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The longest slow death in world history is about to finally conclude. After more than seven wonderful, memorable, and possibly even unnecessary years, Sony has finally pulled the plug on the production of new PlayStation Vita units, signaling the end of the handheld's tortured life. But are we really, truly in its final chapter? We discuss. Plus: The news! Respawn is readying the reveal of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Horizon: Zero Dawn passed a huge sales milestone, The Division 2's puzzling season pass has finally been explained, Phoenix Wright has been dated for PS4, and more. Oh, and how about some questions, comments, and concerns from the audience, like: Why does EA refuse to publish the Mass Effect Trilogy on PS4? Should great game studios be held to a higher standard than their mediocre peers? Will BioShock 4 ever materialize? Is "moist" a worse word than "damp?" Listen, and find out...


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:01:28 - The debate over McDonalds' soft drink quality continues; also a shoutout to WingStop.
0:04:09 - Chris is going to PAX East, so make sure to find him and bother him.
0:05:27 - A little Patreon-related clarification (thank you for your support!).
0:06:56 - Some of you are frustrated that we keep ignoring PlayStation Now. You're right, and we'll try and be better.
0:08:12 - What's the difference between "moist" and "damp"?
0:10:07 - A brief chat about the recent THQ Nordic PR/marketing SNAFU.
0:13:22 - We recorded another Let's Play. It's horrible.
0:14:13 - What games are we playing?
0:22:15 - Anthem reportedly has a very minuscule chance of bricking your PS4, so you may want to hold off.
0:23:13 - It's official: New PlayStation Vita hardware is no longer being manufactured.
0:26:20 - Sony has revealed this month's free games for PlayStation Plus subscribers.
0:27:56 - Horizon: Zero Dawn surpassed 10 million copies sold!
0:33:02 - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is set to be officially revealed next month.
0:34:30 - Overkill's The Walking Dead is cancelled for PS4, after all.
0:36:51 - The Division 2's Season Pass has finally been explained.
0:41:41 - The Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy is set for launch on PS4 in April.
0:43:50 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
0:46:35 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
0:53:08 - Why won't EA properly re-release the Mass Effect Trilogy on current-gen platforms?
0:56:20 - What would we want to see in a potential BioShock 4?
0:59:36 - Should games from so-called "exceptional studios" be held to a higher critical standard?
1:02:14 - Will major portions of the industry begin leaning more on single-player experiences moving forward?
1:05:48 - Which PlayStation console or handheld has the best game case design?
1:07:53 - Do we own stock in video game publishers and/or developers, and should that be disclosed?
1:09:25 - Does the failure of PlayStation Classic spell doom for future PSone support on PS5?
1:13:00 - Is storytelling in games actually getting worse?
1:15:48 - Outro.




Looking forward to the moist and damp conversation. I've been watching old GameOverGreggy shows lately and love when you bring that up.

Kevin McBrayer

Colin, I'd love to see you do a video or let's play about Spec Ops The Line. I always remember your comments and love for the game in the Beyond years . As always, you're doing great!

Michael Miller

Chris cannot return to his co-hosting duties until he tries WingStop.


For a good 2 player versus game, you guys should check out Trivial Pursuit Live! I think you would have fun and it would make a good video.

Erik Peterson

"the one around the corner is no longer on uberEats." Colin... Dear God Man! Its around the corner

Tyson Williams

Yeeeeeeeess PAX West please

Tim J Weckwerth

Hello C&C. On the subject of boneless and bone in chicken wings, I wanted to give my insight as someone who has worked for a multibillion dollar poultry company for almost a decade. Chicken wings are the worst possible purchase a consumer can make. Over 50% of a wings total weight is in the bones and tendons. As for "boneless" wings, they are actually just boneless skinless chicken breast. The breast is fed in to a machine that uses an extremely fast and powerful water blade that cuts each breast in to chunks. Currently the wings you order from wingstop or bww are costing that location about $0.27 per wing. Keep that in mind the next time you are thinking about ordering some. Always go boneless.


Was there some dual audio or something in the podcast around 1:09:55 or am I going insane?

David Graham

Think you'll have gotten to Metro Exodus by next week? Definitely something I'd like to hear; Chris' observations have been pretty in-line with my own, I should add.

Brandon Soto

Sad to see the Vita finally go. Never owned one cuz of the expensive ass memory cards and lack of games. We probably won’t get a Vita 2 or PSP 3, but a Switch like add-on for the PS5? Who really knows


RIP Vita :(, a far cry (pun intended) from listening the excitement around the 'NGP' on Beyond! back in the day.

Ian (616Entertainment)

It sounds like the cleaned up version from Colin’s mic gets to us first, and the untouched quieter version from Chris’ mic wasn’t taken out. No biggie, and it only last a couple seconds. =)

Ian (616Entertainment)

Every time you mention what Ken Levine is working on I get more and more excited. Not only that, but every time BioShock comes up, I inch closer and closer to beating the full series for the third time. Can’t help myself.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Also, I just got to this part, ‘thicc’ does not mean ‘fat.’ If someone describes you or someone else as ‘thicc,’ it’s usually a good thing. A woman with a big butt, big boobs, and wide hips would be described as thicc. For dudes, I’ve personally heard my girlfriend describe current day (muscular) Drake as thicc, whereas when he was a skinny little guy on Degrassi, he wouldn’t quite make the cut. This has been your Thicc Minute.

Drew Sleezer

Boneless wings (chicken breasts) are vastly superior to wings because you can eat 100% of what you are served, while a wing is mostly bones. The bang for your buck cannot be denied.

John Lynch

Guys going off of your question does EA have any collections, earlier in the generation people asked about ME and I believe it was Peter moore who stayed they don’t want to make a quick buck on remaster collections

Jayce Tamulevich

Gentlemen, the reason boneless “wings” are better is obvious to me. There is no need to pay attention or slow down while you stuff your gullet. Who has time to eat around a bone when you could just grab a fork and keep those fingers clean for multitasking?

Zack E

PS Now works and it is good. Had it for about 6 months last year. Played a myriad of different types of games (FPS, Open World RPGs, Fighters, Racing, God of Wars, etc) They all work as intended. Everybody is talking about MS, Google, etc as far as streaming and the future. People forget that Sony has a wealth of experience streaming video games at this point, considering the backbone tech of PS Now is tech from what used to be Gaikai. MS and Google clearly have the resources to design a good cloud streaming platform, but Sony has had a functional one deployed for years now, and have clearly been able to iteratively develop and support the technology. There’s something to be said about having an actual service out in the wild and learning from it in order to improve it. Colin, you should give it a try. I simply do not believe the amount of latency that would be experienced would be noticeable, unless you are truly in a very rural area. That being said, maybe it doesn’t work well on your end, but I’d imagine if you pass the connection test that the PS Now app does for you before you subscribe, you should be good to go.

Jason Bolla

Little bit of echo shortly after 1:10:00, great episode though.

Kenneth Oms

great episode as always make tuesdays great again!


Big wings fan here, gonna chime in. Everything you said here makes sense, but there is something about the experience of eating something off the bone that is deeply satisfying to me. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but wings are dark meat and so taste different than the white meat in boneless.


In regards to the video game stories question, I do think there are not a lot of games with quality, standalone stories, but I don't think video game writing needs to provide deep compelling stories in order to elevate the experience.Take Doom for example. The game does not have any sort of character development, and the plot is just there, but the game's writing really encourages you to embrace what the game is: an alien slaughtering thrill ride. In that way, I think Doom would be noticeably worse if the Doom Marine wasn't smashing delicate machinery, or the lore wasn't constantly telling you how much of a bad ass you are.

Brett Carlson

Colin you gotta be more optimisitc about PS5. The simple fact Shawn Layden was so candid about the hubris of PS3 era Sony you can tell they have a philosophy about games now and they are sticking to it rigidly. Yeah they may be slow with Cross-Play, but look at all they do for playstation products to thrive and grow. Lots of publishers would have cancelled Days Gone and Dreams. But now Days Gone has a chance to be a sleeper exclusive hit. They nurture there properties because they want the gamer to get what they pay for. They may be slow with community oriented projects but they always make sure the playstation gamer is recieving the best product possible. That is worth a lot to me.

Marcus Brown

Hey! I just made a discovery that will put your troubles at ease with Far Cry New Dawn. You can turn off the menu music! Just go to your options, then select Audio and Video, and then go to music and switch off. You can pause in peace now.


The name of the Vita TV is one of the many things Sony messed up with the Vita. It was called Vita TV in Japan, but PlayStation TV everywhere else. That in itself wouldn't have been too bad... except we already got a PlayStation TV that was an actual TV


You need to add a new Patreon tier that'll let you hire Rogan to get his bow and give the Vita a proper Viking Funeral lol...

Chris B

If starbreeze keeps having issues, by this time next year thqnordic will probably buy its ip.


Hey guys, just a quick clarification on Horizon ZD sales figures! It's possible that Spider-Man, being the *fastest* selling exclusive may have overtaken it already, or even God of War although there haven't been any officially published numbers in a while. With that in mind, going by official figures I believe Horizon currently holds the title for *most* sold, being the first PS4 exclusive to officially reach 10 million copies so far. This figure doesn't include Remasters such as TLOU, which has sold 17 million across versions but only 8 million on PS4.


That would be awesome. The game is only 6-8 hours to beat as well so it's feasible, although its not really in the zeitgeist anymore.


Curious as to how it works. It’s streaming the games? Does this heavily affect your internet bill?


Oh my god thank you for reading my question on the show! I was hoping you would and i'm glad the issue was discussed, I am indeed a story telling-driven gamer and thats what matters the most for me, but there are of course exceptions, crhis mentions that there are games with bad stories and great gameplay like prototype, and hes right, I kinda forgot about that game, I enjoyed it a great deal back in the day but the story sucked and the gameplay kept me going. But for me those are the exceptions to the rule.


I don't ever even remember having that conversation before, which goes to show you where my head is.


Hi! The sound glitch that lasted for about 10 seconds deep in the podcast (at around the 1:09:50 mark) has been fixed. I apologize for the error!


I don't know. I'm wrapping up the Platinum in New Dawn, and then I think I'm gonna move onto some smaller stuff. I really wanna play The Occupation, and I began Ghoulboy on Vita last night. So, we shall see!


Peter is old news, though! But yeah, I remember him saying that. I actually think he might have said that to me...? LOL.


That's perfectly fair, and I think you're right: We've gotta differentiate between the intent of various stories, and then judge them from there. For instance, TLoU2 is obviously going to be serious and grounded, and should be treated as such from a critical perspective. But Doom, per your point, not so much.


It wasn't a good idea from the get-go, though I understand what they were trying to do: Make a cheap, Goku-like box with some game abilities.


I'd prefer to try myself. It's like that scene in Game of Thrones (I think?) where the dude can't hit the funeral pyre.

Bogey Zero

Quick note about the PR guy from THQNordic doing the 8chan AMA...I'm not sure I buy the whole "ignorance and language barrier" thing. When they announced they were doing the AMA they were told by a bunch of people that they really shouldn't associate with that site and were given examples of the type of shit found on that site, and you can tell by his responses he knew what was up and was trying to be edgy and cool by sticking with it. And if you look at their responses in the actual AMA you can see that they were trying to be part of the "cool kids" and stayed in there for the whole hour. Do I think this whole controversy is a bit overblown? Yeah definitely. I don't think the guy's an alt right nazi or a child porn sympathizer. I honestly think this was just a case of them deliberately trying to be as edgy as possible and grab headlines, and it backfired. Definitely don't think they were stupid enough to not know what site they were about to do an AMA on, given his responses before and during it.


It's entirely possible, of course, that he knew exactly what he was doing. But I'm not necessarily comfortable conjecturing on his intent, because I really don't know.

Martha Silla

When I heard PAX east, my ears perked up. I’m going to be there and the temptation to stalk Silly Chris will be real

Jason Stafford

I have a PSTV and I'll tell you one cool thing about it: The Vita's remote play function works great, so if your PS4 is in the living room and your wife runs you off, you can play PS4 in another room without untangling the wires and moving the damn thing. :P


Bioshock infinite has left open a very large door of where the series can go.


The "Chan" image board concept is known as a Channel, Futaba Channel was the first chan to be made later followed by 2ch from Hiroyuki Nishimura. in 2003 4chan was created by Moot, he had a couple of incidents with Hiroyiki which led to the original url to be taken down. In 2015 Moot sold 4chan to Hiroyuki due to obvious reasons, and due to his strict moderation in late 2014 led to the creation of 8chan, there's also 420chan, 7chan, lowcow image boards.


I still love my Vita. Or should I say Vitas. I have the original OLED one. I bought an imported khaki one of the newer model, shortly before they announced the release of that model over here in the States. And because I'm a weirdo, I picked up the blue one that was a Gamestop exclusive for a time, while it was still (barely) available. I have a Vita TV too, but I never really did anything with it. I keep thinking about messing with it again. Maybe later. Maybe. Maybe I've said this to myself before too. Probably. Oh Vita, you special, special thing you.


Yeah, that's super cool functionality, for sure. No idea why they just released that thing and then ignored it forever.

Kenneth thomas

Hey Colin, I posted on Twitter but I figured on here you're more likely to see it. Since you're rewatching game of thrones, would you be up for doing some kind of in-review/recap podcast of the old episodes, or if not just whole seasons when you finish them maybe? GoT reactions is a pretty big community on youtube and stuff even for the older eps, I'm personally such a big fan I love hearing other impressions and I suspect a lot of other people aside from me would like to hear yours.

Jacek Debowski

Hi Colin and Chris! Great episode, as always. Regarding Ubisoft and Division 2 discussion: as a developer I look at season’s pass early access benefit and see it as a way to allow players who want to support the developer to do so without much detriment to the people who simply bought the game for 60$. As a gamer I could interpret this behaviour as greed on their part, but this specific pay wall block does not affect me negatively at all. If I was a type of crazy fan who wants to get their hands on additional content right away, I’d probably play this game a ton and could justify the additional 40$ „get early” with little thought. Looking forward to this game btw, hope to meet you guys in the dark zone! ;)


I think we're gonna relegate Game of Thrones talk to KnockBack, either do one episode or two.


I'm in general agreement with you, I think. Business is inherently greedy (something is worth what someone will pay for it, so there's all the reason in the world to jack the price up, especially when you don't have much [or any] competition), so I'm not sure it's valid to say they're just hunting for money. I mean, of course they are!

Tyson Williams

Thicc tends to be used in a sexual or humorous manner usually both