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Hey All,

I had intended on rolling out a real News Burst today (we could sure use one) in the "style" we collectively settled on in my previous post from a few days ago. But in thoroughly reading through your feedback, I feel like it's unclear which move I should make.

Should I go to once a week, with a more meaty update? Or should I stick with the smaller, twice-a-week updates as they are now? Maybe it was stupid, but I thought there'd be more of a consensus one way or the other. But one simply didn't develop. At least, I'm not seeing one.

I like CLS revolving around all of us -- you and I, and the relationship we have with one another -- and I don't like instituting changes without your support. This is ultimately your community, after all. So before I do the next News Burst, I figured I'd simply ask for more clarity in a straight-forward poll. Nothing wrong with a little democracy, if you ask me.

This poll will be open for a short time (a little more than 24 hours) because I ultimately want to write a News Burst for Friday. I will go with the decision of this poll moving forward, even if there's only a marginal winner. I hope that's okay with all of you. I also hope it's okay that I keep asking you guys for constant feedback. I hope it's not too annoying.

I hope you're all doing great, and I appreciate your time, as always. I want to make this community -- and what the community gets -- the absolute best that it can be. It's worth the extra time and effort to do things right. I've always felt like that.

Let me know if there are any questions, comments, or concerns. Otherwise, simply vote, and let's settle this question.


Drew Packard

At first I read "unclear" in the first paragraph as "nuclear." Somebody calm me down lol


I like 2 smaller ones a week. Make it feel more current.

Eric S

I am all for the one meaty news burst and because it is all the important news for the week at once and it allows I'm sure on your end a little more time to stew on the issues at hand for your thoughts.

Michael Akridge

Went with "One" Vote. Figured if it doesn't work you could always go back. Currently enjoy the two news bursts thru email, but figured one focused one would be worth a shot.


I'm kind of torn on this one. The one big one a week allows you to simplify your schedule, which I can respect. However, I feel the 2 smaller posts lends itself to more conversations. If you have 5 people commenting, in the big post format they could all conceivably talk about 5 different things with no real conversation taking place. If those same 5 people comment on the smaller post format, you're going to have some overlap and thus some conversation. In the end, I voted for the longer post. You're already trying to find ways to give us more content (potential podcast). If simplifying your schedule helps facilitate that, I'm all for it.


I like 2 bursts because it allows me to get more current information, as opposed to seeing one and then wondering if anything changed in the next 7 days.

Paul Molina

One burst, but drop it on us Monday morning. A take on the previous week over Monday morning hangover coffee.


I enjoy the 2 news burst since it makes it feel more current. Keep up the great work Colin!

Lucas Gremista

To be honest, news are so dynamic that i think something like 4 posts a week with the most important news of the day would be cool


Twice a week means more Colin, but maybe once weekly could be more detailed or accurate in speculation


One huge burst a week will be cool as we can all discuss the big news of the week with each other!


I like the two a week format that's happening. Gives me a way to engage in between content of YouTube as I'm not a big social network guy.

Jason Kelley

These news bursts will be full of fire and fury like the world has never seen!

Jason Kelley

I voted for two, but I'm happy either way.


Gimme two, Utah!

James Galos

Too much news just hits the surface of the issue these days and usually 24 hrs from the breaking news you get the real story. Once a week will give us the facts and context to intelligently follow the news.


I feel like a trial period of the single meaty post is in order. I feel like most people will be satisfied either way but if we have a trial week or 2 of the single post then we'd really know what we are voting for (or against)


Two please Colin, a week is a long time in politics...

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

I think two will be best, simply because one meaty one might become too big to read in one go on the commute or on the pooper. At least for me. Also, feels good to hear from you more often, Colin.

James Schubert

This is the in or out brexit vote all over again, where's my options for variables? Jokes, thanks for the opportunity to vote on the matter! I didn't vote for change, but it doesn't scare me.

Cameron Paterson

I can't decide. I like both I really do and reading the other CLS Members share there opinions on both has made it even harder because you all come up with great points.

Ian Andrews

A week is just too long at the moment. Maybe different in the future.

Lou & Rei Loper

I like the two smaller doses personally. There can just be so much to digest in a single large one, especially for a busy person reading these in my office. Honestly it also gives me a bit more motivation to continue on reading political news more often which is something I usually abhor. Either way I'm happy with the outcome, and I'm not going anywhere.


I'm think 2 because news seems to move very fast these days (especially with thus administration) so a few hours after you've posted the meaty post most of it could be out of date


I like the two per week because they are a quick read. I voted to try once per week to see how long they get. I wouldn't be as likely to read a long treatise. If I find I am not reading them, I would vote to change back.


I agree with others who have spoken to this. I like doing the once per week because it would allow for gathering more information and more concrete details regarding stories of interest as opposed to potentially doing everything as a reaction in the moment.


I get my daily news from other sources, but I really enjoy and appreciate hearing your thoughts and analysis on current events. In my view, you're more of commentary and less breaking-news, so a once a week reading makes more sense to me. Thanks, Colin!!


ALTHOUGH, I will continue to read regardless of the decision. :) You have my support!

Mike Smith

I voted two. I think only once a week will lose some of its timeliness. I almost always read the news bursts in my email. I'll make more of an effort to click through.

Jonathan Rice

I like the 2 times a week because the news is so fast and changing these days. Also, I am one who reads it 100% via my email. Don't known if this influences the numbers that read it. I will try and click on patreon so it gets counted more accurately. I love the news burst and whatever is settled I'm glad it went to a vote! Thanks for listening and always making this an open interactive community


Appreciate the constant communication, Colin! If I had it my way I'd have a news burst every day. But I like having the consistent stream of content on a daily basis, whether it be a video or a news burst. I think 2 smaller ones would be better... then in theory it would be 4 days a week of content from CLS.


Both. Two short for breaking, one long for analysis and changing developments.


My two cents. Most things are the happy meadium when they get the best balance of depth and breadth. Every day is too broad, once a week is too deep. I like two or three posts a week. It hits a good balance (^-^)/

Jonny K.

I'm conflicted, in that I feel like because of the speed at which news breaks two smaller posts gives you the bandwidth you need to not miss out on any big stories. That being said, slow news days (or weeks) do happen, in which case there's no sense forcing two bursts just to fill an arbitrary quota. I guess my real viewpoint is just to be flexible and do what feels right. Maybe guarantee no less than one, but if there is relevant news that you want to cover that breaks mid-week maybe make a second, shorter and more focused post. All in all, I think the community cares less about structure and more about your unique viewpoints.

Brian the Witcher

I voted once per week, but i have a little caveat to go with that. It's a nitpicky thing, but hey. Can't get if you don't ask, right? I'd like the one news burst per week to come on Fridays, with a wrap-up of the week's news (or insanity), as well as a book I should read that weekend. That's just my thought. I'll support you whatever you decide, but that's the way I'd prefer it if I got my way. :) Thanks for all you do Colin, I love your show, I love you, and I love this community. You're an inspiration to me, and I hope to follow in your trailblazing footsteps one day. I wish you continued success with Colin's Last Stand!


So far it's damn near a 50/50 split. I don't envy your position of having to choose a side here, Colin.

Mike Calcara

it sounds like 1 news burst a week may free you up to do other things and produce higher quality content. while (all other things being equal), i'd vote for 2 a week...if one reduces your stress and is a net gain for CLS, let that be the tipping point toward 1.

John Wescott

Agreed with the 2 per week. It's a lot easier to hit the big 3-5 stories that you parse out and know that there will be another update later in the week. My only gripe would be the timing. I know you're out on the west coast, but if these could go up any earlier than 7:00 PM locally for you that would be awesome. Keep it up!