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Xbox One Is Losing the Battle, But Could Microsoft Win the War? -- CLS Side Quest

PS4 is outselling Xbox One by a significant margin, but there’s a reason for all of us to take heart: Microsoft tends to show us its best when it's losing. Indeed, it's quietly (and sometimes not-so-quietly) making a series of possibly industry-changing moves that could have positive ramifications for all of us who game. Colin's Last Stand: Side Quest is free of baked-in ads, product placement, and other obnoxious forms of advertising because of your support. Please consider subscribing to CLS' Patreon to show your support for independent content: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Buy Colin's Last Stand merch, all made in the USA! http://www.declarationclothing.com Listen to the CLS podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: Fireside Chats (also available on podcast services): https://soundcloud.com/colinslaststand Subscribe to the original Colin’s Last Stand channel: http://www.youtube.com/colinslaststand Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406 Still imagery comes from a licensed Shutterstock account via the following photographers: amirraizat, Barone Firenze, chrisjohnsson, Deni Williams, Maxx-Studio, Pe3k and Valentina Razumova. Additional still imagery via Vintage Computing and Gaming. The following videos were incorporated into this episode of Side Quest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLiiQdfoLtw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHWIBEFvMI0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoCt2-qGWBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fy2W1HiB0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP4E3xNU9pU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB4fFl-Ysg8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fZBqV_yMq4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZitQUSwhEQ Bibliography/Reading List: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_game_consoles http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2018/01/09/ps4-sales-surpass-73-6-million-645-million-ps4-games-sold/ https://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-one-sales-reach-26-million-report/1100-6447023/ https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2017/02/28/introducing-xbox-game-pass/ https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2017/05/24/xbox-game-pass-available-june-1/ https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2018/01/23/xbox-game-pass-expands/ https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/xbox-game-pass https://www.ea.com/ea-access/games https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/playstationnow/ https://www.vg247.com/2018/01/25/austrian-retailer-drops-xbox-one-because-its-cheesed-off-over-xbox-game-pass/ https://www.pcworld.com/article/3200425/gaming/microsoft-at-e3-meet-the-xbox-one-xs-legion-of-games-that-are-coming-to-pc-too.html https://www.vg247.com/2016/07/05/all-xbox-one-games-coming-pc-windows-10-play-anywhere/


Joey Finelli

Still the biggest issue for Microsoft is there are not enough exclusives. PS4 first party support is the best i've played since PS1.

Christopher Hopkins

Loved rainbow six 3 on OG Xbox, met some of my oldest friends on the original XBL lost accumulative months of my life to that game!


Games Pass is going to put a lot of pressure on both Sony and Nintendo. I expect them to respond with their own offerings next generation, if not this one. And there'll be riots in the streets if back compat isn't a standard going forward. As always, great insight into Microsoft's achievements and a great video, Colin! ❤️

Cameron Paterson

The Xbox Games pass is a super good idea. I'm a PlayStation guy but I admire Microsoft's ways of expanding and evolving with things like Xbox Live and achievements. Great video Colin 👍👍👌👌.

Brock Thomas Walsh

Well done as always! I too am excited to see Microsoft on the ropes. As you've said many times before, competition is great for the industry. It only pushes things further

Andrew McGregor

Completely agree with your take on MS. I own all the consoles, but I just prefer the Xbox Live ecosystem over PS, so thats where I play most 3rd parties. Signed up for Gamespass this week in response to MS move, as I had planned on getting Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2 and crackdown 3 anyway, so it saves me cash. I think they are in a good place going forward, when the inevitable Xbox 4 arrives it will have a huge library of OG Xbox, 360 and xb1 games. While I use to laugh at the thought of playing old games, I have found myself replaying ME trilogy, Bioshock, Fable and State of Decay, and more recently KOTOR and Ninja Gaiden black. They just now need to get more interesting exclusives coming out to match Sonys excellent first party, although my most hyped game for the year is State of Decay 2. Keep up the good work.


Playstation is still home to the best exclusives, but Microsoft has done plenty of user-focused stuff since the Xbox One launched that really sits well with me. The backwards compatibility stuff is a big one for me, in part because I still have so many of my 360, and even OG Xbox discs. Who knows what the console future will look like, but if Microsoft can keep the user/consumer friendly thing going, and you can step through a door to the future without closing the door and leaving the past behind, then that'll be a big consideration for me. Also... Yes to Rainbow Six 3. I think Black Arrow was the one I played the most. More often than not, and I may be messing up some of the details, I'd do the terrorist hunt, and I don't think the game had a 'lone wolf' setting, but I'd make my own since the first thing I'd do is take out my own team. I'm demented.

Ty Dame

Great work my man!


Yeah, Microsoft's exclusive catalog is hurting (as I said in the video). But, 360 didn't exactly light the world on fire with exclusives, either.


I had a T1 connection in my dorm at college, and would host games off of my Xbox when I wasn't playing. LOL.


I agree; this is a market move that cannot be ignored. Sony is already somewhat in the space with PS Now, but Now kinda sucks, and no one wants to stream games. We shall see!


Thank you! I'm a PlayStation Guy too, as you know, but you can't ignore some of the really strong moves Microsoft has been making this generation.


Exactly! I truly believe two of Microsoft's moves this generation in particular -- backwards compatibility and Game Pass -- are going to be two centers of gravity for the next PlayStation offering.


It just makes sense, right? If I games on Xbox One (which I very rarely do), I'd be all over Game Pass.


I'm finding that, now that I don't feel the need to play everything that comes out or be up on each and every release, that I'm going backwards to find enjoyment far more than I'm looking forward. In the last week alone, I've played BioShock 2 and BioShock Infinite, which, if PlayStation 4 had backwards compatibility, would have been totally free for me!


Great video- it's so important for the competitors to keep pushing each other... every generation there will be winners and losers, but as long as the losers learn, adapt and come out ready the next time, I think consumers will end up winning.

Bart Labeda

Microsoft's smart "gamer first" moves certainly interest me. While my two boys are playing on a PS4 (and tablet), it is hard to ignore the options the Xbox offers over the PS. I'd have a hard time picking between the Pro and X to be honest. In addition, when ask most young gamers which system they play on, its either PC or Xbox. Sony isn't in the conversation. (I understand its just my experience) Its clearly the long play from Microsoft, but as you said, who knows if it will pan out, but it is interesting to see.

Tony Colton

Great episode... Let's hope "PlayStation 5" wins the election vote now. Would be great to see your views on how Sony need to position themselves for the next generation

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Great video, Colin! Xbox is my main console, while my ps4 is for the exclusives I want there. As such, it’s always very cool to hear your thoughts on Xbox and Microsoft. I totally agree with you points in the video, and Phil Spencer has said several times now, that they are working on the lack of first party games. I just wonder if that means 2019, or if that means for the next console generation....


I agree, and this is why I'm eager to see if Microsoft and (more likely) Sony try to respond at all to the success of Switch. I don't believe handheld gaming is dead.


That's super interesting, your anecdotal information about young gamers. With PS4 outselling Xbox One perhaps 3:1, you'd think it'd be brought up more. I think Xbox as a brand has just always been more popular with the younger crowd.


If they were smart, they'd move all of their unannounced next-gen stuff to whatever's next. Let Xbox One slowly die off with State of Decay 2 and Crackdown 3 and whatever. No shame in sunsetting a console after it reaches 40 million units. That's nearly what SNES sold, and more than GameCube, Xbox, N64, and Genesis!

Peter Campbell

Really enjoyed this video. Haven't put much thought into Xbox for a while, as a ps4 player. They seem to be up to interesting stuff. It's always good for the customers if all sides remain ambitious and have something to prove.


I agree with your points, however for me I doubt I will ever go back to Xbox simply because they do not have the franchises/exclusives that speak to me like Sony and Nintendo have.

Alec Shaner

I have 3 long time gaming buddies and last gen we only played on the 360. When the next gen was starting we all weighed the pros and cons and decided to go for the PS4. Funny thing is, even to this day we constantly bitch about PSN because we remember how much Xbox Live was better! I have not really explored the Xbox One online (even though my son has one), so I have no idea if it is still significantly better than Sony's online.


It is a very interesting place they have deliberately placed themselves in. They have the most of expensive and the cheapest consoles on the market. I don't know how I feel yet about the Game Pass.


Great video. I am going to get the game pass when sea of thieves comes out. If forza is added to this list, this would be a game changer.

Brian Fuller

It was good to see some positivity toward Xbox. I have found it strange that so many 360 fans in the media have hated so hard on XBone. I don’t really see a difference in the first party offering this generation and besides the initial poor launch stage show Microsoft has made almost flawless decisions past that point. Oddly, all I hear on podcasts and read online says Microsoft is getting trounced but I am 30 years old and have stayed in touch with my high school, college, and work friends and I don’t know anyone with a PlayStation 4. Maybe just a coincidence of the company I keep. With the Game Pass better than ever, backwards compatibility, more stable and robust online services, and the new rumors of a major acquisition underway (PUBG, EA, or Steam) I think Microsoft is playing to win again. Even if they don’t buy one of those big names it sounds like they are looking to bring in the big fish.


Glad you liked it! I feel like there's a lot of exciting stuff going on in that ecosystem, and we're gonna see it bleed into the wider industry during the next generation.


Well, I'm with you there. I straight-up gave away my Xbox One. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to cover the moving and shaking happening with the console!


Seems like a throw-everything-against-the-wall maneuver. We'll see how it all plays out.


As Brian said, it seems like, moving forward, all first party games will be on there. But you'll have to investigate further.


Anecdotally, it seems like, in certain circles, Xbox One is doing fine. In reality, it's doing better than fine. It's on pace to outsell SNES, and maybe even do better. It'll end up selling twice as much as the original Xbox, if not more. But PS4 is outselling it possibly 3:1, so there's definitely a discrepancy.


Originally, Games with Gold and Playstation Plus were just ways to keep you loyal, along with being ancillary to the growing need for online services, as far as I can tell. I'll lose my 200 game library if I change from PS4 to Xbox. I don't know if a sort of digital Gamefly or Netflix is the right place for AAA First Party games if the objective is to attract and retain subscribers. You don't want people subbing for 1 month for one game and then unsubbing. If your number of subscribers is constant then you already know how much money your game is going to make. This would incentivize lower budget games, but that isn't really a bad thing as long as you're making returns on your budget costs to the sub revenue. I do see this being a good place for the "games as a service" space. Kind of like what we're getting with Sea of Thieves. That is a perfect opener to get people subscribed. The real genius of this play though is that even people playing on PC, who game online free, will be given incentive to subscribe. So is it a good business move? Absolutely. Is it a possible blow to AAA First Party games? Possibly. What do you think?

Brian Fuller

Yes. Totally not denying PS4 sales numbers. I have no idea what Xbox One has sold as I thought they stopped publishing sales figures. It just feels odd that there seems to be so little love from those that cover games for Xbox when there is such a great consumer and gamer focus going on right now. That maybe changing with this latest news.

Joe Piervincenti

The backward compatibility list was already getting me excited to own an Xbox One... Just the concept of Game Pass alone is awesome, and this just sealed the deal!


Gears 1 and Halo 3 in 06 and 07 were both very big deals. The closest thing MS currently has to a system seller on par with either Gears or Halo is PUBG. MS needs to continue leaning hard into new experiences in the multiplayer and social spaces. They arent going to win on the single player front. From what I can tell, it doesnt seem like Sony really will either for this one reason: Quantity of game purchases have drastically fallen off a cliff for many now that every game is getting long term support(ie: fortnite, siege, pubg, overwatch, csgo, all MOBAs, and so on). Only so many hours in a day and getting people to fork over 60 bucks for a single player game that can be completed in 40-50 hrs isnt going to cut it today.

Chris B

Great video, as usual. Now, I must disagree with the white board this week. Steel Battalion is the best og Xbox game.


Thank you! Steel Battalion was hilarious. I wonder how many people still have that ridiculous controller.