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This week, Brandon Jones sits aside the fire for a conversation about... well... lots of things. How's Easy Allies doing? What's it like thinking back on the Game Trailers days? How difficult is it running a successful Patreon? And, of course, what was it like dealing with the entire ordeal surrounding this podcast happening in the first place?




YES! :D I'm so glad that Brandon ended up doing this and didn't let the whining of some people on Twitter stop him. I discovered EZA earlier this year (after moving from KF following the whole ordeal) and I've become a big fan. Stoked to listen to this later <3


Glad Jones didn't take the twitter hate to heart - happy to support you both - Also since anxiety came up again, wanted to say voices like these that let you know "you're not alone" are so important. I actually have recently sought out help for my long standing depression because of other people's courage to admit that they deal with this, and get help with this. So I appreciate that being a continuing message.


This show was so great. Would love to hear you and Ben Moore talk about JRPGs.


You should see if Elyse Willems could be on fire side chat. It would be great to hear you guys talk video games but she also seems like the most politically vocal on funhaus. You guys probably disagree on some things but it would be an enlightening discussion on both sides.

Peter Campbell

Elyse Willems does seem to be pretty smart. It would definately be an interesting listen. Anyone from Funhaus actually. They're all pretty clever if you get them on a subject on their Monday show.


L&R <3

BettyAnn Moriarty

I enjoyed this conversation. Nicely done. And, it proves that people can disagree with some things and still keep it respectful. 👍🏻💞


Great conversation as always.


I'm really pleased he decided to do it, too, and I think it was a really great episode. He's welcome back anytime.


I'm glad he realized what I quickly understood, that a vast, vast, vast majority of people wanted this to happen, and that maybe a dozen loud people were screaming about it. I'm also so pleased to hear that I've been there for you in a way far more important than merely chatting games or politics.


I'm not familiar with Ben, but I'd be more than happy to sit down and talk to anyone about whatever! =)


Great interview. Loved that Jones pushed pack regarding apology's. Kyle Bosman is probably the most popular at EZA and would be cool to hear interviewed - he basically became an on camera star 'by accident'. He took a joking shot at KF once but I'd give him the benefit of the doubt


People talk about the Bosman issue, but I don't even recall what they're referring to. I may have at one point, I dunno. But I've never met Kyle. That said, I'd love to have him on the show. I told Brandon to let his crew know that I'd be happy to collaborate with any of them, and have any of them on Fireside Chats. Whether or not that'll ever happen remains to be seen, but I think it's clear for everyone to see that the reaction to the podcast posting today has been pretty much universally positive.

Smokey Joh

I had no idea who this dude was but I was hugely interested in the business mechanics of both of your Patreons. I admire your ethic about not having baked in ads and how much work you guys must do all the time. And the key part was about the engagement. You aren't beholden to ridiculous numbers, you just know that if you keep your fans happy they will stay. That doesn't happen with big media and is a great and humbling reason to stay smaller.


I would love to see you on some EZA stuff.


Great conversation, glad Brandon came on!


There's true beauty to this new business climate we find ourselves in. I don't need a huge audience; I just need a dedicated audience. I think I've had one for a very long time. So it's pretty awesome to see Brandon benefit from a similar situation.

Anthony Wright

What location of the podcast benefits you most if we listen to it there?


It benefits me most for people to pay for early access here on Patreon; otherwise, it doesn't matter. Listen to it at the location and time that's most convenient for you!


Thoroughly enjoyed this, been a fan of Brandon and the other guys for a good part of a decade now, maybe a bit more actually and see them doing great with Easy Allies still makes me happy. They're the embodiment of what's still great about this industry, and their passion makes them thrive and their chemistry keeps them going, love and respect. <3

Anthony Wright

In terms of this particular episode... I guess I don't understand why appearing on your show is a bad thing... Whenever you have to talk about this during your interviews it kind of blows my mind. I really just end up confused when trying to wrap my head around it. It's too bad that some episodes need to be weighed down by this baggage.

Michael Ferrari

Loved this episode, Brandon seems like a cool dude. I can't believe you are still dealing with people who refuse to actually get the facts and find out what type of person you really are. That type of ignorance just shows that people deep down really just like to hate, there's no other explanation for it. I hope this "love to hate" culture dies sooner rather than later.


Brandon just oozes class man absolutely loved this episode. I'm a supporter of both EZA and CLS so I was ecstatic that Jones came on the podcast. Hope to see more collaborations in the future!

Chad Lewis

Excellent excellent show guys. You know it makes me wonder too. I notice that the people who seemed to be against this were also shocked to see that brandon is a fan and supporter of yours. I’m curious if the same people would asininely accuse someone like Jared Petty of being a bad person and influence just because he associates you? Is that even possible with Jared? Lol


Hey Colin, love the episode. Any chance you ever do a gaming podcast again? I know you have CLS sidequest which is great to have you back talking about gaming news, but I want something more long form about what you're currently playing etc. Hopefully that's something that can happen in the future! I know you have a lot on your plate for a one man crew.


I'm glad you had this conversation. the people on resetera are now equating you, Colin, with Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein. Sources are available if you want, but it's not really the point.


You're not the only one confused. Only the professional victims understand what they're talking about.


EZA certainly deserves your support, and I'm glad you're going to give it to them. Thank you for listening!


I've come to accept that I'll always be dealing with it. That said, look outside of the predictable echochambers, and you'll find far more reason.


Maybe one day, but I'd need a co-host I'd wanna work with, and something else would have to give, because I don't have any more bandwidth, at all.

Scott Rabideau

I’m glad you guys were able to chat after all, but I was hoping Jones would speak out to his community in your defense and clearly state that you’re not a racist/bigot/misogynist/transphone etc. I know you might not care, since you probably don’t want the perpetually offended among your fanbase anyway, but the defamation and libel has to stop at some point. I think having a peer speak in your defense would go a long way. It is frustrating me to no end to keep seeing the same tweets brought up out of context in order to label you as these ridiculous things, so I’m sure it’s absolutely maddening for you (as well as Erin and your family/friends).


I'm sorry but I just donate because either like you. When this stuff happens I get really confused how you get so much hate. If it's okay I just don't pay attention because it just doesn't make sense


Thanks for another great fireside chat, it’s sad that there is people out there who throw so many lies about you Colin, you are an amazing person and glad to have got to know you from all the great content you have done. I totally respect you and glad to see you are doing such great things. You are full of class, a loyal friend, a solid heart of gold and so keep on being you and glad to always support you!


I agree, and expressed that to him privately. It seemed to resonated with him; what he does with that is ultimately up to him from there.


As a supporter of both Easy Allies and Colin's Last Stand, this is awesome! Great job!


Thank you for doing this. What people do with their money is of no concern to me, but when they try to silence a voice using their pledged support it irks the hell out of me. I'd been a fan of you in since IGN days and been a really old twitter follower, glad to hear your voice again in video games and will look forward to more.

Brock Thomas Walsh

Great conversation. Was so nice hearing you and Brandon have an honest back and forth. Enjoyed the episodes with him when you were at KF and nice to hear you two again despite everything. Will definitely be checking out Easy Allie's this afternoon


Was a Patreon of Kinda Funny, still are in minor form, but from the start joined CLS, and at the same time, losing the high knowledge and insight of Colin from KF related to videogame discovered EasyAllies and fallen in love with much of their content.. last "Cup of Jones" was the first one I checked live exactly because with the high regard I had for Brandon and the love and respect I have for Colin I really was interested in see if this podcast will happen.. It happened, it was extremely interesting, some great conversations and a lot of professional respect and insight.. Overall a great way to answer all the "hate" of the vocal minority with a good product.. Keep on learning, gaming looking forward for your future SF guests..

Diego Macias

Great chat, I had been watching GT for years, since the mid 00's, I trusted their reviews and Brandon's narration certainly left an impression. I'm certainly thankful to him for coming on and not not being a hostage to opinions.


Love and respect sir. Great episode. Looking forward to some of the future chats

Cliff Boyd

I’m here from EZA! Huge fan of GT and an even bigger fan and patron of EZA now. I listened to Kinda Funny stuff some, but thought what went down when you left was ridiculous. So glad Jones was on your show. I hope to see collaboration between you and them continue! What you’re doing here is right up my alley, and we’re pretty close politically too! I’m going to do $5/month to CLS for a while and see how it goes! Looking forward to those audio feeds!


L&R! Just listened to the fireside chat with Brandon and decided to support you with a small amount. I always liked your (and Greg's) content and while I disagree on many things and how you present them I think it's always good to challenge oneself, getting out of one owns comfort zone because that's how you grow the most as a person. Cheers to you and again: love & respect!


Great job as always Colin! I've supported Easy Allies ever since they started and plan to keep supporting them, as there general positive attitude and general enjoyment of gaming is completely evident in their content. That is something I feel Kinda Funny has lost since the first year you mentioned, but my point is not to rant about them. I would love if you could get any of the other allies on the show as I like them all, and I would love if you would appear on their content as well. My gut reaction tells me they probably will shy away from it since you’re so negatively accepted right now, but I hope I’m wrong. They would be a company that I think has a strong enough community that could withstand whatever toxic turmoil would come from having you come on their show. I appreciate that you and Brandon approach situations differently, but still hold firm to your beliefs and can have an intelligent conversation even while disagreeing. Anyway keep up the good work and my dream would be too have my two favorite Patreon companies do more and more work together.

Jon Coulter

This interview started off so well but it really kept striking me the wrong way how Brandon kept playing the unwavering apologist. I think that sort of "please blame me, I will apologize for whatever it was" attitude is going to harm him in the long run. Someday there will be *some* thing that he will not want to take the blame for and is lack of apologizing for it will be that much more visible since he is so willing to take the blame for so much he hasn't done wrong. I'll keep backing Colin until the day that he DOES apologize for something he did NOT say or mean. Keep your morals strong, Colin! Also, Brandon, dude, college was a long time ago for you. Stop talking about it as if it was your one opportunity to learn something or set yourself on a life course.

Nathan Guergis

I think a lot of us defected from KF to Easy Allies. They have fantastic content.


He mentioned college in the context of being too busy doing GT management/video editing/content creation for his entire life since then to ever learn the lessons that he's learning now IMO

Jon Coulter

At one point when talking about all of the twitter apologies he said something like "I don't know, I guess I didn't take the right classes in college to learn how to handle it" or something like that. Those were the more disturbing college related lines.


I resent what Brandon's audience tried to do to him; yet, I also think he's letting himself be dictated to by a vocal minority, and that's ultimately on him.


I would love to have any of the other Allies on the show. In fact, I don't even know any of them in person, and only know a few of them even by name. Would be fun. But I think you're right. I think they'd decline. That said, I intend on reaching out early in 2018.


He and I definitely have principled differences, but I'm glad he was willing to talk about his perspective openly and without reservation.