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I don't care if you kneel. I just want to know what your endgame is.


NFL Protests, Disrespecting the Flag, and the Brewing Culture War -- Colin’s Last Stand (Episode 47)

Protests and counter-protests surrounding racism, bigotry, and the US flag have overtaken the NFL, America’s most beloved sports league (not to mention anything in its proximity). While interesting to watch unfold, the outcome of the protest is already determined. Without a unified message -- yet emboldened by the right to free expression all Americans enjoy -- the protest promises to go on, but to what end? Colin's Last Stand is free of baked-in ads, product placement, and other obnoxious forms of advertising because of your support. Please consider subscribing to CLS' Patreon to show your support for independent historical and political content: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Buy Colin's Last Stand merch, all made in the USA! http://www.declarationclothing.com Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Reddit: /r/ColinsLastStand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406 This episode’s still imagery comes via a licensed Shutterstock account from the following contributors: Debby Wong, DFree, Evan El-Amin, Jan Willem van Hofwegen, Joy Fera, Lev Radin, kstudija, Lukas Gojda, Marian Weyo, Mike Orlov, Nathanael Ginting, phloxii, pics721, PR Image Factory, s_bukley, shawncarrie, sirtravelalot, Theresa Martinez, Who is Danny, and zoff. An additional image came from Pinterest. Reading List/Bibliography: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/broncos-john-elway-on-nfl-protests-take-the-politics-out-of-football/ https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/18/business/media/emmy-winners-took-a-topical-and-political-route-to-the-prize.html https://www.polygon.com/2017/5/25/15692206/alamo-drafthouse-wonder-woman https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/nation-now/2017/09/07/kid-rock-concert-politics-colin-kaepernick/640858001/ https://kotaku.com/how-anita-sarkeesian-wants-video-games-to-change-1688231729 http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/the-politicization-of-everything-214714 https://thinkprogress.org/national-anthem-sports-protest-tracker-kaepernick-284ff1d1ab3e/ http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000850605/article/players-discuss-why-they-took-action-during-anthem http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000691077/article/colin-kaepernick-explains-why-he-sat-during-national-anthem http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1431133-bob-costas-makes-controversial-gun-control-remarks-on-sunday-night-football https://www.aclu.org/other/background-flag-desecration-amendment http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/25/politics/nfl-protests-weekend/index.html http://www.businessinsider.com/nfl-attendance-down-2017-9 https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikeozanian/2017/09/23/nfl-broadcasting-stocks-slump-as-protests-rise-and-tv-ratings-slump/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/08/21/police-militarization-ferguson-crime-violence-justice-bureau-column/14307505/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/08/21/police-militarization-ferguson-crime-violence-justice-bureau-column/14307505/ http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/12/hate_in_america_a_list_of_racism_bigotry_and_abuse_since_the_election.html http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-campbell-political-polarization-20160627-snap-story.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/70-of-nfl-players-are-black-men-colin-kaepernick_us_57c7b12be4b07addc4114047 https://insidefootball.com/nfl-proposed-minimum-salary-table/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2017/09/24/pittsburgh-steelers-national-anthem-mike-tomlin/697847001/ https://www.si.com/nfl/2017/09/25/ben-roethlisberger-pittsburgh-steelers-national-anthem-protest http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2017/09/25/steelers-alejandro-villanueva-on-standing-for-anthem-made-my-teammates-looks-bad.html http://money.cnn.com/2017/09/25/news/companies/alejandro-villanueva-jersey-sales-steelers/index.html


Joey Finelli

Things will change in 3 1/2 years when Trump is out of office and we can try to figure things out and our president isn't trying to split us apart. I've been able to vote since 2000 and I can't remember a time when we have been soo divided. I cant stand the US/THEM mentality we have now in this country... Something has to change.

Cam McCabe

"...I am not everyone." Four incredibly true words spoken that are all-too-often forgotten in today's discourse. The core of either "side" of this issue isn't inherently wrong, but many seem guilty of refusing to even hear a perspective that differs from their own. As always I appreciate your ability to see and acknowledge differing perspectives, and to make sense of it through your own lens. Cheers


What’s dumb is people say it’s disrespectful to the flag yet wear flag tshirts, flag bathing suits, flag shorts. They decorate cookies, cakes, and use little mini flag toothpicks. They carry giant flags that cover entire football stadiums instead of letting the flag fly freely as it’s supposed to. Yet no one has a problem with this. They say it’s disrespectful to veterans but look at how well everyone takes care of veterans. Everyone that wants to take a stand on this has some anecdote but they let these other things go. Why? I still don’t understand.

James Schubert

Okay british perspective here so take this with a pinch of salt and understand no disrespect is meant. I'm totally for anyone protesting at any opportunity, especially when given this sort of platform for attention. But lost amongst the crowd I have no idea why each of the team I follow (cowboys) bent the knee. I just wasn't interested enough to find out. For all I know they all chose one reason to kneel for together. But I don't care. At the same time I have little interest in what an oscar winner has to say if its not related to their craft. So let them protest, and if the owners of them teams don't want that, well that's fine too. They're on your payroll and if they do as required then punish them. Still doing it? Sack them. These are privately owned companies. This now leads me to the national anthem and flag thing. I don't get it. Every game? Every sporting event? It amazes me that this still goes on. Sports are for entertainment purposes. We aren't following because we simply have to know who the best in the world is. The flag doesn't mean anything either, it's not a symbol to be worshipped. People constantly call my flag the union jack and now I'm out of the armed forces I've stopped correcting them. I just don't have the time for it. This will all blow over by next season as we consider the sides of the next sporting outrage. This, like many other bullshit excuses for newsworthy stories, will simply disappear the second people stop talking about it. If this protest was ever going to be on message, it would have had to remain one man and only one man defying the rules and clearly displaying his message. Problem is, the message was never as big as the story.

James Schubert

Also, "how bout them cowboys" sounds decidedly camp in a british accent. Just FYI!

Peter Campbell

Good video but as a UK viewer, I have to wonder what the fuss is about.

Lucas Gremista

Here it is, I'll predict the future: NFL owners will be laughing their asses off for the huge increase in ratings due to the millions of people tuning in just to see which players will kneel and which ones won't. Just to resume their lives and focus on something else right after the game kicks off. If Trump shuts the fuck up, players will stop that little by little and people will soon forget what all the fuss was about. Just until the next unnarmed black person is shot dead by a white officer, then we'll do it all over again. The whole thing is a mess, and people who should give an example instead pick a side and brings their whole "base" along.

Bryan Finck

As always Colin, thank you for bringing clarity and perspective to the argument, and a sane approach to the actual problem. Per usual Trump is creating more of his own messes, and I doubt that will actually stop, but you are right about the message being lost. Keep up the great work, can't wait to get some of the merch!

Daniel Boyer

Great video Colin. Keep up the good work.

Josh Squires

When everyone, no matter how qualified, has a voice, its all too easy to go from standing for something (and I think Kaepernick's stance was a worthy one) to simply choosing a side. The question I keep coming back to is whether there's a solution to this kind of polarization or if this is just a generational reality.

Josh Squires

I'm not sure I can be as optimistic as you. I see Trump being just as much a result as an instigator of this still-widening division that began well before his presidential campaign.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Thank you, Colin, for beautifully articulating what many of us feel. I love your work- not because you're my son, but because it's so well done. 😉❤️

Alex Garris

Great break-down of the issues. Keep up the good work.


It's all nonsense, I agree with you. The flag is a symbol. To me, it's a symbol worthy of reverence. But it really doesn't mean anything to me at all if someone else disrespects it. It's like when someone sends me spoof DTOM flags on Twitter, as if that hurts my feelings. Why would I care?


I'm not so sure. People are tuning out because of this. Ticket sales down nearly 20% YoY; television ratings in the toilet. The Rams and Chargers can't even fill half of their buildings. I think the NFL is in for a rude awakening, which makes me sad, as a fan of the sport and the league.


I fear it's becoming reality. To break the spell, good people need to stand up and do something about it. I'm really trying; I hope many of you are, too.

Alex Ball

I agree with you on most things C.M. but there is one point in the video I didn't agree with. As a Veteran, I am one of the few who does not care if players kneel. They are peacefully protesting. But I wholeheartedly disagree that it is the same as flag burning. To me flag burning is not a peaceful protest, but a sign of aggression and I will do everything in my power to stop anyone who tries to do it. Burning the flag to me is like burning the Declaration of Independence. It is a act of hatred and to me a form of civil disobedience. I understand it's legal, but if it was mandatory that every politician's child had to serve, it wouldn't be. Other than that keep up the good work.

Don Wagner

Hi Collin, I know you have a lineup of videos due to voting, etc., but do you think that you could talk about the shooting that just happened? I live here in Vegas and for the first time in my life I know people who have been in a terrible act of terror. I know your dad was there during 9/11 and may have some insight that could be helpful.


Fair enough (and thank you for your service), but understand that that's a constitutionally protected right. I would never, ever dream of doing it. I wouldn't respect someone else doing it. But I'm not going to assault someone for doing it, or say they don't have the right.


You may have already seen it, but a video went up today about it. I hope you enjoy it.