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Soulslikes, Metroidvanias, and the Taxonomy of Video Games | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 377

We need to better hone the way we talk about video games, especially when it comes to their categorization. This is something that has been driving me (Colin) nuts for a while now, and it all came to head when I realized that people were describing tons of titles as "Soulslikes" that didn't seem to fit the moniker, at least from my perspective. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong... but I wanted to talk it out with some friends that both share my concerns, but that can also put me back on the right path. As such, welcome Punching Up's Gene Park and Summon Sign's Brad Ellis to Sacred+ for a brief, spirited conversation all about game genres, specifically focused on Soulslikes and Metroidvanias, but relevant to everything we play. Is it time for a video game Dewey Decimal System?


Paul Park

Hey CDC FYI busting balls is not exclusively an east coast phenomenon. I’m from California and I’m a construction electrician and ball busting is on our tool list. If you’re not good at it or take offense to it you will be eaten alive. If you just roll with it and engage you will have way more fun at work.


I loved the original FF7. We know the OG was not like this. The flow of Part 1 remake to this borefest of Part 2. Can we really let slide the mini games and non main story activities- they sucked? Fake Rocket League, Galaxy shooter Chocobo trash racing. I did it all - 125 hours - abysmal. Kingdom Hearts 3 does it all better. Grandblue Fantasy Relink is better then FF16 in storytelling (my game of the year). This project is so disappointing- lazy tacked on todo things not helping Cloud and crew in development. I'd tell anyone to skip this game. Everyone's not being honest about the cornyness of chocobo retrieval and other awful intern level design choices. Chadley all things chadley. The atrocious Ai. Look at Mass Effect series...did they not learn from that team? This is the biggest SE botch in their history.