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Hey All,

I wanted to gauge your feelings on a change I've been thinking about making for a little while, now. The change in question? Making the News Burst one very robust post a week, as opposed to the two smaller posts it stands at now.

The reasons for this proposed change are twofold: Firstly, traffic on News Bursts indicates there's no reason to do so many of them, and secondly, I'm trying to make a more concise schedule for myself, and for the rollout of extraneous non-video content. All of this will hopefully combine to make Patreon an even more thoughtful place, with posts that catch your eye, and content you want to interact with and digest.

To go further into these points: Traffic on News Bursts is low overall, and has been for the duration of CLS' brief life. I know (for a fact, actually) that many people read the Bursts in their e-mail, and that traffic wouldn't be reflected here on Patreon. But I also know that interaction is generally low, and I'd like to try to lift it.

To that end, what I'd like to do is to make News Bursts a weekly post -- I'm thinking on Wednesdays -- that chronicle the five biggest stories of the past week (as opposed to the three biggest stories of the last few days). Each story will come with robust write-ups (as I'm doing now), as well as extraneous links (also as I'm doing now). So, basically, it's what you'd find now, but once a week instead of two, five stories instead of three, and ordered in some sort of importance instead of more chaotically. A power ranking, as it were.

My hope is, that by making this change, News Bursts become more of an event, and less of a drive-by happenstance. My primary goal with everything here on Patreon is to make extra, premium-style content you can rely upon. With the MP3 version of the show, Q&A videos, topic elections, postcards, thank you videos, and Skype calls, I feel like I'm doing that. With News Bursts, I feel like I could be doing more. And, in this case, more might actually be less. Or, more accurately, more predictably-posted, weekly reading.

With so many people at the $5/month level for various reasons -- whether that reason is the News Burst, or the MP3, or to simply show such generous support for a show you like -- it's hard to tell what's up and down. Ultimately, that'll be up to all of you.

No changes are forthcoming without your feedback. So please do leave it! And, as always, thank you for your support. I'm gonna get back to tomorrow's video, now, which covers a topic a ton of you have requested I cover. 'Til tomorrow! -Colin



Hey man, if it opens up your schedule to work on other quality projects then I'm cool with it.

Steven Camilo

My vote is keep same as is because I like the bite size portions, but I can appreciate the vision and maxim of quality > quantity.

Bryan Finck

Sounds like a good change Colin, I could read a news burst every day and it's my favorite part of CLS, so I know I will like the bigger post just as much, and I'd imagine it will be beneficial to you to be able to schedule it out more.


Can confirm I do read them in my email, but I'd be fine with once a week. Quality> Quantity as they say, do what works best for you.

Steven Oslund

I'm definitely one of those who reads through email as sometimes the app can be a bit laggy as I scroll. I think the one big news burst makes a lot of sense. It would definitely allow me to sort of schedule it in to my week and have something to look forward as well. Often I see the burst but am busy and forget to get back to it. In any case, always appreciate how you are always looking to improve <3


Once a week is fine by me. Fyi I exclusively read them in my email but to help you and your metrics I will change that moving forward. Love the content. Thanks Colin.


I know I for one love reading the news bursts to get your take on what I've seen in the news the last few days, but I rarely interact with it. As long as you continue them I'm fine with the changes


I normally read through email too - I'd be fine with once a week if it gives you extra time for video or other content. Either way, happy supporter here!


Going once a week burst would increase my ability to devote my personal bandwidth. If something of great importance happens it could be a breaking news burst, That should be separate and only if important.


Sounds like you're onto something, Colin. I really enjoy News Burst and would be prefer a non-chaotic, weekly post!


Have you considered making a news burst video that's exclusive to $5 and above? I know that's probably potentially more work for you, but doesn't need to be highly edited or anything. Like you mentioned, I actually do read the burst in my email since it's all right there, but for the video you actually come to the site to view it. - Your bursts consists of links and your thoughts. Since you script your thoughts anyway, how about a simple video that's just the thoughts you put out that forces traffic? And then the links below the video for reference. -- I'm ok with once a week, but to drive the traffic on the burst itself, a video would certainly do that.

Michael Bruchsaler

Yeah I read them through email as well. Honestly I don't care what you do, as long as I still get some form of your News Bursts.


I also read in email. Never considered that isnt tracked! That said I'm all for one a week.


I really enjoy the news bursts, and I think they could work well as a predictable weekly thing. I know you're fairly swamped as it is, but you ever think about doing them as a "Phil DeFranco-esque" news roundup video? Either way, love what you're putting out. Keep up the good work!


Hi, I'm reading the news bursts in my e-mail as well. I honestly would prefer more concise and "meaty" news bursts now that you mention it. I'm completely fine with your idea and the ranking aspect is quite nice as well.


I agree with this. Once a week normally, but if any major event happens during the week, make a post specific to that event on that day, similar to when the channel first launched and the Paris attack happened.

Michael Akridge

Same as others. I always read them thru email and only come to patreon if there is a poll or question. I’d say go for it. Keep up the good work.


I believe in Quality > Quantity so i think less higher quality news bursts would work best, and would like to know if it would be possible for you to create an audio version of the news bursts? I, among a few others i'm sure, prefer to listen to people talk about news rather than read it myself


I really enjoy the news bursts as well. Exclusively read them in my e-mail however

Dan Cadogan

I think this is a great idea for Colin's last stand it helps with time management and better focus which will make for a more effective product. It may even create future stretch goals like a video version unedited and free flying opinion about what's going on in the news. Do it Colin it will absolutely benefit you and your product there are no cons to this situation.


I think quality over quantity os best so whatever works best for you Colin, have a good weekend <3


Honestly I like the twice a week format, but that may just be myself being greedy and wanting to stay up on current events throughout the week. I love the news bursts but one of my reasons for missing them every now and then is the time they are sometime published. As an east coaster in the US, sometimes I won't see them until around 10-11 my time. I make a mental note to revisit the next day when I can wrap my head around it but then life gets in the way and sometimes I forget. Not saying this is by any means your fault. Just giving my take on why engagement may seem low. If one a week makes it more of s scheduled occurrence that may help. However the greedy side of me like I said enjoys two a week.


Last feedback I'll post here, as others have said, I would also love a news round-up video once a week if possible to accompany the news bursts.

Chris B

I do read the news burst every time, but the one post a week would be a good chance to focus on the more important news instead of feeling obliged to have to find news twice a week when there isn't as much.

Jason Kelley

Email reader here. I'm a huge fan of the News Bursts. They're my favorite part of CLS. That said, I trust your judgement on changes. I feel like if you do what works best for you, the result will be the best possible content, which works best for me. <3

Michael Renner

I trust your judgement on this as well. An audio newsburst(podcast) would be cool but I enjoy reading as well.

Prince Borutski

When I do read the news burst. It is on Patreon. I believe that I would engage more with the bursts in the more predictable system that you outlined.


I'm fine with whatever makes things easier and more efficient for you. I would note that I've had issues with the news bursts being really laggy at times so making them longer may make that worse. My guess is that it's from all the links? So maybe attaching a link to a a bibliography or something would help.


I read the news burst on my email, and it's the thing I both most look forward to and consume the most of your content. I'd prefer to keep it twice a week just because there is typically too much news for just the 5 biggest stories of the week.


I read the news burst in my e-mail. Do you think my reads count in your metrics? Going once a week is OK with me if you think that will make your product better, I just hope that if something crazy happens (Trump is indicted, NK attacks etc.) You would drop on off schedule burst! Thanks.


I read everyone of them in my email.


I am down to try it out. I usually read through the email but having the one post might make discussion more lively.


I read them all, but once a week works me too.


I'll admit I mostly stopped paying attention to them because it was just too much. I would much prefer a once or twice a week sort of thing. But I'm ok either way its not hurting me if you keep it as is.

BettyAnn Moriarty

First, you have the most wonderful people supporting/following you, bud- you really do. We all know and appreciate how hard you work to give us great content. This change makes perfect sense to me - but I'll be good with whatever decision. Thanks for asking for feedback. It means a lot. 💞😘


Definitely love reading the news bursts, but sounds like solid reasoning to turn into once a week.


Yeah, do it once a week. Don't overwork please.


Sounds good Colin! But please, please, please do Random Thoughts podcast soon. That is a perfect format at least for how I personally listen to your content. All the best. Keep up the great work :)


Honestly, once a week makes perfect sense. I usually read a couple stories out of each post. So.. Having one day a week to look for it would be a welcome, more concise & controlled way to go. - In my opinion - Thanks for all your hard work Colin. You & the work you do is nothing short of inspirational.

Arvel Crynyd

Hi Colin, maybe some Feedback how I'm "consuming" the News Bursts. As I am living outside the US and you are posting the News Burst late on your day, this is popping up while I am sleeping. So the News Burst is probably one of the first things that I'm going to read the next morning, which is great. However, this also doesn't give me lots of time to write something before I go to work, so I mainly concentrate on one of the topics (mostly those where I can contribute a little something). So this is mainly about how I consume the News Burst but not the style of the News Burst itself. To be fair, I'm not prefering either above the other. Both of them have their pros and cons. The twice a week approach has its pros that you could write about a topic as it develops. So this is (to me) more like a sophisticated commentary section about what's happening. But it may happen that a topic one day is completely forgotten the next day. The once a week approach however has the pros that you can focus more on a topic, do a little bit more research, thus it may result in a more polished result (not to say that the other one is also polished, but I guess you get the idea). But I don't like the ranking idea. Each one of those news items have their own urgency and importance. Let's consider this worst case scenario: Let story A be about a military accident that led to hundreds of deaths because of wrong information being provided and dominates the news cycle for a few days. Let story B be the incoming impeachment of the president happening at the end of the week. At the end of the day... do you want to rank those two stories against each other? I would have some moral issues in this (granted, it's a constructed, but likely) scenario. So I would more like a bullet point list than a yet another Top 5 list. So whatever you do, I would like both scenarios :-)

Will Caldwell

Usually view most news bursts in my email. Like getting them on a more frequent basis personally but definitely interested in seeing the weekly podcast version of it.


I would be cool with one post per week, so long as its consistent on the same day per week. You are essentially my newspaper Colin.

Jason Wellband

I like reading them as things happen. That said, the weekly format could work too. The guy who does The Weekly Sift does it quite well. Whatever happens, keep up the good work!

James Schubert

I read every burst within my emails and honestly I don't think I've ever commented on them. It never occured to me that these figures don't show for you. That said I'm happy with either decision. Changing things up is the only way to know what is the better option, and if it doesn't work, we go back. Go get'em man!


I'm one of the many that reads the news bursts in my email and I must say that besides reddit, your emails are my primary source of news lol. I mostly just followed you from KF and I've been enjoying the content so far - I'd be fine with once a week but I do read every single one. Just don't judge the effectiveness of the news burst based on interaction with the patreon page.


Huge fan of the news burst. I'd look forward to the once a week burst if you think it would be more efficient and effective. Keep up the great work!


I think it's a great idea! Weekly news is what makes the Sunday morning shows (and Last Week Tonight) such high quality. There will be more time for stories to evolve and for us to get a better sense of the direction they're heading in.


I know it's more work, but a 5-7 minute video in response to all the news once a week would probably take less effort typing it all, and I would consume more than once a month. Even with minimal editing. Just my preference


Just wanted to voice my support. Like mentioned in the post, I almost exclusively view News Bursts through my email. They've become one of the highlights of my week as my work kinda drags and it's a good break. Once a week should still be more than sufficient.

Kyle Day

I think a once a week posting may lead to greater depth and clarity, which is great. However, I like that the news bursts do have more of a timeliness to them, which could be lost if made once a week.


Agreed. I rarely log in to Patreon to check my feed and access content, and have always read the news bursts through my email (as with 99.9% of the content updates I get from Patreon). Personally, I prefer two bursts per week. The reasoning is entirely selfish: I read the bursts while I'm at work, and having something to read on 2 nights vs. 1 night helps pass my work week quicker. Fortunately, I subscribe to other news aggregators that can fill the void of a lost burst. So if moving to once-a-week bursts is going to help the overall product, and reduce your stress level, I'm totally OK with it.

Dominic Dilullo

Me being someone who enjoys your writing, the News Bursts are my favorite aspect of CLS. In the first couple months it seemed we were getting three or so bursts a week including your weekend reading posts. I do feel like I'm not getting enough Colin in my life. Though perhaps I just miss being able to hear a 2 hour recording of your thoughts (where's that Rubin Moriarty show!). I miss the frequency but that being said, i'll be satisfied as long as you cover all the stories you wish to <3

Chris Holtzer

I do tend to read them in my email, but I don't think they are a critical part of CLS from my perspective. Perhaps a once a month or so "news" focused video or even short 5 minutes news videos would be a better use of time and energy.


Hey Colin. As someone who subs at $5 specifically for the news bursts, I do enjoy the twice per week emails. But once per week would be fine, especially with more content.

Niall Prendergast

I enjoy the twice per week. I consume on via email so it doesn't show. 1 per week would be fine aswell but i enjoy the news burst.


Hi Colin. I really enjoy your News Burst emails/posts as I always enjoy reading your take on issues. I have no issue with it becoming a once a week format. I appreciate that you are reaching out to us for feedback for changes are made as I think that is a great way to do business. In this case if you stick with two a week or move to one I will be happy and continue to support Colin's Last Stand.

Jerome Weiswasser

What would be more cool is to do a weekly news burst as a video. I enjoy most of your videos while driving or at work, so that would be really cool.

Scott Rabideau

Changing to once a week sounds good, but if there's something crazy breaking, you could send something out right away? Thanks Colin!

Ray Briggs

Like many others I normally just read the news burst in my email and only logged into Patreon if I wanted to make a comment on an article or ask a question. I am fine with just going it once a week.

Ray Briggs

I like this idea too. For instance, if Trump impeachment was moving forward on a Thursday, and the news burst was Wednesday then doing a Breaking News Burst would be great.


I also read the news bursts in my email, but I always look forward to reading them and getting your opinions about current events. If you think once a week is best for the content, I trust your judgement.

Timothy Monnig

I enjoy the news bursts, and often look forward to them more than the videos, since they're more digestible for me with my busy schedule and it's good to know your perspective on more topical issues. I find I sometimes need to wait to watch the videos, and when I finally do, I've missed much of the conversation. I wish I had more time to post in general. That said, I'm fine if you need to pull them back to once a week. My only concern with a large post is that the topics themselves might be too numerous or broad to support focused engagement/debate, but that might be true currently...

Matthew Young

Hi Colin, I really do love having frequent news bursts. It's hard to decipher the daily news sometimes because of how polarizing everything is. Hearing your principled take helps to filter it all. Having one per week diminishes its value in my opinion and I would be pretty disappointed if you went through with it...

Ian Andrews

I really enjoy them as is. I save them for when I have a cup of tea and it's like talking to my dad about the news. I understand your time concerns though. I suppose when something really hits the fan there is nothing preventing you from posting a one off...


Like others I read the news burst via email. Happy if it goes once a week.

Kyle Hinze

News Burst is one of my favorite things about subbing. I think going to one a week is a great idea. With multiples I sometimes miss one if I'm busy. You've inspired me to learn more about what's going on and I value the news bursts a lot in helping me stay current and informed.


I support whatever decision you want to don't make your life simpler and more stress free. Once a week seems reasonable, although I'd probably prefer Friday as a way to wrap up the week.

Jesse V

I can dig the "event" kind of thing. I actually wanted to post here because yes, I can tell you I read the bursts all the time in my email, I didn't even think about numbers. I'm sure there's many like me. Probably a lot. Heck I had to sign in to Patreon to post this comment. I barely remembered my password.

Alex Perkins

I'm completely fine with going to once a week. Like many other here, I read the News Bursts in my email.


Once a week sounds good.


The News Burst is my favourite part of CLS. I love getting it multiple times weekly and it's a great commentary on recent news - especially useful considering how fast it's breaking these days. That said, if other people aren't finding it as useful as I do, I'm totally fine with it becoming less frequent.

Jon Garlit

Hmm personally I would like to see both in order to determine what I like most. Once a week might run into the outdated problem Gamescast had on Kinda Funny. Maybe try the once a week format for 2-3 weeks and then have a revote.


I would say yes, once a week. But make it 7 stories instead of 5, so that we're getting a little more. I know there's always a story or 2 out there that I think, "Why didn't Colin write about that?"

Alex Castellanos

I'm glad that you mentioned the number of people that you know read the news burst via their email, as I am also one of those people. Power ranking your news burst and cutting it down to once a week sounds like a good idea to me. Less frequent posting makes whichever posts do come out more of an event. I like it!

Dustin Henry

Once a week is fine in my book since I am interested in your thoughts on the stories most of all and this doesn't change that

Domanick Leicht

I read all of mine in email. I like the current bite size format but do what works for you good sir.


While I enjoy the new bursts emensly, if this will give you more time to focus on the podcast and videos I'm all for it.

Eric S

Once a week sounds good to me and yes I am one of the ones that reads all of the news bursts in my email.

Jeff Pollard

You've got a lot on your plate. Whatever works best for you is okay with me. 👍

Drew Packard

I was once reading news bursts and I stopped because I became lazy and assumed I'd read the next one because they happened semi-frequently. However, I think I would make a greater effort to read them if it were only a once a week thing. I support this decision.

Ryan Blushke

I'm more concerned about the relevancy of News Bursts when they are only discussed once per week. My favourite part of what you do on CLS is the bursts and I just want them to be great! I support whatever decision you come to, so keep fucking that chicken! P.S. I usually read them in the Patreon App for iPhone.

Phil Crone

I like it! That should help generate more discussion and allows everyone to know when it'll occur.


I 100% am onboard. Like you said, I read the News Burst in email form. Do your thing, Colin!

Jeshua Anderson

I'm torn on this. I really enjoy the news bursts at 2 days a week, and do read them in my email...but whatever works best for you!

Donald Eckels

I just upped my pledge to $10, so I haven't seen the news bursts yet. I'm cool with either way.


I have read every single news burst, but you'd never know it because I don't view them here or comment. I enjoy hearing your perspective, especially when it's different than mine or if it adds a "grain of salt" to a sensationalist story. However, I realize you've got an enormous amount of work to do each week, so if your time could be better spent elsewhere, then I support the change.

Cameron Paterson

I'm happy with whatever you choose Colin.


I'm happy either way Colin. As you stated, I'm one of those people that reads these bursts through email so Patreon itself may not be aware of my own personal interaction, but don't worry, I'm here like I'm sure many others are as well ;)


Do whatever you feel will produce the highest quality content without needlessly running you around the block. If you think that one good shot per week will improve both the content and the response - then by all means experiment with the format till you dial it in to where you want it. The nature and quality of your work is solid; you’re just fine-tuning the format which is something every good show does initially and periodically. No matter what you do differently, some people will like it, some will hate it. One of the few downsides of the internet, is that the hate tends to get over-represented because it is delivered via the capslock key, lol. Anyway, I’m just grateful for an informed voice that brings actual history and/or news to the table. The MSM formula of biased panel opinion segments and bobble-heads acting outraged for clicks is a dinosaur. Folks like you can be the future, and your formats will evolve many times in the process. Rock on.


As for myself, your theory on reading it in email is what I am doing. So I read all the articles. However, I never thought of them as an interactive venue. I always viewed them as a standard news feed, you were giving us the info then your editorial, it wasn't a conversation. I prefer more spaced out ones, I am very busy and don't know if one bigger one I could squeeze in, even if its the same total size the mental leap of jumping into one bigger one would be tough.

Mat Couthon

Agreed. I'm all about minimalism in mail.


Maybe just incorporate it into the upcoming podcast: a what's in the news segment.


The newsbursts are my favorite thing about CLS. I'm a busy guy, and it's a "summary" for me of what's been going on. I think I prefer the twice per week schedule.

Josh Squires

I like the news burst as something to keep track of what happened during the day, but also would love to see it drive more conversation. That said, I wonder if doing one story a day would help more, while also decreasing the workload, as one of the issues I see with the news burst is that it's tough to create a conversation with everyone discussing a different topic.


I really like news bursts, and I read the on my email. I would rather have them twice a week than once a week because I feel that getting your perspective while the iron is hot is better for me personally, than ready about news from a week ago. I generally don't need bursts to be longer and more robust, for me they are useful to point out stuff that I might have missed. In the end, I'd rather have them weekly than none at all, if its causing you additional strain. So, do whatever is best for you Colin.


I don't mind this idea. May be able to get better information on one story as it progresses in a week vs having to speculate earlier in the week.


I would prefer the move to once a week. I can't really keep up with the twice a week news burst. I tend to just scroll through the email and if something really catches my eye I read through it.

Tyler Maechtle

I do not mind it either way but I really do enjoy having a news burst sitting in my inbox and I also enjoy that it is some quick hits I can check up on. I do only check it through my email which obviously doesn't reflect the interaction on Patreon. EDIT: But whatever works for me.

Dustin Kline

This new idea sounds good to me. I noticed myself that there wasn't a lot of interaction going on in the new bursts and these changes could bring all of our attention to your news bursts a bit more. Like you mentioned, I tend to always read them at one point, but rarely do I post to them. This may be a better way to get people engaged.

Kenneth Koepnick

I read it regularly, but in my email. I've been a relatively silent enjoyer since back in the Beyond days. But I'll make an effor to engage in the Patreon formats since it seems to matter. I really enjoy getting the emails & updates, even if I do it quietly in my email.

Rajen Savjani

I'd say drop the News Bursts all together and give yourself more time for the core of your channel, the thorough episodes. Everyone can get current news rather easily from other sources, I'm not backing you for a rehash of news I can already get elsewhere. I want more of your time dedicated to your core thoughtful videos/audio.


I love the news bursts, and I think that changing them to a single robust, orderly post is a great idea. Please don't get rid of them completely!


I love the news bursts as someone who followed you from other projects to this I didn't care a lot about politics but your news bursts are well thought out good reading and they are current. Changing them to once a week and making them longer would be cool.


As you called out, I'm an email guy. I check them out in email and then click through the ones that are interesting. When you called out the power rankings though, that caught my eye. It's something that I follow in sports writing and elsewhere online, as you have also called out. There's only so much time in a week to consume content and if you consolidated it into one post and it was ranked out, that'd be a useful change to see :)


I think once a week with a little more write-up would be just as good or better than the current format.

Brian the Witcher

My humble opinion is that I'd be happy with a news burst on Wednesday's and a book suggestion for the weekend on Friday's.


Email guy, really enjoy them and understand if it's only one. Think it's one of the better perks.

Alex Ball

I honestly read your opinions on news bursts, but rarely read the news link. If you would like less of burden on yourself I whole-heartedly support 1 a week. Especially with the new podcast you're brainstorming. You do a lot and I, and I think a lot of us, appreciate it.


I'm a relatively new $5 patron and have been reading news bursts through email. When it comes to changing the current format, I would prefer a once a week "Colin's Take on a single new story that is compelling to him," rather than a paragraph blurb on 5 topics.


For what it's worth I really like the current format of the News Bursts because it allows you to be a little more up to date and can provide some thoughts on things quickly before the next big news story comes out. But I wouldn't be too bummed out if it went to a weekly thing instead. Also I almost always read the news bursts just in the email, not actually going to Patreon.


COLIN, PLEASE DO THE NEWS BURSTS ONCE A WEEK AND DO A BOOK SUGGESTION ONCE EVERY TWO MONTHS. I am about to finish Console Wars so I will be needing a book to read soon! Also, I have started to rely on the news bursts. I also read them through the emails so my activity wouldn't be tracked via patreon activity. Love the shows but as a few of the other folks might have pointed out, those are the main reason anyone tunes in and as along as you feel you are putting out great videos, just adjust the other perks to maximize your time and effort. If that means doing once a week News Bursts, Great! Whatever it takes. Keep up the good work.


Great Feedback Eric and thanks for joining in on the Patreon recently. Welcome to the party.


This is a pretty rad idea. Kind of has a Phil DeFranco ring to it.


I can dig it.


You're dead on. I read them from my email. I'd say I read 70 percent of them.

John Burleson

I read most of them in my email. It's just easier. Twice a week is good, it helps keep me updated. However, I won't cry if you drop to once a week.


Tough call, you're sort of my source for news, so semi-frequent drops were nice. That said, I hadn't even realized you were consistently doing it twice a week, and so I didn't really know when to look forward to them, and I'm sure I've let quite a few just slip by, as emails often do. Knowing that I'm getting caught up on the past week every Wednesday does make for a nice little event (akin to the Sunday crossword). Would you consider sending out a midweek write-up if something happens shortly after the regular news burst, that you think we should have eyes on right away?

Zach Brown

I very much enjoy the News Bursts, but I'd be lying if I said I managed to read all of them with each email (and it is through my email that I read them). Email is overwhelming in my life as it is. It seems to be better for you to reduce it to once a week, and it would probably be better for me as well.


I love the news bursts, I just forget to stay current on them. Maybe a new delivery method would help.


I'm fine with the changes you have purposed. Have you considered switching the news burst into a video? I would prefer a Wednesday video news burst, nothing fancy, just say what you would have written and display the headline on screen, include the article links in the description of the video.


I read them from my email as well. But I am fine with you changing it up to get some more community feedback and interaction!

Alex Gritzmacher

I'm also one of the News Burst email readers and I love them (pretty much the only emails I get that I actually enjoy opening). Getting it once a week is fine by me if it takes a bit off your plate, just as long as they don't go away completely! Keep up the great work!

Jake Watson

I think that any big news can be addressed in its own post if you have something to say about it in the day. Otherwise, any of the less important news can be wrapped up in a weekly post or even on your podcast.


I always enjoy reading the news bursts (from my email mostly), if it's better for you, I'd be fine with one weekly, longer, post


I would prefer the system the way it is now. I love the news burst, it's one of my favorite parts of being a Patron. I feel if you were to change to one bigger burst a week some topics could be old by the time you talk about them, or something might break just after the burst for the week is posted so you either miss it completely or its old news that you cover the following week.


I really enjoy the news burst. I prefer the current twice a week format but I'll definitely read it either way though.


The news bursts are my favorite pieces of content you put out, so I'll always want as much as I can get of those. But I totally understand if you need to make some schedule adjustments.\


Hey All, I'm reading your feedback! Lots to think about, here. There will be a News Burst tomorrow with my final declaration on the issue. I wanna think about it a bit more before I make any moves, though. In the meantime, I sincerely thank you for taking the time to give me your feedback. It's essential.

Lacey Hart

I love the News Bursts!! One of my favorite things about CLS, and one of my favorite ways to think about and engage with news. That said, I read them almost exclusively in my email, so I'm one of the ones who isn't providing any kind of footprint with my traffic. I enjoy twice a week (and if anything, I think I'd prefer a three or four times a week shorter News Burst than a longer and more consolidated one), but I would also enjoy just the one if you feel it's the most effective format. I'm pretty much fine with anything. It might be good to leave some room for the occasional ad hoc News Burst for big, important events or news without having to wait for the regular weekly News Burst since you're putting more days in between New Bursts. But whatever you do, I'll enjoy.

Sam Hunter

To be honest it's kinda nice to have something in my life (my media consuming life that is) that is more than once a week, so, on that note, it would be nice to continue having your news bursts as they've been...however, if you believe you can actually improve the content of your news bursts by having them only once a week - then absolutely.

Tyler Berg

The news bursts are my favorite part of your content. However, I understand where you are coming from with a quality over quantity lens. I look to the news bursts for concise, well-curated news, and I like the idea of them being more timely. That said, I think either will work well.