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Hey Guys!

We're glad to be back. After a much needed 5-day break from work wherein we brainstormed in the snowcapped Rocky Mountains about the multinational expansion of C5 after receiving an unbelievably dope amount of international correspondent submissions, we're back on track and in the lab. 

Here is the final episode of the 'Defend the Border' Convoy series, which will wrap up our border coverage for now. This episode documents a rally that took Christian campground called the 'Children's Ranch' in Quemado, TX, which had an expected turnout of 700,000 trucks, according to 'God's Army' projections. 

The campground is about 30 miles north of Eagle Pass, TX, which is the epicenter of the standoff between Texas State Guard and Border Patrol, where we hopped the Rio Grande in our last YouTube episode, Border Patrol Arrest.

In this episode, we talk to the 'Snappin Grannies', a pair of two god-loving, anti-woke rapping cousins from Texas about their Social Security Benefits and so forth. We also speak to our first Brazilian, and film some epic moments of prayer. 

You may notice the audio quality from my voiceovers is a little choppy -- our microphone setup is having some problems so I recorded into my phone, but we're fixing it!

FYI - if you submitted a 5 minute, 55 second Channel 5 Correspondent Submission, we're watching through all 550 submissions on a daily basis and have been getting through about 40 a day, so should be all wrapped by next week and choose our finalists!


AC and LS 



Let’s go! Love ya Andrew!!!




Dude just sub and happy to be here thank you


Baba booey

Brendan Rimmer

Way to go Andrew, way to go (clap, clap)

Sandro Did Nothing Wrong

Border Hoarders 2, Electoral Boogaloo! Seriously though, when do we get to see the top 10 correspondent submissions?


"Like a playstation portable"


Always love the videos! Your videos have made me open my eyes and realize a lot. You almost don’t even realize you’re being sucked in by the main stream media propaganda. It’s independent journalists like you that show us what’s truly happening. Thank you Andrew, and your crew!


Crabs in a bucket.


Old dude at the end was oddly wholesome lol


Incredible journalism Andrew


Lots of old school AGNB cringe in this one.

Andrew Hart

BROTHER _ WELL FUCKIN DONE! Great Segway into getting them to talk about the part that matters - the people coming in work and make that a more robust system/not less....Washington PLUNDERED SOCIAL SECURITY during the W Bush Administration correct? They turned it into a slush fund!


The democrats are ruining the retro gaming space

Wylcey Keep

Phew, C5 I hear you about taking these groups seriously and trying to understand why they feel like they do, but as we're seeing so much of the philosophy is simply not based in reality. They cannot be reasoned with or convinced otherwise on anything- it's unfounded conspiracies all the way down. The final scene was amazing though, really enjoyed the sirens/megaphone/gentle guitar strumming mix


Exceptional journalistic integrity. I used to get angry about pieces like this not making it to a wider audience due to the MSM quashing of anything outside the narrative. These days I'm just sad. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to experience your content, and utilise the information you bring to expand my own conversational perspective on these topics.


So happy to be on your Patreon and part of this dope ass community of people who appreciate fire journalism and good vibes. Well done #55


When you have people on opposite sides of the political spectrum, all commenting on your video here, thinking you made this video just for them…..you are creating great journalism.


Hi everyone, it's me, the transgender communist that controls the boarder.


I really wish that when Andrew was doing his little closing comments spiel, that he would have taken a moment to remark on how despite having basically nothing to do with the border crisis, multiple interviewees deemed it necessary to establish their hate/fear/disgust/whatever for trans people. I think that the way trans people have become target #1 for the far right's hate sticks out really prominently in this footage, and it's disappointing that Andrew either didn't notice this undercurrent or chose not to comment on it. I get that you're trying to be Fair and Balanced, but to not draw that connection is to leave out a pretty key part of the story that this interview footage has to tell.


“He can tuck it to conceal it”😭🥹


That Brazillian kid is a literal anchor baby. I had to pause the video to die laughing for a few


I also wish he'd cover it more closely. In a lot of these videos people do drive-by-transphobia, and it goes without comment. The legislation and violence being mounted against trans people is incredible, but for the most part no one is talking about it in the media. When entire states ban healthcare for trans people, mainstream news doesn't even cover it anymore. It really does seem like journalists and Dems are content staying silent while the right makes good on its promise to "eradicate" trans people from our society.


Oh, these comments always astound me. Great video as always the highlight of my week is when you guys post. Loved the Brazilian guy absolutely hilarious.


I appreciate the effort to show a root motivation for this behavior.

Kyle Phelps

After watching this video I just felt bummed. We’re able to identify the issues in society so well these days yet we’re just going around in circles not capitalizing on solutions. What will it take for us to breakthrough this bs and work together to progress as a humanity? We’re fucking ready.


bout damn time. gracias


great video, awesome to see some journalism that isn't all about dunking on people. the social security angle is interesting, it's practically abolished elder poverty, however i'm not sure it was ever intended to be a 'living wage' so to speak, but rather a supplement when someone is retired. probably worth a deeper dive into the program and whether it'll be solvent in 10yrs. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/socialsecurity.asp


Great segment. Looking forward to more takes from the right. Trying to watch these with an open mind without judgement. The cut to the migrants during the preaching piece was sick, gave me goosies.

guthrie zuehlke

Boomers can’t die fast enough…

James Robertson

The last scene articulates what the vibe is like in America right now. Reminds me of “This is America”


“Like a PlayStation portable, or game boy advance” “Yeah 😊 yeah😜” Beautiful


Getting the conservative side isn’t really just going to the rallies that attract the most “out there” crowd. It’s like showing the 1% of the 99% then saying they are the same… oh and the trans community in the comments; give me a break. The video basis is on a completely different subject, don’t detract from a crisis with your own, have some empathy for other issues in the place we call home. Love AC content even though I feel some is directing hate at “the right” inadvertently.


Andrew is taller than those two grannies combined.


32 and legally disabled here to tell ya the checks are slim and it is v hard to live lol


I work in a bank and every single 1st and 3rd of the month, it reminds me how much of a disservice we are doing when the main income most people expect after retirement doesn't even allow them to retire fully


GameStop was the real PsyOp, taking our GBAs and giving them to immigrants


New Patron here, Well Done Andrew! 👏


Break down the two party political establishment is step 1. Or at least find some way to break the tribal politics game currently being played.


Well they certainly forced a catalyst for that on everyone 💉

Kyle Phelps

That will be the biggest battle. There’s a reason they’ve made it so difficult to do so. It’s up to us to vote independent and get RFK jr. into office.


welcome to "fear of the other" club with the rest of the minorities :(

Rory Knight

I think God would say something along the lines of, "This is all my land, every inch of it, I created it and I created all of you. How dare you try to tell anyone that they can't settle or travel anywhere they please." "The United States? Mexico? What the Hell is that? This is all just land and you're all just people. Borders? haha There's no such thing!"

Andrew Vukich

that young dude is a Mossad agent


I don't think they're stupid, i just think that some of them have been overly brainwashed, at the point that they just see wrong or right opinions, nothing in between.


I mean, it seems only natural that this sort of gathering is going to filter out all but the biggest fanatics. But at the same time, do you really think their takes are substantially different from what the average conservative opinion on immigration is?


It's crazy to see these dudes have relationships with people that go through the hell that is obtaining citizenship and still cant figure out why people are having to "lie" to get here. Wouldn't they want the process to be easier so immigrants are actually vetted for the "criminal" ones?


the cross on wheels in the background of the intro was hilarious


Hey Andrew. I respect your dedication to covering all sides of the spectrum here in America. As a transwoman I'll say this though, we frequently hear little snippets from far right ppl about how we are a disgrace and part of the problem. Meanwhile trans communities across the country are suffering from many issues you've recently covered like drugs, un/underemployment, housing, etc. as well as violence and policy directed towards queer youth and families. I think it's fine to include these snippets bc it helps characterize the politics of the right, but I hope you are able to find a sympathetic way to portray our trans community in the us as well. I feel like often this channel has a voyeuristic gaze towards trans ppl that isn't as humanizing as what you've extended to other communities in your coverage. Ik it's difficult to include everyone's voice, but I know your team tries to do it's best so I'm just bringing it up here. Keep up the good work!

Landon Willis

Thank you AC! Nicely done. Enjoyed the late video freestyle breakdown


Agreed. I feel like when queer and trans ppl are included in this series it's pretty voyeuristic. Ik his team does their best but it's an obvious blind spot imo. There's a lot of trans ppl speaking up about what's going on in our states rn, a lot of ppl fighting for their lives and their communities. Here's hoping that presents some good opportunities for the C5 team to investigate and share some of our stories.


Thank you for this!


No matter what, Andrew finds the game. He has a sixth sense for identifying rappers in the most unlikely places. Snappin’ Grannies…haute Americana right there.


Nice approach and great wind up


Yeah I believe you are correct Cole. I am 28 and investing into multiple retirement accounts which will also supplement my social security benefits (assuming it’s still a program when I’m old enough). But I wonder what % of Americans that receive social security have other retirement accounts… I bet there’s a bunch who could never afford to invest in them and are only trying to survive off social security

Torin D

Sadly you see it on both sides. Its just an instant I dont agree with and refuse to talk to you because of it. Theres never any discussion finding common ground anymore. Its just hate so often. I wish more people saw that the media really is trying to divide us as much as they can. The school I went to showed us how to see bias and what to look for misinfo. Its personally helped me steer away from just going on a full on hate train to once side.


I actually found a lot of the answers to my own questions in case anyone is curious https://www.ssa.gov/news/press/factsheets/basicfact-alt.pdf


Gameboy advance 😂


Someone sign those snapping grannies to a 360 deal


bruh the brazilian dude was fuckin wild


Dude the monologue at the end was everything. Really looking forward to sharing that with my people


We’re just people peopling and every once in a while we get caught up in a story.


I really like how you're not just making cheap jokes about people but actually trying to dig into why things are the way they are. It seems like a no-brainer, right? Like, that's how we should all be thinking. But it's so easy to just jump on the bandwagon and make fun of the "other side". You're doing a great job, and I appreciate the content you're putting out. Thanks!


As a child born in the mid-90s by immigrant parents, it's not at all a cakewalk like these folks think it is lmaoo! Especially after this desperate journey. And the majority of folks who think this mass migration doesn't seriously need to be stopped—very rarely do they actively support the immigrant class. People don't immigrate here to fool around. They do it because even being at the working class bottom here in the States, affords them basic conditions that they may not have ever had back in the places they're from. And the icing on the cake is that every day here you can truly dream of becoming greater. Your possibilities of having a "better life" are not capped. They're endless.


The old gen i feel bad for cause back then it was so easy to lie to the masses and society in a whole is a Mandela effect and the truth is not as accessible as it is today.


I agree with Andrew that this is an issue with class and we the people need to look up. We are getting played. Hard working people like us having to sacrifice half of our pay to taxes that we don’t even know what it truly goes to when these big companies lose nothing.


That’s all great. We still shouldn’t have illegal immigration. The emotional plea is nice but it’s not an actual plan.


These new videos rip. Thanks for making them.


I feel really justified in my stance from the last video. Fuckin wild. Homie was definitely arrested coming over the border, being told nonsense. Got-dam!


Part one was cool but then the crazy hit me way too hard in this one. The border drama is interesting but religion and politics combined.. makes me wanna jump off a bridge


Quality news reporting - thank you so much for giving people time to talk and actually share their real unedited opinions of the situation. Now more than ever we need open communication and empathy between the "sides" to help bring some decorum in the forum.


Wait… Brazilian dude was an anchor baby? And doesn’t realize it? He was born in America while his parents were “seeing if they wanted to live here”? Edit: also - regarding the editing of the HBO movie/general discord being sewn: I think you are on the right path. “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing”. Continue bringing viewpoints to light without lampooning them and everyone will be better for it. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that”

Doctor Danger

I guess they don't know Woody Guthrie was a communist.


Really enjoyed this thanks Andrew! What a wild world we live in.


Yeah from what I’ve experienced, the average conservative supports trump, and to support trump is to stand behind all his stolen votes conspiracies, and and his unfounded knuckle dragging hatred. Sure “the left” being unwilling to understand “the right” is an issue but it doesn’t even compare to the destructive force that is the lunacy of the right and their intolerance towards people who aren’t Christian suburbanites


"Like a GameBoy Advance" XD XD


Just love for you from Germany. I wish we would have someone like you here too.

Shaun Cheah

There was a big high wall there That tried to stop me A sign was painted Said "Private Property" But on the backside It didn't say nothing This Land Was Made for You and Me

Michael Carbone

I’m old and white. Can you please use references I can understand like “Sega” and “Atari”? You darn kids and your internet! 👴🏻 All jokes (except the old whiteness) aside, this was a great piece folks, thank you for sharing.


Gracias Andrew and your team


put that last shot into Far Cry 7


I wish these people knew what an actual communist was….


I believe it was supposed to support the now defunct pensions for one.


Have you ever been on a rural towns FB page? Go look at “We Love Tennessee” on FB and see how many people truly think like this. Almost every Trump supporter I know spews the same crap these people are.


It’s gotta be just as important to show the boring reality. I mean to actually follow up the “700,000 truck convoy” claim and record how minuscule and irrelevant it actually was. Thanks man.


Me too, but on the other hand I'm sceptical if the same type of content fits here in Germany. Like the man in the street interview style won't necessarily work out like it does in the US, because of the german mentality (I think).


Really like the neutral tone in the interviews and then the commentary in the end.


But waiting for 24 month on an approval to legally enter the US doesn't sound like a plan either, especially if you have external factors at play, that pressure you into illegal entry and/or claiming political asylum.


I wish you asked the consider this T-shirt guy this question: Does legality define morality to you?


As a person with a nutsack, I can confirm that I’m a man haha. Y’all need to go visit your grandmas to keep them sane lol.


Fucking love your growth Andrew

Bobby Styles

I’ve been loving the journalism you and your team have been doing. I’d also like to see you guys go back and do more material like the flat earth convention. One idea: you could cover the candlelight vigil being planned for the Hooters location that’s set to be demolished.

Mark Melchior

You’re perfecting your brand. Stay soft, safe, and always remember to relax… often.


You still come off as very left lol Still support you. The two party system facade is a joke and who that two party system hates is probably the best option. The country needs to get back to the point where people can disagree on politics and it's nbd.


How does this man find all these "musicians". It does not make any sense 😂


I'll say it time and time again: you are the new age Hunter. I appreciate all your perspectives on these issues and it really does bring more rational thoughts to the forefront of my mind. Keep up the incredible work, Andrew.


I see everybody and their literal grandmother is a musician nowadays lol

Zacry Spears

transgender communists gets me every time

Joel Stephenson

but what if its god's will for migrants to enter america illegally?


Does the musical outro guy know the lyrics to This Land Is Your Land? It's an ironic song choice... 🎶🎶🎶 There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me A sign was painted Said "Private Property" But on the backside it didn't say nothing This land was made for you and me


Nice journo work. It doesn't 100% align with my extremist political view though. This makes me angry at inanimate objects and narrative talking points from my political camp. To calm myself, I've donated my rent money to a rich SuperPAC


i love andrew for genuinely wanting us to sympathize and try to understand these people because they are regular people but it’s hard when they say shit like the transgender communist LOL, or they come over to vote for biden when they literally can not vote and do not gaf about politics


Red shoe guy made me think.

Josh Greer

man these are such rotten, terrible people. yeah they're manipulated by the media but still, just awful people. also why is there a norwegian flag there


the brazil guy has the gall to suggest he is any bit american , just bc he was born there and nothing else.


I'm a disabled veteran who uses the VA extensively with mostly good things to say about my experience. It's really annoying when (mostly) conservative civilians use us as props to make an argument.

Calum Larkin

I appreciate the meta-observation commentary in the C5 universe. Thanks for the hard work everyone.


That lady talking about how she should jump over the border and back and it'd be sweet for to Andrew coming off that lmao i was dying at that irony

Ryan Todd

wholesome journalism! Keep it up!!!!!

Matthew Jackson

people from the country's we like are here to help us keep people from country's we dont like? or is people who look like us are here to stop people who don't look like us. fuck that first bitch

Chris Bay

Thanks for the content bro! So excited every time I get the notification. Keep on, Keepin' on.


Andrew my boy clean up that caterpillar above your mouth for the love of god. You would look a lot better


Theyre giving away Game Boy Advances!?!?!?

Chris Bay

Dumbass grannies believe everything they read on their FB feed I guess. Illegals cant vote and don't get government assistance


yeah, exactly what I thought when she said that brilliant idea

Vasco Varelas

Greatest political deep dive any convoy has ever seen

Matthew Jackson

bruh lol trying to distance yourself from the editing of your own movie is weak. you also made these people look stupid because they are saying stupid things... they are saying stupid things because they are easily tricked which is a symptom of their stupidity.


Nah. I didn’t have the creative control that I wanted, they basically made me frame it in a way that I did not want to, I’ll explain much later.


Instant classic


The irony is when we try to increase social programs like social security these same people complain about "socialism." The VA is a socialist program and so is any other program that would assist veterans. The cognitive dissonance is thicccc

Square Biscotti

That last shot with the guitar tune and the background chaos is pure art.


They have opinions which you have the option to view from a different lens then "stupid".


god damn communist trannies


I hate to say it, but you may have made these people look stupid too.

Fin Mason

Well done Andrew . There’s hope for us yet

S.C. Bellenchia

Drew and Susan keep it cruisin


Illegals are getting assistance are you high? They give them pre paid debit cards in NY man you're slow


Saying that a man has a penis isn't stupid. Maybe you're gay and also trans but normal people are tired of it


So there are more than 2 genders then is what you are saying?


Blah blah blah blah. So where is the infrastructure to house these people?


That's cool so is god going to build the housing needed for all these people?


I'm getting out of the military soon and I can say for modern non-combat veterans, we're literally fine. The VA services are quite comprehensive. Idk about older generations or people who actually were debilitated though


Maybe. But there's only two sexes though: the sex I have with your mom and the sex I have with your dad


Guys, don't we know the open border policy is just the government's way to replenish the cheap labor population lost due to Covid? Those ripple effects are still ripplin' XD Also, that outro *chefs kiss*


ty for making my friday i check daily to see new videos.


These people are the absolute worst that America has to offer.


they just seem brainwashed tbh it's all just repeated info


I wish people looked at military benefits as a model for what we could do for more people in this country. Despite its problems, military benefits are some of the few examples of effective social welfare in this country.


check out badlands media on rumble for some reasonable conservatives. I have followed along with Q as well as your reporting and it is certainly not only people like you've shown in the past. The normal ones defiantly are too busy with life to go to that event lol. Love the transition you are making! keep it up man.

Timothy Rowe

I don’t wanna sound racist, but Famous Richard doesn’t have very good manners, on King David

Rory Knight

I don't think he would care about that. He would care that there are people that think they own land and can create laws governing it. He would likely rip up the constitution or any book of rights/laws and tell people that the only book they need live by is The Holy Bible and the ten commandments. If he ever took a physical form and came down here to talk to us, I don't think he would be very pleased with what we've done to the place. I think we'd all be in a lot of trouble.

Shaun Cheah

If you believe the The Holy Bible to be The Inspired Word of God then you're just openly blaspheming at this point; there are entire chapters dedicated to carving out borders for nations and defining who is and isn't allowed to exist within them. Numbers 34, etc.

Shaun Cheah

In the intelligence community, Brazil is a common land to begin a legend. The Russian they caught in The Hague trying to tamper with the MH17 investigation also claimed to be Brazillian: https://www.aivd.nl/documenten/publicaties/2022/06/16/bijlage-dekmantel-van-russische-inlichtingenofficier


They're giving migrants Playstation Portables HAHAHA

Bryan R

lol closing with woody guthrie. i was waiting to hear if he'd sing the lost verses parts. walls, private property, social welfare, class division - perfect song to end it on.

Bryan R

One bright sunny morning in the shadow of the steeple, By the relief office I saw my people. As they stood hungry, I stood there wondering if God blessed America for me


After years of listening to everyone promote their patreon, I never budged. I opened my account this week just to get access to channel 5.


why are people so invested in imaginary lines on the ground


i think most people are lazy and don't muster up their own thoughts and opinions and cop out to the out for narratives media sends out. look at everything with a degree of skepticism like i'm doing with this video. ain't nuttin on the news but the blues. tiktok, instagram, it's all the same. to say that media is quote psychologically manipulating people to believe their narratives is just as much as a boiled-down headline as what anything the media would spew out. although, i love this work andrew, thank you for your dedication to journalism.


Those lines can change a lot. Compare the Dominican Republic to Haiti and it's very obvious. They're both on the same small land mass but their cultures and the way they've managed their resources are completely different. People want stability and part of that is keeping bad actors out.


You need imaginary lines in the ground, in order to establish an area under which people will arrange themselves based on a pre-agreed set of principles & rules (laws). And so that they may form a society which will govern itself based on those rules.


I really appreciate the lines of questioning in this and not just jumping on the easy one liners. This is real journalism, thank you Channel 5 Team.


Its confusing to me that people like this prefer to vote for Trump. Donald Trump doesnt give a shit about you either. I feel like our best option (as america) is potentially Robert F Kennedy Jr. Thats just my opinion though.


Also all of these Christians that support Trump are just delusional. That man is no Christian. He has been open about that. He knows nothing of the bible. Hasnt practiced the religion. So what is it that they respect about him? Its just blind idolization for literally no justified reason.


Shouldn’t you get to choose the lines and rules you live between?


Its also wild that people are still so uninformed even though they have an encyclopedia in their hands that literally shows them both sides(if they know how to search the internet properly) and it shows the people in the middle that dont give a shit. Also shows the opinion of the people that are 1 foot in 1 foot out. Its just wild that people develop these wild opinions and ideologies even though they could potentially see the truth if they were to just keep and open mind at all times especially when analyzing who you feel is your adversary. You really need to know their opinion fully understand it and put yourself in their shoes.


When the granny was like I should cross the border and get all this free stuff. Andrew was like “hold my beer”


Robert “friend of Jeffrey Epstein” Kennedy jr.


Having watched it several times, I now see what you mean. They definitely went with a more liberal “daily show” slant and the way you have been covering issues, you tend to not go in trying to influence through questioning or framing but rather, giving people an opportunity to share their mind, express how they feel, show what they’re doing.


Exactly. I got my degree, bought a house, VA paid for my maternity care when I had my baby a year ago...what benefits am I not getting lol?


Lol this dumbpublicans really need a brain


I loved your wrap in the end of reminding people to focus on the motivations of the people on this event and not the “MAGA, Trump” idiocrasy that is a stereotype. I wish you could cover the migrant issue in Denver, CO. The city was welcoming migrants, now they closed their doors to the shelter leaving 2,000 people homeless adding to the city’s homeless crisis, and making statements on the local news to “stop sending migrants because there’s no money left in the budget”. Why make the promises to immigrants, and then show no hope? The city has been taken over by migrants huddling at red lights to wash windows asking for pay on Colorado BLVD. I want to ask these people their story, but i have just begun my Spanish and it is not strong. Plus, I’m a woman and as much of a feminist I am, i will admit i do not feel safe to ask people about their life’s due to my past experiences. I’m glad to see you’re back doing this much needed work

Lich Glob

"is it obama?" fucking lost it


People who sing "this land is your land" often do not include or even know about the verse that's about jumping across a wall because there's no such thing as property rights.....

Eamon Mulholland

The thinking of “oh you are dissatisfied with the cost of living or [insert problem in society]? Why aren’t you in favor of leftist social programs or [insert leftist policy]?” is predicated on the leftist philosophy that direct government action is the best way to address most/all problems. If you believe that churches, businesses, and other organizations are not effective or reliable engines for social change, then the government is all you have left to shoulder every burden and fix everything you think is wrong with society. Most conservatives do not believe that, so of course social programs are not their first thought after noticing an economic issue. They think (correctly or incorrectly) that ill conceived government funded social initiatives are PART OF THE REASON why cost of living is an issue, etc. I would love to see Andrew push people a bit more with questions like “and how would you propose to solve that?” or “what do you think the role of the government is in regards to this issue?” etc.


Thanks for a little saneness and compassion for both sides. You have raised some great points in this immigration issue.


February 3th…


wow, so i signed up for $5/month Patreon to support this young fella that i remembered seeing years ago. When i saw him go to Mexico and come back across i was like damn thats real, and then to hear his braindead commentary on the trucker rally people who are not saying at all that the illegals are bad people in whole, in fact everyone he interviewed said just that, and he goes on to sound like a liberal dumbass criticizing them for protesting an illegal invasion of our country. The old dude who made the analogy of his boss telling him to steal at work hit the nail on the head! All of these people are familiar with corruption and lying politicians and to say that Joe Biden told them to come is such BS , as if that means its okay. Many of these illegals have been lied to and manipulated, true, but it doesn't change the simple fact that they shouldn't be here illegally . Obvious, simple truth, and yet Andrew doesn't get it still. These people are mostly old and white, yes, and they lived in the good ole America that actually was greatness and they are trying to advise you on how to keep it. But your helping the other side with this BS.


Sadly, this problem doesn’t have an easy solution. If you want people to come in legally, it takes a long time. If you are an asylum seeker, you’ll be dead by the time uscis officer will tell you “OK you can come in” .if you want people to come in legally, then you have to agree to spend tax money on it

Kayla Moree

Old people living off the government plus people who've directly benefited from immigration (and even loophole laws that allow for citizenship despite not living here) are strange bedfellows in this whole border situation


Oooh he interviewed an anchor baby ❤️❤️❤️


I dont think that guy at the end knows what Pete Segar was all about


Did you like not watch the video? Andrew never seems to say that the "truckers are saying illegals are bad people"... I think your being overly sensitive or your bias is bleeding through to your interpretation of what Andrew is saying/doing here. The only thing that came off as a criticism (from Andrew towards the convoy) to me was that a lot of people's main complaints were in regards to cost of living and their government money not being enough to cover it, and then blaming migrants for that issue in some form, when migrants have like nothing to do with that in reality. To me it seems like your just the type of person that whenever you encounter even a whiff of something being stated that doesn't fully buy into the conservative narrative it upsets you so you just go on the attack.


playstation portable or gameboy advance lmao

B. Getz

who's the other side, MAGA? I found this to be even keeled, & was relieved that Andrew hasnt completely lost sight of the progressive ideals that first brought me here. This video was a little centrist for my tastes, but I can appreciate his intentions. btw it was NEVER greatness here in the USA. Like not ever. Don't let the myths you were taught in elementary school fool ya as a grown ass man. WE are the baddies. Always have been

B. Getz

I find the Holy Bible to be a bit Kayfabe for my liking. Especially in the social media era. Kinda reminds me of the old regional wrasslin' promotions, before WWF globalized the sports entertainment. It just seems.... silly in this day & age. I find the Satanic Bible, & the interpretations of Anton LaVey, to be more salient &/or appropriate for a 2024 United States culture war landscape. Have a gander when time allows.

B. Getz

Q as in the Paul Furber/Jim/Ron Watkins Storm "movie"? Is that like... still a thing?


You're killing it this year Andrew! I appreciate your recent approach with not trying to make anyone look stupid. It's wild to hear these stories where I feel like everyone is coming to the conclusion that our systems are broken, but they come to these conclusions for completely different reasons. I hope journalism like this can help people everywhere start to turn their attention to the real players at hand causing systemic issues.

Kevin McDonald

Looks like you've made people on both sides mad in the comments, which probably means you're doing a great job covering and presenting. Keep it up!

Hardstuck Jett 3

"good ole America" was a "good ole" place for white men and their stay at home breedmares they called wives, and not many other people.

Harry Aiken

Christian Nationalism is a hell of a drug


so judging by most of the responses on my earlier comment this place has become libtard central. Perhaps they were just triggered because i called America great, "AMERICA WAS NEVVERRR GREEEAT !!! OMG WHITE CHRISTIANS !!" yes white Christians the people who freed the slaves, won the wars, and spread civilized society around the globe to shit hole countries where people wipe their ass with their hands! Those terrible white Christians just wont quit complaining about the democrats who completely ignore the laws and undermine society how dare they complain about 3rd world shit holes emptying their mental instututions and prisons and giving those degenerates a one way trip into the states over the open border, what gives them the right !?


Andrew is the man!! This is what real journalism is. Unbias coverage of both sides. We the people need more common ground with one another instead of being divided even more than we already are. A divided nation cannot stand, remember that line? Anyways keep up the great work! Peace and love to all

Noah Smith

cool video i guess, too bad andrew is a grapist

Rob Beukema

Socialism in the USA? I fucking wish ....

Hunter Meloche

Old republicans want a socialist program to take care of their retirement. This is almost funny. The right should try to abolish it and focus on better tax-advantaged retirement accounts instead if they're so anti-socialist and want to "work hard" for their retirement.


That was so refreshing because I kept waiting for the "GOTYA!" moment that never arrived. You covered the people normally and allowed them to speak for themselves and they could articulate their thoughts without being a punching bag. Great job man.

Owen Altheide

how can illegal immigrants vote or get welfare?? that’s what i don’t get ab the republican argument


Andrew, it would be great if you cover the progressive left like this too. They get painted with a broad brush much like these folks. People need to realize that progressives are human beings too unlike the demonic spawn they are called in mainstream Right-wing media


"corporate media" not not mainstream. Channel 5 and the independent journalists are the mainstream now. times are changing.

Loren Carvalho

Truly batshit that more folks don't understand this. Even Andrew here lays the blame on politicians, mainstream media & grifters... Wall Street runs this country.

Isabella Stoner

Whenever I hear these people go on about doing it “the right way” it just makes my eyes roll out of my head. Like coming over that way costs a lot of money. Money that these desperate people don’t have. My bf’s uncle brought himself and his family over “the right way” and now he’s here but financially ruined. It cost him his entire life savings.


Respectfully, Andrew, the closer here wasn't a message that I'm down with. The "common ground" and "why do Trump people believe what they do" as an idea is something that so-called mainstream media has ran with since 2016. It's not a new idea, and we've all seen these people with these same ideas since then. I understand that you're trying to hit the gonzo angle to find something new here that isn't mocking them so we can ultimately have a group enlightenment moment about how we all want the same things and need to blame the puppet masters instead of punching down, but these people are absolutely unable to be convinced that their enemy isn't as simple as "people who don't look like us" and I know that you know that. Why is literally nobody asking progressives why they "are the way they are"? Because it's boring? Because we're not generally sycophants with shitty merch? I'm exhausted from being told that I need to understand MAGA folk when they sure as hell don't want to return the effort. And, nah man, it wouldn't have been lit if Trump or Palin showed up. I get that it was kind of a joke, but no. Giving them more attention is literally the problem with MSM right now.


I don't like the assumption that they're being manipulated? Like they wouldn't be aware we're sending hundreds of billions to foreign countries? They can come to an event that's a few days long to protest our money going to immigrants while also being upset with how tax dollars are spent elsewhere. You're assuming they're stupid.


These people are idiots but it’s not like Andrew does anything. They open their mouth and remove all doubt


yes Andrew please cover the "progressive left" like many others here have mentioned in the comments, the progressive left being the ANTIFA lgbtqbullshit satanist types who believe we should get rid of prisons and police officers because white supremacy is the biggest problem in the USA, please please go and do your thing being 'middle of the road' with them if you can. That would be amazing. I'm still gonna stay here with my $5/month even if i criticize you on things i like what your doing overall and how you do it. SO KEEP IT UP BROTHER !! but there are a lot a libtards here in the comments who seem to think you are only humiliating these people you interview in a dastardly passive aggressive way.


Andrew at 17:18 "your voting for Biden" (in silly voice, speaking of illegals) ....i don't even think they can vote", wtf !! yes they can fool ! that's about half of the reason they're being told to come here by the corrupt assholes in the government (run by the UN and related globalists) ! The other half being cheap labor and subjugation of the working class American.


Mexicans are the REAL god's army, HELL YEAH BROTHER!!!


Trump's biggest accomplishment in office was to give the rich a huge tax break. A tax break that even Republican voters overwhelmingly disapproved of. Of course the right has to find a scapegoat, they're sabotaging our main means of funding social programs to help their "donors" out.


You have to be a legal citizen of the US to vote in federal elections, idk where y'all are getting this information but it's a known legal thing where you have to be a DOCUMENTED citizen of the US to vote. If you wanna read up on it, https://www.usa.gov/who-can-vote and https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/immigration/drivers-licenses-ids-do-not-allow-undocumented-immigrants-vote-federal-elections/536-4c2a73b4-1a84-49a9-be0b-60731adc8bca


It’s funny cause most new immigrants I meet in Miami are Trump loving conservatives 😂 they wish they could vote for him. They’re def not coming here to vote for Biden!


and the vaccine is safe and effective too, right? we also have a constitutional right to a speedy trial and impartial unbiased jury and and neither of those things happen. The whole point is that these big cities are flipping districts with such huge influxes of these illegals and yes they are registered and vote thru ballot harvesting in major blue cities primarily, as well as other areas where there is no voter ID laws. Many of the voter ID laws being overturned because of cries that they are "racist" , the reoccurring theme of the political left! if they no like it it because of raaaacism raaaacist baaaadd honkeys donkin up the planet


This dude straight up didn't read Julian's comment and just went headfirst into vaccines. Being sandman must be really difficult


Andrew needs to do a piece following some of these migrants further, or somehow getting a better view of this "they're being brought over to vote" thing. I'm pretty damn leftist, but I would never expect to move to another country without doing the whole process they require. It's something I'd considered and passed on before. And sure, desperation would change that equation. So why are there so many desperate people? It'd also be interesting to look at all the old white folks leaving the US for cheaper countries in South America. Seems like the US is a great place to live if you're able-bodied but poor, and SA is great if you have some savings but aren't so able-bodied. But more than anything, I want to know whether any appreciable percent of illegal immigrants are actually voting in Federal elections. I just don't buy it, and I don't know why there hasn't been better investigation of this question.


I do wonder how folks overlook this. Lack of publicity? In-group thinking? At the end of the day, people who are doing well want things to stay the same, and people who aren't doing well will want things to change (and most will look *anywhere* they can to justify needing that change, short of saying "because I personally can't cut it"). Leftism is blaming the system, Rightism is blaming individuals other than yourself. Neither is based in recognizing that we all have common needs and faults (wanting to feel included, not wanting to be on the losing end of a change, etc.). I feel like we could build an entire political party off of that reality if people were OK with being honest with themselves and others about individual limitations and those deep, underlying fears that motivate everyone.


Yup. I wonder why that hasn't become a narrative yet. Probably will by November ;)


Well, at the end of the day, there's no such thing as fair or unfair, only force. We construct societies because that tends to work better for people than going it alone, overwhelmingly so. I tend to think it's more useful to look at it from a sustainability angle. Can a society sustain itself with extreme inequality? It's obvious that certain people are very good at leveraging their advantages into extreme wealth and power, but will the society they exist within be able to support that indefinitely? I think not, as the cycles of history show us. There's a very good chance we see the US collapse in our lifetimes.

Noah Wainwright

they can't, thats what's so comical about it, a 15 second google search and their main premise is completely dismantled.


I'm a diehard fan and this is a great video but I have to disagree with increasing Social Security checks. The math just doesn't work. Social Security is already our biggest federal expense, and it's going to get unsustainable. As people get more advanced degrees and start working at 22, or 25, or even 30, there's less working years (compared to working at 16 or 18). And if lifespans increase, then we'll have more old people to collect payments, so the ratio of workers to retired starts going down. I'm just hoping that in 40 years I can collect the same amount instead of 25-50% less.


Is that original audio on the last clip? There’s so many layers


Agreed with this take. It would take a TON of political willpower to increase it that drastically and I think that money could be better spent elsewhere. Imo the better way to help the elderly would be to increase the regulations on the for profit eldercare industry as a whole - a ton of crazy high costs with garbage care


So good, thanks Channel 5


I get your point, but coming from the Netherlands where social expenses are much higher I tell you: it's worth it. The decrease in poverty and inequality improves health and happiness among your more vulnerable citizens making your county a much nicer place to live for everyone and hopefully a little less susceptible to populism.

Richard Springfield

One of the verses of This Land is Your Land: There was a big, high wall there that tried to stop me A sign was painted said "Private Property" But on the backside, it didn't say nothing This land was made for you and me Woody Guthrie was a communist, and anti fascist(anti-fa). I wonder if the singer at the end would still sing that song if he knew. I sure would. Thanks for trying to keep us all talking. It is important to realize we have more in common than not.


Brazilian guy seems a bit sus but could be just me


Nice coverage, Andrew! You mentioned that you don't think they can vote. That's absolutely true! I think it's worth demystifying what undocumented immigrants actually have access to in terms of public funds. (it's not much!) They are relagated to either working illegitimately under the table without building credit, or they have to pay taxes for benefits they will never be eligible for (social security, Medicare, etc). If they are allowed to stay in the undocumented status, they end up becoming a literal second class that lives in the US without equal rights


Immigrant here. I think they need to make "the right way" more approachable. However, I think the argument is fair that we should, at the very least, have a record of who is entering the country. Your uncle came here "the right way", but now his family is able to participate in American society without needing to work under the table. They are eligible for public funding, can build credit, and can even run for public office if they want to. This is not the case for people that cross the border without invitation.


I was an illegal alien (1999 to 2015) i had a social security but did not have a work authorization card) and i was not able to vote lol


Catholic with a theo degree here. These are folks whose politics has informed their faith, not the other way around. V unfortunate and frustrating. I wonder what they think about Paxton threatening to shut down Christian migrant shelters. Something something Leviticus 19:33-34 and 24:22.


"Corporate media" is still what the highest propensity voters (old people) watch though. I think that's what they're getting at.


Dude those old ladies almost made me throw the phone.

Joel Stephenson

I see a lot of people on the internet suggesting that changing the two party system could be a solution, but as a person coming from a country with more than two parties i can confirm that it doesnt make any difference

Carl Johnson Largington III

Yeah you might wanna look into that boss. Where I live in Maine, they're being given housing in front of citizens who have been on waiting lists for years, as well as monthly stipends. Meanwhile, the rent prices have exploded and the already competitive housing market has been so flooded with immigrants that there's an exploding homeless population of locals.


I'm so sick of hearing "I love immigrants, I just want them to come here legally" drivel out of the mouths of these racist assholes. I would have more respect for them if they owned up to their racism rather than hide behind boring platitudes that 1.) they know nothing about and 2.) don't care to learn about.

Liam Trippi

That old man at the end playing the guitar is just there for the vibes


Blew my mind last night when I recognized these two ladies in the crowd at the Houston rodeo. They were wearing the shirts


I think this whole situation is so sad. This is a perfect example of government corruption. Politicians on both sides do nothing but lie and give false hope. They constantly lie to American citizens. So they damn sure don't mind doing it an immigrant. Most of the people coming here are probably good people. People that want to work to take care of their family and build a nice life. They have no idea they are being lied to. Politicians will be the only ones benefiting from this. When they can no longer benefit from it. They will no longer see or have a reason for them to be here. Then they will push the federal government to follow the Constitution.

Joe Garro

Beautiful conclusion.

Herkermer Homolka

most of these videos are just interviews with old insane boomers for a "gotcha" vibe.

Michael McCallum

Except many people feel that way, including people who immigrated who are now full citizens… just because they’re against illegal entry doesn’t mean they’re racist. This stance is held by many people from and in many different countries.


Somehow those covers always cut Woody Guthrie off before the socialist verse.


Right, I was just thinking about how ironic it is that they are covering a song by a man with heavy socialist/communist leanings.

Chums McGuffey

16:17 Please do a piece on veterans.


Wow, what an outro.


In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people, By the relief office I seen my people; As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking Is this land made for you and me?

Daniel A.

Hey, I love your commentary and these absolute journalistic pearls Channel 5 is making. It is extremely eye-opening and educational for someone learning about USA. I am learning a lot about the American republican mindset and what it's all about. So just as a background I'm from a North European country that is so socialist, even the most far-left transgender illegal immigrant antifa freedom-hating communist American would have a stroke if you knew my opinions and how much I pay in tax. Please take what I say next in this context. I really hope that Channel 5 can be a trojan horse of empathy and understanding between the two sides that have formed in USA. I agree with much of what you said in the closing statement of your video, but I don't like that it could alienate your conservative viewership. I want them to stay on as much as possible. You're really good at letting people speak their truth, and not interject your own opinions on them. This is something Channel 5 does really well. I'm afraid that if you comment too much on how the right wing has "misunderstood" this and that, they will be turned off from the rest of your truth telling. Don't turn them off. Don't lecture them. Do not talk just to pander to the left and show yourself as an "ally" to them. If people think you're a Trump loving racist, then let them. Just show the truth man. And reveal how much the ruling class absolutely disdains them and every inch of freedom they stand for. Thanks for reading.


I think it's important that a certain amount of facts are mentioned between the interviews. Clear neutral facts (migrants without passports cannot vote, for example). If these facts happen to make the interviewee look stupid then thats not Andrew's opinion. I know its getting harder and harder to find a common reality to argue on, but leaving everything said just there as an "opinion" (I think btw that there is a difference between saying what you think and an opinion) wouldnt be propper journalism.


yup it is definitely the transgender communist


I’d love to understand why it is that the conversation in the US doesn’t immediately go towards figuring out why the government, regardless of party in power and for a very long time, has been consistently taking decisions that have ultimately resulted in so much of the country not feeling supported and with low quality of life. It’s not normal to spend as much as the US does on healthcare as a percent of GDP. Forever wars and spending money on them take resources away from supporting people, with whatever is left over being spent on a healthcare system that is so expensive it sucks up 16% of GDP. BUT realizing that this has been piling on for many, many decades across periods of time with both republican and democratic presidencies. The problem is obviously elsewhere..,


Brother man! My first comment is, your comment on the "Snappin Grannies"... you said, and I'm paraphrasing... "these ladies are brain washed by the media and we need to have more social programs that help older people and veterans", I love you, bro!!! Uber talented, great kid! I've been watching you for years! But, (and maybe they and others like don't articulate themselves very well but...) THATS EXACTLY WHAT A LOT OF THESE FOLKS ARE SAYING!!! We have plenty of places to spend our tax dollars! We don't need an extra 5,000,000 people coming in every year, with there hands out! And, just like the snappin grannies there said,I don't blame them, one bit! It's our governments fault!!! I see you growing... you'll figure it out... Not that I've figured it out but, I hope and pray you and other people your age, figure it out! Because I think you could do a lot of great things! I believe we are on the cusp of a revolution of some sort, and it could go either way! Unfortunately, I think if we do, make it out of this in your lifetime and in a positive way... it'll be a dang miracle! Ps - sorry for all that... I'm hitting play again


And as goofy as they are... God bless the Snappin Grannies!


Andrew, your point about focusing on the underlying issues that cause someone to blame their material problems on others is well taken. However, what you may find, overtime as you do this work, is that these people are just plain _assholes_. and they are assholes because they lack empathy. empathy, and being able to collaborate and build community is core to humanity. it's an ancient trait, gifted to us by evolutionary mechanisms. These people's sense of community building does not exist until: 1) its a problem that affects them directly, 2) the community members are part of the in-group that opposes an outgroup. This is different than building a community based on welcoming others without an 'us vs them' lens to the situation, for the sake of looking out for each other. they seem to lack this ability to empathize with other humans that dont look like them and dont come from their same geographical region, so how do you develop empathy in people so that they stop applying the 'us-vs-them' framing to their whole outlook on life? I applaud your efforts for capturing these events on camera

Shane Webster

It truly is the case that propaganda about USA being number 1 has hit every corner of the globe, and most migrants don't know any better. Really, there's an issue of entrapment. bragging about being number 1 to the whole world, and then you get the whole world at your doorstep... that's kinda on you. lol. sry not sry. but fix your shit USA. "I didn't wanna go there, but I guess I did" -True Legend, Andrew Callaghan P.S. Can't wait to see whatever coverage you got (if any) of Trump and Biden both at Eagle Pass at the same time lol


Right before you gave your little speech about underlying motivation at 16:13. I was thinking too myself; man channel 5 is so good at clearly showing both sides of every story. Sure you find some that are more extreme than others, but it’s a good balance. Watching your videos, I always end up with a new perspective on things. Keep on being dope


Love the broad lens on the right but hoping to see some coverage on the left before the election. Maybe visit a college campus like NAU or UCLA to see how the opposite of old white conservatives think because its' an equally narrow but more convoluted scope. Like you said, both sides are focusing their frustration at the wrong areas, be it racial or ideological groups, instead of the upper class.


great work as always Andrew. Love the personal touch at the end.


The irony of this man playing the song that epitomizes anti-fascism


Love this coverage, truly. Though, I think you’ve over reached on trashing people trying to make money on t-shirts to a crowd of 600 (“Capitlism”) while also trying ask people to pay to watch your show once or twice a month for $120 a year (minimum). But I guess that’s just the irony of life. All love man


Your finger pointing at the mainstream media as one of the root causes causes for these beserk conspiracy driven points of view is so disappointing. The mainstream media does not represent a single homogenus point of view - CNN and FOX do not speak as one - so But whatever role it plays, has been amplified a trillion fold online. I understand it plays into your own desire and ambition for the new media to supplant the old, but you have to acknowledge the role Twitter, Facebook and yes, YouTube play in spreading ludicrous right wing conspiracies and driving people and politics to extremes.

John S

Ask them how they've personally been affected by the border. I want to know. I want to see them squirm and realize it affects them 0% and they're afraid of a boogeyman/tall-tale told by the Right Wing.


wow almost like nobody rational should draw conclusions by only hearing from one perspective? might it be true that both mainstream and independent journalists can be both right and wrong sometimes? :o unbelievable


Quertypo cameo 😂


most of them did say how it affects them: money goes to migrants instead of americans in need.


I'm offended by the airtime you are giving to transphobic bigots without even challenging their views. That's putting it nicely.


Andrew.... the Snappin Grannies are GOLD. Pure gold.

Adrian Morales

Was that $24000 pension a joke?


Literally gave me chills when he said they mad cause Miguel got a free phone


Honestly I’m doubting how good of an idea social security was in the first place. My hypothesis is that children used to be able to support there parents once the got to the age in which the needed to do that. also most companies used to give very generously retirement funds however many of these systems have been phased out in favor of of the old 401k in which you fund your retirement. I honestly think the invention of social security led to companies becoming less invested in taking care of their people and fed into the hyper capitalist economy we have today.


I’ll add the caveat that churches used to take a larger role in may people lives giving them the structure and support which older Americans needed. In a lot of ways. But as usual smaller scale government tends to cater towards the need of a community more effectively. More education is essential however as many who are apart of these religious groups now have become fragmented and hyper defensive about certain issues as they feel they’re way of life is under attack. Honestly presenting statistics without shutting them down as Andrew does is usually effective with most rational people. A lot more work will have to be done on this front though.

Zaden Smith

Hey Andrew hope all is well, just wanted to say if you’re interested in the underlying reasons why these beliefs occur, I’d recommend checking Jonathan Haidts work out. He’s got a book called righteous minds, and it’s an interesting take from the moral psychologist who tries to explain the complexity that goes on with morality. Additionally, this is something Jordon Peterson (ik, controversial name but his works are interesting too) was working on regarding personality temperament with political beliefs as well. Not sure if they’re entirely right or wrong, but in case you’re interested there’s others out there looking into similar things as you. Always love your content and the current direction you’ve been taking the channel with. Safe travels!


I appreciate the way you don't try to make them look stupid. They do it themselves. I don't come out of it thinking they have good motivations. They are selfish, angry, white christians.


the quid pro joe rap instantly made my patreon sub worth.... keep fighting the good fight and vaya con dios

Taylor Fredrickson

What's the opposite of Trump Derangement Syndrome? Truly insane how these people make their entire lives and personalities revolve around this stuff.


How much does your moustache annoy you? No, for sure, 's excellent documentation. I love your work.