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'80s movies are a goldmine for a nostalgia and retro podcast like this one, but few films of the era are held in as high esteem as 1984's Karate Kid. The story of Daniel LaRusso and his trials and tribulations as "The New Kid" -- a new kid who just happens to learn lethal karate from an old, unassuming man -- is an undeniable classic. So let's chat about Daniel-San, his sensei Mr. Miyagi, his nemesis (or is it victim?) Johnny, the bizarre Kreese, and more. And let's also delve into Karate Kid's two questionable sequels, and try to make sense of it all, because no Karate Kid conversation is complete with Parts II and III, too. So let's strike first and strike hard, shall we? No mercy.




Can't wait to hear this and if there is any talk of the Cobra Kai series. I absolutely love that show. I know Colin mentioned recently that Daniel may be the bad guy in the franchise


Thank you for your patience, as far as this episode's lateness is concerned. I know I let y'all know ahead of time that this one was coming in late (because I fucked up one of our recordings, so we ran out of episodes, LOL), but I still hate missing the mark. So: I'm sorry. Still, no weeks will be missed, as promised! This one was recorded not even a day ago... so... enjoy!


I would love a Knockback episode about John Candy films.


Per KnockBack's rules, Cobra Kai can only be covered once it's finished. That said, it obviously comes up. Dagan loves it.


We'd love to do that. Make sure to submit your topic idea during the next election, so the masses can vote!

Fred Bence

For the entire drawing segment, I was hoping it would be a Sega Saturn. I was close!! Haha


Maybe you guys could make these drawings that Colin does into the shirts for Knockback???

Andrew Christensen

Dude this new drawing segment is awesome.... If u do this on another wave I'm gonna increase my pledge


Not karate kid at but since it was mentioned the emperor did have a lightsaber. He used it in episode 3. Eventually though he didn’t really need to use it because he was the emperor and Vader did all the fighting.


Loved the drawing segment. Had me legit laughing out loud lol

Marcus Brown

I loved this episode so much! Thanks again for reading my question. I couldn't imagine the explosion of popularity it had back in the 80s but it for sure had a resurrection when I first saw it in the early 2000's as well as my peers in school. As a bullied child with glasses and no front teeth I had to reach my inner Larusso to stop it. Watching those 80s underdog film really helped me out for sure. Thanks again, until next time sensei.


I think the emperor has a lightsaber when he fights yoda. I forgot he fought Dooku. I think he jumped around a lot more against the emperor. It was ridiculous 😂

Jeremy Cochran

Karate Kid II did give us Peter Cetera - Glory of Love so its not 100% useless lol...


I think the original book and movie are fair game.


We hope everyone else enjoys, too! The drawings start getting more and more heinous, as you'll find out.

Michael Candelaria

Golf 'n Stuff is in Downey CA. Not far from me actually, about 10 minutes from where I grew up and live today and went there so much as a kid and even as an adult. This is a great episode guys, Still not done with it yet but digging it.


I appreciate that you’re so committed to responding to patrons that you even respond to accidental comments.

Luke Tucker

Colin-San and Dagan-San, Thank you for this excellent episode of KnockBack! I was honored to be chosen to start it off with my little quote alteration. :-) This one resonated with me so much, it was cool to hear Dagan’s following Cobra Kai and that Colin’s gonna marathon it at some point. I think the only big thing you guys missed was the music. Well, that and “Put ‘em in a body bag! Yeah! *hyena laugh*”. But the Bill Conti score (and Zamfir’s Pan Flute) in the first and second were amazing. I know the Part II intro is way too long, but the Conti score makes it palatable to me. I saw some already mention Glory of Love from 2 and in the first I mean, is there a better montage song than “You’re the Best” by Joe “Bean” Esposito? No, no there is not. Colin I found your take of part II should’ve been third interesting but the answer for me was one you arrived at eventually, part III never needed to exist. That one is so bad it’s awful but hilarious. I’m with Dagan on really enjoying Part II, of course I have to imagine having seen it back during its time in the ‘80s as opposed to you just having seen it fresh in 2019 probably accounts for our respective opinions on it. My only other opinion I can recall is Kreese in the first movie’s entire purpose is laid out when Miyagi says, “No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher. Teacher say, student do.” Near the end when Kreese says the infamous line, “Sweep the leg” to Johnny, Zabka’s eyes start darting around trying to figure out who this guy is he thought was right. And you see the continuation in the parking lot at the beginning of 2 where the Cobra Kai all reject Kreese and tell him to listen to Mr. Miyagi. The kids weren’t bad, it was their Sensei trying to mold them with his “No Mercy” mantra. Damn I love Karate Kid. And KnockBack. *bows* And remember, look eye. Always look eye. :)


Oh man...... I LOOOOOOOOVE The Karate Kid. Karate Kid 2 is my favorite. The stakes were so much realer... love, honor, life and death. It was all out there. (It was also the movie that had me waaaaay into Asian chicks for most of my childhood and teen years). 3..... 3 makes me sad to this day that it exists. But there is one part that actually gets me. Daniel's getting hammered - he's on the ground, practically crying, not listening to Miyagi, ready to quit - Miyagi yells, "Shut-up!" Daniel quiets. Miyagi says, "It's Ok to lose to opponent... must not lost to fear." That's one of the best damn life lessons anyone can learn. That's another thing about these movies. Despite varying levels of academic quality, if you had no real guidance in life, but you watched the Karate Kid movies and were inclined to hear the morals of the stories or the life lessons in them, I think you become a decent person following Miyagi's examples and sayings. I feel like more movies in general back then had a more grounded and real way to teach about life (reference the Rocky movies as well) compared to now. Today, there's no movie where you learn to deal with a bully by taking martial arts and learning to defend yourself with your fists.... er, um and/or feet.

Mike Tse

Mr Miyagi, have your ever broke wood? I dunno Daniel San, never been attacked by tree.


There's certainly moral and ethical and life value to be taken out of the movies. I agree.


I think I could have done without either sequel. That said, I think the idea of revenge should have been sought in the second movie, and THEN you go to Miyagi's homeland in the third. My two cents!