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Solving America's Illegal Immigration Problem!

This week's News Burst will be posted tomorrow instead of tonight, so as to let this rare Wednesday episode breathe. See you tomorrow!



James Galos

Do you think it is Trump's fault he had to suspend DACA when the can has been kicked down the road for years? I think this issue brings to light the bigger problem of executive orders. If congress had done the job they are sent to Washington to do it wouldn't be this easy to make sweeping changes. We don't elect a king to dictate rules for the country that change one king to the next. As I've talked to people about this issue of executive orders most have no idea how they work. The over use of executive orders and the lack of effectiveness could be a good topic for a video.


I wouldn't say it's Trump's fault that DACA has been kicked down the road; I would say it's his fault that he seems to continuously make half-cocked attempts to fix things without worrying about any of the fallout. You can't govern in a republic without allies.

James Galos

This is true and I think he is slowly getting better. It's not the private sector you can fix things solo with executive orders. Pulling dems in this week is a wise move because they are invested now and can't just point from the other side of the aisle. The olive branch of the short term "debt ceiling" has brought them to the table. Now the question is can congress get anything done? It's been years since they did a damn thing except play the blame game.