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Hey guys! 

So we have a question to ask everyone and was hoping you guys can take a poll to help us out

We were wondering if you guys would like the new format to be the show being the full screen and us being the smaller screen (example pic above) so that you guys are able to see the show better with us OR leave it the way we originally did it.

ALSO, as you guys know, we like to edit our videos with words, gifs and/or animations etc. to have it be more interactive but doing that does take a lot of time which is why we aren't able to bring as many shows at once onto our Patreon so if you guys would like to see more content on here in the near future (includes more longer shows, dramas, and/or anime), it would be a lot easier for us to watch those here if we minimized the editing time.

We wanted to create a poll to see what you guys think because your opinions are important to us and we want to have you guys enjoy with us more than anything!

We want to bring more content to our Patreon, but we need your help!

Thank you guys again for the love and support! Love you guys <3


Silver Sage

Same. I've watched the show enough times to know what's going on, so would rather see your fuy's reactions. Also, I appreciate all your edits that adds your personalities, but if it's too much work, feel free to minimize them. I honestly want to hear more of your commentaries, especially if it is specific to Korean culture that many international fans such as myself may not have got upon first viewing. Just my two cents, but any decision is fine. 😊🙏

Nicole Lee

I much prefer watching you guys as the full screen, what else am I paying for reactions for? but also whichever works best for y'all is good with me!