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It's time for our first episode of Moriarty x Jaffe in more than two months, and as always, we deliver to you a doozy. Per our usual cadence, our conversation is kinetic (and even a little chaotic), and we touch on a ton of gaming topics: AAA publishing, Xbox's decline, subscription models, "anti-woke" gaming, industry griftting, and so on. We also grapple with lots of non-gaming topics, too, often interwoven with the aforementioned: Dreams, the economy, modern views on race and gender, political orthodoxy, et cetera. As usual, our chat is deeply political, sometimes inappropriate, and often heterodox. So, please don't listen if that sort of thing isn't your cup of tea (we understand).




Loving the Jaffe episodes!

Ryan Seashell

Thanks , Love these episodes

Glen Yelenovic

Always a pleasure to hear Jaffe. It is comforting to hear people disagree on some things, agree on others, and still be friends. The world would be a better place if we could all be like Colin and Jaffe in this aspect. I mean this sincerely and with zero sarcasm

David P

I feel like the people who try to convince us console players that we want PC because of controllers and big picture mode just don't get it. No I'm not keeping my whole ass desktop or laptop next to my TV, no it is not as convenient as turning on my console, you can't even do rest mode. I've tried this experience and it's clunky and shit. Love Jaffe though.

Kevin Garcia

Jaffe is denser than a black whole


Jaffe isn’t changing his leftist views and that’s fine but he is generally respectful. I wish he didn’t lean so hard into the “cis” “ and white privilege nonsense. It is tiresome and pathetic to ride the white horse of continuous guilt.

Braeden Burge

Huh, I hadn’t really thought about it until Jaffe pointed it out, but there hasn’t been a school shooting in a while, or if there has been it wasn’t noteworthy enough to be a “big” news story. At this point it’s never surprising to hear news of such a thing anymore. I’m only 26 and I can tell anyone younger than me that it definitely wasn’t this common even when I was a kid in the early-mid 2000s. Feels like Sandy Hook and the non-response from our government and communities lead to mass shootings in general becoming much more common.