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Hello! It's been a while since we've had an episode of Sacred x Duke, and we're sorry about that. Schedules are often hard to align, and either way, the news has been kinda slow. We're pleased to convene today, however -- all five of us -- to chat about a few items, and have some laughs along the way, too. We start by going over recent changes to Xbox's Game Pass subscription service, what the future might hold for its multi-tiered, multi-platform approach, and whether it's better for the almighty Call of Duty to sell a la carte, or for people to sub to Game Pass. Surely, there are upsides and downsides to both. Meanwhile, four of five of us have played the open beta for upcoming PlayStation first party PS5-and-PC multiplayer hero shooter Concord. What do we think about Firewalk's first foray into this crowded and competitive space? Does it have any chance of success, either in the short-or-long-term? Heck, is it even fun to play at all? All of that -- and more! -- await on the other side of play.




Colin in full gamepass derangement mode

Joseph Gedgaudas

What was Chris going on about the Trump shooter not making the donation to the Progressive Turnout Project?