and its so crazy how the office can be so relatable in a corporate office of any kind.

Ryan Taylor

Yessss I’m excited for this one!

Kyle Goodrich

Dont know if you know this Colin but in that scene where Michael kisses Oscar, none of the other cast members in the conference room knew it was going to happen. If you look at Pam's and Ryan's reaction you'll realize that it's genuine shock on their faces, lol.

Michael Miller

An 2 1/2 hour episode about The Office? Ohhhhh baby. Side note: I often wonder what the show would’ve been like if Jim and Karen stayed together. My wife and I always joke about how their should be an alternate timeline series.


Depending on when you recorded this, you might’ve missed the news that Netflix announced one of the co-creators of The Office is making a sitcom centered around Space Force and it will be starring Steve Carell. There’s also rumors of a documentary being made about The Office in celebration of it being the most streamed show on any platform.

Ryan Taylor

I actually couldn’t listen to this at work because this show is so good that even just you guys recounting scenes made me laugh out loud. When you brought up Holly thinking Kevin was retarded I had to switch it off! Can’t wait for the drive home 😂

Will Hahn

Both you and Dagan did such an awesome job describing the characters of the show and this is for sure my favorite episode of Knockback so far. Also Colin, I laughed out loud when you were spilling your guts out about your drawing. That was hilarious! “Sometimes I say a sentence and I have no idea where it’s going, I just hope I find it along the way” -Michael Scott

Jason Stafford

One of the things that really makes Michael Scott for me is knowing that he was an isolated, often neglected child. All he really wants is to have people love him and to have friends. That drive informs almost everything he does on the show. It's super poignant and really makes him sympathetic. I really love this show, it means a lot to me personally. Big thanks to Colin and Dagan for the topic. :D

Brandon Soto (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 10:41:27 Win, Lose, & Draw segment had me dying! 😂😂 So freaking hysterical
2019-03-22 00:43:01 Win, Lose, & Draw segment had me dying! 😂😂 So freaking hysterical

Win, Lose, & Draw segment had me dying! 😂😂 So freaking hysterical

Zack E

I’m one of the people who don’t really acknowledge the last 2 seasons. To me, The Office ended when Michael gets on the airplane. It’s such an amazing show. It’s such a great show to rewatch. The CPR training scene is without a doubt the best scene in the series. It’s such a perfect sequence, multiple characters are involved and show each of their own personalities in such a short time span of a few minutes. This was so exciting to watch live as well, because it aired immediately after the Super Bowl that year, which I think was the Steelers-Cardinals super bowl. One of the great episodes.

Brandon Hardman

The worst thing about being in prison is the Dementors

Colin you were a little hard on Jim lol. Did you know a Jim Colin? Were you his Dwight?

To me that whole prison mike scene might be my favorite scene in the series.

Caleb Greer

I wrote in mentioning that quote but it didn’t get read haha!

Tom Cargill

Currently watching The Office US for the first time, absolutely loving it! Can't wait to listen to this episode when im done.


I'm so stoked to listen to this!!!!!

Bruno Moyaho

Totally agree with Colin's take on Jim.

Will Ellis

It’s always so funny to me that nowadays it feels like that literally whenever the office is brought up many peoples first reaction and completely unprovoked response is to say parks and rec is better. ( kind of like the way anytime breath of the wild is brought up Colin’s first instinct is to say horizon is better for no real reason. Just kidding Colin I love you) I will agree parks and rec is a better show for many reasons but it doesn’t mean I don’t love the office also. Parks and rec is a softer comedy with more heart than the office and arguably better characters but that comes from the more thoughtful aspect of the show as opposed to the more mean spirited nature that the office can provide from time to time. But either way both are great and I look forward to you guys checking out parks and rec later down the road. Always feel like I need to warn people about the first season. Really it’s a problem with most first seasons of a comedy, but it’s not that great.

Ethan Barbee

Where can I find a picture of a Colin’s awesome helicopter?

Peter Montaño

You must watch Parks and Rec. I personally think it's better than the Office. The first season is a little rough, but the show really comes into its own in the second season. I'd love to hear y'alls take on it. Great episode!


Wasn’t the chair model one of Colin’s old co-workers (Chobot)?

Jason Pettet

Haven’t watched Parks and Rec!? Whaaaaaa? Got to change that man, it’s as good if not better than The Office in some ways. And it’s like the modeled Ron after you in a lot of ways lol.

Austin Ashworth

I can’t believe neither of you have seen Parks and Rec! You are in for a treat! Just be warned the first season isn’t a good indication of the overall show, it takes a bit to grow into the great show it ends up becoming.

Parks to me was just more consistent than The Office. The Offices peaks to me were higher than any other tv comedy but it had much more noticeable lows than parks. At least that’s my opinion.

Andy Reno

Colin, excellent ep! Please watch parks and rec. It’s the one show that can totally turn around a bad day for me


I would have liked to see it end sooner too, though I must admit that the post-Michael stuff (save the last season) was better than I thought it'd be.


It's so funny, and it's repeatedly funny. It's always the sign of a great comedy when you know exactly what's about to be said or coming up, and you still laugh.


That's super interesting. She was supposed to be a main character, it appears, and then she was written off... so... who knows.


It's super interesting. I always rooted for Michael. I always wanted him to find whatever it was he was looking for (and he does!).

Liam Mcnulty

By the way I'm a Brit, I love the original Office. But the American version is far, far superior.


That people even talk about the two shows in the same breath indicates to me that they're both excellent.


Chi boy worked at IGN, right? She was in an episode as a model in a catalogue that Michael was obsessed with.

Nathaniel Makowsky

Was crying laughing at my desk at work yesterday when Dagan was talking about the CPR dummy scene, another great episode!


This is one of my all time favorite episodes you guys did such a good job!

Trent Miller

This was so great! You laughter is infectious. I was in tears 😂

The Chicken Chaser

“Just tell Jan I want to squeeze them, it’s code. She’ll know what it means”

Kevin Sullivan

Another solid episode, even though I've only jumped in and out of the show. As a side note I agree it is interesting when an actor plays a character with the same name. Daniel Day-Lewis played a character named Daniel in There Will Be Blood (highly recommend).

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 10:41:26 Thank you so much! <3
2019-03-25 20:07:19 Thank you so much! <3

Thank you so much! <3

Roddie Maine

Colin, you guys have to watch Parks and Rec. The office is one of my favorite shows ever and I mist say Parks and rec is better on almost every level. Go watch it, you won't regret it!

David Moran

Fantastic episode Colin! Quick question though where does one go to write in to the show on a paticular topic? There’s been a couple topics I would love to write in for but I just don’t know where to. I vote regularly in the general elections. But I don’t know where to go to comment on topics like the office or Bioshock. Thanks in advance!

John Lynch

Great episode! Thanks for reading my comment, always a surprise. So another bit of info regarding our newborn son, during the whole pregnancy we didn’t tell anyone his real name, we told everyone we were naming him Michael Skarn Lynch 😂

John Lynch

When Colin announces the topics in advance for the current run, prior to him meeting up with Dagan to record


John beat me to the punch! A thread goes up for all $2+/month subs every two months or so that will reveal all of the topics and solicit your feedback. One is going live next week-ish. =)


This episode got me to do what so many people have tried to get me to do for years. Sit down and watch The Office. And it almost killed me..... No, seriously. I almost choked on my dinner. I was not expecting this show to be this funny.


Gonna put this in the listen to later pile. I started watching the Office 3 weeks ago for the first time and boy, what a gem. Can't wait to listen to this and the Mad Men episode once I finish that as well.

Craig Mcguire

I love both the US and UK versions, I think the US has more laugh out loud moments but it feels very much like a sitcom at times and I think it's dialled up to 10 where the UK version feels more grounded and real and just far more painfully awkward with its humour and jokes. Both great on their own merits but I'm surprised at your dismissiveness of the UK versions relevency Colin. By the end of its run it was very popular in the UK, won loads of critical acclaim, was obviously a massive launchpad for Gervais and Merchant who co-created it and Martin Freeman who's had a pretty amazing career in Hollywood, I think it's short run and abrupt end maybe hurts it's standing and relevency in the zeitgiest but watching it at the time it was aired it really was fun to see word of mouth spread and see it catch on as it really did come out of nowhere with really no prominent British talent involved at all and not really in a primetime slot or schedule. I know a lot of Brits get offended at the idea of the US version being considered the best but there's an awesome quote from Ricky when asked how it makes him feel the US version being considered the best version.......... "really fucking rich". Such a great take. Who fucking cares. They are both awesome.

Lewis Priday

Great episode!! I've never scoffed so hard when you said nobody cares about the British show....Aside from that why no love for "Plop" lol Favourite quote for me has to be Robert California's "I'm the beeping lizard king" haha

Craig Mcguire

It's a poor take. I guess the 7m people that watched the Christmas special finales must have clicked the channel by accident.


I wouldn't say the UK's Office is important, or good, or relevant. I just think it's been eclipsed (at least in how it's perceived) by orders of magnitude by the American version. I personally like it, and I agree: It's cringeworthy because it really fucking is cringeworthy.


I'm talking through 2019's lens. I understand if you think I'm offbase (maybe I am!), but I haven't heard anyone in my various orbits mention the UK Office in more than a decade. I'm a Gervais fan, by the way. Saw him live here in LA last year. So, it's nothing personal.

Lewis Priday

Fair point, check out After Life if you haven’t done so already. It’s up there with his best stuff 👍

Craig Mcguire

Well all I can really tell you its generally considered a classic over here and regularly makes the top 5 in greatest British comedy lists. Obviously were are just looking at it from vastly different viewpoints and experiences so it's all good. Just a quick sidenote have you seen the number of adaptations it's had in various countries around the world ? Pretty hilarious where its turned up

Eric S

I have to say The Office and Parks and Recreation are my two favorite comedies. I feel like they both have such memorable characters and moments of pure craziness. They also have heartfelt moments that make you care about the characters. Another actor that was not mentioned in the episode that I'm sure others will mention is Timothy Oliphant. He was not a big character in the Office but it is another person that speaks to the reach of the show getting many big names to be on the show at one time or another. Its great to hear differing takes that you both had on the characters. I honestly thought Andy was great as a salesman and in that role because he was such a bootlicker on whoever was in power. Michael even in one episode tells him to back off because he is so annoyed with him. I also loved the scene where Jim hides his cellphone in the ceiling and Andy freaks out and punches the wall. I feel like once he moved to manager his character lost some of its charm. I also am really looking forward to you both doing a Parks and Recreation episode that show is quite funny in its own crazy way. Lastly I think it would be cool if you guys maybe did an episode on older comedies such as I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith Show, All in the Family, and Three's Company maybe just some older ones to change it up a little. Great episode and btw "You can't just grow another Stanley" Loved that episode where Stanley might go to Stamford and Michael is telling Karen she can't steal him away. lol

Tyson Williams

Park and Rec is great, very office-esque but still unique


I think I once read a list of show titles from around the world that borrowed the concept, but I've never seen any of them, no.


Andy is kind of a complicated character, which is what I like about him. Comes from money, can't impress his family, has anger issues, wants to impress people. But is kind and all of that. I dunno. It's the layers to the characters in the show that make The Office so special.


I started it a few days ago, and it really is funny. Though I am surprised, as you said, how much of a carbon copy of The Office it is.


They back off The Office's "mockumentary" style to a degree as the show progresses (and it gets all the better for it). However, just like the Office, Parks and Rec stayed on the air a little bit too long.


It's unfortunate the way they treated his character in season 9. I hate seeing a character who has developed over the course of many seasons make rash decisions over the course of a few episodes which undo much of that development. Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother is Another Example of This.

Andrew Moore

A little late to this one. I highly encourage you to read the Rolling Stone piece on "The Dinner Party." <a href="https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-features/that-one-night-the-oral-history-of-the-greatest-office-episode-ever-629472/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-features/that-one-night-the-oral-history-of-the-greatest-office-episode-ever-629472/</a>