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Welcome back to Punching Up! Nintendo is eyeing the top spot for the best-selling console of all time, but the ex-CEO of PlayStation recently reported new sales data showing they’ve still got a significant way to go to claim the spot from PlayStation. Additionally, Nintendo's testing centers have been hit with layoffs just before the launch of a new console. Princess Peach Showtime is here, but is it for us?

0:00:00 - Intro

0:03:22 - Dagan's new gig

0:16:28 - LSM in NYC

0:35:27 - Road to #1 best selling console

0:46:37 - Changing at US Nintendo Testing

1:03:32 - Quickies

1:09:07 - What We’ve Been Playing

1:42:43 - Ending Questions



Glen Yelenovic

Would have been an nice innocent April fools joke this week to have mixed up the intro songs

Glen Yelenovic

Thank you Dagan for all the punching up work. He will be missed. I certainly would love to hear his takes here and there even as pickups spliced in