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Hey, all! Chris here! I’ll be hosting a Sacred Symbols Plus episode with COG all about Destiny and The Final Shape. I want to get some of your inquiries in to help guide the show. A rundown of a game in its 10th year is bound to go off the rails. Be our tracks!

So! If you’re a lapsed player, a hardcore raider, or just a passive observer; gimme them questions!

All prior write-in rules apply. Brevity be praised. Write well.

See you starside.


Caleb Johnston

Hello There, Sacred Guardian Dukes, Chris & Cog! I absolutely loved Destiny 1. I played it from Day 1 up until the Taken King. I played just a few hours of D2 but, unfortunately the game and all of its expansions became too much for me to keep up with over the years while wanting to play other new releases and keeping up with life outside of gaming. So, my question is, for a lapsed Destiny player like myself is there any possible way to go back and play Destiny 2 nowadays although I haven’t kept up with any of the expansions? Or has the game changed too much to jump back in to? Thank you for your time fellas!

Chris Mailloux

Well Chris and Cog, whether we wanted it or not… (definitely wanted it) Bungie absolutely crushed it with the Final Shape. I figured it would be fun to see who both of you would draft out of the LSM crew to build a raid team. I figure you both could take turns picking and it would be interesting to see the final teams. (In this impossible scenario everyone wants to play Destiny and Colin plays co-op games) The choices are: Ben, Brad, Colin, Dustin, Dagan, Gene, Hoeg, Lock, Matty and Micah Thanks Chris and Cog! Eyes Up Guardians!