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Google, Diversity, and Silicon Valley's Political Tribalism!



Alex Gates

Man, this is definitely my favorite episode so far. Really fascinating. In my opinion, you're showing that you believe in true equality. Diversity for diversity's sake seems to me to be just an attempt to prove that you're not a racist, a bigot, a sexist, ect. It doesn't actually mean anything or stand for anything. It's just a precaution to avoid fingers being pointed at you. I don't know if this makes any sense, but I really enjoyed hearing your opinion on this. Great stuff, Man!!!


This was great. I just now got to listen to it. I know if I ever found out that me being Hispanic had anything to do with me getting my job I would be pissed and quit as soon as I could.


I'm so glad to hear that you liked this episode. It was a fun one to do, and brought up a lot of interesting questions for all of us to ponder, I think.