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Anthem is finally out in the wild, and it's arrived with a noticeable commercial and critical thud. But is it as thoroughly mediocre as it seems? We go in-depth into BioWare's newest online loot grind, and give you our candid thoughts. Then -- per usual -- we delve into the news. Media Molecule's Dreams is finally coming out (sorta), Bethesda has outlined Fallout 76's year-long content plan, The Outer Worlds may be closer than you think, Square Enix goes on a Mana-related trademarking binge, and more. Rounding things out are listener questions on topics ranging from the future of Mega Man Legends 3, the symmetric vs. asymmetric analog stick debate, Nintendo and Microsoft's increasingly cozy relationship, and the best JRPGs to enjoy for a player new to the genre. Enjoy this week's episode. Just please don't use the term "Looter Shooter." We beg you.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:01:51 - The Chris Roach Saga, Volume XIV.
0:02:53 - We're wishing our Venezuelan listeners the very best. Stay safe.
0:03:15 - A dispute over the timeline of McDonald's breakfast menu additions, and if fountain Coke is better than bottled or canned Coke.
0:05:43 - We love our Patreon supporters, but don't feel bad if you can't support us there. We love you, too.
0:06:50 - Does Sacred Symbols have a PO Box?
0:07:31 - What games are we playing?
0:33:27 - Media Molecule's Dream is getting released in Early Access this Spring.
0:36:29 - PlayStation Vita production is officially ending in Japan in the coming months.
0:37:59 - The Outer Worlds' release date may have leaked.
0:40:07 - Is Fallout 3 coming to PlayStation 4?
0:41:25 - BioWare outlines Anthem's first few months of new content.
0:43:02 - Bethesda reveals Fallout 76's update roadmap for the rest of 2019.
0:44:46 - The Division 2's open beta missions, side quests, and more have been revealed.
0:45:25 - Square Enix trademarks a bunch of Mana-related stuff.
0:46:41 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
0:48:34 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
0:58:32 - One listener wants to start playing more JRPGs. Where should he begin?
1:00:47 - On a controller, which is preferable: Parallel sticks or asymmetric sticks?
1:04:33 - When reviewing a game, how important is its price in rendering a verdict?
1:07:43 - Is it possible that the PS3 generation was superior to the PS4 generation (so far)?
1:12:50 - How do the recent Nintendo/Microsoft rumors affect Sony and the PlayStation ecosystem, if at all?
1:17:34 - Will we ever get a Mega Man Legends 3?
1:18:52 - Spec Ops: The Line was damn good, wasn't it?
1:21:29 - One listener was called a "French Fry" by another player in a game of Apex Legends.
1:26:02 - Outro.



Monterey Jack

The extra day was more painful than I was expecting. Officially addicted to your podcast. Good work guys!

Michael Candelaria

Hahahahahahaha, best title for the episode.


Making Wednesday Great.

Michael Miller

When I worked at Best Buy we had a special refrigerator dedicated to Mexican Coke. Those were some good times.

Kenneth Oms

Alright boys, i've now been burned by state of decay 2, fall out 76, and anthem, so i'm sorry if today i am more irate than most of the days i comment. I want to start of by politely disagreeing with Chris about Looter games (wont call them l shooters out of respect for colin), Anthem didn't miss the mark because the days of looter games are over, it missed the mark because there is NO LOOT/engaging content to grind for. The game play is fun yes, but every aspect of this game feels as if they were shoveling shit in the furnace to simply release this game and get it over with. This is a Bioware RPG game with only TWO SETS of armor per Javalin, that you can only obtain by buying them from the shop. Nothing in this game drops armor. The guns in this game all cosmetically look the same, so any loot you do get is uninspiring and not worth it. An mmo-lite game is about showing off to people, except the hub area is small and stuck between long loading screen for nothing, everyone runs off and does their own thing so you never see anyone, even if you play Solo the server can crash and you won't be able to play at all, which has happened to me twice in a row since the patch. The armor you buy doesn't make you look any different as pointed out in the Anthem Reddit. The intro is awesome and sets up the lore and tone and drops off considerably after that. Fall out 76, which runs on duct tape, has/had more loot and weapon distinction at launch than anthem has. If you go back and watch the developers of this game live streaming the game, they even made a video talking about customization, a month or so before release, all of the armor sets they show did not make it to the launch. Anthem is sorely lacking in a lot of departments which is a shame considering the game has been in development for seven years, they saw the fall and rise of destiny 1, destiny 2, and the first division, and did nothing to course correct. Both destiny games had more armor and weapon varieties than anthem. I really hate to hammer this on and on, but i dont want any of the listeners to fall for the same trap I did. I dont want to sound dramatic or negative but i am just angry. Bioware made an MMO, how is it that they didn't tap that team for help on how to make engaging content? I am baffled. The worst part is, if you buy the physical version of the game, they slip in a little paper that tells you how proud they are of the game and how they worked really hard and are grateful you gave it a shot. How is this acceptable? I hate to say it but in terms of content, fall out 76 was more developed than anthem is. I could go on, but i'll finish here, make wednesdays great again everyone, and i hope you guys don't think i was yelling at you or something. Just letting it all out lol.

Ryan Harvey

Budget is somewhat tight and I'm THIIS close to buying a second vita!

Brandon Soto

Not gonna lie, with Xbox Game Pass rumored for the Switch & Sony being quiet / not announcing shit, not being at E3, Microsoft buying studios / being more aggressive etc. It makes me very worried for the PS5.

Luke Bernhard

Too bad this came out before the THQ Nordic shit storm... Would love to hear your takes.


Hey Colin regarding the no playstation elite controller. Scuff and Astro both make a customizable elite type controller for the PS4 and you can move the sticks and dpad around on the Astro version. Playstation even advertises these

Philip Andersen

I agree with Chris, Coke from glass bottle is always the best.


Thanks for a great episode. And thanks for picking my comment. :D btw yes my real name is Chimera, but yes you did say it wrong, but everyone does that, So no hard feelings at all. Long story short, I got it from my grandfather who came from Italy and later moved to Denmark, where I now share the name with around 20 people.

John Lynch

Someone who can get in touch with Chris , I’m not on Twitter. Tell him as soon as extermination is done to put insect growth regulators around the house

John Lynch

Have to agree with the things about anthem. The gunplay felt like andromeda to me and that was a huge turnoff. When you talk about these games canibalizing each other it’s true. I have a newborn baby and not much time for these types of games. With that being said I’ve known all along that Division 2 was going to be the one I’m in on. That being said, I don’t want BioWare to go defunct before the next dragon age, so I did buy a copy to support the developer. I popped it in, played it for 2 hours and it wasn’t good


I'm concerned, too, ALTHOUGH I think it's entirely possible (and maybe even likely) Sony knows what it's doing.


I saw it, but I still don't really understand the entire story. 8Chan is confusing. Is it the same as the 4Chan site that also circulates? You have to understand, I still don't even really know what Discord is. LOL.


I got Anthem for free, so it's hard for me to say whether I'd want to spend $60 on it, just to see what it was all about. So I understand other people's hesitance.


I'm so fascinated by Dreams for so many reasons. I think it's a bit unfair to critique them for charging when it's still in 'early access'. I imagine new tools and the like will constantly be added, and in that case, it'll never be 'finished'. On the other hand, I think it'll be super interesting if ps+ subscribers could experience the created 'dreams' for free, while leaving those who buy it as the ones who want to mess with the tools. Or maybe they can have a curated list available to play for free every month. I dunno. There's a lot of cool shit they could do.

Nate McKinney

Looter Shooter. That is all.

Phillip Guglielmo

Coke in the glass bottle is the most delicious and refreshing, but fountain Coke is better with food as it's less fizzy and doesn't bloat you, allowing for more room to shovel greasy food into your gut.


What's everyone playing? I just finished metro my 121st platinum trophy. I started far cry 3 classic and now I really want to play new Dawn. Sadly I'm in college and don't have time to catch up right now so let me live vicariously through you friends.

Korey Burns

I finally got my act together and beat the original BioShock on Sunday. Now I'm trying to get through the sequels, but I'm not really liking 2 as much. I want to be a human again lol

Marcus Brown

Great episode as always! What's the update on Far Cry: New Dawn? Are you still enjoying it? I'm still having tons of fun.

Jordan Falduto

Chrono Trigger is overrated? This is what happens when you smoke too much weed, ladies and gentlemen. 🤣

Zack E

I find that the audio that is meant to be louder (music, explosions, action sounds) are very loud and normal conversations and dialogue are incredibly quiet even at the same volume setting. I have to have my TV remote in hand watching anything on Netflix, etc because the loud parts are too loud. Good example is an episode of The Office. Watch the first minute or so at a certain volume level. The show then jumps into the opening credits and theme song and the song is incredibly loud at that volume level, and I have to turn it down during the song and then turn it back up since once the scenes begin. I feel as though every 3rd movie I see in the theatre has similar issues. Sometimes I actually almost feel like I need to get up and ask the theatre manager if there is a problem with the audio. I recall watching The Last Jedi and the whole first half of the movie I’m thinking whether the particular sound system in the theatre I was in was working properly. Not sure it may just be me going crazy.

Zack E

I remember specifically my very first online gaming moment. I got my 360 in 2007, CoD4 was the first online game I played. I remember exactly what map the match was on (Countdown), and remember hearing two guys with British accents speaking through the voice chat. It completely blew my mind. The Internet is simply amazing.

Tyson Williams

Inafune also tried that Kickstarter near the release of Mighty No. 9 that was supposed to be a spiritual successor to Mega Man Legends, Red Ash I think it was called

James Kinslow III

What's the perfect ratio to butter and syrup on pancakes?


I was going to say add one tick to the DOOM counter but it was actually Colin who brought it up this week, and thus does not add a tick. - We can't even get Sony to add their "virtual console" in PS classics to the PS4.. no way do they add nintendo right? Even if that is the dream. Link to the past with trophies? *drool*


I know you, Colin, were not the biggest fan of PS Now when it first launched but you said 2 PS3 games aren’t available on current hardware; Ni No Kuni and Spec Ops The Line. This is not true because both are available with PS Now. PS Now actually has a very expansive library of PS3 games.

Josh Moore

The title just clicked for me. Well done, Sir.

John Lynch

After hearing people badger Colin about Nier automata for over a year, I decided to give it a second shot in between new dawn and the division 2. It’s actually pretty cool. The beginning of it is rough but I’m really enjoying it now

Michael Krivo

I agree on Spec Ops the Line. I actually played it for the first time last year after Colin released a Side Quest video on underrated games from last gen. I was a little shocked at how fucked up it is but that's what I ended up really liking about it. It shows the more psychological side of war that doesn't seem to be explored as much in Military Shooters. Too bad the game didn't sell better.

Craig Mcguire

If gamepass does indeed come to switch does this make it more likely and even necessary Sony does something next gen in that space ? gamepass could become the go-to handled/tablet streaming platform and switch already is the killer dedicated handheld device. Sony's getting destroyed by Nintendo in Japan, it makes no sense to leave that market completely uncontested given traditional console gaming is shrinking like it is over there.


Great episode!!! Some info to pass along to others, Spec Ops: The Line is on PS Now in the US.


Sony the autarky, nice.


I'm liking it, yeah. Taking it slow. I like how it feels manageable. Not too big, not too much to do.


Nah, Erin and I have been experiencing something similar while watching TV or movies. Can't hear a god damn thing half the time. We typically just keep the subtitles on now, like we're fucking 80.


I think the first time I played a game online was NBA 2K1 on Dreamcast. But back then, no voice chat. We had to connect keyboards to the Dreamcast to type shit. LOL.


Eh. I just don't consider it the same. THAT SAID, someone else said the same thing on Twitter, and -- should I remember -- we'll talk about this next week.


Possibly. The interesting thing about Gamepass on Switch, though, is that it'll necessitate cloud gaming, and that's never going to work just right (as Switch can't natively play One games). We'll see how it shakes out.


Its the best we are gonna get with the PS4. I just think everyone should be aware that it is an option.


Thanks guys for reading and answering my question. I appreciate all your suggestions and don't want to sound snobbish but I prefer recently released or recently remastered games and FF VII seems little too old for my liking, but would definitely try it once (if ever) remastered. DQ 11 is currently 50% off so I'll probably buy it. I'll stay away from Tales for now per your suggestion, maybe will try once Vesperia remastered is on similar 50% off sale.


“Go ahead and do something about that parched throat of yours.” Don’t you talk bad about Fallout 3 Colin. 😄 Controllers are interesting because I prefer the asymmetrical sticks of the Xbox 360 (my fave controller), but I’d rather use the DualShock4 over the Xbox One controller. I agree with Chris, I miss the old online voice chat days. You never know what you could get.

Ric Peavyhouse

I already have a Vita and just ordered a second from Japan after hearing they’re officially dead. I’m not sure if I heard it on your show, but did you see the prices for Vita TVs have skyrocketed? I picked one up when they were on fire sale for $30 and now they’re on eBay and Amazon for around $200. No doubt Vitas themselves will see a similar price jump soon.

Marc Boggio

I never really thought of viewing the Metro games as having Walking Simulator genre similarities, but it’s actually kind of decent way to view them, in understand the pace of the station missions (or the train missions in Exodus). Taking your time and walking around to interact with the locals and do good deeds helps you both get the good endings and immerse you in the world more. Immersion is absolutely the Metro series’ greatest asset.


Ain't nothing snobbish about it; if you don't want to go that far back, that's totally your prerogative. DQXI is a good choice, but as I said, it's very traditional, and I don't know if that's a great game to get you into other JRPGs. LOL.


That's super interesting. I've not been paying attention to that market at all, truthfully.


Yeah. Another way to look at it is that it's a glacially-paced FPS. But in 2033, especially, there are major portions of the game where you're not lifting your gun at all. Last Light, too. 90% of both games have no combat, if you really examine 'em.