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We're settling back in from Sacred Symbols 300 live in New York City, and the experience has us (The Brothers Moriarty) feeling nostalgic, which is a good thing for our retro-and-nostalgia-themed show. We're particularly sentimental about our parents, who both attended the show, and who -- at 73 years old, both -- have always come through for us, even if the path wasn't always linear, or even clear. We love making fun of our mom and dad on KnockBack; it's a staple of Dagan and Colin podcasts. But we thought we'd go in the other direction today, and talk about all the ways we love and appreciate our parents, how we think they helped form us into the people we are today, and add to the deep Moriarty lore that only grows by leaps and bounds here at Last Stand.



Tanner Denso

Your parents sound like they are wonderful human beings. This episode was very touching for me. I lost my mom to cancer last August just three weeks before my first son was born. She was 63 and we were very close. So my brother and I have been working on a garden bench with a plaque on it dedicated to her. We finished the bench this week and carried it up the hill of our childhood neighborhood where it now sits facing the ocean in the spot where we dropped some of her ashes. My dad is like you guys and very not handy. He will hire someone to get something done or call me since I am very handy. This is all to say that my dad actually helped us carry it up the hill and dig the holes for the anchors of the legs of the bench. I’m very proud of my dad because he actually did pretty good doing the various tasks that my brother and I instructed him on. So here I am listening to you guys while I’m at work and I’m getting extremely emotional listening to you guys talk about your parents and how Dagan said how he’s proud of your dad. I found it to be very relatable since that’s how I felt about my dad just two days ago. He has come a long way from many years ago he couldn’t even hang a picture on the wall because he didn’t realize the drill was in reverse🤣 I know my mom is proud of all three of us.

Jordan Falduto

1:03:46 - "I wanted that so bad" holy fuck man you got me misting up over here