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I hope you’re all doing very well, and that you enjoyed your weekend.

Tomorrow’s video is locked-in and ready to go! It’s another “social commentary” video like this past Thursday’s. I hope you like it. (I’m intentionally staying away from one piece of news in this News Burst so as to not be redundant with the video's content, which could be a spoiler. =D.)

Next week, Erin and I are going to Vegas for a few days. We both love it there (a little gambling, a little pool, a lot of food, a lot of chain-smoking cigars, and a whole lot of drinking), and it’ll be the first time I’ve had a real break since before I launched CLS. (By my count, I've only not worked in some capacity for two days since March 13.) I’m really, really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, as a One Man Army, that means I have to get next week’s videos locked-and-loaded within the next week, as well as this Thursday’s video. In other words, it’s going to be a not-so-fun week, especially when you factor in that I want to get the Q&A video out, start on thank you videos, and begin mailing out postcards and signed Tweets. We’ll see how this all goes. *wipes brow*

What I've also been playing around with is, when should I go on real vacation? Like, not do any videos or anything? What I'm identifying right now is one week in July, and the last two weeks of the year. That leaves 49 weeks of content (or 98 videos a year). I'd be curious what you guys think of that, and if you have any input, so let me know.

I think that’s it. Let’s go!

Terror Attack in London: https://www.apnews.com/9486def2d8304595b17e40bafc508ad5/12-arrested-in-London's-night-of-terror;--IS-claims-attack

My Take: It seems like the bodies from the Manchester terrorist attack were just getting cold, and now, another terror attack has rocked the UK. This time, the attack strikes at the heart of Britain, in the capital city of London, and it was as brutal and disgusting as many other, similar attacks that have happened so often in Europe these past few years as to have become totally routine and run-of-the-mill. That’s such a scary and awful fact, when you think about it and let it sink in. None of this is a surprise anymore.

Anyway, this attack was done in two stages. A van ran over people, while men with knives slashed and dashed through civilians, killing seven. 48 people were injured in total; 21 of them remain in critical condition. When you read the details of the attack, and read some of the eyewitness reports, it really does get to you (or to me, at least) just how gruesome and disgusting this shit has become. I wouldn’t call myself a squeamish person by any stretch of the imagination, but the details are a little too much for me to stomach. (Just like a lot of the other terrible things ISIS does.)

Speaking of which, ISIS has (not surprisingly) taken credit for the attack. This one seems to be far more in line with their modus operandi, as opposed to the newest attack in the Philippines from a few days ago, in which ISIS claimed it, with the Filipino authorities saying it wasn’t them, and with the details of the crime not amounting to something ISIS would do. In anycase, this is terrible stuff. What else is there to say? Other than that there’s an election very, very soon in the UK, and I suspect this is going to help Theresa May and her coalition, who have been slipping mightily in the polls.

(Related Story | Trump, London Mayor Go At It: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-london-attack-tweets_us_593410e8e4b075bff0f461f7?ncid=inblnkushpmg00000009)

(Related Story | Londoners at the Scene Fought Back: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-security-scene-idUSKBN18V0OW?il=0)

Ariana and Company Put on a Show in Manchester: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/04/arts/music/ariana-grande-one-love-manchester-benefit-concert.html

My Take: Typically, I’d just fold this into the Related Stories from the above terrorism attack, but I feel like this deserves its own post and its own spotlight, particularly because I think it’s a rare glimpse of sunlight in the increasingly dark stories surrounding Europe’s terror attack plague. The One Love Manchester concert was held for the benefit of the victims and the victims’ families who were affected by the Manchester terror attack just a couple of weeks ago, and, “defiantly” enough, was held in Manchester itself.

I’ve been fairly clear in the past (especially in the more recent past) that I think Europe has a big problem on its hands, and that it needs to stop burying its head in the sand and start wrapping its collective mind around what it’s going to do to make what’s been happening far less routine. I think what happened yesterday in London simply illustrates that important point further; this problem will not disappear, and it will probably only get worse, until someone is brave and smart enough to devise an actionable plan that can be executed on. (Because frankly, I don’t have a solution for you. All I know is there’s a problem. I think that’s obvious.)

But, I’ve been seeing this idea of “not being cowed” by the terror attacks, and while I think that it’s silly to pretend like there’s no issue, I think it’s vital and essential that people go about their daily lives, and to not live in fear. This brought it a step further: Not only were people living their lives, but they collected together again, in a scene very similar to the one near the explosion weeks prior, to celebrate music, the UK, unity, and to raise funds for a very good cause. I think Ariana Grande and her cohorts and planners deserve a lot of credit for doing something very selfless, perhaps just a little bit dangerous (Ariana!), and shoving something positive and uplifting out there in a sea of negativity.

James Comey is on Deck: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/06/04/comey-hearing-trump-fbi-russia-239113

My Take: The “Russia is Responsible For Everything” line of inquiry has taken a hiatus for a week or two, but it’s undoubtedly going to be back in full swing this week, with James Comey -- former FBI Director -- set to testify before Congress. More specifically, the Senate is set to question Comey on Thursday in regard to the FBI’s (likely ongoing) investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. This could be fireworks, or it could be nothing at all. We’re going to find out in the coming days what’s what.

What’s interesting about this story, to me, is that -- apart from a series of leaks -- no one really knows where James Comey’s head is at. He hasn’t said a single, solitary word since he was dismissed by Trump nearly one full month ago. Nothing he’s said has been on the record, and anonymous sources -- if they can be trusted (and they probably can be) -- can only take this story so far. Comey speaking could be the beginning of the end of Trump, or the beginning of the end of the inquiry into Trump’s administration’s relationship with Russia. It’s hard to really interpret it in any other way.

Since Comey has apparently shown an eagerness to testify -- likely to clear his own name -- it’s unlikely that he’ll be very cagey. Instead, I expect him to be the exact opposite: Open and ready to get down to business. The key with the Senate Intelligence Committee will be to ask the right questions to get him to open up, and I’m confident that both the majority and minority members of the committee are up to the task. This is a seminal moment for both sides; how it plays out can dictate the course of American politics for quite some time to come. I’m eager. Are you?

(Related Story | Five Things Lawmakers Want From Comey: http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/336182-five-things-lawmakers-want-to-know-from-comey)


John Barton

Thanks for the burst Colin. I feel bad for those people living in Britain since they cannot even defend themselves with guns. Evil people will still do evil even if you take everyone's weapons away. I'm starting to wonder how many massacres have to happen until they mobilize to deal more head on with ISIS. Their election will be interesting as it unfolds. My thoughts and prayers go out to them.

Will Caldwell

On the vacays maybe just a quick news burst or something instead of a video as a thought. Need some r & r being the one man band like you say. Keep up the great work.


I work as a travel agent and I have a young couple in London right now. I booked their tours and suggested they enjoy the nightlife and see the city lite up at night. I have no idea if they're OK or we're near the incident. It's making me very nervous. I try to reassure people that they should travel and not be afraid. I'm not sure I can do thst anymore.


As for your vacations, take them and don't worry. You're allowed to unplug every so often.

GrisWold Diablo

For the Comey testimony, what I'm eager to see is what kind of questions will be ask. Depending of their questions, we will know if they stand with Trump and the white house or do they stand with the sanctity of the government. This is going to be quite interesting. For terrorism, I've always said, the more we coward and give away our freedom in the name of security, the more terrorists wins. Live as nothing happened (of course address it and work to fix the ideology) but continue normal daily work. Terrorist are annoyed of our way of life and want us to coward and bend to their will. For your vacation, missing couple days shouldn't be a problem if explained properly before you leave, you could even find someone to team with and mirror a video or 2 from them for your missing days to your channel.


Yea Colin take your vacations whenever you want everyone needs a break sometimes. If you find yourself back in Bourbon country (Louisville) let me know there's an amazing pizza joint you slept on last time you were here!


My suggestion when it comes to taking time off is to be flexible. Split some longer videos up to give yourself some lead way. Taking only 3 weeks off is ambitious. Your doing great and I hope the weather in Vegas isn't too hot.

Scott Rabideau

Please give yourself more time off than that. I would suggest perhaps only releasing one video during weeks with a holiday (Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc.) and adding another full week off during the year. And as a fan of Beyond, I know you don't want any gaps in your release schedule, but having to pre-load videos so you can take vacation seems rough. We all appreciate that, but I'm not 100% sure it's necessary this time around because not everything you do is topical. Think about it!


As far as time off goes, just take as much as you need. the fact you are doing something that you are passionate about means you will miss it after a short holiday anyways. I think that these recent terrible and tragic attacks in the UK are going to hurt May more than people believe, she will start having the finger pointed squarely at her due to her previous role as home secretary, in that time cutting police funding by over 20% since 2011... the numbers do not look good for her.


Great burst - take your vacation and enjoy the time off worry free

Josh in Tampa

Hey Colin. Thanks for the news burst. Good reading Monday morning. As far as the vacation thing is concerned, I would say just maybe mention it ahead of time so people aren't surprised and then take it completely off. I have to believe that people certainly understand that like anyone you need some times of a complete break from work. I certainly would hope so. 3-4 weeks a month isn't too much to ask lol. Hope y'all enjoy Vegas btw!

Hose A Contra Razz

I think you should take one week off for spring break, summer and fall, two weeks in the winter. You need at least one week off each season


Take off any time that you need no worries

Jeremy Meyer

6 weeks of vacation per year.

Shawn Price

Two weeks off doesn't feel like enough to me. I think having a good balance between work and life is far more important than getting a few more videos each year. Plus, this balance will likely leave you more energized and ultimately improve the quality of your work.

John Burleson

3 weeks off a year seems low. I've worked 45+ hours a week for 10+ years and my company gives 4 weeks vacation a year.


Erin likes going to Vegas because of how scorching hot it is. We just lie by the pool during the day and swim, read, eat, and drink. Then we go back to the room, get dressed, go to dinner, and then gamble and chain smoke 'til 4a and do it all over again. =)


I agree. There was a time in the video game industry when I was always eager to get back from vacation after a while. Fuck, the first two years I was in the industry, I hated weekends. I'm a bit of a workaholic by nature, so this is my curse.


I'm about there. Maybe around five. I haven't worked a full year, so... maybe six in 2018?