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Hey, all! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 176 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Tuesday, May 14th at 1PM ET to make your submission.


Mars Barrow

Good days Doubles D's! Apologies if you've touched on this, as I'm a somewhat new listener, but I was curious as to what some of your favorite games from the Xbox 360 downloadable era are. I'd love to know what gems have really built up some of your inherent nostalgia from that magical Xbox time. Is it true that Microsoft is also turning off purchases for older games on the newer systems? Thanks for all the info and entertainment! Mars from MN

Bryan Lonsdale

Good afternoon, Dukes! My question is mainly for Cog. You mentioned last week that you don't necessarily blame Phil Spencer or Matt Booty for the recent closures because it was likely a decision made above their heads. The Eye of Satya has been intensely focused on Xbox now that Xbox has become a much bigger part of Microsoft following the acquisitions of Bethesda and ABK. But the decision to acquire those publishers was almost certainly done by Spencer and Booty. So if it's now not working out financially for Xbox, isn't the blame largely on them for any missteps? Keep up the great work, gentlemen!


Howdy Dukes, Do we see a world where Microsoft backs out of the Day One to gamepass of new first party titles?Could Gamepass be successful in a Movie Theater model where the game releases full price and won’t come to gamepass until 2 years later? Maybe that’s what should have been from the start? Now might be too late?

Shaun Sannerude

Hey Dukes, quick question. Is Hellblade 2 still coming out next week? I'm still struggling to see all this promised marketing of the game from Xbox!