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My buddy Jeff Cannata -- well-known podcast host, actor, and gamer -- swung by Santa Monica today for a discussion that revolved almost entirely around politics. I come from a moderate right position. He comes from a moderate left position. The results are... well... a really great, totally reasonable chat about The Age of Trump.

(Oh, and we talked a bit about VR and parenthood, too.)



Christopher Lee

Colin I really love these fireside chats man, this one was great! For anyone who is on the fence I can ABSOLUTELY confirm everything they’re saying that’s positive about VR. I went all in and built a pc for the first time in my life just for VR and I have zero regrets. The oculus rift and the vive are mind blowing experiences. I’ve had friends, both gamers and non gamers try it and everyone loves it. My buddies that were the staunches critics come out WILD EYED and can’t believe what they just did. Everyone that’s tried it wants it, but most can’t afford it. Once this tech hits the right price point this tech is going to explode. My current intro for friends and family is SUPER HOT VR, followed by that INCREDIBLE Batman game. I cannot wait to get my hands on fallout 4 vr. Anyway great episode Colin love these and hope they keep on coming!

Mike Smith

Really great episode Colin. It was nice to see the two of you have a respectful conversation even though you don't always agree. I would love to see Blaire White appear on the podcast. Any chance of that happening?

Luke Johnson

This content was amazing. In all seriousness, this is my favorite discussion of politics this year. Been waiting for these 2 gentlemen to chat for a long time.

BettyAnn Moriarty

I just listened.Wonderful episode! Keep doing what you're doing. The 'fireside chats Are amazing. And, for the record-you are no mistake. That's for sure. ❤️😘

Scott Rabideau

This was a fantastic conversation. I'm glad you two were able to do this. I've seen you and Jeff go back and forth on Twitter and I wish more people were open to ideas that challenge the way they think. Jeff seems like a great guy and it's always awesome when you can talk to someone with the same level of knowledge and passion for the topic at hand. About that bit at the end, I have to comment on what Jeff was trying to say. I understand where this misperception issue comes from. The part about you potentially saying shocking things in order to elicit responses from people used to be true. I specifically remember you saying as such on an old episode of Colin & Greg Live. Your goal, of course, was to challenge people's views in order to get them to think or to see the other side of an issue, but the way the message was delivered and/or perceived (thanks to our wonderful Internet culture) certainly muddled your intent. Now, this did not happen often, but it was something that your detractors could latch onto in order to bring you down. And honestly, the "shocking" things you would say were never bad at all, but in our current climate, people will use anything they can to come at you in a negative way. And due to the misunderstanding of your intent, your reaction could be seen as condescending and/or pretentious, as if you were talking down to those who didn’t “get it,” thus leading to further hostility from said audience. Now, I've followed you for several years and I know that every position you take and every argument you make is always backed with research, rationale, and logic. You always consider the other side and you always allow room for discussion. I've even seen you change your stance on things after thinking about them for a while too. But not everyone cares enough to know the real you. The surface-level Colin they get on social media or from a random video or sound bite belies your true feelings and personality and you suffer for it and I think that fucking sucks. Whenever these misunderstandings begin to spiral out of control (as they did in March), I always try my damndest to get people to see through the bullshit and to understand where you were coming from, but again it is very difficult to do so when everyone just wants to grab onto the hyperbole. That won’t stop me from defending you if I need to though. Sorry for the diatribe. Keep on rockin.


I did enjoy this. You guys should get together from time to time and continue the conversation.


Hey Colin, would you consider putting these on a private YouTube video or a private Soundcloud link (if that's possible)? I only ask because, for some reason the Patreon audio player keeps resetting and going back to the start when I'm over halfway or so through the podcast. Really keen to finish it and if possible it'd be great to, before you release it to the public on Friday. All good if you aren't interested in doing this, just thought I'd ask! All the best.


So the only reason Asians have done so well is because they work so hard and there is systemic racism everywhere. I feel like he has to justify that a little more than just suggesting they aren’t actually proof that all hard working people can do well. He just wanted to dismiss that and I wanted to understand why.


Last comment because I did enjoy this. I like him right up until he started apologizing for his white privilege. Of course it was a joke but he then said something like having to do it because he would get some crap. This is why I have a hard time still identifying as a liberal. It’s such a toxic culture that you are needing to apologize for your skin color even if you have never done anything racist yourself. Identity politics is just so bad. Then he goes on to preach systemic racism by apparently all other white people besides him or something. I have Asians in my family by marriage. I don’t think they would accept any of this guys excuses that they work twice as hard and all that. They work hard and they succeed by every measure the left seems to go by (something he missed). It appears that he is doing the same thing I see a lot of liberals do. He takes the outcomes of each race and the only conclusion is systemic racism (except Asians, they work twice as hard). This is such a jump to assume only this. This was the only part I was wishing you were a little more forceful in making a counter argument. Oh well.

Lewis Creech

Really looking forward to this one! Both doing great work. Thanks Colin and Jeff!

Halph Pint

Great podcast...nice to see Colin challenged on certain things and agreeing with Jeff's points more times than I would have expected. Especially on areas pertaining to Trump. Also a breath of fresh air to see two people respectfully disagree on points without resorting to insults. Just shows how in person face to face debating is different and more productive than a bunch of keyboard warriors going at it from miles and miles away. What a paradox the internet can be.


Great podcast. The only thing I wish you fired back at him more was when he tried to make you seem like you thought that systematic racism still existed. I was kind of hoping that you would've asked for evidence or proof of this systematic racism that he thinks exists all across the board, which I don't agree with in 2017. Still a great discussion.

John Quinn

Hey Colin, really enjoyed this discussion. We need more like this in the world today. I was wondering if you’ll ever consider doing a fireside chat on the hurdles involved with running your own business. You mentioned some stuff at the beginning of this episode, and I saw you post some stuff on Twitter today about it. I have a tremendous amount of respect for those that run their own companies in this country, and I don’t at all doubt it’s as difficult as you say it is. I would be curious to learn more about the sorts of things you and other small business owners experience on a day to day basis.


Glad you enjoyed the episode! It was a lot of fun to chat with Jeff. And yes: VR is great. I love my PSVR, though it's been nearly a year since I've even plugged it in.


Thank you! I'd love to have Blaire White on the show, though I don't even know where she lives or if that would be possible. I will investigate!


Jeff's a great guy, and it was awesome to have him on. I thought the conversation was a lot of fun to partake in. Y'know, I do believe that I'm not treated nor perceived fairly by some, but it's important for me to remain grounded and realistic. Grounded in the sense that I have an incredible support system of friends, family, and thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people out there who listen to what I say and love what I do. Realistic in the sense that I cannot and will not please everyone, and when so many people choose to fire at someone, it's usually because they're resonating. Thank you for your support!


I'm not going to put them up on YouTube individually, but I am considering bundling them together somehow -- maybe 10 episodes at a time -- and throwing them on YouTube. We shall see!


I understand both points, though I for one think hard work can potentially solve anything, and I think the Asian culture shows a tendency towards that very necessary hard work. It's something to be celebrated, not derided.


When people sit across from each other and actually speak, bridges are built. Plus, I've known Jeff for years, and knew full-well he and I didn't disagree on all that much, at the end of the day.


Well, I do believe it exists in some respects. I just don't think it's this overarching blanket over every minority community, because clearly, that's not the case.


Yes, I'd love to do that, and I think you'll find a little bit of that chatter in the next episode on Tuesday. That said, I want to dedicate more time to it, because it really is a fucking nightmare at times.


My thoughts exactly. I guess I just didn't interpret it that way from him, which I may be incorrect about that.


I loved this. I hope we can hear more one-on-one political chats with (respectful) people who know at least as much as you about politics and history but take opposing views. I used to love hearing your political talks on Kinda Funny and Washington's Beard, but it was always clear that your co-hosts just didn't have the same depth of knowledge of these topics that you did, so the conversations always felt one-sided. (I think you agree with me.) On the flip side, someone like Dave Rubin might be knowledgable, but he isn't going to disagree with you on much, so those conversations amount to comfort food. This was different, so kudos.

Joey Rawlings

Hi Colin, I think this is the hybrid politics/history/sprinkle of gaming that I’ve been waiting for. Obviously, the conversations regarding politics was the lions share of the podcast, which was very interesting; my ears perked up when you had touched on playing Bloodborne, a brief update on thoughts in VR, and a cross-bearing return to video games one day. I know this may sound repetitive, but I can absolutely see enjoying more episodes like this that the gaming audiences and CLS audiences (if there is any separation) can get that nice mix. Also, In regards to the “spinny thing” you had mentioned - I think the word you are looking for is a centrifuge. :)

Joey Rawlings

As the son of a business owner, I can sum it up in a general sense... either you own the business, or the business owns you. Background: my dad runs (and has run) a tow truck and car repair shop in Maryland for the past 20 odd years. It was the “nuclear family” model to a T; white picket fence, a dog, and the dad = breadwinner and the mom who raised the kids. Xmas and birthdays were always overloaded and I remember having a great childhood... sort of. Dad would be at the dinner table, prior to cell phones, and I remember making jokes on if the phone would ring for a tow while we were eating dinner. Vacations were great... when dad came with. With someone that built a company from nothing, he always has run the business without a second hand, so he was always responsible for being the person that would give the employee a break or cover during vacations. There are tons of vacation photos with my family that are Dad-less; it was always understood that Dad “was working to pay for this vacation”. Most evenings after work, he’d be so damn tired that he’d just enjoy some time in his chair, eat dinner and go to bed. Finally, I will say it was really unpleasant when he was unable to leave work “at work” - I can remember Dad coming home, furious about an employee doing something wrong and him having to step in and repeatedly hammering home the concept of “if you want it done right, do it yourself.” Running a business is awful, especially in the modern era. You have to absolutely love what you’re doing or else it will fail before it gets started. You don’t go into business initially to make tons of money - you do it for different reasons (be your own boss, a personal challenge, making a tweet that’s blown out of proportion). As someone that is now 32 (Dad is still self-employed at working hard at 67), and has a good job at a school system with good benefits, I’d be absolutely terrified to consider trying to do something in my own with a mortgage, wife and two kids on the line. I tried starting a business selling insurance and asked Dad for advice, and even him, the man I saw grind for decades, told me to get a good government job. If that didn’t send shockwaves through my professional psyche, nothing would. Sorry for the rant, but I figured that might be helpful.


Thank you! I'm working on getting more politically-charged guests onto the show, and I think it'll provide a nice balance to the more "normal" episodes I intend on doing (like the one that went up today about craft cocktails).


Thank you for the kind words! This episode in particular showed me what people are really looking for, and it's very cool to be able to sprinkle this into what I'm already trying to do with the podcast.

Alex Gates

Man, please have Jeff back on soon. I loved this episode! It's so nice to see 2 people of somewhat differing opinions have an honest and respectful discussion. Great stuff, Man.


Really liked this episode. Love educated and level headed chats with people with a variety of views. Jeff was a solid guest,​ and brought a nice mix of topics. I know it varies from the traditional podcast format anticipated but it'd be dope if we could get more of these.

Stephen J Seidler

What a great segment, gentlemen. THIS is the kind of political discourse that should be far more common than the over-charged echo chamber that currently passes for political debate on both sides. Jeff hits it spot on when he says that a big reason for the rise of Trump, or any similar level of dysfunction, is our "reality show", "sound bite" driven society. Even now, Trump "governs" the nation as if we all really WERE his adoring TV show audience and he gets to keep stringing us along with "you'll find out" cliffhangers every week; as if this were a ratings sweeps game, rather than running a country where peoples LIVES hang on his actions or lack thereof. A lot of what we're all going through right now is on US. Far too many people simply tuned out of the elections as they would a TV show they were bored with. Voting is our right, but also our patriotic DUTY. Too many people fought and died in history to obtain or be able to keep that right, and we owe them at least that much involvement in our own destiny. Thanks for this space Colin. Whether I agree with you or you guests or not, it has become an oasis for me as a person who always has been, and wants to remain, invested in my country and in its future.

Zach Brown

This was just fantastic. What a great, reasonable conversation. I wonder if you're controversial because you're actually willing to have a calm conversation with someone, are able to disagree, and no one tears each other's face off. Getting along is so out of vogue, you know?

Brogan Wassell

I liked the conversation but just wish i could respond to some of his claims like the right being morally bankrupt. I just don’t agree. As for at the end though his whole conversation about Asian Americans I strongly disagree with him and it’s both personal (part Chinese) and also part ideological and evidence that he’s wrong. It’s just annoying when people constantly bring up race and “intersectionality” because I just feel a lot of it is based on BS.

Greg Horsman

So far this is my least favourite episode. I was excited at the start to hear a great conversation between two men who have a passion for politics. Instead Jeff was so narrow minded. He couldn't comprehend anything from the right. Believe me, I think trump is the biggest idiot out there but I can still have an intelligent conversation about him without calling names of the right. To say the right have no plans or ideas at all is down right stupid.