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Hey guys -

Been working nonstop on this new series, 'Vegas Tunnels,' which will no doubt, exceed a runtime of over 90 minutes total and features a wide variety of character vignettes and deep dives into the different issues facing the community of unhoused people living in the drainage tunnels beneath the Las Vegas Strip.

Also - a surprise, old friend shows up halfway through this video. I don't want to spoil it too much, but I'm sure old-school fans of All Gas No Brakes will be excited.







Hell ya

Braedan Hall

so hype for the full length edit. glad to see the drought was not in vain😎


I’ve always found the tunnels so interesting. Excited to see your coverage of them!


this is so exciting

Jackson Demorest

Any updates on the documentary contest?


Thank you


Let’s go AC!!!!

Nathan MacDonald

you know im on this shit the god damn second it comes out

Paul Kuchera

Tunnel people are the best people

Josie Jos


Gavin Armstrong

Thank you Andrew for your commitment to fire journalism

Nick Kachur

Love that you came to Vegas man. Obviously you’re probably not here anymore? But would’ve love to have seen you man. Hope you enjoyed the city a bit 🙏🏽

Sean Davenporr

So glad you did this. Some of the others I've seen were either too pussy to actually talk with them like you do, or they were just generic clickbait type shit

Trevor MacDonald

Andrew what an opening, haven’t gotten past our new friends song yet. Everybody’s playing, and everybody’s got a name. What a world. Thanks for using your time here to share these stories.

Nic soroka

The difference between that guy now and his mugshot is crazy. Really gives you hope for some of these people


Wow that dude with the guitar is really good. I hope someone on your team recorded full length songs! You should post them and give him the ad revenue from the videos

Korbinian Henke

Very nice video and very nice people, the vibe down there seems to be way mor chilled than up in the casinos

William Royer

Thank you Channel 5 we have been itching for a hit!


thank you andrew can’t wait for the next episode!


Cool vid, brother does seem pretty chill lol 😄

David Tanner

Wow. You really know how to go extreme with these videos. I can't think of any other journalist that would sleep there. All those other documentaries are in it for the clicks, but I know you're actually interested in these people and their stories. You're legit Andrew.

Adam Saunders

Sorry to hear about the no bondage or snuff films that night :(


Glen seems like such a homie. Seems like he also still has a head on his shoulders. Hope he recovers!


One issue i have with being on the ptreon is when the video comes out on youtube I've already seen it haha


Wheres the discord at lol

T Fitz

Love this humanizing coverage 👍

Alfie C

The moment I see C5 drop I stop whatever I’m doing and I watch. It’s like my drug fr

Eckhart lol

Wow, this sounds like the excellent film Dark Days - highly recommend.


every YouTuber and their dog have been to the Vegas tunnels

Eckhart lol

Oh lol, - it's mentioned right at the start!

Ash Haggart

So far- great job at approaching this piece from a different angle than all of the other stories. Looking forward to the future parts!

Cory Chea

Next time you cover undocumented immigrants, please mention the same points about the difficulty of living without valid state IDs

Sam Daou

When I saw the title, I was a little disappointed because the Vegas Tunnels have been covered so much by so many other creators but it’s actually super refreshing to see your take on it. I know you’re gonna do great things with this documentary, looking forward to hearing these guys’ stories in a humanizing way. Also much love for the homie Glen 🤙

Brandon Van Over

Can we get that musician a record deal? His lyrics are pretty good.

Ella Clark

Such an important point. I would also be interested in seeing this addressed.

Dakota Figel

I absolutely love all the content you out. It’s raw and real. Thank you


Given that he smokes meth at All times, may be hard. But I’ll see what I can do


8MM vibes

Ash F

so grateful for this coverage. when we view unhoused people as "others" and create fictitious narratives about their state of living it creates a deeper divide. bringing these people back into the fold of society is difficult and even more difficult when we say things like they "eat children". its cruel. if these folks living in the tunnels recover they will become uniquely qualified to help others in the same or similar situations. it would create a positive cycle of change. thanks Andrew for never thinking someone is too low or out there to be seen in a kind and unbiased light to the best of your ability.

Nina Mcmunn

Wasn't gonna watch because the tunnel has been played out by so many, but I'm super excited to see where you take this the id issue is just not really understood outside the homeless community. Keep up the real reporting!


fuck yes. to put it simply you’re inspiring man

Tyler Wolf

Yea shoutout Buckethead !


Just adding my voice to the chorus, that musician deserves some attention.


Andrew, when did you guys film this? I swear I think I walked past you guys but didn’t put it together that it was you until watching this. Love the content, thanks for keeping it real for our generation.


"bring some lube i dont think they got any down there" xD

Ryan Watson

Keep it up homie. Great job.

Gabrielle Moore

Ya'll are the only journalists alive worth tuning into.

Gabe Martinico

Dude that old man playing the music, please get in contact with him and encourage him to record that music! Channel 5 recording studios?

Chris D'Antonio

"You guys talkin' bout tunnel people?" 🤣🤣🤣

Chris D'Antonio

Fwiw this is the first I've heard of the Vegas tunnels so it's all fresh for me - not everybody watches the same youtubers. Regardless I know there's always gonna be a unique C5 flavor to documentaries and that's why we're all here


Pretty sure he mentions in the video it was filmed in October of last year.

Kayne Williams

Bro, Andrew! Please investigate why 1/3 to 2/3 of the US dollar. Which is almost half by the way. 🥴😂 Is overseas. Recession only exists because our dollar is so washed out. America died with the dollar….

Seth Matson

This is due to the dollars stance as the world's current "global reserve currency". Also, during a recession, the increasing demand for dollars often leads to the price of the dollar rising.


Because those people buy our products. It's not a mystery. We aren't about to accept Kenyan Shillings for our trade. This is America! Pay us in Dollars! So they buy our currency at an inflated rate so they can send it back to us. Just global economics, we buy Euros and Yen for the same reason.


He said the beginning of October at the start of

Kayne Williams

Right, but aren’t we in turn funding the existential crises, of all these people…. People spending what it takes me years, I mean, thousands of US dollars to simply cross our border? 😂

Kayne Williams

They aren’t paying what you are, that’s why Biden is sueing companies from stealing from you. Also FBJ!

Kayne Williams

We buy from other countries for cheap and then rape you for it cause it’s America and you don’t know what going with out means. Oh two dollars more, that’s fine. 😂

Jacob Cannon

Lol the girl taking about tunnel people are rapist and steal from you. Homie walks up “I live in the tunnels” dumb girl says “ ahh what a vibe” dead…

Kayne Williams

You also must not realize that we sold all our products out. That’s why you never see American made products. Gotta buy that stuff from somewhere. Do some research.

Kayne Williams

Except the world is starting to turn to the yen and ruble cause nobody cares when its corrupted by the drug and trafficking trade or terrorism, plus they aren’t trying to wage war with the world over woke economics. We are supposed to be the difference. “Change the dollar, change the world.” No pun intended.

Kayne Williams

And yes we would accept Kenyan shillings as long as it proved to be worth our dollar. Da fck…

Isaiah Oliver

very glad you kept making videos

Kayne Williams

Also you can buy and trade currencies from any country at anytime. You don’t have to have anything but money to start.


I wonder if it's in our genes to be fascinated with underground living, because during times of impact by space rocks or maybe a super volcano, the people who survived to pass their genes on were the ones who sought refuge underground


Fuckin love Glen what a lad

Matt Gray

I love that guys music


that guitar singer is due a record. Long ago David Lannan was a street singer in the 60s in SF haight. Someone recorded it then, and I found that record at a goodwill in 1989. Just the two songs shared here in 1/5 segments shows this dude can spin a song *and Lannan mostly did covers, fk that sht, this dude writes his own

Torin D

Honestly I had never heard there were tunnel before I think it was some sort of joke in Futurama


Revealing himself through the bushes was gold.

Sydney Shiver

Oh my god…last summer I stayed at the rio and was walking back to the hotel, I walked on that same sidewalk they were on over the tunnel entrance…..def got weird looks from a few drifters standing by. I had no idea 😅

Erik Duethman

Johnny Cash lives on through Drew

James Robertson

Vegas local here. Just reaching out. Like most here I very little to nothing about our tunnels here but if I can help you in anyway while your here. Please reach out.


This is one of the wildest ever 😳🫥🫣


Bro go to a sexy red concert


How high were you when typing this? But I agree


Amazing video 🙏

Ethan Bossuet

had to get the patreon for this good marketing haha


Vegas sober baby!


Bros gonna get bed bugs laying on that bed 😂

Akeem Kearse

This is an absolutely beautiful thing.

Casey Nova

I love this. Thank you Andrew. Glen is the man💪


i love that man's music wow

Sam tune

I had nothing to film to get on yr crew, but I have many years being a road warrior and an expert at de-escalation. I was a security guard at music venues 5 years, 2 years at an office building never got hit. I love journalism, I own a camper van, lived in my van for 2 years chilling with homeless people. lemme get out there


that would explain my desire to draw bulls on my walls in red sharpie


way too lazy to see if anyone else commented this but some sort of plan to fund studio time for that guy to record a few songs would be really cool. if he's made his own music it will die with him if he isn't able to afford the means to record it. might even make him a couple bucks. Awesome video as always, been loving the new tone in presentation lately.

Tom Cullum

Get that man in the recording studio. Glen is such a sweetheart as well. Love this one.

jamie medley

Looks like another great series! Cheers Andrew!

Gilena Simons

Love the intro. Kudos to you and your team for being so upfront about the contrast. Well done. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🇬🇧

Gilena Simons

It says so much about your integrity, values and goals, that you get access to vulnerable, often defensive peoples. Another great doc. Keep going on being that bright, safe light for so many. 👍🏼🇬🇧


Great video and that’s totally wild you stayed the night in the tunnels.. But as a vegas native I have to just mention that you can get a job here without ID or a home address. I have been hired like that on the spot at a McDonalds in the East side. A lot of what the homeless people say in vegas at least is just what fits their own narrative. This is just from my personal experience as I grew up homeless here. There are also many food banks and other free resources available to homeless in Las Vegas, including housing like mentioned in your video, but they drug test and have a curfew, so not many Vegas homeless use them. But there are also churches here that basically let them stay there, some without any restrictions. Most will try to then save up money for a weekly if they are getting off the streets. I am also left curious just if these people have children and what’s happened in their family.

Alfy Penny

I think he's a chode but I'm glad to hear Andrew made amends with Brandon Buckingham... so he quits talking shit. Lol


When we getting a full studio recording of that dude? Could be a pretty viral album.

Max Budnick

Mr. Daddy Vegas sober baby!!!

dude of fuck

It’s really beautiful that you go and sleep there, seriously one of a kind, gonzo got nothin on Andrew!


Why some people like he mentions, choose this life? Is it really freedom?


Hey! love the content, but some feedback. Please, when doing the subtitles stop repeating the same word a 1000 times just because tha audio repeats it. The screen ends covered in subtitles and is hard to see wha the hell is going on. 00:44 is an example of this, and I've seen it in other videos. I know it may seem fun or quirky but to people that rely or enjoy watching things with subtitles is pretty fucking annoying.


Ya we never would have heard a lot of the most famous blues men like John hurt or blind Willie mctell if somebody didn’t happen to meet them in similar places and give them that opportunity. The songs they wrote have been covered thousands of times in so many ways even if sometimes the original recordings aren’t the greatest audio


I assume he means freedom to do drugs. Which you can't do in sober homes obviously which I assume is the type of housing they were offered


Well think about it, you dont have to go to a job, pay bills, you can leave whenever, you can stay for as long as you'd like, it really is a unique sort of freedom

Francis Dayco

Incredible work! This Patreon has been so worth it

Virus Soup

Glen seems like a great guy that's fallen on hard times and still has a good spirit about it. It's very admirable and I look forward to seeing more of him

James Carter

You the man Andrew.

Willem DL

WAAW can't find words to discribe how awesome this content is. Extra kudos for the moment that those half naked elf girls starting to interview our bridgeguy. I mean what a contrast of charactars. Could have been from a movie or something.

Zach Simpson

Lots of respect for those girls with Mr Daddy who talked about the less than savory urban legends surrounding the people who live in the tunnels and then proceeded to show Glen respect and allowed him to dismiss those myths. Mad respect as always Andrew.

Otherling Queen

This isn't just journalism, this is direct action activism.

Doctor Danger

Andrew the guitarist has some dank tunes!

Cyrus Brockman

Anybody know that last song??

Gerald Royster

Isn’t it crazy the people society have dehumanized are the most human…

Jonas Le Loup

Can't wait for the next episodes! Keep up the fine work!

Gerald Royster

It’s really freedom from the society that demonizes them! They have simple rules, don’t steal, respect your neighbors, shit like that… while we on the surface make life as hard as possible!

Gerald Royster

Andrew I double dog dare you to release the next 4 parts at once lol

Chris Pyle

You may or may not remember but when a TV show would end in the late 90s-mid 2000s on screen they typically thanked someone for providing CC before the credits roll. There is a reason why they don't anymore. Logical job for AI. Give it a year or two it'll be better

Crazy C

Excellent video man! Can’t wait for more!

Daniel Lovatt

This is incredible stuff! You should charge more!


Can already tell this would be another be powerful & moving story.


Par for the course in Vegas, then.

bob spruce

Good work guys. this is important stuff.

Sara & Josh

Great job!!! cannot wait for the next one

Tzadik-Isaiah Dymnd

Prayers for Mr.Daddy get clean gang 🙏🏾💯 A gofundme for Glen getting a place would be dope


Shout out patreon


How the hell do you end up linking up with people from previous videos man its crazy i luv it 😭😭😭🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂😂

Tim Adams

outstanding work as always

Julien Bleser

Hell yeah keep it up 🔥🔥


5 parts?? holy mole people batman


AC is the only man in the world who can pull off wearing basketball shorts with a collared button down

Holas Powell

you explored the tunnels for you AGNB zine right? how does it feel to be back now that youre older?

Lewandabski Navarro

“I live in the tunnel” “oh what a vibe 😁”


Where’s the Spotify account for the guitar man?

Grizzly Manimal

Come to Lowell, Massachusetts. We house migrant families and have homeless camps all over. I’ve been looking into the situation between scaphoid and work


Can we get a studio version of his song ?


Jingle Jangle Jingle

Jack Sarmento

Such inspiring journalism. It’s such a treat to see a person with good intentions do something so profound like sleep in a tunnel with people who have been pushed aside. Thank you Andrew ❤️


I used to live near the jungle in Seattle and have to admit I felt pretty terrified of the area myself and believed many of the stories people told. Appreciate Channel 5 for working hard to humanize and build empathy for people where it's most needed.


shit yeah! good shit man, and I'm glad youve thought it thru and not just doing journalism without helping esp for things like this. big love.

Ashley Wilson

Can’t wait to see the rest of this series. You do a wonderful job normalizing the folks that live abnormal circumstances.


Do you want quality content or quantity of content? Regardless, they've been posting nearly every week, I'm very confused what more you could possibly want


The captions are certainly the work of Patreon's video player, I'd be very surprised if Andrew & co. have anything to do with them. If you rely on captions I'd suggest getting a separate app or browser extension that can auto generate them for you, might be a bit more reliable than whatever solution Pateron is using.


We need to get Andrew with the guitar some sort of studio or management so he can record his music!


Music should be shared, it aches me that the man has never been given the opportunity to share his serenades to it- but I’m grateful you got to take a snippet and share it with all of us.

Chris Bay

Thanks for the content!! So excited when the page loads and I see there is a new post. You rock man. Keep on, Keepin' on!


Exactly. Says they’ve been working non stop to produce a series well over 90 minutes… this ain’t social media content. Some people will never get how much time it takes to produce quality. I’ll remain a patient paying patron even if nothing gets posted for well over a month✌️


Well at least you are supporting the team in creating this content in the first place

Sean L.

17 videos thus far in 2024? Some of the best journalism on the internet... well worth the cost! C5 Films for life.

Morten Ynnesdal

So sick Andrew! Keep up the good work!!

Forest Cramer

I hope this means you and Brandon are on good terms now, Andrew.

Jonathan Gelormino

That man has a very nice voice and knows how to work the strings well, I hope he can live out his musical dreams someday.

Galvin Moore

I'm pretty pleased that Larry Susan gets a big opening credit.


On ca 3:35 you maybe want to regulate the Audio again


And love that you returned the to the Tunnels after your first Hike to there some years ago (read about it in the comic that i bought)


I'll never be homeless. Just commit a felony and chill in prison

Unplug Emperor

that guitar riff / melody is pure ear candy. the perfect sound for those tunnels. please share more


Loving how you don't sensationalize this very real experience. "Mole people", chill, that's just Drew.

Christina Nicole

Curious is there a medical condition that could cause the guy plying the guitar's face to have turned so white and the texture so thin and wet? It almost looks like what happens to your skin when you stay too long in the bath.

Layne R. Kelly

Fuckin awesome work Channel 5!


Andrew, I hope this reaches you. You are the only journalist that shows/teaches/explains real issues not only in this country but the world. Surprised you haven’t “ committed suicide” yet. Genuinely you preach the truth and that is so incredibly valuable in todays world, considering you’re one of the few that has the balls to do it. Thank you for doing what you do. It’s people like you that make communities better. Regardless of if the exposure you give to these people/communities help or not, spreading the truth is so important. Again thank you for what you do. It’s really important work. -DS


if you could please upload that guitarist playing the full song that would be so dope he’s so talented

Alex Anderson

Absolutely wonderful. Another great report! Glen seems like a really good guy. I would pitch in on getting him some housing

Andie Vilar

He looked like he was putting his pipe away when they came up so forsure whatever drugs he’s using, not getting enough water, food or sun will do it too


Wonderful reporting

Bobby Styles

Channel 5 has created its own genre of nonfiction storytelling and journalism. Keep it up! It’s inspiring

John Ortiz

I’m so glad i’m a patreon subscriber


fuckin epic subject matter & awesome reporting as always. keep it up

Brandon Lee

so excited for this, dark days being one of my favorite documentaries owed to my own homelessness since it makes me feel inspired to be less defeated by some of the learned helplessness i've experienced myself.

Eddie Falshaw

Insane homie - can't wait for the rest of this series

Cameron Gannon

Literally watching this at the airport too go to Vegas 😂


"I live in a tunnel" "that's a vibe"

Adam Dev

Can you please release his song in full set to shots of their art gallery

Adam Dev

Also, if you got a producer in there with some good mics, I bet the reverb 20feet away down the tunnel would sound incredible. Have one main mic close to him then one way far away and mix in the natural reverb, would probably sound really really good.

Mitchel Baker

Lmao turn subtitles on and at 0:40 the entire screen will say “cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha …”


“A model” 4:42 I see you


I want a copy of that song. So good


I’m glad you made this documentary despite media over saturation. Channel 5 is the only media video content I consume so it’s all new for me. I’m glad your perspective was more than “look at how shitty this is” and was focused on helping someone.

Caleb Clay

“I live in the tunnels” ahh what a vibe lmaoo


I like Andrew's music

John R

Neil Young has fallen on hard times since taking his music off Spotify


You guys should make these videos able to be streamed on YouTube so they can be watched on the tv. This is the only patreon channel that doesn’t allow it 🙃

Jesse Michel

That guy needs to have his songs released! They are such a vibe

Evyn Ray

it’s so sweet how nice the bed was. like. people with magnitudes more money are less considerate and compassionate when they have someone stay over in their house

Jacob Dickey

this, but also because I can't watch a video without the Patreon video player crashing at least twice...

Casey Parker

Wonton Don appearance nicee


I love you andrew <3


They snatch children at night and give you pink eye lol

Zen Wuu

These people allow Andrew to record them living their lives and in their most vulnerable state and asshats like you want to crack stupid jokes about them ... grow a heart and get better material


i use airplay to watch it on my tv and it works well

Elliott L

All jokes aside that guy playing the guitar had some really soulful lyrics. Hopefully he's able to share them with more people in the future.


At 0:24 I thought the text meant Larry Susan shot that man with a gun lmao

Virginia Hanna

I used to be able to cast these videos to my TV and now it's not working and when I click to enlarge them, they stay small even if my phone is held horizontal, it just blacks out the screen besides the tiny video. This prolly isn't the right place to complain about it, likely a patreon problem. YouTube videos still cast and enlarge like I expect them to on my phone. Thanks for listening lol


Mad entertaining

trapitos de cocoya

Please upload to YouTube as well. I wanna stream it to my tv.. i dont wanna watch this on a phone.. i wanna use my phone while i watch tv...


"..nothing to gain, and no one left to blame" is so deep

Josie Jos

Drew sounds like Willie Nelson a bit!


This is probably the one that I will send to my conservative friends.


This whole series is insanely tight and well edited. Thank you channel 5, I live to watch these

Ignatius Glaive

Hey the video quality on this is pretty bad. It's like it's playing in 480p. My internet speed isn't an issue. Is this a patreon thing? It's a shame because it's hard to see some of the finer details of the video

Jayden Santos

Drew was such a good musician, glad we got to hear him play.


he does meth but just called blues too hard 😂 the cope

Efarb12 F

Listening to Andrew play the guitar feels like I was teleported out west in the early 1900s actually listening to someone play back then. On some RDR2 type beat


u sound like ur coping no hate bro. ive been sober for yrs now off opiates but meth is definitely safer than blues. Definitely a more intense drug, but its hard to rlly say anything is worse than street opiates when theyre the gold standard for drugs that will randomly and indiscriminately kill you and everyone you know


get a chromecast or learn how to log into patreon on your computer


I'm not sure what I'd be coping with, I'm just speaking from a more scientific perspective. I don't really have a dog in the fight. either way opiates are more deadly (especially since you seem to be referring to fent presses) but thats not how I interpret the word "hard".

Alec Hamblin

I really, really want someone to record some of those songs in their entirety. Even with just a field recorder. Beautiful writing and playing.


Youre such a huge inspiration to me Andrew. Youre a fuxking gangster man. Keep doing what you're doing !

Eli Gaultney

This is riveting. So nice just seeing people being basically good despite being imperfect.

Bill Yes

Where is part 2?

Jonas Zechmair

You were def. geekin off the dawgfood while writing this. You know it, uya knows it, i know it… so keep fetting it up buddy! Anyways, gonna cook up a phat crankshot rn. Peace.


I don't do drugs anymore, you're battling some demons which are preventing you from having an objective perspective. Trying to tell a sober person (and the scientific community as a whole) that they're wrong about drugs while you are in active addiction is laughable. I've done em all, opiates are more dangerous but meth is definitely a "harder" drug in the way that the term is used colloquially. Come back when you get clean, read a few books, and have gone to school.

Suggestive Carp

imagine being compared to the damn Falmer from Skyrim


where is part 2 ? or is it just a number mess up? love yall, keep up the good work

Mr. Magoo

part 2?

Mr. Magoo

Where's part 2 of the vegas tunnels series? I subbed just to watch it...


Justin are you a member of the scientific community that rocks


I happen to be, I'm an engineer. And yes, we rock(s).

David Sowers

som3 of yalls best work imo, keep it up youve been killing it

condenser (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 16:53:19 What happened to pt.2???
2024-03-29 14:51:09 What happened to pt.2???

What happened to pt.2???


Bro, the ID thing was such a pain when helping out the Venezuelan Asylum Seekers as well. So much of a boundary is made when you don’t have an ID or a SSC 🫠.

Eric Andersen

I was just watching on YouTube when they pulled it due to copyright claim. Is that also why you don't have part two here?


came over from the copystrike, I know the loss of ad revenue gonna be a pain, yall are doing better journalism than the bastadges that copystrike you

the rooster

ask that guitar guy, andrew, if he's related to stephen stills

Isaac Druin

Here after takedown. Happy to support!

Bill May

Same. Stoked to support your team.

King Kahoonah

Yoo, crazy idea, you don’t have to but, uh, you should try and have those girls host more interviews. Maybe. If you feel like it