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Nintendo’s Scalper Crackdown | Punching Up, Episode 31

Just recently, Nintendo held its annual shareholder meeting with a full q and A with their stockholders. While the official translation of the meeting is not available yet, we’ve gotten of few interesting bits to look at that people have translated. Is Miyamoto taking care of himself as he gets older? What is Nintendo doing to prevent shortages of the next console? Also, there’s two fresh lawsuits Nintendo is filing against alleged pirates. Join us as we discuss! Get early access to Punching up at https://www.patreon.com/LastStandMedia 0:00:00 - Intro 0:24:25 - Nintendo Shareholder Q and A 1:00:50 - Nintendo Lawsuits 1:12:03 - What we’re playing 1:34:44 - Ending Questions


Directional Joy

Speaking to Micah’s ❤️ for Vanillaware, I wish OdinSphere was available on the Switch… not to say that it would be Micah’s kinda thing (quite different from Dragon’s Crown) but I hate when there is an ‘odd man out’ of a developer’s backlog.