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Here it is! The first ever episode of Colin's Last Stand: Fireside Chats.

I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for making it a reality!



Lloyd Roger Spencer

This is so well written and read, it was an absolute pleasure to listen to. There’s something here that’s innocent, transparent and raw, existing all at the same time. It’s a realness that’s rarely shared for others to witness. Thanks for taking the time to articulate and share your experience.

Karlos Rey

Woot! The wait is over :)


Thanks Colin :-)


This is unreal!!

Steven Camilo

You're a beautiful man!


FINALLY - The Moriarity has come back to video game podcasts! (I know it's a one off, but quoting The Rock felt fitting here)


This is awesome, great work!


Really like the podcast. I'm excited to see more to come!


Awesome stuff!

Christopher Lee

This was excellent I hope everyone else loves it as much as I did!


So, should we all create 10 Patreon accounts just to make sure we can keep this going above the 5k level? I know many of us just like hearing Colin's ramblings about anything and everything. The reality is that the political space is so toxic right now, podcasts like this are a true palate cleanser for the audience. I really enjoy all the content and hope this specifically can continue even if occasionally a CLS episode might have to be held a day or two due to Colin's crazy schedule.


It's awesome! Can't wait for the 9/11 episode, is it gonna be audio only?

Nick O

That was awesome! I look forward to the upcoming episodes you have planned.


I like it, good work. Agree with your analysis.


I'm so excited! Can't wait to hear some video game related Colin again.


Awesome man! Can't wait to listen, is there any chance of a direct URL that we can use for podcast services? Possible future enhancement as these continue?

Michael Renner

Love the essay style. You're a phenomenal writer.


Glad to have the gaming side of you back! Great stuff.


Thanks Colin :) Glad to hear you and games stay in a beautiful dance through the years! What I miss the most about your coverage of games was your critical/detailed eye....I REALLY miss that...its not in many places on the web sadly. Much Love!


The two-part episode of CLS on 9/11 will be audio and video (I've actually rented a studio space for it). It should be an hour or so cumulatively. The podcast with my dad, on the other hand, will be audio only.


It'll go live on podcast services beginning this Friday. Enhancements? Sure. As I said, everyone should keep the feedback coming.

Chris B

Loving it so far. A good way to start help a hectic day. Would be awesome if you could get a follow up discussion/interview with Jim Sterling

That black guy

Wish I could be at home in my favorite seat for this


Thanks for listening. Jim basically abandoned me and acts like I don't exist, so don't count on it.

Alex Ball

Happy to see that you found your passion again. I know it must have been hard to have something you loved be so closely related to a situation that probably hurt you a lot. But in the end you faced it and found yourself in a happy place again. I'm happy for you because I know how much video games have helped me in my life. Love the new podcast.

Christopher Hopkins

I so identify with this falling in and out and back in love with gaming. I grew up with everything from the Atari 2600 to the Super Nintendo and Genesis thanks to my dad and friends. I went to work in gaming (nothing sexy, I worked in the corporate/distribution/sales side of the industry) I did this for over 10 years and I grew to hate it and much of the gaming business by proxy. By 2013 when the PS4 and Xbox one launched I barely played any games at all and my gaming declined further ever passing quarter. By 2016 my Xbox was predominately a Netflix machine and my PS4 hadn't even been turned on in months. Then I lost my job, during my month of time between jobs I saw in my now massive amount free time my love for gaming slowly but surely return. I don't have as much time in my life as I once did but my passion for gaming is definitely at a peak since 2013 when I couldn't even respectfully claim to be a gamer any longer...

Nicholas Amato

Coming from someone who has listened to you since the early Beyond days. It has become clear to me I was following you. You and Greg left Beyond, I stopped listening to Beyond, you left Kinda Funny and I no longer listen to that either. Hearing you talk about gaming again and the joy it gives you has given me an itch to play, I too haven't really played anything the last 6-8 months. Great content Colin, I look forward to everything you do.


I became a patron just now. I really like your work! Greetings from Brazil.


Thoroughly enjoyed it! Can't wait to see what else you have in store for Colin's Last Stand. Keep up the great work!


I really enjoyed this insight you gave us on how you and your relationship with video games have been these last 6 or so months. It's crazy to think about the fact that you've been doing CLS for this long now. Not to make you feel old, but it seems like only yesterday I was in high school and college watching you and Greg doing reviews for IGN. Keep up the great work man! ^_^

Scott Rabideau

Colin, it's heartening to hear that you found your way back to gaming after such a tumultuous period. As a longtime fan with very similar gaming tastes, I'd love to hear occasional updates about what you're playing and what thoughts you might have. Also, I have a game in mind that I guarantee you would like, but didn't give a real chance to back in 2016, but we can talk about that later. As for this podcast, I think this format is great. You have a knack for presenting ideas very clearly and providing interesting support in a concise manner. I look forward to the interview format as well as other future episodes in this format.


Thanks. Yeah, the situation hurt a great deal. It still kinda does, actually. Maybe I'll talk about it, how it all went down from my perspective and how that weighed on me, in a future episode.


It's all about accepting those ebbs and flows, I feel. I'm glad you were only a month between jobs!


That's very kind of you. Thank you. Go play! I've been playing Final Fantasy VII. Feels good. Game's not nearly as good as I remember, though. =)


Dude, tell me about it. The time is flying by, largely because I'm always so fucking busy. But alas, it's been a fun ride. I hope to keep it going.


Thank you! I'm really looking forward to mixing up formats and trying some new things. We'll see how it all shakes out. Either way, I'm glad to be back to gaming, too.

Peter Campbell

Good episode. I'm glad you found your love of gaming again. As a film guy, I find that keeps me going through tough times, even if I have periods where the interest is limited by over-exposure and the need to broaden my horizons.


Great story Colin, totally fell your words, I found that the best gaming moments I recently have are the ones i get to share with my 4 year old son, who could imagine I would find splatoon fun?? until i saw him celebrating he was on the winning team, it reminded me of the time there were no "gaming personalities", that maybe not on purpose do pollute perspective.


I think this podcast is a great idea. The normal cls videos are great for scratching the intellectual itch but I'm excited for a more casual off the cuff style of entertainment from you. Something including elements from both the gog show and ps I love you. Can't wait to hear more. By the way, I've been curious to hear if your opinion on the vr has changed at all and whether or not you've been playing anything in particular on it

Austin Killian

Playing together. That's what it's all about to me. Getting your buddies together and playing, snacking, making stupid jokes, and winning matches or beating bosses and feeling that sense of strength within your friendships. I love it. I love this. I love a podcast where you talk about you and what you're thinking but also including the audience as well. Great job man. Keep it up!


For the last few years I've felt like I was falling out of gaming but I was still playing just as much. It was confusing because there was something missing. It hasn't been until recently that I discovered I wasn't falling out of love with games but with games culture. I used to love checking my favorite sites everyday to see what was new but this new gaming culture just doesn't talk to me at all. Now I basically stick to playing games and don't worry about the rest.


You're such a talented writer, this was a treat to listen to. Keep on rockin' Colin!


I'm glad you found your passion for gaming again. I love this audio only format. I do wish it was a bit longer so that you could go off on tangents or reminisce a little longer. But still fantastic first episode. Keep it up.

Nathan R

Good shit.

Halph Pint

Great podcast...happy you're enjoying games again. While we will obviously never know, SO curious as to what really went down at Kinda Funny....sad as I (and Im sure many) left when you did. Not that I didnt enjoy their content and always agreed with yours, but the whole situation just left a bad taste in my mouth.


For the next one, a good idea would be to do a retrospective take on your now infamous PS Vita article #NeverForget haha... :)


Love this! Thanks, Colin.


Hey Colin, I very much enjoyed this episode. As a person who is passionate about games and adamant about breaking into the industry, I have always looked up to you as a role model. Not only do I hope to share your sentiment in holding the industry to a high standard, but also remain grounded in the reason why I am following this career path in the first place; My passion for games. It is because of that passion that I want to be able to contribute to and critique the industry in an intellectual way. This episode has reminded and reaffirmed to me why I have the passion that I do for this art form. Looking forward to the next episode!


Fantastic show there Colin. I have a feeling you are going to get addicted to this after a few episodes and you will remove the requirement to have any set about of patreons.

Ben Rusch

Great video and it's awesome to hear that you re discovered your passion for gaming! And just in time! See, there's this little game coming out called Knack 2...

Jake Watson

Hey Colin, can't wait to listen to this! Unfortunately the only time I have to listen will be in the car so I'm going to have to wait for it to be released on podcast services first. Do you think we'll ever get an early private RSS feed for $5 and above supporters?


This was refreshing to listen to as a long-time game media consumer. I had forgotten what unapologetic opinions sounded like since you left. I was glad you chose games as the topic for your first Chat, but look forward to seeing what other topics you are preparing. I loved how personal and vulnerable you were throughout. I think this show proves exactly what is needed to compliment the traditional CLS offerings. More soul-baring transparency please - regardless of topic.

Stephen J Seidler

Welcome back to being a true gamer! I'm glad you were able to separate your passion from the BS that threatened to take it from you. As with history in general, your knowledge of gaming history, which I've heard you draw upon many times over the years, is second to none. It even surpasses mine despite the fact that I'm 52, have been a gamer since I was 10, and lived through some of the early history that you didn't. But clearly your desire to study more than makes up for that. Your story is inspiring because I also have passions in music and animation that I've let get away over the years, also likely because of bad experiences associated with them. I must redouble my efforts to change that, as you have done.

Damian Castillo

I really enjoyed this first Fireside session. It was great to hear about your journey and how you realized what gaming was too you all along.

Damian Castillo

I look forward to more sessions and although I know I can't convince you to start your own gaming podcast anymore, I would love to hear what you are playing and what your thoughts are from time to time.

Adam carruth

Thank you, Colin for giving us more entertainment and insight into your mind.

Jeshua Anderson

This was one of the dopest pieces of work you've ever done. Very insightful on where your past and now present. Resonated greatly with me. The relationship between you and your brother is an almost exact mirror for my older brother and myself. Video games, toys and sports were what created that bond. Blood makes us related. That bond is what made us brothers. Sega Master System was our system. To this day when I hear people talk bad about that system, I think of games like SpellCaster, Zillion, HangOn, R-Type etc. and think of the long, late hours we played together and just think "Best. Console. Ever." (even if I know that's really the NES LOL). That's what video games are truly all about to me. I did want to mention one counter viewpoint to something you said. When it comes to gaming conventions, I have only gone to 2, 2011 E3 and 2016 PSX both times with my older cousin and both times were awesome. Very reminiscent of me and my brother when I was a kid. But it's not really about paying a ton of money to stand in a long line to demo games for 5 or 10 minutes at a time . It's about going to a large event focused around your hobby or past time, scoring rare merch, discover 1 or 2 games I missed otherwise and just being surrounded by people who share my same interest. To me it's a video game concert. Matter fact I was thrilled to discover you and the KF crew were there. I actually caught you at a show LOL! I have gone to tons of concerts over the years. Even worked some as a bodyguard. I gotta tell ya, those two shows beat out lots of those concerts entertainment wise. Those shows are as fun as we want to make them. Concerts tend to be as good as the artists decide to make them. I dunno my opinion though.


Welcome back to enjoying video games.


Awesome Podcast Colin, I've gotta agree with you when you talk about sitting around with your family and knowing that's what gaming is all about. Reminds me of how much fun I had sitting around with my dad as a kid playing NHL 06. Thanks for all the great work and keep it up.


Loved this, I think most of us have come here for you Colin, not just the subjects you cover, so delving into your life, feelings and mind is a treat. I hope someday you feel comfortable enough telling us what happened at KF, if not thats cool.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Bravo! What an incredible gift you have given us through this heartfelt piece of work. I'll always believe in you, bud. Always. 😘❤️

Marc Boggio

Great first episode - we're around the same age, so my timeline for gaming was linking up with your tale pretty well (at least up until college) it was a nice little walk through my own gaming history. I've personally disconnected from the culture surrounding games as well over the last year (after your departure from Kinda Funny, the San Francisco group think became annoying very quickly) and it's been fun to refocus on my own little pocket of gaming. I talk about Destiny with members of my clan and I get most of my news from a few independent Youtubers, but there is so much less fluff around games with this approach. It feels better, because as you put it, the games are what matters, not the annoying culture surrounding them.

Chris Johan

This was great all around, length, structure, content, after being a fan for the past four years it was good to hear the update on games in your life!


Thank you so much for this window into your experience with games and gaming culture. This was incredible and I am ecstatic to continue supporting you doing what you love :)


Thank you for opening up on a topic that's close to home for you, Colin. While I'm happy to hear you found your love for video games again, I'm happier to hear you found fun and joy with your family as you shared a great hobby. Hopefully we can do our part to ensure your Fireside Chats are a weekly fixture for a long time to come. I'm looking forward to your future Q&A's, interviews, video essays and wise words 😎. Would you consider using your chats for content (book, TV, music) reviews and discussion every once in awhile? Something like a book club?


This was awesome Colin. Thank you

Jeff Pollard

This was really great! So proud of everything you've done with CLS so far. Looking forward to much more of the amazing content you create!! Thanks for doing this!!


Awesome way to start a new podcast, can't wait for the next one!

Ian (616Entertainment)

Colin, you said in a reply that maybe someday you'll do an episode about the KF fallout from your perspective. This would be my most anticipated piece of CLS content yet. Not because I want the drama or anything, but because I felt the whole thing really harshly, too. My dad passed away the week before you left KF. I watched your one on ones with Jason Schreier and Gio and the like and was enthralled, not just because you're excellent at your job, but because I was in a state of shock. Or mourning, or, something like that. Everything was the same, everything had a weird haze to it. I was lost. I've listened to you since your first Beyond! episode, and for whatever reason, your voice made sense. It gave me something familiar, in a realm I was familiar with (gaming), a realm that wasn't attached to the sadness of my real life at the moment. Fast forward (I know this is long, I'm sorry) and right around the corner is your departure, and clearly it was under some painful circumstances. You telling the real, full story from your point of view would be so important to me because I was already a walking, breathing open wound when that situation went down, and a dude I've been a fan of forever seemingly also had his world turned upside down at the same time. You took that situation and created CLS from it, and I'm super proud of you and proud to support. I'll always look at that KF fallout and relate it to my dad's death because it all happened at the same time and I was a big ball of emotions, and I know how I felt at that time, going through my world being all fucked up. I'd love to hear how you felt, with your world being all fucked up. I hope this wasn't weird and too personal. Much love brudda. Thanks for the new show. Glad to support.


Wonderful retrospective. It sounds like you are in a happy place now. Superhot VR is worth dusting off the PSVR (best played standing up).


This was fucking awesome!!! Give me more!!


Thank you Colin for always being you, I'm glad you found a love in games again and excited for whatever comes next. Would love to hear some thoughts about music from you, I know you are fan of 311 but also what is some other music that you enjoy also? What are some of your most remembered times at a concert? Thanks a ton for the great podcast 😁


Great first start I think it's a fantastic way to diversify yourself and I'm loving it! I think maybe you bringing in guests from time to time whoever they may be sounds like a good idea to me , but anything you put out is just fine and keep it up.


Hey Colin - great stuff. I have always been drawn to your perspective because I feel we are a lot alike in many ways, although not politically - at least until last November. Your stories about being drawn to video games at a young age - as an only child (the opposite of you, ha) it filled the void I felt as a kid, and I struggle to rediscover that as an adult. Your Ni No Kuni review introduced me to you, Beyond!, Greg, and everyone else. I loved KF, but when you left, my desire to listen left too. No disrespect to what they are currently doing, it's just how I feel. I know people want the no holds barred story of your split with KF, but I think we all can understand it without a recap. And now you do what you love, and I'm glad to see that playing video games helps enhance that. I can't wait to hear your father's story of 9/11. I have been to NYC three times in the last 3 years, and have visited the memorial every time.

Zach Brown

Welcome back to games. When you mentioned your issue with members of the games media having no knowledge of gaming history, you really struck a chord. At 40, I've been playing since the Atari 2600 and I've researched and read up on the foundations that were laid before that. While there's nothing wrong with someone's first system being the PS1 or whatnot, when those people have no interest in learning what came before that yet they're becoming the leading voices in this ever-developing art, there's a problem. I just can't take a 29-year-old seriously when it's clear he isn't well-read in all that's come before him. I guess it makes sense that you, a "history guy", were one of the very few to give fully thoughtful, educated, and sound views of games from a perspective of always knowing where they've been. Thanks for that.

Jason Pettet

My god Colin, I loved this. I have felt falling out of love with games so much the last year or so. And about a month ago my son asked me to start playing Destiny with him. I did and it has reignited my love. I was also worried I was just growing out of it, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Glad that's not the case with you either.

Brad Bury

Simply, fantastic! I really enjoyed having your thoughts an off-topic subject. Every update/improvement you make seem to help build the overall channel. It is great to get the weekly two episodes on politics and current news, but many (myself included) were missing the off-topic thoughts, whether in regard to gaming, movies, dogs, etc. Keep on doing you and never compromise your integrity!

Kevin Sullivan

Colin, listening to this just makes me happy. I am glad to hear you have been able to separate your ability to have fun playing games from your thoughts about games media and games coverage. I must say I have always subscribed to your school of thought in that I am not concerned with playing games while they are new in order to be a part of the conversation. I bought Horizon Zero Dawn some months ago while it was on sale, but have not yet had the time to play it. I look forward to playing it however football is also getting going (go Pats)! Thank you for beginning this podcast series, Colin. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on a variety of topics, hopefully both serious and lighthearted.


This was really fucking great. Keep it up, fam. <3

Jonathan Rice

I truly love this. I enjoy the podcast format bc i can do things around the house like dishes and put this on.

Jonathan Rice

Also, i agree with you, games are suppose to be fun! This is why i started with games, it gave me an escape, it was like getting to put all those things in my mind to life as a kid. Also, I think i truly became a Colin fan a long time ago because of one statement, "gameplay is king" I truly believe this. I love great stories like last of us or uncharted but when it comes down to it, its about the game play. I do agree a lot of the coverage is about the person in the industry, I could care less about that, I want to know what the game play is about. I dont have the money or time to check out everything that comes out each week, I just wish the people who covered games would focus on gameplay, oh well. Great episode

Jonathan Rice

Also one last thing, Mad Max, game of the century. hahahaha

Jonathan Rice

I honestly wound have never played that game but you kept saying the game play was good, i picked it up and never regretted that decision, tons of hours of fun

John Burleson

This was great. As someone also with 30 years of gaming history hearing you talk about the industry makes me grateful to be on the consumer side. Like you said, we can play what we want and we can ignore what we want.


More of this! I would love to hear more video game talk in fireside chats in the future :)

Bryan Finck

Thank you for doing this Colin, it was a great bridge to the old Colin and I certainly enjoyed hearing what happened with your gaming life. Glad you are back, glad you are enjoying games again, can't wait to hear your takes on the games in the future. Skoal!

Kevin Diaz

This was awesome


Awesome! Can't wait to hear more podcasts

Nick Jensen

I really enjoyed this. As refreshing as it was when you started CLS and started digging into new topics it's almost equally refreshing hearing you go back and talk about something more random and personal. I'd like to hear more personal non-political podcasts peppered in with the normal stuff.


Fantastic. Great to see you back.


Fireside Chats is an awesome idea also Happy to hear with that all crap you been through it didn't ruin video games for you


While a lot of CLS isn't particularly for me, I support you every month because of how honest and straight forward you are. This fireside chat is something I really enjoyed and hope to hear more in the near future. It's good to hear you talk about video games in one way or another again.


Another great podcast and the start of something great!


great podcast, Greetings from Colombia


I think Nintendo is the only one left of the 3 major gaming companies that hasn't given in to consumerist culture. They make games that are fun, they seem to truly love the artform, and they don't overcharge you for DLC. The fact that they haven't quite caught up with gaming technology, culture, and trends might not be a bad thing.

Mike Sweet

That was so amazing. I'm so glad you were able to get back to just enjoying games for what they are. Hearing you talk about games again was refreshing.


Good to hear you've been able to find your love of games again. I waited tables in nice restaurants for years, and it took me some time to be able to relate to my love of a good meal the same way I did before my time in the biz. Given that you've spent your whole adult life in the VG biz, it makes perfect sense that such a thing would take time. Enjoy!


It's good to hear you talk about the way you really feel about the gaming industry. I totally agree with you. As someone who is an avid listener of many of the mainstream podcasts, I too have grown tired of the way games are talked about. "Watch Us Play 30 Minutes of AC: Origins" and "Why The Surge is Dark Souls but with Robots." Who cares? A few months ago I grew so tired of new video games because I feel like there is simply no game under the beautiful graphics these companies are developing. The thing that rekindled my love for gaming is my New 2ds. I started to play classic games I have never played before but have heard you talk about. Games like Mega Man 2, 3, and 4, Chrono Trigger, Shovel Knight and others have sparked a new interest for me because they're actually GAMES. I'm loving my 2ds and I'm loving the virtual console on the Nintendo Store because I can play games like A Link To The Past, Earthbound, and Donkey Kong Country. Good games simply don't die. Keep it up, Colin. I'm looking forward to more Fireside Chats and, as always, more of Colin's Last Stand. Keep on learning!


Wow man, this was/is great and it makes me feel genuinely happy that you seem so happy. I've followed you or supported you or however you phrase it for a long time and I'm glad you're doing things you enjoy. There is a lot of crap to see, hear and read out there. I know I can always count on you to be real and honest and passionate about whatever your talking about. Regardless of what it is, it's great, keep it coming man. Thank you

Tasur Seen

You need to podcast with Jared Petty, it's a match made in podcast heaven.

Josh in Tampa

Loved the podcast buddy. As always very well thought out and touching. Great job Colin

Petre Cismigiu

love to hear you talk about video games again, most importantly with a smile on your face. love the work that you do! keep it up


You mean again. There is a pockets full of soup episode with colin


Glad you enjoy gaming again. Hearing you talk about gaming puts a smile on our faces


This was absolutely fantastic. I think the essay format is better suited for audio only podcasts like this. Looking forward to hearing the other episodes, and I hope you continue!

Luke Spencer

This was awesome, Colin. I also found this pretty inspiring toward my own passion of video games. I too sometimes step back and realize, what the heck am I doing, I'm spending more time combing over reading and worrying about the time to play games, reading about pure speculation on them, and getting too into the opinions and listening to others in the media about the hobby I love. It's great to get back and realize why you even care about any of that, and just play. Does wonders.


Wow!! This was a great essay. It hit home on so many levels. I'm really happy to hear that you you found your true love for video games again. Keep up the great work brother!

Brogan Wassell

Dude totally feel how you feel about the consumerism. Kinda reminds me of the feeling I get when I see 90 percent of games today. Worst though is destiny and number 2. Really hate it.

Smokey Joh

As I've gotten older I've noticed the same intolerance for the crap. The arguments, the segregation. It's all bleh. I play games now for relaxation and personal challenge. And like you had with your brother, when I play Rayman with my 4yr old son and see the joy he gets from it, it strips away all the crap. Games are fucking awesome. PS. I had a similar thing with gaming not long ago but found the spark again in a game I never thought would do it: Abzu.