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Hey All,

I hope this brief note finds you well!

I wanted to say two (not-so)-quick things:

1.) I read everything you guys and gals write here on Patreon (and I respond to pretty much all of it), and occasionally, I see a post from someone asking a specific Patreon-related question, curious where X or Y perks are, or whatever else.

I'm happy to answer those inquiries as I see them, but if you want a quicker answer, please feel free to reach out directly via Patreon's messaging system, as there's a good chance I'll see your question (or comment) quicker, and will be able to get back to you with an answer in a more rapid fashion.

I keep meticulous records (naturally), so I can usually answer a question about when a postcard was sent, or a signed Tweet, or whatever else pretty rapidly.

The most common answer to questions is: All perks $25/month and up are latent a month! (As in, if you became a Producer in July, your name will begin appearing in videos in August, and so on.) But I'm here for you, and I typically turn around answers pretty quickly, so again, feel free to reach out at your leisure, regardless of your level of support. (I honestly don't even check a person's support level when I field a message, unless it's directly related to the inquiry.)

2.) I never expected to find anywhere near the success I've so far found on Patreon. That said, I'd love to be able to retain as much of my audience as possible, even if many people were here in the beginning simply to show their support, and not so much for the love of the content itself. Many of you -- thousands, in fact -- have stuck around as I've developed this show, and I'm so thankful. But as others come and go, I'd like to at least throw this into the wild:

Many of you may not know this, but in the Creator backend, there are these things called Exit Surveys. Whenever you leave a Patreon, you have the option to tell the creator why using pre-written responses, or by writing something up yourself. I reached out to my awesome Patreon connection this past week, because I felt like it wasn't a useful tool. It's one-way, and doesn't allow me to interact with people's questions, comments, or concerns therein. I just get to see what folks have to say, and then they're shot into the void. (It's all anonymous, by the way.)

Retaining your support here on Patreon is ultimately essential to whether CLS has a long life or a short one. I can't control the market for what I do. Maybe it'll exist for a long time, or maybe it won't. That's for all of you to decide, and I totally and completely respect that. All I can do is leave it all out on the field and do my absolute best to make good content.

So, if you leave one day, that's cool! I appreciate your support, however and whenever you did or do give it. You helped make this dream of mine a reality, and you will have my gratitude forever. But if you have a specific question, concern, or something else that you want to address, and that's why you're leaving, please do feel free to reach out to me. Even if I'm not able to retain you as a supporter, I'd love to be able to field what you have to say and at least absorb that feedback. And who knows? Maybe your question is easily answerable, or your concern was a mere oversight on my part or yours. Maybe all parties can remain happy and fulfilled with the content, the delivery of perks, and all the rest. Either way, reading without being able to actionably respond or make something better sucks on my end, and while I know I can't control all of that, hopefully I can make a minor change.

It's hard running a fan-supported endeavor like this (especially for someone as engaged as I insist on being), because a good and decent creator has something extra in the mix: A real desire for his or her supporters to be truly happy and fulfilled with the content, the perks, the interactions, and the ecosystem as a whole. So, please, while you are obviously welcome to come and go as you see fit -- it's your money, your life, and your choice -- I'd love to play a more active role in helping alleviate any issues or quandaries that might have people headed toward the door.

At the end of the day, I promise to keep working hard on the content, on behalf of all of you who have shown so much belief in me, CLS, and this initiative to turn something negative into a positive. How easy it could have been to make CLS an anti-"SJW" hatefest. But CLS is anything but, and perhaps that's what I'm most proud of. Hopefully we can all stick together to keep the learning going!

Anyway, thank you for everything. Keep the feedback coming, keep on (hopefully) enjoying the content, and be good! New episode tomorrow. -Colin



Thank you for the phenomenal work you do Colin. Us history/ PoliSci nerds appreciate it!!


Love the engagement you try & show all of us. Keep up the great work Colin!


I want to thank you for the great work you do. Again I wanted to support you because I've been listening/watching/reading your content and work since I was 17 years old. I'll be 28 in a couple days. Moreover, I support you because CLS is, to me, a symbol and statement. I intend to fully support you for as long as I can. Keep up the solid work.

Matthew Hudson

Your videos have been amazing so far. Just keep making what you want to make! Whether that's history/video games/politics I've always loved hearing your insight. You sparked a big interest for me in politics that I never had before I heard you.


I had to adjust the amount I pledge to CLS recently because of my financial situation and it had nothing to do with the content itself.... I'm loving CLS so far.


I'm sad to say I'm here to simply support you. I haven't watched much of the content yet, not that I don't want to, I just have a busy life. I do look forward to going through your channel one-day & watching some. I support you because of who you are to me. I'm so glad I could/can be a part of this journey of yours, I'm honored to be a part of it! Keep up the great work Colin! If ever I have to part ways from here I will give you a notice and reason why, but just know it would never be anything to do with you or your content. Have good one guys!


Colin's Last Stand is the substantive punch in the arm I've needed to be at the very least a little less ignorant in this world. All other media I consume is primarily based around video games. While that's fun and all, it isn't very important--CLS is real life stuff that really does matter! So, I thank you, Colin for giving me some incite into what it means to be a citizen of this country and even more importantly a citizen of this world. If you do something that I'd like to see changed I'll be sure to let you know about it, but as of now, just opening my eyes to politics and history and actually making it interesting has been just what I needed. Thanks!

Scott Rabideau

Is there any way to occasionally engage you in off topic discussion? Maybe a quick music or movie suggestion/critique? Thanks man, love what you're doing here.


Thanks Colin for the awesome words and I'm glad to be apart of this journey


Your videos have been very informative and incredibly interesting. I always loved history class and ever since I graduated I haven't been able to find a good source of historical or political content that grabs my attention like you do, so thank you Colin for that. I would also be interested to see you talk about the video game business later down the road; My prospective of the gaming industry was very ignorant because I never knew what they actually did and how hard it is to do the things they do until you bring it up when you were hosting PS I Love You.


Colin your channel has become the highlight of my week, every time you post a video I am just thrilled to learn something new. Your hard work and knowledge have found a loyal Patreon in me for years to come.


Keep up the great work, Colin!

Ryan Blushke

For what it's worth, I'm a supporter at the $5 tier because I love the News Bursts. I enjoy your videos and have been a fan since Beyond! but I feel like I get the most value from reading your opinions on the news as it develops. Just wanted to let you know, that is my favourite part!


Gotta say, came with you when you left KF just to show support; However after watching your first few videos I got hooked. Keep up the amazing work and can't wait to see what the future brings.

Steven Camilo

Continuous and clear communication with your audience, open doors for 2-way dialogue, and very specific tone and expectations. Beautiful. We see you Mr. CM, we see you.

John Quinn

Colin, I really enjoyed you as a game analyst with IGN and KF, and I thought you were one of the best, if not the best in the industry. However, I think I enjoy your content with CLS even more, and I think what you’re doing is extremely important in 2017. Ive always liked history and politics. You will always have my support.

Jeff Pollard

You've been absolutely awesome with your video content and feedback! I'm a CLS lifer. Try and get rid of me!! lol


With a little help from your friends (patrons) this will hopefully last for decades. The subjects you have covered are extremely important to be discussed or reminded of. Having these discussions about important issues has never been more important. Thank you.

Jason Kelley

Same for me. I'll usually let the videos pile up and watch three or four in a go, but I'm all over every news burst.


Your hard work shows. You're the most involved creator I've ever encountered. It's appreciated. I'm in till then end my friend.


I LOVE the history lessons! That bit on the 25th amendment was very informative. I watched a Liberty University lesson on the underpinnings of the American Revolution. I would love to get your take on the stuff I had never heard before, that being the Radical Whig philosophy and its interaction with John Locke philosophy to result in our federal republic.

Jeff Palmer

Thanks for being so transparent! I particularly appreciate the fact that your videos aren't "anti-SJW" content. I lean more in that direction politically, and I was initially worried that the content would be too focused on that for my tastes. I've really enjoyed the balance and open-mindedness with which you construct your videos. Happy to keep supporting you!


Very happy with all the content. You've got me for the long haul good sir.


That's what I like to hear. As much as I loved hearing "I bought this game you loved because of you," or "you got me into PlayStation," or whatever else, what means a lot more is when someone told (or tells) me, "I got engaged because of you," or "I voted because of you."


Totally understood! Anything you can do is appreciated. What I wanted to be clear with for the audience was that all are welcome, but that support is obviously essential towards making CLS a long-term, sustainable property.


It's all good! Your support is greatly appreciated. That said, I hope you get to enjoy the content at some point in return for your generosity, and that perhaps it sparks something in you!


Thank you for the kind words. Substance is what I wanted to go for. Not the easy win (which is what I think everyone expected me to do).


The $10/month Q&A might be a good way to do that. I'm about to record it this afternoon, after I take care of some errands, and I answer pretty much anything that's thrown my way, regardless of topic. (Also, at the $5+/month level, I'm going to be way better about cluing you guys into what I'm watching, reading, and the like.)


Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying everything. If I ever returned to gaming -- and I really doubt I will -- it wouldn't be a CLS product. If anything, maybe I'll go back and write something one day. But I honestly feel liberated not being in that world anymore.


I'm grateful that you gave me and my new product a chance, and decided to stick around.


Thank you. I'm happy to hear that. I know so many people know me from that other world, but I made a pivot... and it seems like it resonated with some. I'm thankful, for sure.


If there's years-long (or decades-long?!) demand for CLS, I will keep going for as long as people want. I'd love to do this, and related projects, for the rest of my life. Thank YOU!


Thank you. I try to be as involved as many of you are. Otherwise, what's the point? I don't believe in being detached.


Two new history lessons are coming on Thursday and next Monday, so stay tuned. (And I'd love to get more into the Revolution, which is my absolute favorite thing... but I have to figure out appealing angles first.)


It would have been easy to succumb to the "anti-SJW" stuff, and while I FEEL a lot of that, I don't need to act on it. SJW, snowflake, cuck, all of that... they're not even words in my vocabulary. I wanted to turn a negative into a positive, and I feel like I've done that. I could be bigger, get more views, and make more money attacking the left, but that's not really interesting to me, and it's not how I want to spend my life. I'd rather spending it just telling you how I feel, regardless of how it lines up on various ideological spectra.

Jeff Palmer

I think there's definitely a line with any of the SJW stuff that goes too far for anyone's benefit. Like I said, I personally lean more left, but I also think it's necessary for people to have real opinions that aren't always popular (or even right). That doesn't make someone a bad person nor invalidate their thoughts. What I'm most interested in is people who are always listening, learning, and questioning—and that's basically the mission statement of CLS!

Chris Johan

Hey Colin! It's so exciting to see your dedication and hard work showing through your transparency and general messaging across the medias. It has been almost exactly four years that I have been a fan of yours and I believe that this is you at your best so far from what I have seen. Your hard work shows and it is encouraging and quite inspirational. Thank you for your work and point of view. now I just need diversify the viewpoints that I consume (It's hard to keep up with it all), Although, It is becoming increasingly hard to take the far right/left view into consideration most of time because of their absurdity. Anyway, thank you!

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 17:11:25 Thank you! I really do work hard and leave it all on the field, and I'm glad that's noticeable to the audience. <3
2017-07-11 02:36:13 Thank you! I really do work hard and leave it all on the field, and I'm glad that's noticeable to the audience. <3

Thank you! I really do work hard and leave it all on the field, and I'm glad that's noticeable to the audience. <3

Joe Rowland (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 17:11:25 I'm probably the epitome of a casual CLS fan. Not being that big on politics or history (or being American), the content generally doesn't grab me as as much as (for example) you making content about video games did. However, I'm still happy to support because of who you are, and for the entertainment you've given me in the past and continue to do so now with Colin's Last Stand. I still enjoy watching most of the new videos as they post. My only real criticism would be that because the format is essentially just you speaking to a camera, we (as the viewers) lose out on having some kind of back and forth and a more dynamic discussion about the topics. The kind you had at IGN, Kinda Funny and when you were on Dave Rubin and Joe Rogan's shows, etc. I'm not quite sure how that could be fixed because you can't just magic up a partner to work with and I'm not sure that would be right either because I do enjoy the thought and preparation you clearly put into each topic and often it just being you works well enough anyway. I guess I just miss having that little bit of banter that you always had previously with other on-screen personalities. Hope this makes some kind of sense as I'm not quite sure how to word what I mean Above all though, keep doing what you enjoy and it'll all find its home eventually. &lt;3
2017-07-11 09:20:49 I'm probably the epitome of a casual CLS fan. Not being that big on politics or history (or being American), the content generally doesn't grab me as as much as (for example) you making content about video games did. However, I'm still happy to support because of who you are, and for the entertainment you've given me in the past and continue to do so now with Colin's Last Stand. I still enjoy watching most of the new videos as they post. My only real criticism would be that because the format is essentially just you speaking to a camera, we (as the viewers) lose out on having some kind of back and forth and a more dynamic discussion about the topics. The kind you had at IGN, Kinda Funny and when you were on Dave Rubin and Joe Rogan's shows, etc. I'm not quite sure how that could be fixed because you can't just magic up a partner to work with and I'm not sure that would be right either because I do enjoy the thought and preparation you clearly put into each topic and often it just being you works well enough anyway. I guess I just miss having that little bit of banter that you always had previously with other on-screen personalities. Hope this makes some kind of sense as I'm not quite sure how to word what I mean Above all though, keep doing what you enjoy and it'll all find its home eventually. <3

I'm probably the epitome of a casual CLS fan. Not being that big on politics or history (or being American), the content generally doesn't grab me as as much as (for example) you making content about video games did. However, I'm still happy to support because of who you are, and for the entertainment you've given me in the past and continue to do so now with Colin's Last Stand. I still enjoy watching most of the new videos as they post. My only real criticism would be that because the format is essentially just you speaking to a camera, we (as the viewers) lose out on having some kind of back and forth and a more dynamic discussion about the topics. The kind you had at IGN, Kinda Funny and when you were on Dave Rubin and Joe Rogan's shows, etc. I'm not quite sure how that could be fixed because you can't just magic up a partner to work with and I'm not sure that would be right either because I do enjoy the thought and preparation you clearly put into each topic and often it just being you works well enough anyway. I guess I just miss having that little bit of banter that you always had previously with other on-screen personalities. Hope this makes some kind of sense as I'm not quite sure how to word what I mean Above all though, keep doing what you enjoy and it'll all find its home eventually. <3