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Hey All,

When I came up with the idea for News Bursts upon launching Colin's Last Stand's Patreon, I had always intended on interspersing documentary and book recommendations in there as well. Thing is, while I'm reading more voraciously in my scarce spare time since I have in college (five 350+ page books in two months... not terrible), I've not had a chance to watch (nonetheless recommend) many documentaries. (Really anything of note, recently, as sad as that is.)

So, expect these kinds of posts (along with book recommendations) coming faster and more furious for those of you at the $5+/month level. I want to really give this tier more additive value, and more value to those above, as well, and I think a lot of you (if not virtually all of you) are like me: You like a good documentary, no matter what the subject matter is. Because we're curious people.

Tonight, I just wanted to alert you to a really great documentary I just watched, one called Betting on Zero. It was released this year, and is currently free to watch on Netflix in the US.

Betting on Zero revolves around the short sale of the health supplement company called Herbalife, which has been accused by some -- including by a well-known investor who bet $1 billion of his firm's money on Herbalife's demise -- as being a shameless pyramid scheme, perhaps the biggest, most lucrative, and most destructive of all-time.

Do yourself a favor: If you were ignorant of the Herbalife situation like I was, don't look it up on Google or anything. Just go in blind.

The documentary is thought-provoking, fun to watch, lengthy, and extremely sad. I think the CLS audience will really like it.

A fresh News Burst will go live tomorrow. Until then, I hope you're all well, and that you have a fantastic evening (it's night here in California, anyway). -Colin


Will Caldwell

Nice! Love the book and documentary recommendations :) <a href="https://media.giphy.com/media/3otPoOxyDTXjzpMbIY/giphy.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.giphy.com/media/3otPoOxyDTXjzpMbIY/giphy.gif</a>


Will be watching it. Thanks Colin.

JoTu 22

Colin my man please watch the documentary the world without U.S. I saw it on Netflix but recently on YouTube. You always say you don't understand the military budget and why we are on so many patches of foreign soil. It's eye opening. Give it a watch!! CLS for life!!!

Christopher Lee

Thank you! I'll watch it tomorrow! I feel like most already know about it, but if not, VICE on hbo (the weekly documentary series) is almost always insanely fascinating (though occasionally biased to one political side... go ahead... guess). Sidenote: my new weekly "podcast" is now books purchased on amazon/audible based on suggestions either from you Colin or others here in CLS and I really enjoy that so thank you. Currently going through "The Making of the Atomic Bomb" by Richard Rhodes. The "Manhatten project" was loosing in the monthly votes so I took matters into my own hands 😉

BettyAnn Moriarty

I'll take a look. This will be very interesting. MANY years ago, your dad and I were approached about Herbalife - about first purchasing products/buying in. Obviously that never transpired...thankfully!? I'll soon find out!

Arvel Crynyd

I saw this thing for a long time on my Netflix frontpage but didn't bother to watch it. Thanks to your recommendation, I watched it... Man, I hate MLMs. It's selling a group of uninformed people the idea of making money on the go. 2 or 3 years ago there was a similiar thing with energy drinks with a variety of YouTube personalities here in Germany, where one of the top Fitness Youtubers basically sold this product Vemma to his young viewers together with this MLM scheme (until it eventually collapsed after regulators shut this scheme down in several countries). Things like this make me appreciate your stance on not putting any commercials and product placements in your videos.


Cool Time to clean my house and turn on Netflix!

Josh in Tampa

Awesome! Thanks for the recommendation Colin. Supposed to be rainy this evening here, now I've got something to check out.

Christopher Lee

The current thing that I keep seeing friends posting on social media are these "essential oils" which makes no sense to me, because I can buy any kind of "essential oil" or product they sell right on amazon with free shipping. My wife keeps getting targeted for this from her "friends" and purely out of curiosity each time they recommend something I ask her what the cost is... and then we find it on amazon for like $5 with free shipping. I hate these things though, every single one of them. We have friends we stopped talking to because every "hangout" turned into "while you're here check this out" and trying to make us "sample" they're "product".

John Quinn

Downloaded it to watch on the plane today. Thanks Colin!

Arvel Crynyd

This sounds more like "snake oil" to me. But that's the issue, you come up with a fancy product (may it be energy drinks, cosmetics, oils, storage containers, dildos or stockmarket portfolio products), tell something about "cutting off the middle man" and instead becoming the middle man himself. Whenever someone tries to sell me those things, I try keep my distance from them. And it's sad when friends become part of that scheme and they become obsessed with it.

James Schubert

"On December 21, 2016, Donald Trump named Carl Icahn special advisor to the President on regulatory reform" in my opinion this is incredibly harrowing based on what he was willing to back simply because of what seems to me to be a vendetta of some sort.

Lucas Gremista

Would you short on Herbalife now?

John Quinn

I think he still manages his hedge fund too, which seems like a conflict of interest to me, though I’m not sure what the precedent for this sort of thing is.

BettyAnn Moriarty

I just watched. It was startling but not surprising. I always had 'a feeling' about this company that just never sat well with me. The documentary aligned with that 'gut thing' that I had. At the same time , it was heartbreaking to watch. I hate when people that are struggling yet trusting are taken Advantage of. The resignation of Johnson kinda says it all for me... Thanks for sharing it, Col.


I'm so bogged down with work and other things to do that it's hard for me to find the time to do much. What I have seen of Vice I've really enjoyed, however. I'd love to do a video on the Manhattan Project one day, by the way. =) Good luck with your endeavor!


Really? That's interesting. You'll have to tell me more about that when next we speak.


I said this after I watched the documentary: If it's too good to be true, it probably is.


What's so crazy is that, today, the short is underwater significantly and Herbalife is doing great, even after the FCC intervened. Someone is wrong here, and I have no idea who to believe.

BettyAnn Moriarty

Yeah... a girl I use to fly with is always all over me to purchase 'shakes' etc from her. She apparently does very well... always going to conventions etc and she looks great! But she's one persistent, pushy chick. Yikes. It's awful. I avoid her at all cost- like 'no' isn't a word she comprehends! So, I too don't know the real story but... I still get that icky feeling. The end. For now anyway. 😉

Nitsua MorningStr

John Oliver did a huge segment on this kind of pyramid scheme several months back. Really interesting and depressing to see hear those people tell their stories.