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Episode 3 of Colin's Last Stand: Fireside Chats has arrived! It goes back to the monologue/spoken essay format, and it's a rather personal episode. I hope you enjoy it.

Two notes:

1.) The next few episodes are going to be the same format as Episode 2 (unless something goes catastrophically wrong). So expect longer episodes with a guest coming up over the next few weeks.

2.) I've decided to rework the 5,000+ subscriber goal. I like doing the show. It's fun, and it's therapeutic. Likewise, you guys and gals are liking it, too. So I'm gonna keep it going. However, I won't be releasing a show every week (though sometimes I will), unless we are at 5,000 subs or more. If and when we are, I'll churn out episodes every week, without fail. When we're not, I'm gonna aim for 2-3 a month. I feel like that's a good middle-ground.

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated. I hope you are all well!



That black guy

Can you make a post tag for fire sidess

Steven Camilo

Glad this will be a staple of CLS - seems like you enjoy making it as much as we enjoy listening. Side note: based on the subject title, I'll prepare for deep feel cuts.


That's a nice surprise that you'll be continuing this series as I enjoyed episodes 1 & 2 a lot


Stay strong Colin!


Been struggling with depression my whole life, but more recently as a result of a job I really don't care for, but provides amazing benefits. It's tough to not let work seep into your everyday life. But it is good to hear people openly talk about it. The less stigma we have on it the better.

Felipe Brazao Farinha Carvalhaes

Great news, Colin! I'm so pleased that you're enjoying doing these podcasts because it has really improved my commute!

Scott Rabideau

I think depression and anxiety affect a lot more people than we realize, so it definitely benefits everyone when it can be discussed openly. Thanks for the talk, Colin. Also, I agree that being a conscientious person not only makes you feel better, but can actively improve the lives of those around you. It's a practice that seems all too rare these days, whether you're in a public place, on the road, or interacting with coworkers. Tiny, but thoughtful actions go a long way.

Drew Packard

I'm very happy you're going to keep this podcast around, I've enjoyed them so much and I was afraid they would go away in a couple weeks haha. And great episode- it's very cool of you to speak about personal issues like this. I'm sure it's hard to talk about things like the topic of this podcast but these issues are important.


One good way I've battled my anxiety is finding certain hobbies that keep my mind distracted of all my negative thoughts but also focused on a goal. For example, archery has been the most recent one, since it takes a great deal of concentration. That along with the small things day to day, it has helped tremendously with my anxiety. Great episode, Colin.

Josh Squires

I'm not sure I've ever been clinically depressed, but can certainly relate to having an outlook tinged with despondency, and can confirm that your transparency concerning your struggles has been genuinely helpful in the past. On another note, I'm glad you've decided to keep going with the Fireside Chats, and that you're enjoying them. The episode with your dad was fascinating and I can't wait for the guests that you've confirmed as well as some of the prospective ones (Jared Petty especially!).

Peter Campbell

Great fireside chat. I've had anxiety and depression since 2013 (there were signs before that) and I've found being helpful helps with it, such as doing a lot of babysitting with my niece and nephew. The healthy impact of seeing them develop confidently definately helps me battle my own problems.

Chris Johan

Thank you for your openess Colin! This topic is always great to hear for me, who also is an anxious person. I have a question i hope you can give some insight to. I am a senior in high school, and i enjoy history, politics/government and analysis. I know that there are types of law that relate to these but I am not sure of other carrera that include those things. Thanks

Kevin Sullivan

I would recommend to anybody dealing with depression or symptoms of depression to supplement vitamin D. This is not a cure, but can alleviate symptoms, and is not pseudoscience. If you live above the 37th parallel then your body cannot get enough vitamin D without supplementation over the winter.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Bud, from the very first- you've positively impacted my life in innumerable ways. And one of the things that I love and appreciate and admire about you is your honesty and down to earth manner. Thank you for this heartfelt podcast. It means so much to me and so many others. And... keep going to that supermarket my boy. Putting positive energy out there always comes back to you 100 fold. I love you. ❤️😘


Well said!


Thank you for this Colin.

Smokey Joh

Spot on. Esp the part about online negativity.


Let me look into it. The last time I went back to do mass edits to old posts, people got about 5,000 Patreon notifications. I'd like to go back and add tags to lots of old posts, but I just need to check with my Patreon contact on the practicality first. Stand by.


The next episode is I think twice as long as the first three episodes combined. I'll be interested to see what you all think!


I agree. The way I look at it, when people are nice to me, it lifts my spirits, and when they're assholes to me, it ruins my day. So... do unto others, as it were.


I'm glad you're digging the new podcast. It's easier for me to talk about some of this stuff than you might think, but that's only because I've made it an active priority in my life since I gained an audience long ago.


Keeping busy is great advice. I'm so busy with work that I barely have the time to pursue other hobbies I love (chess, hockey, et cetera). I've got to try to free up more time!


I'm working on getting Jared Petty, but who knows when that'll happen? When I do snag him, I'd like to record a couple (or even a few) if I can. FWIW, I just recorded two with Ramon while he was here, for about three hours total of new content.


I'm not sure I have an answer to your question, other than that plenty of history and polysci majors end up going to law school...


There's something to this. San Francisco is a notoriously cloudy, overcast city, and I was vitamin D deficient for years there. I had to take pills a few times to right myself.

Nicole Webb

So many things come to mind but the one comment I have that sums it all up is Thank You. More than you know...thank you.

Brandon Reed

This reminds me a lot of David Foster Wallace's commencement address "This is Water" mainly the part about the supermarket and making it an almost enjoyable experience. Love your stuff, Colin. Thank you for sharing.