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I hope this letter finds you very well.

When I founded Colin’s Last Stand in March of this year, it represented a massive left turn in my life, a turn that deviated entirely from the previous 14 years of my existence. From ages 18 to 32, I wrote about games professionally (and made videos, and podcasted, et cetera). But earlier this year, I had this itch to pursue an entirely different love that I was never able to see through, and so I took the opportunity before me. I founded CLS, revolved it around my adoration for politics and history, and have since made 53 episodes of the show (plus 9 episodes of a newer podcast). It’s been an awesome ride, and I intend on continuing my journey, because I’m having a blast. I know many of you are, too. I’m immensely proud of my little corner of the Internet. It isn’t going anywhere. Weekly historical and political content will continue.

But I’m also not deaf or blind. I’ve not been oblivious to the rather loud call for me to return to games coverage, for it’s how many of you got to know me to begin with. It’s where thousands upon thousands upon thousands of you created a relationship with me (and vice-versa). When I was offered my IGN freelance position at age 18, I was about to start college. When I graduated college at age 22, I was offered a job at IGN (one of my proudest accomplishments, as I never even applied). A few years later, I was Senior Editor of the site. A few years after that, I decided to leave in spite of the kind and generous offers I was being given to stay. I co-founded a YouTube company, did that for a couple of years, sold my shares, and now find myself here. That’s quite the labyrinthine path, and it's somewhere in there that you and I likely met.

Yet, I can’t completely escape echoes of that past. IGN will always mean a lot to me, and I'll always owe the leadership there everything (and will always consider myself a part of the site). Podcast Beyond and PS I Love You XOXO are two wildly popular products that I will always be immensely proud of. And Colin Was Right, which had a short life, was probably the best work I had ever produced in the games space. I feel like, when you cut through all of the bullshit, that’s a pretty decent track record.

With all of that said, though, I guess I never thought about how all of that resonated with people, and I think the purely political (and personal) attacks I found myself experiencing earlier this year made me feel like if games media didn’t miss me, then gamers probably wouldn’t, either. I believed that for a long time, actually. I was beaten into such a pulp by that space -- for pretty much nothing, mind you -- that I incorrectly extrapolated the data. I thought, “well, if many of my former colleagues suddenly hate me, and many of my peers in games media never liked me, then certainly they’ll be able to convince the audience that they should feel the same.”

But they failed. As time has passed -- as I’ve begun to heal and think and figure things out in my own head -- I came to realize that perhaps I walked away prematurely, and let the pain speak for me. It’s interesting, because I walked away completely on my own terms, and yet feel like there’s much left unsaid and undone. In some ways, it’s nothing more than a self-inflicted wound, but I was too wrapped up in the moment to really realize that. Either way, I think it might just be time to rectify the situation, for I feel this calling to return in some way to my old life.

Every day, I receive messages from folks telling me how much they miss me covering games. Every CLS video has at least a few comments about the same. People in the industry have told me privately and publicly that they’d wish I’d come back; I’ve had two meals with two prominent developers that told me just that in the last two weeks alone. Combined with the fact that I now finally have time to breathe, think, and reflect, and taken in conjunction with the thousands of messages I’ve received, I’ve started to come around to doing something with games again, some day, at some time. But questions remain. How? What? When?

Unbeknownst to many of you, I wrote a message to my Patreon community last week asking if I should return to games, even if it meant I had to shutter a CLS episode every week to make it happen. 1,276 paying Patrons voted in a poll on the subject; 91% said I should return. Hundreds gave detailed feedback on what that comeback should look like. I didn’t expect that resounding level of support, at all. It simply cannot be ignored. And so I will not ignore it. Truth be told, I was actually dashing down a particular comeback path for a short time very recently, but things didn’t quite square the way I had hoped, so I’m figuring out alternatives. That’s where you come in, and where your feedback becomes essential.

Here’s what I can tell you: Whatever I end up doing will be under the CLS umbrella. I won’t start a new Patreon, I won’t be trying to sell you shit in whatever I do, and the content will be regular. Will it be a video? A podcast? Something else? I don’t know yet. Will it launch this year? Maybe. I don’t know yet. All I know is that I’m ready to come back to do something, somehow, some way.

There are so many people in the industry still doing great work, and they should be celebrated. Jason Schreier, Patrick Klepek, Austin Walker, Keza MacDonald, Chris Kohler, Jeff Cannata, Brian Altano, Destin Legarie, Lucy O’Brien, Kristine Steimer, Ryan McCaffrey, Danny O’Dwyer, Andrea Rene, Jeremy Parish, Jim Sterling, Marty Sliva, Alexa Ray Corriea, and others (sorry if I missed you) are powering through and doing gamers proud, while the industry sorely misses voices ranging from Mitch Dyer, Brian Albert, and Scott Bromley to Anthony Gallegos, Jared Petty, and Mike Drucker.

Some of the people I’ve mentioned here don’t even like me, but that doesn’t matter. They do good work. I feel like I can contribute something within that realm that will resonate with someone, somewhere, somehow. I don’t expect -- or even want -- a large following. I don't expect that everyone will suddenly like me, or that everyone will suddenly care, or that everyone will suddenly be glad that I'm returning to the space. I just want to speak again about a hobby I’ve loved for 30 years, a hobby that I allowed to be ruined for me, but am ready to reclaim. Because, at the end of the day, long before any of this -- long before a single one of you knew who I was even back in my GameFAQs days as a high schooler -- I loved video games, and I had a passion for playing them.

So, think of this letter as acknowledgement. I have much to think about. Your feedback, whatever it might be, will be taken into account. And I will figure out a way forward that makes the most sense.

When I figure everything out, you will know. Until then, nothing changes here or with my content output, and let me be clear just in case there's any confusion: Political and historical videos and CLS: Fireside Chats will continue regardless of what games content I decide to undertake.

Thank you, as always, for your love, your support, your kindness, and your understanding. I hope you have an awesome weekend. -Colin


Cody Mahoney

You should definitely call it Colin's Last Life


Right thefuck on, Colin.




Man I’m so pumped right now!! Hell yeah Colin!! Give it hell man!


“Don’t call it a comeback - I’ve been here for years”

Ethan Voce

YES!!! So pumped for you my boy.


I’ve heard you talking about the name “Colin VS.” I think you should go with that for any games related stuff you decide to do!

Jon Barnett

We've missed you in games Colin. I've been trying to find a replacement for my favorite gaming Podcast that ended in March, and I just found it.

Braeden Burge

Be still my beating heart. Goddamn this letter was great to read. So glad you can also acknowledge the great work already being put out there, even by people who do not necessarily like you. Talking about things like that is what helps build bridges within this community, especially now, when it feels like they so desperately need to be built. I am incredibly excited for this comeback. Reminds me a lot of the scene of Bruce Wayne climbing out of the hole in Dark Knight Rises after having his back broken. Swing for the fences, Colin!


#colinwasright congrats man. You deserve to be back.. can't wait for the great content!

Ricardo Uribe

Great news for everyone. I knew that I couldn't be the only feeling this way!

Joey Rawlings

Colin, thank you for reconsidering reconnecting to games and game analysis - your insight has been sorely missed by myself and many, many others from all around the ‘net. Nothing else to say really, only that I look forward to seeing the foundations and eventual launch of a gaming-oriented bunch of content from you in the days to come.

Travis farmer

Glad to hear that you have figured things out and are ready to comeback in a way that makes you happy.


I don't think you realized (until maybe now) how sorely you were missed in the game space. I don't care what anyone else may say, you are such a unique voice in this industry and so many people realize that. I realized it after listening to your latest fireside chat with Steimer. That one episode alone was better than anything I've tried to replace PSILY with since your change to CLS. You have a fan base that will always stand by you and we can't wait to see what you come up with. Glad you can find happiness again in the gaming world.

Matthew Hudson

Can’t wait! I think you’re right that the Colin Was Right show you briefly did at Kinda Funny is some of your strongest work. It would be cool to see you return to that style of show for games on Colin’s Last Stand. Maybe something shorter instead of the hefty scripts that went for 20+ minutes. 3-5 minute little videos a week on something you want to speak about in the industry wouldn’t be too much of a takeaway from your political/historical content. In the end, I’m glad you’re doing what you feel called to do. The freedom you have to make whatever content you want must be liberating.

Mario Miranda

Great news! Sounds like you're very much in early development of whatever this gaming coverage will look like but I do hope you do end up working with some people regularly as hearing you talk about the industry with Steimer was great. And I really think that you could potentially create a corner of the internet, and more importantly, a corner of the games media industry (to whatever you want to call it) where people working in the industry can feel like they can be more honest or vocal about real opinions that may not be popular with the industry. Whatever this ends up looking like, you bet your ass I'll be checking it out.


I didn't see your previous post until this morning, and I'm not super active on Patreon, but you just made my fucking week, Colin. Thank you. I'm so excited to see what this new future holds for you.

Nick O

You do you obviously, but I think if you stick to only or primarily Playstation content, you'll do very well. As a certain other company you left and share a similar audience with has drunk far too much Nintendo kool-aid, and people would love a return of an option of a Playstation only show by a voice they've long associated with that. I'm sure you'll have success with whatever path you go down though. Godspeed.


Awesome to hear Colin! I have enjoyed your old content and your new content. Whatever you decide to do I am sure I will enjoy it as well!!

Dan Cadogan

That's my boy!!! It's gonna be great to have you back. Colin vs. May be a more fitting title here if the name sounds right by you. Please video over audio lol trying to teach an old dog new tricks with audio only is rough :P but super happy to have you back. THIS is "full Colin". Proud of you kid.

Scott Rabideau

I am extremely glad to hear this! Colin was Right was definitely your finest work and I would love to see it return in all its glory, majesty, and dare I say, might. However, I know it was an extremely time-consuming endeavor so squeezing it back into your current schedule might be asking too much. If that is the case, I think a weekly gaming-centric podcast would be plenty. Either way, I think having rotating guests would be essential (I absolutely loved your discussion with Jason Schreier in particular). Colin, welcome back to the fold. I know I've certainly missed hearing your opinion on various trends in the industry as our tastes have always aligned (and I'm always available to talk games with you ;).

Josh in Tampa

Wow. Great news Colin. Couldn’t be happier to hear. I have supported since day 1 and always have been confident in the bright present and brighter future of CLS. Have a good weekend buddy.

Joe Rowland

Awesome to hear. The recent chat with Steimer was excellent. Welcome back, sir.

Jason Kelley

Right on. Good to see you doing what will make you happy. Excited to see what you come up with.


Awesome, so glad to hear! Definitely miss your voice about this stuff. Look forward to hearing more from you soon! I hope relationships can heal with your old crew and can maybe do some form of small collaboration. Excited to hear your perspective again!

Craig Gunter

Awesome Colin! I am very curious to hear your thoughts on a resurgent Nintendo since I know you used to be a big fan of the company. I was the same way and boy have they brought me back this year. I’ve wondered if they were doing the same to you. Anyway, can’t wait for whatever you do.


So great to hear. Welcome back Sir! You have been truly missed.


Hey Colin, been a long time my friend. I just wanted to say that some of my favorite work that you did was your HIstory of Pieces on Naughty Dog etc.. Just a suggestion of course but maybe do a series of studio tours for upcoming games eventually and give some history on the studios.. If you are looking at getting into just talking Games themselves, then do what you are best at and in my opinion that is straight up writing which you have always been incredible at. Best of luck my friend.


Awesome to hear, I can't wait to see what you come out with now that you're unchained and can do your own thing. Your games coverage has captivated and inspired me for years, and I don't say that lightly. Over the last 7ish years I've followed you, you've made me want to write about games, read more, and learn more. Gaming has helped me through so much hardship in my life and you've been the main voice I've kept up with the whole time. I'm giddy to see you returning to the space.


After reading your brief but assuredly poignant Twitter post today and subsequent replies, I quickly realized how much I and your community missed your opinion on video games and industry trends. Couldn't be more enthused to hear of your decision and your own previous realization that we never wanted to leave - anecdotally it was your impassioned discussions that made me care for an industry, i.e. devs, publishers, and the like, beyond just video games as a final retail product. That being said happy to wait till 2018 for you to figure out platform/format/etc. that best suits you and CLS.


The first ever podcast I ever listened too was Podcast Beyond


Can’t wait to see you comeback in whatever format you choose!!!! Great to have you back!!!


I will be the Jamie to your Joe Rogan any day of the week!


Awesome, been a fan since before you hit the Playstation team and I'm excited to hear about your new adventures in gaming.


I've been waiting.

Cameron Paterson

Awesome can't wait to see how it goes 🖒🖒.


I hope you’re able to blend games with history. Like your IGN “history of” pieces. That would make for some awesome stuff. But, that might be overly ambitious for now.

Austin Tex Perez

The games industry really needs Colin Moriarty doing what he does best. Your voice is extremely important to a ton of people & I’m very excited that your making a comeback! I can’t wait to see what you come up with, but whatever it is, I’m behind you 100%! <3


Colin. You.are.the.man. I have followed you regardless of situation for countless years. I love your CLS content and it's the history fix I have wanted through all of college. But I've gotta say, even though I wasn't vocal about it, I had a wish to see you come back into the gaming space in one way or another. I cannot wait to see what you have in store! It can be the simplest thing, or extremely elaborate. Regardless, you've got my support and I'm looking forward to what the future has in store!


This is such great news, Colin! You’re the reason why I decided to major in journalism after listening to your deep dive into the games industry and everything you brought to it. I’d love to see a podcast similar to Colin Cowherd’s “The Herd”. Just you going through the big news in games and getting your opinion would make my week that much better. Thank you for everything you do!


I'd love to see some gaming centric Colin's last stand episodes like Colin was right. Also the odd kinda funny games daily appearance would be fun. But the one on one podcast with Kristine was brilliant stuff too

Brogan Wassell

Colin’s back!!! Yeaaaa!!! Although idk how you feel about it if you want to get back into games my suggestion would be to focus a lot on story driven indie titles maybe or even only historical games ( total war or company of heroes?) or games with those elements. Of course you could always just do play throughs. (Hint Hint cuphead?)

James Little

I knew you'd be back eventually. I'm glad you didn't let other ruin something you love. I truly do think Colin was right was the best work you've done in the gaming space.


Hey Colin, you’re a crazily busy and devoted guy. These are great things, but the last thing I wanna see happen is you burn yourself out. If I were to recommend anything for games content it would be one podcast with possibly one regular guest. I think you should make it somewhat easy on yourself by covering only what you want. Wanna talk about Castlevania for and hour? Great. Wanna talk about the state of Sony? Great. Wanna do your games of the year? Great. I think this type of relaxed approach would be phenomenal and somewhat easy for yourself. I believe I speak for most people here when I say that I don’t care how you talk about games, so long as you talk about them. You’ve been my favorite guy on the internet for a while and we’re all behind you. Thanks for listening. Thanks for the hard work and dedication to quality.


Praise God! PS. I'm an atheist!


I hope the biggest thing that comes from this are those interviews from studio figure heads. I hope they are long form conversations that not only allow us to know about their games but about the team and their history as well. I have always hope that you would do "History of (insert studio name here)" book similar to your IGN pieces, but alas I take your games coverage where I can take it.


Love you, man. The passion and knowledge in the way you talk about games is something that I just don't see anywhere else so there has been a void in that space. Beyond was never the same even with Altano and Kinda Funny is just a goofy hot mess without you. Thank you for listening to your fans. You mean a lot to us.


Thank you Colin! Video games or History, I will always hear what you have to say.


The gaming industry doesn't deserve Colin but needs him, you have changed mine and many others perspective about the gaming industry, things that other journalists don't mention. I'm pretty excited to learn more from you.

Jakejames Lugo

This is great news to see. A lot of people will be very happy to see you dive back into games once again. Looking forward to see what you come up with and bring to everyone. Good luck dude!


I always want to hear what you have to say about politics and history. However, now... Now I feel like we have the COMPLETE Colin! The whole shi-bang! My journey as a gamer has both you and Greg branded into my experience and I am so happy you're giving this another shot! Keep it up man!

Dennis Parker

I like the idea of you having a permanent co-host for the gaming show. Maybe that person could also help you out with the editing side of things so you have some help and don’t get burned out. I’m excited! Can’t wait!

Nicholas Swanson

The Return of the Moriarty. If the fireside chat with Steimer is any indication...I..can't...fucking...wait.

Brian the Witcher

Absolutely stoked for this. You do you Colin, whatever that looks like. 👍


The king has returned to his rightful place.


I would have loved your input on TLOU2 trailer and Detroit, where others were offended, would have been interesting to hear your few coins into that. Would love a podcast in the vein of beyond but maybe a rotating chair as guests, would love a mix of history and games, Wolfenstein video was great. Would love to hear your thoughts on how AC origins portrayed Cleopatra, was it accurate or in bad taste? But whatever you bring us will be awesome, so excited to see what that is.


Glad to have you back, Colin. Your voice in gaming is irreplaceable.


Weird to say to someone ive never met, but love you buddy. Whatever you do, you will have my support.


This is great news, man. Can't wait to see what you decide on and for your comeback to games to start.


So excited to hear this! Welcome back and best of luck. My vote is that whatever you do has a podcast option... I’m a car/gym listener


Colin's Last Quarter. A retrospective series on classic games and their influences on games we see today.


I love your honesty and self-awareness. You said on Twitter that you're life is defined by highs and lows. I'm sure there are many, myself included, who experience similar highs and lows and understand, at least to some extent, what you go through. I recognize that you take a lot of hits doing what you do and I know it may not be fair to ask it of you, but I maintain that your voice has more power than you realize. You are a pillar of strength in the community. As much as I enjoy your history content, my true passion is games and I feel like your existence in that space is often what motivates me to keep moving forward. I'm sure I'm not alone. To that end, this announcement has me more excited than you can imagine! I can't wait to see what you come up with next. And for those lows, remember that you're not alone.

Brian Fuller

All I know is Jared Petty would make the best partner for this new venture. I know you seem to be still friends with him via Twitter posts. Maybe Petty Colin Vs or Colin was Petty


But for real this is great to hear. Whatever it ends up being, I'm glad you'll be pouring your passion into it just as you have with the rest of CLS. It's sure to be rad.


One of the many silent listeners (for me, since Podcast Beyond EP. 120 or so) that owe their games industry knowledge and interest to your excellent and strong opinions. I haven't listened to a single gaming podcast since you left, and not out of protest; you're simply the best in the business and between CLS and a few sports podcasts, I was set. Hearing your considering coming back to anything resembling games coverage is an unexpected and welcome announcement. Your candor and raw detail of your journey is endearing and I am thrilled for your next step in this endeavor. Keep it up, man. We're all pumped to have you back in this realm you so thoroughly crushed when a part of it.

jeff rogers

This is amazing news! Whatever you end up doing Ill support you! My suggestion would be to keep your love of trophies. They dont seem to be getting much love on other shows... Keep on evolving man!


Much love! <3


Been so slammed with work haven’t been on social media much but glad I caught the poll to vote. Can’t offer feedback, just grateful the content is in the works. EDIT: Thought of some feedback by the end of this. I have to share a cool little moment I had years ago. Growing up, we couldn’t jump into the 16 bit era. I had to experience A Link to the Past around 2010. Halfway through, I discovered the person who had been guiding me upon my epic quest was none other than my favorite gaming contributor. Of course from then on, as I read the GameFAQs guide, it was in the voice which had helped me back into gaming as I transitioned from struggling to feed my family to having enough disposable income to be involved with the current generation (at the time). Your insight into the industry as a whole is what kept me downloading the latest Beyond. I would sometimes go 6 months without picking up my controller. But I never felt left behind because your content kept me involved. I was never much into reviews, and I imagine that would be a huge undertaking as a one-man army anyway. I mostly would appreciate the Colin perspective/op-ed/tea leaf reading on the topics you feel knowledgeable and passionate about. Some old school Nintendo, current PlayStation (particularly 1st/2nd party developers), and general hardware manufacturers moves in the industry. Much appreciated dude, you’re the best. I came for the games content. Stayed after hearing some love for history and politics (with a level head). And contributed when the industry you helped so much seemed forget who you are and turn its back on you. Can’t wait for the content but as they say, “I’ll live with a delayed release date if it means a better product” Cheers bro. *Holds out Old Fashion glass of Elijah Craig (neat)*

Noah Friscopp

Awesome! Best of both worlds, love the history/politics content of course but your voice in games is sorely missed. Can't wait to support whatever you decide on doing.


This is great news. We miss you in the gaming space and your voice in gaming resonates with so many people. It differs from the typical, redundant voices that overcrowd the industry. A divergent voice from the masses is exactly what every space needs and that has always been you. I love your current CLS content, however, 'Colin Was Right' was in the top echelon of what gaming content has ever had to offer. That style of content is what the industry needs. Please Colin, bring that style of content back to gaming.


This is awesome! I look forward to your super-critical nature on games and it’s industry.


Good news man theres a hole in the industry since you left. Keep up the good work, whatever it is.

BettyAnn Moriarty

I'm very excited about this - for many of us, you've been sorely missed in the gaming space. And I know I've said this before- but you're surrounded by (really) the most wonderful people! They love you, trust you and are true blue. For me, it's an amazing and quite emotional thing to witness. I'm so thrilled to get this news and I can't wait for your voice on gaming to be heard again. Yay! 👍🏻👏🏻❤️😘

Brad Bury

It seems like you've found a balance that makes you happy, and it is much deserved. As far as content, I cant believe i'm getting history/politics and video games from someone whose opinion I respect. Best of luck and keep up the good work!


They always come crawling back... to the things they love. Just kidding, this is the best news I've received in an e-mail in a while! I'm working overseas and spend a lot of time listening to podcasts and consuming gaming media and this news is effin awesome man!

Brett Medlock

You seriously don’t understand how much this means to me. Thank you so much man <3


You've been missed. As a conservative gamer, I've always looked to your place in the industry in the past for both inspiration and wisdom. I've worried that I'd feel as alone as you did, based on your/my own ideologies, if I was to find success in the industry. Thank you for following your own path and accepting our feedback. The fact your mother is saying this is so amazing. I'm very sad I wasn't able to make it to Kinda Funny Live 2 to meet the both of you. Can't wait to see what you do - A longtime fan

Matt Matlock

I’m in. Subscribing now to show my support!

Justin O'Reilly

I'm on board, whatever form it takes. I'll be looking forward to seeing/hearing what you come up with!


This is so awesome! Can't wait to see what you decide to do.


Can't wait for more of your content. I think personally, I'd prefer a games podcast. As many of them as you can make!


Awesome man! Hope to see a gaming related video series soon! ^_^ #colinwasright

Brian Fagan

I have always respected your work, cant wait to see whats next.


Colin will bring balance back to the Force.... I mean gaming. Seriously though these past few weeks hearing about micro transactions and such I found myself wondering "What does Colin think about this?" I'm glad that hopefully soon I can find out. Colin if you need/want any help setting up a Discord or need help with graphics or modding twitch feel free to reach out, I'd be happy to help you with this journey.




Love you, Colin!

Kenny Gutzler

As many people have always commented video game requests in your CLS posts, I'm here to ask for a CLS topic on the issues in Spain. Would love to hear it. Thanks, Colin!


Ive watched and truly liked your content. Now I will be subscribing to show my support. MY ONLY SUGGESTION: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU DO BEST. However you determine this is up to you. But everyone, including you, only benefits when Colin is 100% focused on what matters most to COLIN. Cant wait to see what you're up to.


Awesome to hear this, you've always been one if the best voices out there in gaming and I'd love to hear from you again on the subject. No offense but kinda funny kinda sucks ever since you left.

Bryan Finck

Great news Colin, thank you for keeping us updated. I'm going to be happy with whatever content you produce, but if going back to games makes you happy, then that's what you should do. I'm looking forward to hearing your voice in that arena again.

Josh Jones

Awesome, no reason you can't cover both subjects.


From one displaced Long Islander to another, welcome back. I missed your intelligent, tempered, gaming thoughts. Here's a warm-up question: I postulated that the Switch will not exceed 30 million units in lifetime sales, what are your thoughts/predictions on the Switch's long-term performance as a console in terms of units sold?

David McKinstry

It's a shame Neil druckmann doesn't have time for a weekly podcast haha

David McKinstry

Also glad to hear you will be doing it because you want to do it and not because we want you to do it.


Gosh I miss having your opinions on gaming news. Time to open my wallet for Mr. Moriarty again.


Best piece of news I've heard all week. I'd be interested a 'phillip defranco style' short news show once or maybe twice a week where you talk about and give your opinions on the news in the world of video games. Either that or a good ol' fashioned beyond/psilyxoxo style weekly podcast. Either way keep up the good work Colin!


This brings me great joy. Been following you for as long as I can remember man. And I’ve been giving you at least $1 every month for as long as you’ve asked/allowed me to. I’m fucking stoked and can’t wait to see what the future holds


Awesome! Can’t wait to hear what’s coming.


Hear hear!

Ross Arbour

and Daemon Hatfield -- Scoop!

Rey Leija

I'm so happy to see you coming back to games commentary, you were the only reason I watched your previous place of business. One you left I left right along with you. Can't wait to see our hear what's up ahead.


Colin, this probably won't help too much in your decision of the "How? What?," but I think what you need to do in regards to video games is what you've always done; be yourself and be honest. The reason your games' coverage always resonated with people is because we knew we could trust you. We don't always agree on every game, *Cough* Dark Souls, but when you spoke passionately about a game, I knew it was something I needed to check out. There are many games throughout the years I would have never even given a shot if it wasn't for your endorsement and praise. Spec Ops: The Line, Dragon's Crown, Danganronpa, and many more. I guess since you left that circle, it's what many of us have been missing. Someone in the industry who we can rely on to give it to us straight. So my only suggestion is to not change anything. Play what you love to play, and tell us what you think, the way you always have, and the reason you have such a loyal fan base.


I created a Patreon account when you had exclusive videos at KF locked to Patreon users. Ended my subscription to KF Games shortly after you left. Unfortunately haven't supported your Patreon until now but have followed how everything has been going via Twitter and sporadic episodes of CLS on YouTube. Really glad to hear you hear you want to make a comeback. Will become a Patreon from now on! When it comes to feedback on what "you should do": What I would like to see from you would be for you to cover exactly what it is you want to cover. With that I mean discuss the current events you find interesting or worth talking about. Also that you give your insight on games you are playing at the moment! They do not have to be current games (don't "stress-play" games/feel the need to have to play the latest games).

Joe McPartlin

I'm elated by the news, Colin. Hearing your podcast with Kristine Steimer reminded me of how damn good you are at talking about games and I would have been content with it being a once in awhile thing. I trust that whatever you end up doing on that front will be awesome. As a fellow son of Long Island, I'll always be a fan of yours no matter what the content you put out. Good luck and keep doing you.


Welcome back dude. I agree, Colin Was Right is up there with the best coverage you've ever done related to gaming. As much as I loved Beyond and PS I love you, I feel there is an oversaturation of podcasts and think that you could implement a newer and better format. What that format is however, I don't know. But I value your opinion more that any other and I'm sure you'll figure out what's best for you. Much luv from the silent majority


Fantastic news Colin....I've missed your opinion and industry commentary.... especially considering the route the industry is taking with games as service and loot box madness.... we need a vocal Colin Moriarty and can't wait for your return.


Yes. Yes. Yes. This is so good! The king is back.


I'll try not to get too mushy here. I love this news. However though, honestly if I'm being true to myself and how I feel, I just want to know if you'll ever make some content with Greg again. As many of the wonderful people on this thread have shared, your insight has been a part of my life for many years. Almost a decade. I love love loved beyond back in the day with you, Clements and Greg. Rose tinted goggles be damned those were the days. So earlier in the year when I found out that you were leaving Kinda Funny it really hit me hard. Man, I cried a little bit because I was sure of how ambiguously the circumstances went down, the chemistry between you and Greg was spoiled. And in hindsight I was being selfish, fuck I still am but after listening to you two for so long I can't help but feel sad even in light of good news such as this or after every fantastic and informative video you make. I figured holding onto this sentiment without ever trying to write it down somewhere you could possibly see it would be bad for me, so sorry and thank you. I'll always support you Colin. Stay dope.


THE PRIDE OF LONG ISLAND IS BACK!!!!! Colin, thank you! This news made my year. I have needed an opinion that I really valued in that space again. The void left in your absence is massive. I have been a fan of yours since your first episode on beyond and felt that you were my kindred voice in that space. I couldn't be happier to see your passion reignited. No matter what you bring us it will be a welcomed replacement for the sad sack of shit that the games media has been peddling in your absence. We love you man! Welcome home! #IStandWithColin!

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Again, this makes me so happy! Your voice have been sorely missed since you left KF. You think about games in a different way than a lot of the people that are still doing it, and I really miss how you cut through the bullshit and speak your mind. I loved the podcast you did with Jeff Cannata. I think you had great chemistry. If there's any way to get him as a co-host that would be really cool. Because you have some different views, and that makes everything so interesting. In KF now it's kinda stale since they all have almost the same opinions. But I know Jeff already does like 50 podcasts a week, so it may not be possible. But I would hope you can get a permanent co-host. I really miss the Colin and Greg duo. We need something like that back. I miss hearing Jared Petty talk more about games, so that's another option. Maybe Vince? Was so sad when he was let go from ign, he was easily one of the best people there.

Alex Ball



This made my fucking day! CLS ftw!!!

Smokey Joh

Colin, i saw your poll (as i am a paying patreon member) and i didnt vote. You know why? I value anything you do. Whether history or politics or gaming i have always found your perspective challenging and coherent and i love hearing about it. So whatever you do i fully support you as a person. Not about allegiances or differences, just the fact that you speak true, with no motives. I will continue to be a part of your patreon/yt and will for many years to come, whatever your content. Thank you.


So happy your planning to come back to games Colin. Your the only person I’ve followed in gaming constantly through podcast beyond to now. I love your insight and understanding of games and now with history and politics. When you left KF I was happy for you in following your passions for history and politics, however I couldn’t help feeling disheartened that gaming had lost one of its best voices alongside Jared Petty and Adam Sessler. I’m happy that your now at a place you can do what you love, with no compromise. Can’t wait to see your return to games alongside history and politics. Thankful for being yourself Colin, will always support you and happy to now be a patreon supporter once more :)


My smile just got bigger as I read on. This is fantastic news Colin. Thank you. Really missed your honest voice and opinion in the games industry. Can't wait to have you back.

Paul Moss

Colin... What amazing news to wake up too! I have been a huge fan of yours for many years. Those early episodes of "A conversation with Colin" started to build a small picture of what a great, interesting guy you are. We both have that leaving the spider corpses out as a warning to any other potential spider intruders in common!... fuck those 8 legged things. I had read some of your GameFAQ guides back in the day and when you began to talk on camera about games I knew we were all being treated to something special.. Your voice in videogames has been hugely missed over the past few months and for me it was difficult to find anything even close to as honest. The no nonsense, open and honest opinion you give... the well education ability to predict what may be about to happen (you warned Andrea Renie years ago that the mobiles pay to play/win system would bleed into mainstream videogames) and look at the state of it right now with all this microtransaction bull shit. Jim Sterlin does a great job but there is a reason that we have a # for Colin Was Right! I was sorry to see your 'friends' turn on you like they did over a joke on Twitter. You have done great since leaving KF and I still can't believe you have teamed up with Joe Rogan... TWICE!! It was horrible to lose you talking about games but great to see you doing something so successful on your own. CLS is an interesting and educational show that I learn loads from but I am so happy to have you back in the videogame world! This is great news for all of your old fans! Good luck, keep on learning. ;)

Christian Doolan

It’s great that you’re adding games now! I’ve found your commentaries methodical, reasonable and honest. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Good luck!


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vimZj8HW0Kg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vimZj8HW0Kg</a>

Brent Lindquist

I couldn’t be happier with this news! Your episode with Steimer was a fantastic reminder of how much the gaming industry misses your point of view. I’m overjoyed that this point of view is returning!


This is good news, indeed! Dude, you could read the phone book while taking a crap and I’m sure your core group will still be behind you. I’ve loved everything you’ve done with CLS and thought it was a refreshing and fun change for you. That said, you were the one reason I even followed y’all through your IGN-&gt;Kinda Funny transition, and since your break with them, I’ve stopped listening to KF. Point is, wherever your journey takes you, I know many of us will gladly buckle up for the ride. I’m here to stay buddy, can’t wait to see what comes next!


Wow. "A YouTube company"? You really hate Kinda Funny that much? Obviously you feel different but I saw them treat you with respect as you left but you're sitting here like a man-child with distain. Unfollowing. Good luck.

Nathanael Haller

So happy to see you come back! Honestly, I’d love podcast, whether it’d be audio-only or had a video format. I just wanna hear my boy, Colin M, dropping that gaming knowledge like no other!


Hey Colin. Didn’t vote, though I could have. But my answer would’ve been two-fold: what makes you happy and I miss irreverent Colin. I miss my boy Das Colin. I miss feeling it in my....anyway, you know what I mean. If game coverage will get you back to there, my answer would’ve been resoundingly yes. Having said that, I think you’d need a sidekick or co-host. You and Greg had a chemistry that’ll take time to recreate with another person, but for your dry humor, you do need someone that bounces off of you or that you bounce off of. That’s my opinion...I just think you should have it be a two-person show/podcast. And for what it’s worth, if you decide to go the podcast route, you may want to consider allowing someone else to edit it so as to not re-burn yourself out. I love your content, but for it to be lasting and for your voice to be lasting, I just want you to be healthy. I’ve been on your bandwagon since before Beyond 150 (I think it was 119) and I’ll continue to be on it for as long as there is one. I hope my suggestions help you with the focus to get where you want to go. Thanks!


As a Nintendo fan, I mostly ignored your gaming content because it usually dealt with other companies and other games. I became a fan of your political views and was very excited when you left kinda funny to do your own thing. I'm looking forward to you talking about games again, I just hope you can find good graces with Nintendo. I mean, Mario Odyssey is basically a better Sunshine.


Yes Colin! A podcast with or without video from you would be great.


Best news of the week...neigh of the year! Whatever you decide to do I'd really like an audio podcast version. I do most my listening while I commute to work. Just my two cents. Thanks Colin can't wait to see what this new endeavor brings.


Fuck yes


It’s your world Colin...I only pay $1. You covering games again is beyond exciting!


Colin, please do a weekly podcast/video, I miss your voice on games so much. Kinda Funny is kinda lame without you. You always steered us in the direction of exceptional games we wouldn't have otherwise played, for example Spec Ops and Resogun. With the recent news of Housemarque abandoning arcade, we need someone championing these great developers. Thank you.


Wow, make yourself out to be more of a victim. Or hero? Or deposed bastion of gaming truth? It’s hard to cut through the narcissism here.


Finally! Felt like you were the one voice in games coverage I could fully relate to. Good on ya!

Karlos Rey

I’m really elated to hear this news. When Colin walked away from gaming coverage I was real upset, because his was a voice that I trusted within the industry. Over the months that have passed, I tried to find another person who has the skill, ties and acumen to share their view on games and the industry as a whole, however I ultimately fell short. I know this journey has probably been incredibly difficult for him, however I am glad that he has come to the conclusion that there is a way forward for him within video games media. It is a truly a homecoming for him and a welcome home party for us! Can’t wait! Thanks to the CLS community for being a fantastic, supportive and enthusiastic team. Love you Col! You have my support bud! Peace ✌🏻 Karl

Jonathan Rice

Yes!!!! I am very happy to hear this. Listening to ur take on games I always trusted bc I knew I was getting it straight. U would take on anything, if PlayStation sucked at something, U would call them out (where the hell is the name change). I love ur games history knowledge, not a lot Of the media has the historical take on where we have come from (thank u Giant Bomb for being one of the only voice where the dudes know their games history). I could go on and on. All in all, do what makes u happy! U produce great content, I'm glad the history/politics will stay. I'm glad we get some rational thought on games coverage again, phew! Ur boy Colin is back!

Jacob Vega

Well hell yeah my guy.

Jeff Palmer

Great news! But I'm also glad you're continuing with existing CLS content. It's been very thought-provoking on a different level. Still, very excited for you to come back to the gaming space!

Nicole Webb

I'm so excited to hear your gaming opinions again...whatever format you go with. I very much enjoyed Colin Was Right but guessing the research and writing was time consuming. However, if you could manage it, something along those lines would be great. 💜


Yeah, I was really missing Housemarque having a vocal champion in the media. Glad Colin will be back!


I would love more than anything for you to bring back ‘Colin Was Right’ in some form. Also, please buy a Switch again so I can hear your Nintendo opinions!


I came to write a similar comment, but I feel that you have worded it in a much more eloquent way than I could have. 100% agree.


You forgot Daemon Hatfield, Game Scoop! is a great show.


Fuck yes, unbelievable new Colin! Honestly can’t wait for this! All the best with this and I can’t wait!!


Great to hear Colin, I always found your input on gaming interesting, whether I agreed with it or not. Im almost finished playing through Final Fantasy IX on PS4 as I never got to play that when it came out and really enjoying it so far (the Qu's Marsh theme is such a tune lol). Next up is Wolfenstein: the new order, after the great reception to the new one this week, I saw this on PS Store for £3.99 I thought it would be foolish to turn that down before trying the sequel out. Looking forward to the gaming content!


Oh, by the way did you get round to watching any of the Joe Rogan episodes with Randall Carlson yet? They're fuckin brilliant. If I may suggest one thing though. Watch them in order and smoke a spliff during.


Great news! No shout out for Daemon?! Lol well hope he's one of the forgotten. Love the IGN OG's!

Joey Finelli

We're sure whatever idea you come up with with be great.


Colin I think everyone here would love to see you man a dedicated PS podcast. Greg and KF are doing good work but the dedicated PS focus that PSILY and Beyond brought is missing in the world. Make any kind of PlayStation podcast and you have my money sir


Great to hear! I'd personally just like to hear your opinion on what is happening in the gaming space/whatever topics are prominent out there (think lootboxes, games as a service, etc). Mix that with a segment on what you've been playing and what you're looking forward to and I think you could call it a day. You would be able to have a topical show that you would only really have to produce once a week or every other week. Having an occasional guest would be good too.


Colin this is the best news I've heard in quite sometime. So pumped for whatever you decide to do!


Just doubled my pledge. Thanks man. I can’t wait for the games content.

Robby Deadman

I love this post. You had really good input on things like the Nintendo Switch and PS4's lack of exclusives (waaaay back, early in its cycle), and heard great things about the mega-pieces you did at IGN called "The History of [PS 1st Party Studio]." It's nice to know you're still interested in talking about video games, also while maintaining your current work on CLS. I'm excited to see what you'll do on video games under CLS. Beyond!

Tony Colton

When you left KF I started to support Danny O'Dwyer's No Clip. Sounds like you want to go similar route with no ads, promotion or selling shit. Great stuff!! Would love to see you return to doing a weekly PlayStation podcast. I'm BEYOND excited... Pun most definitely intended 😁

Tony Colton

P.s I'll pledge from start of December 🤗


While I think you made the right choice in leaving KF when you did, I am happy that you plan to return to covering games, again. I still enjoy the content KF makes, but even going back to the Beyond days, I always loved your different outlook on some of the news in the gaming world. You always had a lot of valid points and you never seemed to be blinded by flashy, sexy trends. That said, I didn't 100% agree with your opinions, but you always had a strong and concrete reason for the views you had and I always respected that about you. It was something I valued not only in games, but also in politics. And that goes full circle in what your vision seems to be - people with differing outlooks meeting in the middle for the greater good. Balance is key in all forms of expression, and I think your voice in gaming is sorely missed. I'm glad you're planning to return and I can't wait to hear what you have to say about what has been a HUGE year in the medium. Good luck, Colin!

That black guy

6 days before my birthday, that's when episode when will hit. I'm glad I was here from day 1