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Illiteracy in action.


The Worst Scrabble Match Ever: Colin Moriarty vs. Chris Ray Gun -- Sacred Symbols Let's Play

Just in case you thought we were literate. All footage was captured on a PS4 Pro (1080p60) using a copy of Scrabble purchased by CLS. Listen to Sacred Symbols, CLS' PlayStation podcast (also available on podcast services and here on YouTube): https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/STU5682506591 Listen to the CLS interview podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: Fireside Chats (also available on podcast services): https://soundcloud.com/colinslaststand Listen to the CLS retro podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://soundcloud.com/clsknockback Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406


David Graham

You know, I'm usually pretty impressed with your ability to sell your work. And then other times the first thing I read from you about something you did is that "it's horrible."


10 minutes in im like damn this is going to be a short video. It's an hour an 10 minutes long?! With all these 3 letter words? what the fuck? hahahahaha


I had my phone at max volume when I started the video. Needless to say I shit my pants.


Next up, Chess.


Is this a sacred symbols lets play? Because if it is... add a tick to the DOOM counter.

Richard Duflo

Love the play calling during the match LOL I look forward to hearing you in the broadcast booth for Scrabble matches on ESPN 8

Kendrick Luckenbach

Are physical board game let's plays a possibility? I'd love to see Monopoly, Risk, hell even Uno haha


I'm thoroughly disappointed in this...... I mean how on God's green earth does Chris not know the Lawrence brothers? SHAME!


Me when the video is posted: “Scrabble? Really?” Me half way through: “CHRIS DON’T GET RID OF YOUR Y’s YOU FOOL YOU CAN SPELL CYAN.


Colin you had the perfect opportunity to put ANAL on the board. Thoroughly disappointing.

Jay Phillips

You guys suck at scrabble. But it's ok, we still love you. I could watch Colin and Chris banter on about this stuff for hours.

Jay Phillips

Oh, and as a BJJ guy it is spelled "Gi", not "Gee"

Barrett Boswell

Quickly becoming my favorite Let's Play after just a few episodes. The one I saw at the end with the Q and the free tile Chris, you could of done 'Quib'. Looking forward to your next Let's Play. I've play through all of the Kingdom Hearts games and am eager for your ripping of KHIII while playing. I voted for you guys to do Overcooked 2. Sorry it didn't win for ya.

Caleb Greer

That was awesome

Timothy Bryant

I’m 8 minutes in and there were so many words you guys missed but it was still entertaining. First time I ever yelled at my screen and it was during a scrabble game. Lmaoo

Richard Court

ooooooooooooh boys.. that was PAINFUL. VAN?!?


How to get rid of a hangover from Friday: watch Colin and Chris play fucking scrabble 😂


I am probably uninformed and super late to the party on this one but...is the original Colin's Last Stand YouTube channel defunct - will there no longer be content covering politics, history, etc? I thoroughly enjoyed that kind of content to be quite honest...


The original CLS channel is dormant, yes. We often talk politics and history on Fireside Chats, though!


Around 68min ish you talked about 311 doing full album shows! They actually did Blue Album in its entirety a couple of years ago in Chicago. It was the 25th anniversary or 20th of the album? Maybe 25th of the band? But it was amazing and at a smaller venue (Aragon Ballroom).