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E3 began way back in 1995, and each and every year since, Sony has shown up with its PlayStation brand, often in a major way. But in 2019, that all changes. Sony has announced that it won't be at E3. At all. No press conference. No show floor offerings. Nada. This is a huge deal, and it gives us an enormous amount to chat about. Plus: PlayStation 4 turns five, Square Enix is toiling away on a PS5 title, THQ Nordic has an astounding 55 games in development, and much more. Listeners also chime in with questions about dormant franchises like Jet Moto and Parasite Eve, and one fan inquires about our respective audio setups, too. So let's get going, shall we?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:02:58 - For the last time: We've moved feeds. We promise we won't talk about it again.
0:04:10 - We won't miss any episodes during the holiday breaks. Don't worry! Here's the plan.
0:05:24 - Happy fifth birthday, PlayStation 4!
0:06:16 - One listener gives Chris a game recommendation.
0:07:32 - Will we talk more about fighting games and the FGC?
0:09:36 - What are we playing (plus Q's)?
0:18:17 - Sony completely bows out of E3 2019 (plus Q's).
0:44:56 - Sony shares new statistics to celebrate PS4's fifth birthday.
0:46:28 - Square Enix is working on a PlayStation 5 game, says an employee's LinkedIn (plus Q's).
0:48:37 - Nomura assures fans that Final Fantasy VII Remake is still under development.
0:52:42 - THQ Nordic posts huge profit, reveals it has 55 games in development, 35 unannounced (plus Q's).
0:56:13 - Telltale Games enters so-called "assignment" in order to liquidate and pay back its debts.
0:57:18 - Final Fantasy XIV is getting a major new expansion in 2019.
0:57:52 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
0:59:34 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR (plus Q's).
1:12:03 - Will Sony ever release a driveless PS4?
1:16:41 - Do we have good gaming audio setups?
1:19:01 - What happened to Parasite Eve?
1:20:29 - Has a focus on digital purchases locked consumers to specific console ecosystems
1:23:16 - Will Sony release a Vita-like device for us with PS5?
1:25:07 - Will Jet Moto ever make a comeback?
1:27:59 - Outro.




Thanksgiving is my favorite day of the year Mr Raygun. Not miserable at all.


I too am sad that Sony isn't going to be at e3. Their press conference is something I look forward to every year. I hoped one day I might get to attend, but doesn't seem like thats gonna be a thing now.

Dave Carsley

Ahh. Peace and quiet. #AnE3WithoutSony

Brandon Soto

If the PS5 reveal is disappointing, that’s a major concern.


Great Show! Just a quick question: isn’t Sony backing out of E3 also be seen as something of a big slap in the face to their 3rd party partnerships? We can talk all about how great the exclusives currently are, but let’s not forget that in the 2014-2016 time period, the exclusive offerings of PS4 were very sparse, and the console indeed was carried for being the best place to play third party games. I truly hope them skipping E3 doesn’t cannibalize those partnerships, because I can see them continuing their dominance if Microsoft starts scooping those partnerships just by giving them air time for the future.

DB Cooper

What's a hanging Chad? I've never heard the saying, sounds dirty...

Kenneth Oms

I got my second shout out ladies and gentlemen, third time Colin will come to NYC and teach me how to play hockey. Great episode as always. Glad Chris is having fun with fall out 76, i know my brother and I are, but damn did they just shovel shit in the furnace to get it out fast.

Brandon Soto

They’ll announce the PS4 Pro 2 instead

David Graham

An ever enjoyable episode, gents! I would like to point out, even though I'm sure you know otherwise, you said that the previous Metro games were a Deep Silver joint. This isn't exactly true, because the original 2033 was published by the real THQ (I'm still kind of upset that it never came to PS3), while the sequel and remasters were ultimately Deep Silver's deal (like you said). Just think it's worth mentioning because it makes the whole situation of THQ Nordic being the resurrected zombie of a dead company even more... intriguing, I guess you could say?


Spyro’s music was composed by The Police’s Stewart Copeland and I love it but it may be trash to other people.

Cory Hahn

Funny that you are intrigued by Farming Simulator Colin. I went to GameStop to pickup Red Dead Redemption 2 on launch day and waited in a line of 20+ people who were doing the exact same thing except for the guy right in front of me. He was purchasing a pre-owned copy of Farming Simulator 18 for PS4.

Dave Carsley

I have a question for you, Colin, albeit one that probably doesn't have a place being answered on the show: You mentioned that you have no interest in going to E3. I understand this could be partially because of your social anxiety, but it got me thinking... With you not attending trade shows, having completely cut out the intros to your CLS: Side Quest videos, and also refusing to make Sacred Symbols a "video podcast" (similar to Beyond, PS ILY XO, Easy Allies, etc), do you ever worry that perhaps CLS will hit a plateau, or at the very least, that even if CLS is growing, you could be leaving unrealized growth potential on the table by becoming somewhat of a "voice behind the curtain" for lack of a better term? If memory serves me, you were never super-fond of being a "personality", but in the post-IGN, post-Game Informer, post-huge magazine/website conglomerate world that we're headed for, don't you think being a "personality" is far more important than ever? Isn't watching their favorite personalities the reason that people made YouTube the largest entertainment platform in history? Aren't "personalities" where all the drawing-power is in 2018? I'm genuinely asking, not telling. I'm not a creator and don't claim to know the answers; just curious what your thoughts for the future are. Do you see CLS as always being an audio-only endeavor? Do you see yourself as being satisfied in perpetuity with the size of the current psuedo-one-man operation, or do you see yourself maybe hiring people in the future to do on-camera stuff for you?

Jimmy Champane

Great episode as always! I agree with Chris on the E3 conversation. I love watching all the cringe-inducing press conferences with my friends over a few beers. Actually going to the show the last two years for work has been an absolute blast as well. I do think this is a temporary move on Sony's part, however because it's clear to me that they're not announcing any huge exclusives for PS4 and anything new will be next gen. Have a happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for this show every week because it makes my commute bearable.

Brett Carlson

Colin, from somebody I know who is in the know (take with a grain of salt if you want) says ps5 big reveal at a PSX like event in late 2019 for a 2020 release. 500 dollar price tag and well worth the cash in terms of power and performance. Backward compact in some form, with 4K 60FPS as the standard. Very exciting.

Brett Carlson

Also Colin the information you guys are missing is THQ Nordic is that most all of these properties were bought off liquidation and the scrap heap. The investment buying these IP were very low risk which is why they scooped so many up. They are not banking on AAA hits like Assssins Creed, they are bringing mid tier AAA games back. Also Darksiders 3 is fairly popular with its fans base including myself and that releases end of the month. Also they have a promising game called BioMutant in the pipeline. Check that game out. So my main point in that Nordic bought of up low risk properties that they can release en mass and make a ton of profit if the games even sell mediocre.

Zack E

Backwards compatibility and cross-play functionality are not as relevant in the grand scheme of things as internet gaming communities think they are.

Tyson Williams

I really don’t like the lack of story and world building in 76 but Chris makes a fair point that the npcs aren’t that great in Fallout games besides 1 and 2 imo, and Bethesda games in general like the elder scrolls npcs are very robotic and poorly written. Although that’s the standard civilian type npc but the games have had some good characters consistently in my opinion, whether it’s an interesting side quest or a companion you’ll see some cool stories play out. I feel like they could have made up for the lack of living characters by having cool stories in the environments, audio logs, letters, computer logs, etc. but it seems they did not. I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world but the game is certainly lacking in many ways


Haha this big fucking nerd would like to thank you for showing Ffxiv some love and doing it with the humor I enjoyed from you since I started watching you on you started being a regular on beyond. I honestly laughed haha


Man THQ Nordic are a bit like Cobra, a ruthless gaming organisation determined to rule the world. YO JOE!

Nate McKinney

In reference to not missing anything if PlayStation's E3 conference this year hadn't happened,I say, "But Colin, RESIDENT EVIL 2!!"


I enjoy Thanksgiving myself, mostly because it allows me to be a fat fuck without feeling bad about it.


I'm not sure. Third parties might care, and they might start stacking chips at Xbox's press conference, but really, all they care about at the end of the day is selling games, and if PS5 is shaping up behind the scenes, they'd be privy to that information.


I think a lot of people gravitate towards me because it's not all about me, me being on camera, me being loud, me pointing at myself so you all pay attention to me. I want my content, my words, etc. to count above all else. Everything else is just noise. I'm honest and candid and wear my heart on my sleeve, and I think that comes through, whether I'm on camera or not. That said, CLS as a brand and company is growing, every CLS show is increasing in traffic (save Fireside Chats, which is a little flat), and I personally think there's something to what I'm doing. Remember: There are lots and lots of very popular podcasts that have no video component. I think when people act like it's so weird that nothing I do is on video, they should go consult the iTunes Top 100 list and see how many of them are audio-only. A vast majority of them are. That said, I'm gonna hire a part-time editor and producer, and I might begin that search in December, if not January. Once that happens, anything is fair game, as long as I don't have to do the production and editing anymore, because I am simply out of time.


I totally disagree. It doesn't matter what the acquisition costs were; it matters how much it costs to make the game. Remember: If you natively make a new IP, that costs you $0 to acquire. THQ Nordic already has capital invested in mere acquisitions. I think that shit's gonna blow up (in a bad way) in a few years, but we'll certainly see, one way or another.

Nate McKinney

I know. I'm just REALLY excited for that game haha. RE2 is my favorite game of all time. Been wanting a remake of it since I played the Gamecube remake of part 1 back in 2003. I'm almost 32, so that's nearly half my life. (God, I'm getting old.)

Brett Carlson

All good points. But they probably are in a situation where they dont need these games to be smash hits. If they can even capture a million buys for there bigger games like BioMutant, Darksiders 3 and Metro Exodus I think they are in decent shape. Could very well blow up on them but I find it hard to believe this company that is made up of all former developers that were under the THQ label when it went belly up, would then form their own publishing company just to sink it again. Unless they are wholly incompetent. Another possibility is they buy these IP for cheap, they make a good game and give the brand some recnonigtion and then sell off the developing studio to possible bidders like Microsoft. In the right hands Darksiders and Kingdoms of Amalur could be a successful IP. But I agree, time will tell, these are bold purchases.

Matthew Perry

Thoughts on microsoft releasing the Xbox one without a disc drive at a cheaper price next year ??

Magister Obscura

Great show as always! Have to start saving up for that salt shaker!

Michael Raymond

All I want and need from THQ is to hear more about Timesplitters. I love this series. The in-depth map maker mode blew my mind as a kid. Making single player or multiplayer maps was 90% of the fun.

Matthew Perry

My apologies you did mention the disc less Xbox on the show , I'll shut up now ;-)