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This is my favorite episode of CLS so far. =)


Project Horizon: America's Cold War Moon Base (Almost) -- Colin's Last Stand (Episode 17)

In 1959, the American Department of Defense wrote more than 400 classified pages investigating whether it could build a fully functioning lunar base by 1966. This is the story of Project Horizon. Project Horizon's Declassified Reports: Part I: http://www.history.army.mil/faq/horizon/Horizon_V1.pdf Part II: http://www.history.army.mil/faq/horizon/Horizon_V2.pdf Colin's Last Stand is free of baked-in ads, product placement, and other obnoxious forms of advertising because of your support. Please consider subscribing to CLS' Patreon to show your support for independent historical and political content: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Reddit: /r/ColinsLastStand Still images in this video were acquired from the following sources, for which Colin's Last Stand is thankful: Den of Geeks, History.com, IGN, NASA, Wikimedia, and Wikipedia. Bibliography/Reading List: Explorer I Details: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/explorer/explorer-overview.html NASA Estabilshed: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/nasa-established Project Horizon Has Been Declassified: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB479/#_ednref2 Sputnik I Details: https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_924.html Sputnik II Details: https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1957-002A The Manhattan Project Details: https://www.britannica.com/event/Manhattan-Project The Soviet Union's Lunar Plans: http://www.popularmechanics.com/space/moon-mars/a19405/ussr-1960s-lunar-base/ What Happened to Laika?: http://time.com/3546215/laika-1957/



This topic is absolutely fascinating. Love it, Colin. Keep it up!

John Quinn

Really looking forward to watching this after work. Love space stuff.


Colin, I'm on a flight to Texas. Get that audio uploaded asap before we take off! 😂


Absolutely stunning episode man. This is the insanely interesting content I love to hear you speak so passionately about. Keep being awesome and enjoy your day sir!

Joey Finelli

Great episode... Russia sending that poor dog to space was just cruel. He was the first Cosmo!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think your new equipement is great. The lighting is a little harsh.


Fantastic stuff, love that you're covering this type of content! Exciting and fascinating stuff. Makes me wonder what Top Secret plans are simmering right now.


I agree with you Colin. This is your best episode yet.


This was awesome. Enjoyed this vid very much!!


Another solid episode. Very fascinating thing that I had never heard of. As a side question to this. Have you considered bringing guests on the show at any point? Like for example with this one having a scientist on to share insights and such could be cool. Just curious, as I think you have an amazing platform here to expose new learners to subject matter experts.


Really interesting, such a reflection of the time too. Would any thinking be as naively ambitious today, unlikely in the cynical age if information. Great episode though, fascinating subject matter. Keep up the good work Colin ✌ Peace

Khalil Sadi

What an awesome video, Col! The "Nope, Russia can't be first!" mentality they had at the time is pretty interesting. It's a pretty awesome insight into what was happening during the Cold War, just reacting instead of being proactive. It's also interesting to note that when it comes to war, there's no budgeting. Whatever it costs is fine. Hopefully Nasa's budget can be expanded sometime soon. Fun fact about my mom: her name's Nasa, so I'm going to start calling her "The Nasa."


Great video! Men only on the base you say? Ah. Peace and quiet. #AMoonWithoutAWoman

George Newton

Best yet more like this please Colin


Also my favorite episode so far, thank you again Colin. Love these history pieces. Curious if you've heard of the "Free City of Tri-Insula" by any chance? Seeing as your from LI


This was wonderful, Colin. Thanks so much for doing it. So interesting. We have to start this up again! Endlessly fascinating. It almost doesn't seem real, haha. Oh, and liked the framing of the shot on this episode with you more centered. Great stuff.

Zack E

It'll be amazing to see what crazy top secret project proposals there are now in 50 years when they get declassified.

BettyAnn Moriarty

BEST! I've been hooked on space travel forever and remember the Russian Sputnik! (Oh.... Maybe my mother told me about it... 😂) Thus was SO good!!! Give me more!!!! Please!? 😉❤️

Zack E

While I love the more political topics, these are the type of videos that excite me the most and encourage further research into the topic. Keep a healthy balance between the directly political discussions and the more tech/science/philosophical topics, of which there are always political aspects of some sort in relation, and I think it would be a great variety.


Outstanding job! I never knew this project existed, and it's super fascinating to hear about. I totally understand why it didn't happen, but it's a shame that it didn't!

Dan Phillips

Incredible. I had never heard of this before. Obviously it wasn't feasible for that time period but I wonder how realistic it would be for us today. I mean actually having people living on the moon in a permanent base. It's cool to think about. Not sure the benefit to us and thus why it hasn't happened.


Probably my favorite episode so far. I'd have loved to be apart of this think tank back in the day!


We're tweaking. It was even harsher before I made adjustments. Some folks said it looked great, so I have no fucking idea. Production is super hard, and I'm so out of my element with it.


Well, that's why I felt it was so important to set the stage. We wanted to beat the Soviets, and they were beating us badly in space. This report reflects that need to best them. I'm glad you liked the video!


Thank you! I can't swing this length all the time (I was tempted to cut it into two, but figured people would be mad), but I like the subject matter, and would like to do more on declassified documents in the future.


Thank you! We're slowly (but surely) getting the production level where it needs to be. I know it's a slow process, but I'm so head-down in the content that it's actually Erin that's been doing a ton of work on that front. Stand-by. It'll keep getting better.


I'm trying to keep the balance here, because I agree that it's the variety that's key to CLS' limited success. Thursday's episode is entirely political and contemporary.


It would be expensive and complicated even today, but I think we could do anything up there if we put our minds to it (and our wallets on the line). We should probably be thinking Mars at this point.

Dan Phillips

Yeah I agree about the Mars thing. Only that's more complicated and more expensive. Do you think putting a base on the moon as a trial run to getting people to Mars is worth it. I imagine we would learn a ton from the experience that could be applied to the Mars project.

Dan Cadogan

Colin I just watched a video with Neil deGrasse Tyson, and his tone was so urgent and filled with such frustration I was wondering if you think there is a specific advantage climate denyers in office get or are they really just inbred glue eaters?


Awesome episode Colin! Made me think of the movie Iron Sky 😂. I love looking at what people in the 50's & 60's thought the future would bring, saw a fashion video once and some of the concepts were bonkers but at the same time I could understand the thinking behind them, I'll try and find the link 👍🏼


Looks more like the late 40's reminds my of the space suit <a href="https://youtu.be/U9eAiy0IGBI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/U9eAiy0IGBI</a>

Seth Eden

Very awesome video on something I literally didnt know even existed. This makes me think back to your video on NASA and my imagination goes crazy just thinking about what we could have accomplished had they continued to be fully funded and dedicated to doing cool sh*t. I am surprised you didnt touch on why it fell through, was it just money? or also the possibility that maybe they were not as unsuccessful as we think? idk regardless gives me alot to think about and read up on which is why I love Colins Last Stand so much! Keep it up

Jeremy Meyer

The way the shot is framed, feels like I'm staring at your balls. Full event horizon. I think I like my Colin nipples up. The bottom of the frame at your nipples, like they shot you on Rubin. Or bellybutton up, like CLS episode 1, 2, or 3. Closer up, feels like I can feel your research and subject domination. You hit like a heavyweight.

Jeremy Meyer

We should have super-militarized the moon base plan, let it leak to the russians, just to fuck with them. Some cold war antics.


Nice one man. You clearly put some serious time into researching this topic. It's cool because it's real but it feels totally sci-fi at the same time. I love 1930s-1950s sci-fi culture. Fun topic.


I don't really understand denying climate change. I DO, however, understanding the fight over how we deal with it, how severe it is, and what's causing it overall.


This is awesome. Visions of the future are always quaint when we look back. Even movies from the '80s and '90s look ridiculous in that regard.


I'd argue I put TOO MUCH time into this one, as it's set me back a great deal. But I want to do big, meaty episodes like this every so often. Glad you dug it.

GrisWold Diablo

Well I wasn't expected to talk about video games over here but i think this is appropriate, Overwatch's New Map is called Horizon Lunar Colony. AHAHA <a href="http://kotaku.com/overwatchs-new-map-is-on-the-moon-1795696063" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://kotaku.com/overwatchs-new-map-is-on-the-moon-1795696063</a>

Ross Arbour

Major space geek here. 40 minutes went by quick. Kudos!

Ryan Harvey

This was my favorite so far too just a really fascinating topic

Nick Griffiths

Excellent job Colin - a topic I hadn't even heard of and yet utterly fascinating. Loved it !