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Do you remember your first "girlfriend" or "boyfriend?" Your first date? Your first kiss? Today's episode of KnockBack -- as voted on by the show's Patreon supporters -- is dedicated to just such topics. As adults, matters of the heart are often incredibly complicated and high stakes. That's why it's so important to occasionally reminisce about our far more innocent, far more straight-forward days, when we were just figuring everything out. When we were discovering who we were, and who we are.




Right when I was looking for a podcast to listen to while playing Dark Souls, lol. I'll slay the boss of Anor Londo in your name, Colin 👌🔥

BettyAnn Moriarty

This stirred up memories of dating, of high school, of being stood up - oh.. that feeling of rejection! Ouch. Spin the bottle and 7minutes in heaven!!? I agree - ‘they’ were ‘somewhere spinning a story story’ to share, except for Karen. She was another story... 🤔🙄 Remind me to tell you about a call I received- recently- about my first kiss. I think it’s pretty hysterical. And, do you really think it’s possible to have ‘too much binacca’ In your mouth. 😉❤️❤️

Richard Duflo

It’s funny, I always thought that finding porn was like a rite of passage too. There were two parks near my house growing up and it was a sure bet that you’d find porn at them both. My friends and I found a ton of magazines and even a few VHS tapes that would just inexplicably appear LOL


Damn listening to this podcast made me realize that I wasn't as popular with girls compare to you guys 😅


I was a complete dunce with girls before college (and during undergrad, let's be real), so this will be quite the ride!

Billy Mark

Man, these stories hit home. I remember my first semester of college; this girl and I were both really into each other. I got her number but I never called her because I was like, what do I do now? Like you guys talked about, I really had only hung out in groups before. I ran into her at a New Years party a few weeks later, she called me out on it and asked me if I was staying over. I told her no, I was staying at my friend's house, because that's where my car was. She told me I should sleep over with her. I did not. I still think about how stupid I was, haha.


Being from the Island makes this so much better. You guys had me cracking up with the comments about girls from Sayville and Babylon.


Oh, and thanks for the Scopa shoutout, Colin!


iGen will absolutely never understand calling the house phone. It was always embarrassing as hell when girls called my house. My dad would always answer and if you said “can I speak Owen” he would always say “I don’t know, can you?” Or if you said “is Owen there?” He would respond with a dead pan “Yes.” And you could feel the awkward silence in the air and he would eventually say “Would you like to speak with him?” Embarrassing as fuck dude. My face would always get red cus I’d be so pissed. I eventually started educating girls that if my dad picked up you say “May I speak to Owen” and nothing else.


I'm just first hour in but want to jump in and thank you lads for Knockback. Really took my mind off stuff going around and allowed me to enjoy my Friday evening. Thank you!


Haha, I loved Dagan's subtle Aviator reference! Show me the papers, the papers.

Andrew Christensen

"You were very lucky in love in 3rd grade... Compared to my tragedy!" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


im one of the few ppl out there that has only had sex with one person. i eventually married that person, and have been married for 9+ years now. wonder how many ppl, Now, have the same experience. im not that religious, and dont find my actions to be very virtuous or anything like that. just wondering.


One of my college roommates, who ended up becoming a good buddy of mine, has been with his now-wife since they were like 14. They've only been with each other, just 'cause that's how it is. I bet you it's more common than you might think!

John Fazio

So many relatable tid bits in here. A nice blast from the past from more innocent times of our lives. A short story I had a girl friend in high school that gave a dude a hand job in the back of a broken down limo. We broke up. The end. True story. Thanks for sharing all your stories with us. A great listen. Also, I had to come back to edit my comment and include the last name of this guy was handy. I shit you not.

Andrew Hoculik

I had a very similar experience to you guys. It would be interesting to have a fireside chat with someone in their early 20's on this topic to compare to and see how things have changed.

Kenny Gutzler

A little late to the party but this A++++ work. The flashbacks I had when listening..