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Back in February 2022, FromSoftware shocked the world with Elden Ring. Debuting as one of the highest-rated games of all time, Elden Ring quickly became a worldwide phenomenon. For over two years, fans eagerly awaited new content for the title. All of the waiting finally paid off when Shadow of the Erdtree was released last month to similar critical acclaim. So naturally, I (Dustin) knew I needed to gather our FromSoftware enthusiasts to discuss it. Join Brad, Gene, and me as we break down the new adventure in the Land of Shadow, including the world, bosses, items, lore, and more!




I haven’t been able to beat the DLC because of my disability (my children) and that I can’t pause the game 😢


Gene is like the stereotypical valley girl who habitually abuses the word "like", except he does it with "you know?" EVERY GOD DAMN SENTENCE he ends with "you know?"

The Rose Experience

I think Gene wore Brad and Dustin out on this with the lore. Gene’s passion for the game is palpable, I respect and admire it but here’s the issue: Almost all of what Gene is glowing about isn’t garnered by people playing the game, it’s from YouTubers and the like who do the work for the people who play, who then watch lore videos just to understand Souls games story and characters. No other group of games would get the leeway with their story like this, it’s hypocritical as is so much of the critical discussion around Souls games. I’ll admit it’s intelligent in so far as it being an ancillary narrative tool, but having to do this just to get anything out of Elden Ring’s story shouldn’t be applauded This isn’t a referendum on if FROM games are good or not, they are, but how it handles story is insufficient at best. It’s not good storytelling at all, not when players have to piece meal it and run to YouTube just to get a semblance of the goings on of the world. We can admit these games are great while also admitting some of the things they’re doing could be improved. UI, UX, yes a pause button and story. The average player is not figuring out these side quests without someone doing it for them and you just copying that. Again, that’s just not great design and no one says a thing about it.


They handle the story fine. It's what From fans like. Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean it's bad.

Luke Oliveto

Not gonna lie, it was pretty frustrating listening to brad completely misunderstand Gene's point on Fromsoft's boss design after he very clearly explained what he meant over and over again