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It's only in recent years that the gaming industry has become louder, more vocal, and more visible. But in quieter times, David Jaffe led the charge when it came to what we today term "being a personality." Jaffe is most famous for being the driving force behind Twisted Metal (pardon the pun), and was the director and creative visionary behind the original God of War, too. These days, however, Mr. Jaffe lives a quieter and more subdued life. We got together in his hometown of San Diego for a candid chat about video games, video game development, and video game journalism, not to mention politics, spirituality, and much more. It turns out putting two guys well-known for speaking their minds in the same room is a good idea.

(You may notice that the audio quality is different than usual. This episode was recorded in a friend's studio using his equipment, and I'm grateful for that opportunity. -Colin)



Jorge Pal

I was looking forward to this one since he tweeted about it a while ago! Can’t wait!

Christopher Hopkins

Always liked this guy the handful of times I met him 🤙

Tyson Williams

I loved the premise and style of Drawn to Death and I was excited but it just didn’t turn out well. So I’ve been super curious what went wrong and what the development was like. Although the sort of hidden story in Drawn to Death about the kid was fucking genius and I loved it but it was locked away behind unsatisfactory gameplay imo

Marcus Brown

What a great god damn show with a legend! Awesome. Also Supergirl is very hot.


I went to a local comic-con last year and they had a professional game tester from PlayStation speak. He said his favorite person in the industry is Jaffe, he referred him as “Video Game Jesus”. Thanks for the great episode!

Craig Carter

Always loved Jaffe and his outspoken nature. Good listen, thanks Colin!

Saulius Vekteris

I like Jaffe. He is a cool dude :)

Jason Bolla

Absolute gold. Love listening to Jaffe opposite you. One of my favorite of your interviews, he's such a dynamic interview.

Tanner Brant

Great conversation. Nice hearing from Jaffe again, glad he's doing well

Jimmy Champane

I made it through about 60% on my way to work and didn't want to stop listening once I got there. Great episode, Colin!


I've mentioned it before but it's worth saying again. You're one of the reasons I went to therapy late last year. I deal with depression and anger and I was snapping at my wife all the time. I'm not cured or anything, but it has helped recognize a lot of problems in my life, and you were apart of that. So continue to put that message out there. It helps! Therapy helps. If someone is struggling... talk to someone, it could save your life!

Hugo's Desk

Congrats Colin, this was one of the most honest and inspirational conversations I have heard in a while. In fact last time I heard something this good it was at CLS. I hope you can bring more creatives to your podcast. For example, I would love to hear an honest conversation about “crunch time” (maybe someone from Telltale). As a VFX artist myself, Telltale’s story is a cautionary tale for all the creative industries. In fact my Industry had similar problems. Comes to mind the story of the film “Life of Pi” and the closing of VFX studio “rhythm and hues” and the lack of payed overtime in London, to name a few. Anyway, sorry for the long message, amazing work once again. Cheers from London. Hugo Guerra.

Ryan Gorris

Amazing episode Col. Loved every minute

Ian (616Entertainment)

God damn, this is up there for one of the best episodes of the show's run. Colin, as you continue to get these great guests and open up more and more, you're only gaining more fans. The die hards are here to stay and as more and more people hear you speak your mind on the world and yourself and the industry, I hope they wake the fuck up and realize that not everything they read on the internet is true. Thanks for always being honest, and I know he can't see this, but David show know how refreshing it is to hear someone like him make an appearance on a big podcast and speak the truth as well. Loved it.

Michael Miller

You keep one upping yourself with these fireside chats, my friend.

Matthew Young

This was awesome! Thanks for the great content!

Will Hahn

This fireside chat was absolutely fantastic. I respect the shit out of you both and you two deserve all the success in the world. Very candid, funny, and deep conversation. For sure one of my favorites!

Jason Stafford

Colin, I love this. I religiously listen to everything you do, and I've been really happy with the last couple of casts you've done. It seems like you're getting some good therapy from talking to really reasonable folks like Jaffe, Contri, and Whatsham. It really does my heart good to see you connecting with some genuine friends. Thanks for being you and for striving to be better.


Hey Colin, Ive been a long time fan and a new patron. I just wanted to say thank you for being you and giving us this amazing content of yours. You are an awesome and talented person, please never change. Much love and respect ❤️


I became Patreon recently and the content that I managed to tap into with CLS is just amazing. Thanks for all your work Colin. Best regards from Poland.


Thank you! We've had a great run on Fireside Chats recently, I agree. Glad it's resonating!


Ah man, great episode! Its so much fun to listen to intelligent conversation. Keep it up.


Really great episode. This episode really sums up why I've kept up with your work through the years. You've always seemed to be very honest and thoughtful whether you're talking about video games or something more personal. Never really followed Jaffe but I really enjoyed this. Gonna check him out. Not sexually. I mean maybe. Anyways.. Thank you. You the man.

Brandon Kirzeder

Another great conversation! Colin, your interviews are just the best. Also, I’ve thought about therapy before but I talk myself out of it or things start to get better and I don’t go. Would you still recommend? It sounds like you’ve felt the same way at points in your life. Thanks and keep up the great work! Love you, man.


Hello im new here but how do I find the video for the podcast? Is the early release audio only?


Thanks for listening! As for therapy, I dunno. Some people swear by it; others hate it. I'm just trying to keep an open mind. Perhaps the only way for you to find out is to just go?4


Hi! Welcome! Sacred Symbols, KnockBack, and Fireside Chats have no video component, whether here on Patreon or publicly. Only Side Quest is a video show.

Tyler Bello

David asked a question and you seemed to also wonder Colin of "I just want to find out the truth and how could anyone else stand for anything else". The answer is so easy and it took me a long time to come to it. Its because a ton of people that control the narrative know that the evidence isn't enough but they keep pushing for it by being louder and louder. In this instance the democrats know the allegations aren't enough. They don't stand for people finding out the truth because they know the truth will make them look bad. Democrats just yell and yell that conservatives are just racist, homophobic, transphobic bigots but they know that isn't true, but yet what do the general population think? Just my two cents.


Perhaps you are right, but I truly feel that there are plenty of bad actors on both sides. As trite as it sounds, it's the extremes that are feeding one another. It ain't good.

Cesar Solis

Loved this episode Colin! David has always been such a great dude to me and with you interviewing him it just made my day that much better. Thank you! P.S I was wondering are you ever gonna have Stiemer on again? You guys did great back in the early days of fireside chats!

Niall Prendergast

Just got round to listening to this. What a great fucking chat! Loved it! Thank you both

Michael Raymond

Fantastic episode. I really like how genuine David is. Its truly not all that often hearing someone openly say that their view on a subject can be incorrect and that he always has to open and honesty. Your podcasts truly shine when open minded individuals like this are on it. 👍


Twisted Metal is my all-time favorite series. The PS3 game was lots of fun but lacked what made me love the series, the single-player character stories. I really, really hope they bring back this franchise.


Favorite fireside chats episode yet. Absolutely awesome conversation


Thank you so much. He was great, and I look forward to doing something with him again soon.

Ryan Cook

This was my first exposure to David Jaffe, the man, and what a real mother fucker. You should do a "Realest mother fuckers to in gaming" series.

Felipe Delfin

What a great conversation. I could have listened to you two for hours. These really open and real discussions are relaxing and refreshing to listen to. Way to be and keep up the great work.


I only just now listened to this. No joke, this was one of my favorite interviews of all time. Not just on Fireside chats, but in general. You were both completely honest, didn't hold back, talked about personal, hard hitting topics and made me understand where you both were coming from. This was truly fantastic. Before this interview, I didn't care about David Jaffe one way or the other, but now I'm a huge fan. What a great guy. Much respect to you both. Please do this again. Fantastic job.


I really liked David Jaffe's approach when it came to the people he was working with. It's always sad when studios close and people lose their jobs, but at least David treated his employees and colleagues like adults and didn't make any promises he knew he couldn't keep. Thanks again for all of the great content, and keep up the good work!

Peter Campbell

Really enjoyed this now I've had the time to listen to it. Seems an interesting guy. I meditate as well. Its a really good way to clear your head, but yeah, it takes work and patience. Its a good thing to have the ability to use during stressful times.


Great episode. I don't choose sides; I just look at the facts and then ask questions. The opinion over load is messing with everyone's head- they are mixing what an opinion is and what is fact. It's quite sad. #colinwasright #jaffecoolguy

Stephane Leduc

Wow! That was a great fucking episode. I absolutely love David Jaffe and you too Colin obviously :) Some parts of this discussion really got to me because anxious and hypochondriac are two words that really define me. It really made me laugh when you asked him "How do you calm your mind?" and he said with meditation and then you replied "Yeah, but hoow??" I've wondered that a lot too because my brain is always going at 100 miles an hour and even though I'd like to try meditation, I'm not sure I'd be really good at it!


Yeah, that's good on him, and there's a lot to respect about that, because that's a tougher road to take in the moment.


It's a valid question from my point of view! I have no idea how to stop my mind. It's tough.