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Hey guys!

In this episode we'll discuss moving out to the desert, hiking, weight loss, diet, fame, our recent shoots, our communication with the Department of Homeland Security, and conservative optics ahead of the 2024 election.





The goat

Grandma knarf

Do you think a second feature length documentary is possible even if you had to put it out independently?


Yep - and will likely do more numbers. I had 10% residuals on hbo project

Jami Gordon

Okay so I also recently bought a bunch of running gear with thumb holes, twinning


Can I ask what the sticky notes on the drawers are for

josh ludlow

don't eat tuna more than once a week unless you want to seriously increase mercury levels in your body. not healthy at all. If you want some sustainable weight loss and health benefits, just eat real food, nothing processed, plenty of vegetables and obviously no take out

Holas Powell

raw and amazing as always. love the direction you and C5 have been heading. Stay healthy!

Lord of the fleas

I’ve been battling with being way too skinny for a good amount of years now and what helped me a lot is doing fun exercises like skateboarding or biking it made me eat more and it definitely makes you sharper

Levi Fallstrom

I was 150-160lbs most of my life after puberty. I was addicted to opioids/heroin/fentanyl for almost 5 years. I got clean at 21 years old and within a year or two I was at 215lbs. I did Keto, 60% fat, 30% protein, 10% carbs. It was tough but I'm back down to 170lbs and feel great.

Lord of the fleas

Also look into more different kinds of canned fish there is a lot of variety, king Oscar kills it in the canned fish game


As a liberal moderate, I appreciate the introspection you show. A left wing content creator I listen to said something I think is really helpful for finding common ground and understanding right wingers, "Conservatives are often right for the wrong reasons." which makes sense if you consider they're definitionally traditionalists. Appreciate your content Andrew.


These have been great. Thanks for sharing

Pablo Corredor

I’ve been dreaming of heading to Colombia (I was worn there) or Venezuela and linking up with a caravan of immigrants and seeing that whole journey through to the US. I think the most valuable thing we can offer ourselves right now is a stronger connection with humanity. You mentioned that you met with people who quickly turned migrants into a political object - which seems like the true root behind most societal problems. We just love to turn other peoples actions into an example of why our ideas are right.

Zach Burkhart

When i was like 12-13 i weighed 220lbs, 11 years later i hover between 160-190 depending on the season (i put on weight during winter when im not working). My problem was exercise was just too boring so id totally recommend riding a bike, also think about how much ground you guys could cover on bikes when your doing the news

Caleb Davis

try to add fasting! it takes getting used to but i don’t eat for the first 4-6 hours of my day and i feel great, down 20 lbs


Good luck Andrew. Dieting is hard. I've gained and lost a lot of weight. Things that have helped for me: Meal prep! Prepare 5 days worth of your food in small containers so you can just reheat it. Remember it's all diet, exercise helps, but calorie restriction is really what matters. Figure out your TDEE and see how -500cal feels each day and adjust from that. Expect to lose about 5# a month. It's really hard, but you got this! Also you got me w/ the NordVPN reference, that was dope.


I know it's played out, but Andrew could do a good (real) weight-loss/physical transformation journey story

Josh To Cool

I don’t think tuna patties is the answer lol

Jason Sellers

Bro don't just eat the tuna raw. Throw it in a bowl, add some seasoning you like (I personally add some garlic grill seasoning, and some salmon seasoning I have), then put some hot sauce in there (I use Valentinas), stir it, and boom. eat that with some crackers and you've got a meal.


Thanks for sharing the beginning of this journey for you. I had a similar experience this year - my wife moved away due to work and this + a new job for both of us + new locations + social isolation/mental health concerns at the center of all this caused our weight to suffer and we both gained at least 20 pounds in a year which had never happened. I'm in the same boat as you where it's not aesthetics but just wanting to be heart healthy and have good mobility, especially if we want children someday. I think the move away from city living and fame makes a lot of sense too so thats a great move on your part to do so. It can be challenging to have your personal life + professional life so closely intertwined especially given the insane reaction times of social media with likes/comments validating or invalidating us at any given moment. Its wise to take a break and focus on your health and wellbeing. Good for you! Well deserved. Keep going.

Kaytlin Armitage

Me, a VB resident, having to hear about a border convoy that started on Channel 5…. SMH

Matias Faure

I always thought that if I'd run into you I'd want to say hi, not so sure now. I just thought you'd be someone fun to talk to about US politics, and I study public opinion so that's why I really appreciate your work.

Daniel Meigs

the photoshopped aqua-man got me

Zack Dowdy

The background music though. Killing it Andrew.


Thank god we have Nord vpn to protect us from those waterfowl. Also I know you were being tongue and cheek about eating tuna - but paleo, keto, all those trendy diets are nonsense. Its calories in and out for 98 percent weight considerations. Eat less calories at each meal and you can still eat tasty food lol

Guap Soto

Yuma with the mention lfg. So happy you and suzan are good after the border patrol detention!

Payton Santillanes

Arizona bro!? you gotta come to new mexico one day!

Stephen Bradley

You should go talk to some women whose lives have been upended by new draconian abortion laws. It probably wouldn't be hard to find someone who was forced to give birth to a dead baby with six arms and no head.

Mack Hancock

I can really relate with the overweight stuff. I also recently started to put on weight. Seeing you putting effort towards getting back in shape gives me some of the motivation that I need. Let’s get lean💪🏻

Sky Mercure

Mmm for what it's worth Andrew, reflecting back on your older videos interviewing the "louder conservatives" I always felt like you were more paying witness than intentionally trying to humiliate them like in those awful Jordan Klepper videos. At the same time I do remember back in the day I was first shown your videos by someone who was watching them from a "wow these flat earths are idiots" perspective, so, yea, it's cool that you've brought more awareness to your interview tactics and editing. I'm just saying that for me, even your earlier videos did inspire compassion. anyways just appreciate your authenticity towards your creative process

Kris with a K

There are a lot of firearm competitions out near you that would probably be entertaining from a gun-control perspective. There are a lot of competitors with nuanced opinions and also some pretty whacky and out there opinions. Practiscore.com is a great way to find some events (matches) out there.

Vocal Antagonist

Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint, try not to make huge changes right away to your diet/daily habits. What helped me out a lot was to start paying attention to how many calories I was eating a day, and where those calories were coming from. After a week or two you start being able to tell at a glance what kind of foods are going to keep you feeling full for longer without being super calorie heavy. And of course, try to reduce the amount of processed food/fast food you eat. Good luck on your journey, and I'm looking forward to the 'Andrew got jacked' chapter of channel 5 news!

Adam Land

Love that you know about starzee rakz, ever talked to him from your time in NOLA?


Really enjoying these news room series. Keep em coming


shout out that birds nest tho


Thank you! Recently subscribed and really enjoy your content. Stay safe though!

Sky Mercure

Also best of wishes unearthing those next stories!


you and Susan are so cute together <3

Gaige Cooper

Even though many people have lost interest in the in ongoing geocide in Gaza I would still love for you cover it again maybe being able to cover more protest or interviews with journalist that have left Gaza. I see the unimaginable on my phone screen and as time goes on the less and less information I receive from news outlets and journalist from within Gaza. People still care...I was just at a protest in Austin where a man was stabbed while holding a Palestine flag and some else arrested by an undercover cop in the crowd.

Eddie Falshaw

dope as always. you should climb! there's some cool spots in Arizona, great for upper body and you get cardio from longer climbs too. But yeah you had a lot of crazy shit just happen to you - rest up, feel better, take your time - can't wait to see all the upcoming stuff

erin coughennower

most important is to consume saturated fats so that your bod can learn to use fats for energy!!! weston price did some really awesome research on diet. focus on well sourced foods and simplicity, not restriction but addition of what your body really needs!! focusing on health and love will allow the physical presentation to follow suit. weston price, great stuff check him out!

Zach Klevit

Throwing some vegetables, the best you can! Spinach is a great option to add to anything because you can’t even taste it

Sage Chavez

You should Cover the train hobos next, monikers and that whole culture is pretty dope. Rip buzz blur AKA *colossus of roads*


stay consistent with cardio exercise and youll lose weight. consider getting some "barefoot shoes": i started using them a few years ago and theyve helped me a lot (vibram.com is best place)

Michael Carbone

Breaking News! There is a birds nest in the tree. How did it get there? Who lives in it and what is it made of, all this and more on C5 News ;)


If I ever see you in public I’ll have to say hello at least, but I promise I’ll keep it brief and chill


hey andrew. would love to hear you talk about some of your influences and inspirations. favorite journalists, movies, music, etc. i just GOTTA know what your artistic frame of reference is. loving this series so far.

freu laeux

i have the same exact coat rack shoe shelf thing lol. life is hard

Daniel Downes

You’re the fucking man boys, not just Andrew either! Thank you everyone we don’t see and of course thank you Andrew for being a relatable, fun, smart friend to watch. Have been a fan for years although I am new to the Patreon! Appreciate you guys a lot, if there is ever an Ocean City Maryland episode I’ll be looking for you lol. Feel free to hit me up I work at a fine dining restaurant on 81st street called The Hobbit. Keep up the good work boys I love every time I see a new video drop! Love you boys

Martin Day

Yo was that dog food you were eating?

Jarod Thornton

Hey Andrew. This is my first Patreon experience. After all these years and beloved content creators, I feel like what you report on and your content adds so much value. Thank you for your hard work. Congrats on your success! Regarding diet, I have built the Very High Calorie Boost and High Protein and Fiber Boost into my diet. I struggle with anxiety and depression, and often have very little appetite. These supplement my diet and all the added nutrients, etc, have seemed to help with keeping my exercise routine consistent. I lost 20 pounds in the last few months and feeling great.

Matt P

Start hitting the weights Andy. I expect you to be curling 55lbs and no less.


great to see you taking ownership of your health... its always tough to get started but it will pay off in the long term. also man it was tough to watch you eat that tuna... shred it up, put some seasonings and hot sauce and eat with multigrain bread or something lol. hope you get to spend more time hiking as well, it seemed like you enjoyed it out there! much love


Dude, as a random 6'4'' myself who weight about 90Kg (180pounds?), i would recommend looking for a bootcamp. That shit dropped me down fast, like 15 pounds in 2 months or something... They are pretty tough, but they often mix it up a lot, and the ones i've done (done 2) were always outside with tires or ropes etc... the gym grind is hard to maintain if you aren't in there for the gainz. Also bouldering (indoor) is hella fun if you have some buddies, it's intense cardio and, lot of upper body. They set routes like every other week, so it's always some new technique or a new muscle group to try, and it's something where you see progress really easily so it's very rewarding. Plus all big cities probably have one, just bring a buddy so you don't rush yourself too much hahaha.

Strike Stone

Drill music taking over our natural forests! 😂😭

Strike Stone

Andrew you got a dad bod now. Dad bods unite! And you pulled the classic „must test the water temperature“ dad move

Ryan Todd

LOVE THIS SERIES!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BIRDS NEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James Robertson

Sounds like someone needs to dive into the world of nutrition. The facts are shrouded.

Chris Bay

Thanks for the content! I don't know about the trappings of fame, but I know I would love for my art and things that make me happy to also be what also supports my life. You have that and its rare.

Chris Bay

I gotta move to the desert, I am sooo sick of winter.

Miles Love

take care of yourself king🫡

Stefano Cassara

Calorie deficit, nutrient dense foods, limit fats and added sugars and go and burn calories. If you wish to keep muscle mass while loosing fat you should consume from 1gram to .7 grams per pound you weight. This will result in a super slow weight cut. While you may not see results in short times you will realize that you are starting to build these super healthy habits. By the end of the year if you are consistent you will have lost weight while developing a solid ass routine bro. I also think it’s important to add that this will work even better if you intermittent fast. For example. I am 196 pounds and 5’10 I should consume about 2200 calories a day. To stay in a comfortable deficit I only consume 1500 and make sure to not ingest calories until noon. This is the recepie for success man. Add some workouts and cardio and in a year you will be in shape! Good luck brotha

Max Nothstine

Super Bowl chaos would make for a great video

Katelyn Armbruster

Originally from eastern PA/NJ and I moved out to East Mesa a while back and we love it out here. Quality of life here is much better in my opinion. Great trails everywhere! Plus, the wild horses out near the Salt are amazing! We volunteer with the wild horses at some of the rescues nearby, and it’s helped our mental health and have learned so much. You should look into the wild horse debates here in the west, a lot of interesting stuff. Did you know prisoners out in Florence are training the wild horses?


These behind the scenes newsroom vids are fun and original. Almost like you accomplished your goal of producing some new light-hearted comedy before you even tried. Rock on homie!


Good job on the move, hope it helps keep you grounded.

I Govea

Would love to see you guys cover DefCon or a cyber sec group. Good to see you're still growing and developing yourself and your content direction.

Jeff Steidl

Step 1 - remove as much sugar as you can stand from your diet. This is the secret sauce to not gaining weight. Step 2 - get a healthy meal service like Factor to provide your lower calorie dinners each day. Step 3 - walk every day. Could be hiking, running, jogging. Whatever.. just move your legs for 30 to 60 minutes every day. Do all these steps and you WILL lose weight and become healthier. Remember, it's ok to mess up every now and then, just get back on that horse every time.


The first thing I noticed was Andrew gained weight

Romel Maldonado

love these man, listening to your insights on the status of the media is very refreshing and allows me to take my news with a grain of salt. "Common Ground" is hopefully something that can be achieved someday and I respect your efforts.

Alfie C

Fish nerds in the Patreon 🤣🤣🤣

Cassandra Chowdhury

Thanks for this candid video! Healthy food doesn’t need to be gross! For a super healthy and low effort meal find a recipe for a stew or curry that looks good, make a huge pot, and then eat it throughout the week with a grain or bread of choice. It keeps for a long time and freezes super well. Good luck!

Trevor Nelson

you should read Bigger Leaner Stronger its a great starter on this process and doesnt make you eat canned tuna

Nate TeBlunthuis

So for weight loss, you don't have to really change your diet that much or do super intense exercise. For eating, just count your calories (the CICO subreddit is a good resource) and make sure your input is consistently less than your expected output and then weigh yourself daily and make sure it goes down each week. For exercise trail running is good, but hiking is also good. Get your heart rate up and keep it up for awhile. Lifting weights isn't going to help as much with weight loss, but makes you strong and feel good.


Go to a baddies east or west audition

Liam Trippi

Starzy getting a shoutout in the vid is awesome

Fire Flores

Can y’all cover the LA hardcore punk scene again and somewhat revisit that culture, or the rising Austin comedy scene. I would like to see some perspective on that


Id really like to see you guys dive into ag a bit. Maybe interview the soil carbon cowboys dudes, and their polar opposite vegan counter parts. Right now it’s coming out that basically every industrial composter is a forever chem hot spot and it’s gonna shake the organic industry as it means some organic food is super carcinogenic. There’s a lot going on in the food system and it feels like it’s mostly just us farmers who think about it.


Also Bob Quinn is doing some pretty amazing stuff in South Dakota I’d love to learn more about. Guys legitimately growing all his inputs while sequestering carbon and producing a lot of food profitably.


Hey, I'm 6'4 and average 230. BMI is a bad detailed measurement system. Get rid of a large amountof the sugars in your diet and you will bleed weight quickly. It's all about diet


If you want to break out a bit, I'd love if you went abroad to see how other first-world countries handle things and what issues they face. American media is pretty myopic, and I feel like I've learned a lot by talking to people outside this country. There are a lot of parallels for American issues abroad, but the foundations of each country and culture is so different that there's a lot to learn.


Im overweight af

caleb mcintosh

welcome to az, we gotta get u off that tuna man

Alice Jeong

at least put some hot sauce on that shit man lmaoo


Andrew, We all heard you tease a Michael Vick Video, C'mon now bud.


Super Bowl coverage in nearby Vegas? Should be a bit more light-hearted!

James Yochim

Welcome to AZ man! Gotta be one of the best places for hiking, go check out some of the trails over in the Superstition Mountains. Amazing scenery.

John King

Idk why but knowing you live in AZ now got me excited. I won't annoy you if I see you though, probably just take pics from a distance and tell the homies I saw you lol

Noah Cardiff

I see you on the health journey! Keep on pushing yourself, I was at 209, and I’m 6’0”. (2020) I’m now at 150-155, I also quit drinking and went vegetarian. That was a journey in its own, love to Channel 5, thanks man. Glad you’re happy in the Desert.


Congrats on the new house, fam, and good luck on your diet! Speaking of health, your skin looks awesome my dude! Any tips on skin care? (I've been struggling with acne for a while)

Kobie Botha

nit: sharks _can_ live in a river https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1618767254871435

Neal Lambert

Hey man if you're really looking to loose some weight make sure you do something sustainable. You'll lose the weight while on the diet but rebound after it becomes untenable long term. It's better to make improvements to the food you eat that you can sustain forever. Focus on meals that are healthier AND that you actually enjoy. Combined with regular exercise you'll see the pounds slowly shed. It's a slow process but learn from my mistakes and do something sustainable long term.

Jonathan Aylward

LOL. nordVPN. What an enjoyable Patreon.

Jason Koss

AC, some low/no cal additions to spice up bland, leaner foods: mustard, salsa, hot sauce, salt/pepper, fat-free greek yogurt, any spices. hot sauce (eg cholula) is truly goated on the fitness journey. just keep stacking days brother, 4/5 months is a realistic time-frame to make material changes.


With weight loss and diet it's not what you limit but what you add. Like if you added some low cal mayo, onion, celery, garlic, salt, and pepper, or whatever you prefer as a taste profile with tuna you would enjoy eating it more and make it a part of your everyday diet. You could eat it in a lettuce wrap, or tortilla wrap.

Carson Barrett

Hey andrew i really suggest mackerel instead of tuna. Tuna has a high heavy metal content due to it being high on the food chain. Mackerel is lower on the food chain and also has more healthy fat than tuna. If your going paleo your going to need those fats for energy since your not going to consume many carbs. Love the content man!


Thank you - the Nord VPN had me cracking up.

Michael Pelletier

I wish you’d admit that you propped up leftist narratives to profit on YouTube videos and then those same narratives turned on you so someone else could profit off algorithms and so you’ve become more conservative minded. It seems that’s more likely then that you’ve decided to close the gap between the left and the right now that you’ve ridiculed one extensively and been turned on by the other

Ruben Garcia

Mfs tripping keep it up big dogs

Jonas Le Loup

I recommend cycling for getting in shape again. You also get to be outside, enjoying nature and stuff. Also can cover greater distances, get into a sort of "meditative state" easier (good for emotional balance) and also beeing easier on your joints.

Ruben Garcia

Andrew let’s go I live in Arizona too let’s write or if you could hit up my black book with any word I’d be blessed lmao


Welcome to the desert Andrew! Would love to see some coverage on the surveillance towers that have been placed throughout the Navajo reservation by Border Patrol and an Israeli military contractor


If you're eating less you still want to make sure you're eating quality though so you get all the nutrients you need.

ayden fallen

the finger holes are to keep your sleeve inside of gloves

Nathaniel Baier

Patreon subscription to this channel is 100% worth it. Love the content.

Handsome Squidward

I would utilize some kind of calorie tracking app and eat at a caloric deficit. You can still eat the foods you enjoy and lose weight, so long as you're burning more calories than you consume! Much love!

Brenden Klein

I feel like he's always been pretty unbiased as far as "narratives" and has been pointing out they exist on both sides of the argument. I think we can all admit that's it's funnier/better content to laugh at the crazy people on the far right than cringe at the equally crazy people on the far left.

Zane Wright

i could be wrong but i've heard bull sharks live in rivers


Lol I’m at 220 too

Kaden Reed

Andrew, since you're in Arizona I think some native coverage of any kind would be really dope.


Keep up the diet and exercise! Good on you bro, catch it early!

Billy Bust Inside

Fun fact: all tuna has dolphins in it. The most intelligent animal known to man. There’s a doc on Netflix about it

Michael Pelletier

Won’t catch me denying that it’s good content. That’s why I’m here, and obviously because I like and support AC

Brady Hood

It might be worth talking to the Native Americans to get their opinion on various things in politics and the border.

Sean Waters

Loved the birds nest, would love to see an update on them.


Put some salt and pepper on that tuna !


Uhh, from what I remember in interviews, Andrew is politically "leftist", but he still tries to do neutral interviews.


I don't know if there's any specific gathering related to it, but it could be cool to cover the eclipse on April 8th. Apparently, a bunch of people are traveling out to see it

Eamon Mulholland

Andrew’s on that just got outta jail, time to turn my life around mood. Love it man

Austin Blank

This is amazeballs

Matt Tobey

Andrew, I'd love to see your coverage on north amarica's ongoing colonization and the landback movement. this the the story of the land that needs to be told


For a more comedic tone you could find some gym bros and get into the whole alpha masculinity shit that seems to be taking over a massive percentage of younger males (through influencers such as andrew tate, adin ross)


Yo, fish nerd here. Check this shit out, unable to disappoint! Local to your home state too. https://islandtrollers.com/products/


Generally I'm a lurker, but since it seems you are driven by engagement, I'd like to comment! 1. Being yourself is enough. Your curiosity is fantastic and the outcome of that has interested me enough to become a Patron. I am not a vessel that needs to be repeatedly filled with content. Regular or irregular schedule, whatever you need, no one is your boss. Do your best work the way you know how, or feel free to explore whatever way you think will help. I'm sure the people who are not commenting, but are perfectly happy with your reporting are the majority. It makes me sad to see creators get too attached to the numbers, but I understand how that can happen. 2. I need to lose weight too. Small changes are enough -- you don't need to sweat too much and it doesn't need to hurt to work. Your plate should be 50% veg, 25% carb, 25% protein. Get 30 consecutive minutes of exercise per day, 5 days a week. Use a FitBit or similar to know if what you're doing is "exercise" -- pulse should be 60%-75% of max, which is loosely calculated as 220 beats per minute minus 1 for each year of age. If you avoid any foods, such as dairy or gluten or whatever, find out if there's some kind of supplement that would help make up for what you're missing. In my case, I can't do dairy, so I take a little whey protein every day.

Javier Castro

you should do intermediate fasting- skip breakfast, try to skip lunch and have one meal

Joedie Sawyer

Thanks for letting us in on some of your thoughts. Hikes are the best.


Swiftie lot in the vein of Phish lot lmfao.

artifex human

I was 250 and cut to 210 at 6 foot 4. How? Vegan diet. You don't need to eat animals to maintain health and thrive. Go Vegan you pussy.

Noah Mingus

That's how it be


Yo i just fucking lost it when you said nord vpn, I literally couldn't breath.

Rob Beukema

Andrew! BUY ONE OF THOSE CHEAP TREADMILLS ON AMAZON LIKE HASAN HAS ASAP! I bought one and run 5 miles first thing every morning. I already notice a difference after 4 weeks. I sweat like crazy and can feel the pounds melting away. This is the model I bought on Amazon : Elseluck Walking Pad, Under Desk Treadmill for Home Office, 2 in 1 Portable Walking Treadmill

sex defender

W episode, really makes me want to visit a desert again. didn't realize how much i miss it till now

Connor Layton

Yo Andrew, I fix all the remote weather stations around Maricopa county out in the wilderness, if you need some good hikes I can put you on to some hidden ones.


Can you tell us the story how his name is Susan? I’ve never met a man named Susan before.


Walking really works for weight loss. It just has to be over 40 mins to really work. Coming from a guy who lost 60lbs by walking


That Whole Foods tuna boyyy you get em in the four packs?

Dylan Munyard

Dude I work from home as a software consultant. At my desk all day. But I make sure to hit 12-15k steps a day. Don't try and start running from 0 to anything more than 500m, then increment slowly. Honestly just set aside an hour a day for a walk. Want you healthy Boi.

Adam Titone

Dude, ya gotta keep covering and get that follow up to the tips of the huge icebergs you’ve pointed out. You just scratchin, grab those tools and start digging.

John Dutro

Day onner all gas/brakes.. just Keep goin u on tha Pulsè.


Imagine how long you'd have to grow that beard out for to resemble a capitol rioter? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It may not be breaking news, but our food system is something people don't seem to know much about. So many things you could cover ... small farms / homesteads; local food movements; seed sovereignty; processing plants burning down at a surprising pace; addiction to processed foods and why so much money is going towards it; regenerative farming; our looming water crisis (municipalities running out).

Anthony J Malone

re : weight loss/ etc.....loose leaf gunpowder green tea, oatmeal with frozen blueberries and shit, some 25 lb kettlebells, rice, fish, etc.

Roman Pushkin

Try Supernatural app on Oculus Quest 2. I was 220 pounds, lost 50 pounds. Gained back though, now I'm 220 again. I gonna give it one more shot, since I know for sure it works.

M. Hawkins

very rad dude. so happy to be supporting the patreon. never done that before but i dig your shit and really enjoy the balance of it- its especially interesting to see your development over the years. as you mentioned- you're consciously making a choice not to make a mockery of the "other side" and thats appreciated. and thats coming from a crazy fuckin libral. i hate division. its certainly contributes to a weak society in regards to holding our political fucks accountable. infighting and "us vs them" language only divides us more. really like seeing you recently engage in conversations with the patriots that i would never feel comfortable doing. im working harder to appreciate the common ground these days- very challenging, but i know its needed and i wanna set a good example for my son as he grows up i want him to see me interact with all kinds of folks in an earnest way- and so yeah, to see someone else doing that with a public platform is really encouraging. cuz i dont get that from any other news source. i think a lot can be said of because of your episodes- this SJW who has worked in nonprofits from homeless shelter to food pantries etc for 10+ years...that i can come and watch a video wherein you interview people that believe so differently than me...ya'll have helped me realize ive been living in my own echo chamber and very dismissive of those who dont believe the same way i do. just wanted to drop a note of encouragement and hope it reaches you and your team. keep up the good work weirdo!

Andy Guerrero

maybe do a piece on those graffiti towers in LA/Miami


i think it's important to laugh at and ridicule people who form all of their world views around hatred. forcing yourself to be sympathetic to everyone no matter how crazy or evil they get just means you don't really care about anything and I don't think thats very engaging for the audience. makes your shit seem cynical almost. you should laugh at libs, maga guys etc when theyre being shitty people, and not shy away from telling people to go fuck themselves when theyre being shitty.


also, welcome to the BBM community, brother. we've been waiting for you


Hi Andrew if you seek lighthearted stuff, sports and a bit of an adventure i would recommend doing a bikepacking trip with your crew.

Blackpoint Studio

i'd like to see some stuff that kinda picks up where Vagrant Holiday left off. Just go somewhere and experience a good time.

juan chavez

Your a good person Andrew and the growth I see in you is inspiring


lol Andrew and the crew out in a national forrest for a week.

juan chavez

You should cover the graffiti tower in LA seems like an act of anti gentrification. U could interview some artist and also maybe some real estate agents


Reboot dirty jobs

Bryan R

get into mountain biking, i'm thinking about getting into that to lose some weight. seems fun as hell, especially where you're at


Glad you are releasing videos! Looking forward to more!

Gary Eddy

You are out of your mind if you think that straight up, eating a can of tuna like that is any kind of intelligent or even healthy way to eat. Lol. Food is made to be enjoyed but it is tricky and requires some discipline. I have a really good generalized a write up PDF on how to eat well and eat ideally. It was written by my lifelong and completely genius medical practitioner. It’s probably a five minute read and I can totally send it to you if you like it. Love your stuff!

Miriam L



Mountainbiking is the best! I‘m still a bit overweight but my endurance is a lot better


Yes, Nord VPN. The magical thing that gave me safe access to This Place Rules.


You can't expect from an american to learn how to eat healthy too fast.

Gabriel Garwoliński

I love Arizona landscapes so much! They are so beautiful, I'm not surprised you decided to move there.


Andrew, love you, here's some real advice for better eating: First, eating straight tuna everyday isn't the best, as that much fish can cause your mercury levels to rise and just isn't optimal. Although I did lol at you eating a straight block of it. Starting off the day with a protein shake with some frozen blueberries, some greens, and some pea or brown rice protein is best in my opinion. Gets the metabolism going. I'd avoid whey since it leads to heavy flatulence for most, and higher quality protein sources really do make you feel better. Sunwarrior is a good protein brand, based in the good ol USA. Gewt creative with those smoothies, mix in cinnamon to increase metabolism, cacao, maca, chia seeds, barley grass, kale, and if you really want to feel amazing, something fermented like goat kefir milk. Yup, that's a surefire recipe for success my friend. Good luck!

Erik Mendoza

Welcome to Arizona fam ! Glad to have you here

bat kyak

Obese? Youv just become a true American my friend

Bill Terrell

A few video ideas: 1. Comic-con or any variety like it. Maybe find the most outrageous version. 2. Interviewing kids about current events. 3. Serious one… interview various independent media personalities about their options about each other. See if can get some funny BTS gossip. 4. Surfers experiences of global climate change. Those California waves this winter have been sick! 5. Serious one, European farmers Thank u for your work! U are making a difference in public opinion. Waking people up.

bat kyak

Andrew for fucks sake eat some greens


Love these insights into your thinking and approach. Super grateful when you pull the curtain back. Makes a more personal connection to otherwise very polished media.


The BMI scale is bullshit, but I fully support you transitioning into a hiking and gym influencer


You don’t gotta eat cat food to lose weight bubba lol


How do you gage public interest in a certain topic just out of curiosity


If you want a gnarly workout go hit Flat Iron via Siphon Draw over by Apache Junction. Very hard hike but one of my favorites

Nicholas Zimmerman

I love to see it, thank you for being honest about the situation and communicating the future. Keep it up, brother.


Saguaro -- "suh war oh"

morgan k

i'd be curious about the cannabis industry..apparently there is a lot of illegal activity in terms of false reporting of thc levels, monopolization of the labs, and false advertising

morgan k

, but who works there? and indoor cannabis facilities use a lot of water and are destructive to the environment.

Joe Greene

good luck on the diet

Henry Fielding Cook

The loop around Pass Mountain is dope. Good luck out there feller.

Kirsten Fae

Hey Andrew, you mentioned covering some conventions and things like that for lighter topics. Why not cover some different sub-cultures or hobbies that are popular? Like: What does it "mean" to be a Swifty? What's it like to attend a massive outdoor country music festival and ask fans what the music means to them? Eastern culture's rise in popularity in the West such as Kpop or interviewing otakus and their collections? People who REALLY love trains? A furry convention and have them explain their fursonas and the appeal in the community? Crash some Vegas weddings? An episode with local wildlife or animal conservatories/shelters in your area and teach us about them? Interview some old folks in a retirement/nursing home to see how young they are at heart? Explore some non-profit organizations that are making a positive impact in their community for some feel good fuzzies? I look forward to whatever you have in store!

bill dacruz

jonah hill lookin ahh

Hunter Adams

You should buy hiking shoes man. Make sure you have good ankle support for when you’re hiking!


It really helps to integrate physical activity into your everyday life instead of making it a separate thing. The Not Just Bikes video on YT called The Gym of Life is insightful on this.


There's a very niche sporting event called Miami Ultraskate coming up on 02/15. A 24-hour skateboard race. Held at the Homestead Speedway NASCAR track.

Josie Jos

Amazing as always


Arizona tip: everyone hates Californians (driving up the cost of living) so get rid of those plates, and also it's pronounced "sah-WAH-roh" not "sag-wahro".


It's just about festival season 🤘 plus Mardi gras


come interview me! I work at a plethora of farms throughout northern california and have great insight on the cannabis industry. Especially gray/black market.

Vasco Varelas

Channel 5 reporting from the bird's nest


Come back out to SF for a different angle maybe? keyword smear of a relatively new bubbly melting pot of vaguely defined, decentralized, interlinked niche subcultures that intersect on Musk's hellsite (X) and at parties, hackathons, events, etc in SF (+ some satellites like El Segundo). [e/acc, techno-optimism, transhumanism, posthumanism] vs. [old guard EA/rationalism/AI Safety], Beff Jezos, Goth (@goth600), Aella, Grimes, Yudkowsky, Emmet Shear, vibecamp, cerebral valley, qualia institute, topos institute, ketamine, amphetamine, uh, discourse. Lots of really interesting characters grifting/shaping our future/trying to figure out consciousness and the universe/just vibing I guess. And the party scene is lit too (b roll everywhere), though slightly cooled down from the apex anti-OpenAI OpenAI dev day afterparty feat. Grimes. please don't try to interview me tho I already made it to Cannes and I'm not ready to move to the desert yet fellow viewers. my parasocial relationship with Andrew Callaghan is definitely actually a real one and he will surely read, investigate, and consider my suggestions as he deliberates. worry not, and suggest away too.


good luck on the health journey. try and make things easy for yourself (e.g. exercise w lowest activation energy first, high-protein food that's easy and yummy too)

Dylan Briggs

you should do another music festival !!!


Maybe for the Lightweight/comedic stuff you could try another Will Blunderfield? Where ever you found the first one. That on was just A++. Or go to some country festivals, I think they have hearty people.


I think democratic political machines in the north east were notorious for getting votes from “fresh of the boat” migrants since at least the end of 19th century. Maybe something worth looking into.

Felix Toth

I submitted a correspondent video yesterday! I'm Super Stoked for you to watch it!


Stuff with net negative for society, from this kind of ridicule coverage really resonated with me. Though it seems intuitive, do read/watch anything interesting in this area?


Thanks for sharing this experience of becoming famous.

Jack Ayers

The Starzy Rackz shoutout was insane what the hell is my algorithm

Vasco Varelas

you can even do and go to those lighthearted reports and throw in some good insightful questions: Drunk people answer those the best


Have you hiked around canyon lake at all? I know some spots in the valley that aren’t infected with snow birds.

Sydney Bothwell

This felt like I was a kid again and I like that.


Did he really just say people being overweight isn't a bad thing??? how is that not a bad thing overall. like for themselves, their family, their community, their friends, their country. man o man just think about their quality of life when they get older or even now. Maybe try to get an interview with RFKjr

Derek young

Welcome to AZ man, glad to have you. Seen you at Lux a couple times when I worked there.

richard mirabella

I love how you can see every time he had to retake on that rock with the people walking behind him. hahaha

Gaston Armand

Love these clips, if ever you wanna hike in Australia lemme know XX

nico bredenbeck

if you come to Germany to investigate the rise of the far right or political/economical corruption, I got you


Love watching you enjoy the Arizona desert! There's so many more dope places to see. Especially up north near Payson or Flagstaff. Hope you do more videos like this as you explore more of AZ.

Phillip White

idk if its just my connection (I doubt it because your other videos are playing well) but this skips every few seconds

Matt V

idk if I'd call pulling up the salt river a hike but welcome to AZ my guy.



cullen g

Get after it A train I sense a glow up, but that tuna looked absolutely foul. Thanks for the vid these bts vlogs are nice.


What happened with Nic and Evan? They got the new channel I noticed last week.

Luke Smith

Likewise! I solo hiked all the way from Melbourne to sydney and can show ya some sick spots

John Fitch

Hey Andrew, I sent ya some DM's on instagram a couple weeks back. I also sent over an e-mail. You were talking about wanting to cover some different types of stories and I have something for you. Please reach out. - John (Zack)

Rhys Korbely

Check the subreddit can find all the drama there, both not friends with him anymore i think.

Michel van der meer

Would be interesting to see some coverage about maybe a less well talked about industry - education. Specifically how countries like the USA, UK, Netherlands and Germany receive an influx of international students, generating massive revenue for the universities. There are many reasons why internationals come to these countries to study, such as the prestige of western degrees, potential future jobs in those countries, higher pay, networking, etc, but it shifts the way that education impacts society in negative ways. A monopoly of education exists in such countries and the issues they face because of this could be something interesting to talk about - I know it is a big topic over here in the Netherlands, the UK and Germany, but is it different in the USA? Love all the work from Channel 5 and would love to see you come to Europe again for some coverage here.

Cyd Dahl

tuna straight out of the can is wild


That hat is incredible

Dave France

Love you Andrew and team


Really loving these! Thanks Andrew!


I have been interested in doomsday preppers lately. That could be a cool topic. I think they are interesting people, to say the least. I also think a travel vlog of you and your team in somewhere like Amsterdam or Berlin would be cool! i love those cities lol




Yo Andrew if you wanna go somewhere nobody recognizes you come on down to South Carolina, plenty of real ones who love C5 like me but mostly old white people so you’ll be safe

Grace Kantrow

Andrew -- Try yoga!! ❤️

Ben and Shannon

bro I am down to clown for some light hearted stuff! hell I bet a lot of funny/light hearted stuff could be hoarded and saved for later to help break up releases that are heavy like the border series has been. either way, lookin forward to every new vid~

Audrey Jelstrom

something on abortion laws or LGBTQ+ rights!!


Kansas would be a great case study on this. I bet the crew at Loud Light would love some engagement on their work!

Luke Fender

Web exclusives, stay weird! Let's go

Kevin Smith

Mount Lemmon is one of the more unique places and a personal favorite, maybe 90 mins from you. Enjoy AZ 🌵

Kris Clemson

Strab some boots on and climb up that mountain behind you.


I would personally love to see you cover Israel/Palestine and get your thoughts on it

Mikael Lund

eat some ahi tuna steak.

Jevon Golden

Ayyy wellness check! Nice work, it’s tough at first. But your setting yourself up for success:)

Dana M Brigance

as far as the aforementioned stern stuff to come next, wondering if you're familiar with what's going down with the Cop City protests in Atlanta?


If I could ban the entire population from using the word “super” I most definitely would. Journalists would be first. I can only presume its excessive use is a result of atrophied brains due to excessive social media consumption.


Andrew, please pick a big subject to do a prolonged 12+ month deep dive on, and then report on it to us after a year or more of research and interviews. Think probublica like. Keep this same approach to choosing stories as these current episodes, as news breaks. And in addition, try a proPublica story to deliver a year from now, or so. Thanks 🙏🏼


Put Tuna on a good protein bread and light mayo and a nice old Amsterdam cheese. Then it’s delicious and has the protein you need

Paul Carpenter

WHats going on with the competition?

Ben Reichstein

Awesome behind the scenes look and great job on the first step of getting healthier! I'd be interested to see if you could get maybe a spaceX tour and interview with Elon Musk. My gut feeling is that you're going to ask him interesting questions. But the be honest: just see what feels good and do that next. So far you had a great "journalistic nose" as I enjoyed all of your topics.

Ben Reichstein

That's a big thing but sounds interesting! Maybe also one or two episodes of catching up with places you've already visited? The Minneapolis Protest left me in awe and it would be interesting to see and hear from Andrew's perspective how the current situation is there

Nolan P

zoom in on paws transition would have been next level guys.....

Dalton Lewis

Ngl that reaction to that area with the river is exactly how I would've acted lmao I love some good scenery 😆

Austin Golde

you already got it in your heart man. it was sturgis, coronavirus beach, and taladega baby

William Holstine

Keep up the great work Andrew. I wish you luck on your journey to better health. I love the idea of more serious videos but also comedic ones, it's what made me fall in love with the channel! Also I just want to say that I look up to you Andrew as a person, and your ability to communicate effectively with anyone, and I aspire to be that way everyday. Much love, brother from WV.

Zacry Spears

yoooooo shout out to BIG LUKE

Carolyn E Puckett

Dawg tuna is so good don’t do my boy like that 😔


Now you're in the desert, how about a casual video about the traditional music in your new area? Might not be your thing, but I'd love to learn about the hispanic and indian music in AZ


dude, please write the guide book people need to prepare themselves for fame.

Tito Lebowitz

Seeing how AZ is the home field now (congratulations btw). There are some very serious things happening in this state with implications leading to possible trade wars and actual wars. It just so happens these implications tie into the border crisis. There is a large Taiwanese company (TSMC) that has been building their new factory in north phoenix, this company contracts and employs thousands of illegal and legal immigrants currently with complete disregard for the rules. Why this is so important is because China will soon try to invade Taiwan according to some insiders (senators etc). I would love to see something on this subject and I believe it is the type of early reporting that will bring Andrew and his team to legend status if they succeed in their investigation. Just planting a seed….dont mind me


Solid episode dude, if you trying to hit some nice trails next time you up in WA for the spring, Olympics on the East side north of Olympia near the Hood Canal are some solid picks for easy to moderate hikes for the day or multiple nights for backpacking to get a good workout with beautiful scenary & great views. Much love from WA 🙏

Sinan Duran

Getting so real with the daily weight concern!

Adam Lubeck

Native water tank interviews?

Adam Lubeck

Many natives are out of water around Arizona… why is the government paying the natives till this day for land


I think it’s important to remember that feeling of being able to produce more with less stress. Always follow that direction. I just became a patreon because you produce the type of journalism that is desperately needed. Thank you for all your hard work. Maybe one day when my son gets a little older I can help!


Where can we get that hat lol

Peter B

lift weights, some form of cardio, and find a sauna somewhere for recovery after working out. You will be able to eat what you want and look good.

J Severn

dig phoenix


Please talk about your video editing setup and workflow next time we're back in la casa :)


check out slc

Zama Club

Bro strain that tuna and try to mix it with an avocado salt and pepper used to do that shii with salmon


Love the serious stuff. Love the lighthearted stuff too. Thanks for getting out there in the world for us. If you want longevity, mobility, independence in your elder years, you need to build muscle. Lifting weights does that for you. A few compound movements and a couple isolation movements per workout.

Andrew Matson

great call Andrew. before I turned 30 weighed almost 250. Never let that happen again in my life. many moons ago I owned an orthopedic shoe store. All sorts of trouble one may not consider comes with obesity

Arpan Shrivastava

Hi Andrew. Just became a pateron- hope your journalism goes far and wide. Pro tip to get healthy- learn to love to cook :)

Cat Hicks

Watching you get excited about simple things brings me great joy.


Okay, so if you actually enjoyed hiking I recommend keeping it up! I’ve been hiking a moderate trail 3 days a week for 4 months now, and I’ve lost about 25lbs. I also started cooking at home more, and reducing my glucose consumption. Stick with it!

Stephen Gerrish

The first water trail is a great option for superstition hiking! Good luck with your fitness


Dude, not to be arrogant but I have done this whole fat loss thing so many times. 110kgs - 78kgs (3 months). 86-72kgs (6 weeks). 90-80kg's (unknown). The best way I have noticed to lose weight, is some sort of cardio + intermittent fasting. Just eat within a 6 hour window and if you can make that food healthy = The weight flying off you like foreign water through a tourist.

Jeremy Peterson

You are allowed to salt and season your food

Kaelen C

Dude if your looking for an incredible hike about 2 hours outside apache junction there is a bunch of old pueblo ruins you can walk to/through. I highly recommend devils chasm. Truly one of the most beautiful places in the world IMO

Eddie Martinez

Get a mountain bike an ride some trails or just ride around. As a 28 year old its a lot easier on the joints and feet.

Jeff Simpson

BMI no BS doesn't mean anything. By that standard every football player would be obese

Ryan Williams

Suggestion 1: If you're going to keep eating straight cans of tuna, Wild Planet is great - but go with skipjack - that fishery is slightly less fucked I think. Suggestion 2: Big trail runner here. The Phoenix area has a HUGE trail and ultrarunning scene. It would be SICK if you covered that subculture. Check out Aravaipa Running - they put on a ton of events. You could make an amazing feature on their Javalina Jundred trail event.


If you're ever in the Coachella Valley for Coachella or stage coach hit up MINDOFAMADEUS he's a local rapper and will show you around

Jamison Rawlings

Ever thought about covering the American education system? I work in a Elementary school in Southern Maryland... there's a lot going on that people should know about and it's also a trickle-down issue in many ways. Idk, just a thought.

Kurt Tschanz

Andrew's in his Maynard era. Go off king

Josh H

more crip Mac

Shawn Slobodian

What’s with the sticky notes

Mallory (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-18 06:23:32 fuck yeah twins day in Twinsburg
2024-02-18 03:50:46 fuck yeah twins day in Twinsburg

fuck yeah twins day in Twinsburg

David Hayes

I hope you enjoy Phoenix! I’ve been here 12 years now and I can’t imagine myself anywhere else.

Chanan Greenblatt

This was Epic, I love being on the Patreon gang


Big Upp from SLovenia, manzzzz. Enjoying the intervewssss, keep up keeping up ^^

Senior GrangoIV

Lose weight fatty! That BMI is attrocias! You needa more of teh water, less of the meat, you fat man. Ahahahaha. I love you derric!

Senior GrangoIV

Dude. Youre house needs some colour!!! Its white, on white, on silver (on white). Youd gonna go mad. Put some shit on the walls. Fuck!!


Is what's posted on YouTube seperate from what's on Patreon? Like if I'm only watching what's posted on Patreon, am I missing something that is on YouTube?

James Werner

I hope you're doing alright, Andrew :) I remember I said what's up to you at a Blue Bottle in LA and you were mad chill. I really appreciate all the work you and the team do. Sending love and well wishes to you all 🙏

Jahvin Bowman

Hey Andrew, I feel you on the fame bullshit. I experienced a literal taste of it and it was enough to be repulsive to me. We are all people at the end of the day. Glad you are becoming more health conscious so you can live longer and get buff. I had the same issue as you sitting at the computer working hard and becoming overweight. I started at the gym this new year and have been going consistently and lifting. Some days I am too lazy but I like to remind myself its not about my feelings its about my goals. So far I have not dropped any weight in fact I gained a few pounds, but my belly has shrunk and the muscle growth is visible in and out of shirts to the point one can tell I lift. All that to say.. your progress will not be over night but you will see it very soon, our body composition is not too different. Anyway, thanks for the content man, be well.


Also try out the low fat diet. It is more feasible for regulating your body fat over time. Paleo tends to make people "cheat" and gain weight again after finishing their diet. They also have a way harder time doing cardio because of no carbs...


yesss andrew bring the twin gathering vid pls!!!

Rodolfo M

Hell yeah! Smell the creosote! Welcome to Az If you want to try some good food, Tucson has Frida’s (my favorite spot in all of Az is a spot called Jerry bobs by the airport, it’s the only one that serves Mexican food and it’s amazing, all the other Jerry bobs suck) (you could also try la cocina downtown) Phoenix has Shimogamo sushi (best sushi in Az) or many of the mariscos places, downtown PHX has some great spots

Rodolfo M

Side note: the reason I started supporting C5 is because all news sources I know of are so partisan when we really all want the same thing Conservatives and liberals are the same, once you remove their indoctrination If you’re interested, there’s a book called Human kind by rutger Bergman that is really aligned with that concept that I recommend Yall rule thanks so much for what you do

Rodolfo M

Not hitting “like” because it’s at 666 Let’s keep it that way

Rodolfo M

Oh yeah! Another great hiking spot is Madeira canyon! Almost always has running water

Levi West

beef and brocoli

Levi West

running with beanie and sweatsuit at a slow pace for your miles is like steroids, just my 2 cents

Levi West

you are in a great position to re-compensate your body into more muscle, utilize your fuel storage

Kokopelle Z

Welcome to the neighborhood! Glad you're enjoying the AZ sun! The trail you hiked is one of many :) enjoy!

Heatseeking Pitbull

Seeing you get arrested made me subscribe to the Patreon, but seeing some funny content would be nice too.

Chris Scott

Would love for you guys to cover some of the conversation happening around widespread of implementation of AI atm - am sure there's a lot of meat on that bone both in terms of genuine balanced views of human/social implications as well as a few crackpots

Morris Wein

Be careful w/ the tuna. Eat it everyday and you’ll fuck up the mercury levels in your blood


Holsum hike content p fire

Em See

Hey Andrew! Hate that I’m being one of these folks to spew advice yet I just want to share - in my personal experience of losing 20lbs the things that helped me most were: * correcting my sleep schedule !! * drinking less coffee/caffeine ** this a big one - removing excessive poly saturated fats (canola/palm oil/veggie oil <<< and with that said the best oils I’ve found to cook with are olive oil, coconut oil or lard) * cutting back on refined sugars * eating more fermented foods for healthy digestion You are of the best! (Although I don’t say this to put you on a pedestal) Thanks for all the great work!

Em See

Your enthusiasm for this river though 🥹

Sally O

you should talk to the immigrants who have gone to nyc on those busses. Also too much tuna is bad for you because it has mercury in it.


nahhh he just needs to run or cycle every morning. build a routine doing that and you're good. find a couple trails he finds nice and yeah


pls go to palestine. it'd be hard to get into but worth it as a journalist. if you could cover the civilian life still going on - in israel too - it would be interesting. life still goes on in the chaos


Good man. No excuses just getting yours, working and mixing in some self improvement


Anybody know the song at 15:30?


Who do you think they would talk to? I am also curious just wondering who would actually have some good insight


Patreon is everything on YouTube plus extra because Patreon can post stuff that may be cut on YT


I personally would like to see the affect of automation and people jobs.


It's hard to not eat if you don't find any good drugs to keep you from thinking about food The trick is finding a drug that won't harm you long term 😉


Fame sounds stressful, like the more you are known, the less free you are So many people desperately want to be a prisoner lol My goal is to make money and only have my friends and family recognize me I consider Andrew's fame to be a great sacrifice, he's taking on that burden so we can all be blessed with his content and lead better lives for it Thanks Man!


ANDREW fire up that Pokemon Go and burn some calories ❤️‍🔥 Let's go team Instinct 💪

Jay Kay

You'll only stick to a diet you enjoy. In the end, all that matters is eating fewer calories than you're burning consistently to lose weight. Consistency is the biggest part of it losing weight.

Doctor Danger

Hell yeah, OutDoorBoys.

J Osh

Interesting you talk about Mauritania, you should watch the latest special from 'The Grand Tour' where they do a shit load of coverage on the country, and manage to educate viewers seemingly incidentally.

Hector P

lol I work at Panda Express, if you ever need a personal cook I got you

Hector P

Fasting is a better way to lose weight, I’ve never been overweight skinny all my life, but when I did fast I lost weight fast

Max H

Go to the Indy 500

Logan Ballegeer

Careful eating fish homie, my bro got mercury poisoning eating too much fish

Ben Nehus

hey andrew, cool that youre living down in az. you should do some coverage of mlb spring training in glendale, or just come check it out and enjoy some of americas favorite pastime . imma be there and would love to chop it up. go blue. peace


You really should still cover Israel-Palestine.

Ryan S

That guy said a lot of stuff but the birds nest at the end was pretty spiffy

Braedan Hall

I usually refrain from commenting, as you’ve discussed frequently your desire to omit both spectrums of reactions to feedback but let me just say…you’re doing great work AC. Independent media is the future and you are an industry leader. I am appreciative of your commitment to the truth and covering as much of the given subject matter as possible. In the world of corporate media, we can never get enough of what you do and your success is a way for other, emerging journalists to realize the potential of independent work. Keep up the solid journalism my man.

Morgan Reynolds

I think they'd actually have to go there to cover it in their style. I wouldn't want that.

Leslie P

I act like that when I see water too. I appreciate an excited hiker. ❤️

Mike Amorello

Its clear you take the job seriously and it is not easy, so its cool to see you showing us a side of your journey that has to do with taking care of your self. Good luck AC!

Logan M

Andrew, you probably won't read this but I really appreciate you being honest with your audience about your health and promoting health positivity. I am 6'2/175 but in December of 2022 I was 290 lb (37 BMI) so I can understand the perspective of someone who needs inspiration. You promoting your health will be a source of inspiration for so many people.


this was great Andrew <3 really good to see you evolve and grow :0)


make comedy hobo and twin meetup

Anthony Horton

Try hunting it solves all your problems, you get to exercise and you can ethically eat meat. Killing one animal a year to feed your family vs factory farmed meat helps you sleep at night.

Anthony Horton

I’m 37 and when I was younger I was a left wing person , now that I work for everything I have and have raised two children I would consider my self a conservative it happened over night it was weird. Working hard for something will make you appreciate things . I can see you being on the right someday hopefully working for The Daily Wire!

Bobby Brown

Nice 2nd gen. Good choice of vehicle.


I eat that specific tuna straight at least 3 times a week 😈 I like to do it in the break room to assert my dominance that and boiled eggs


good luck on the eating. if i may offer a suggestion - get a good blender, get you some protein powder that you can tolerate or even like, and frozen fruit of your preference and bank that as 300 to 700 calories of a meal. if you do it right its got all the macros you need with none of the fluff (read: carbs, sugars). and also, always go to bed just a little hungry.


#22:52 exercise isnt what loses weight, as counter intuitive as it seems given all the effort you put in, unfortunately. caloric deficit is what loses weight. if your caloric intake to achieve maintenance (e.g. same weight) is 2000 calories a day, that means you need to subsist on 1800 calories a day on average a week to reach a healthly weightloss of 2lbs per week. with that said, exercise is good for weight loss because it helps turn the calories you are getting into muscle rather than fat which shapes your body, and also gets your dumb stomach to shut the hell up about eating for a couple hours. when i get hungry I go for a run or start lifting and it buys me a couple more hours of preventing my limbic system shouting at me to eat, probably because i conned it into burning calorie reserves from the glycol levels floating around in my bloodstream from my last meal. beware though that when you rest it will start shouting again and probably try to motivate you to overeat. this is what glp-1 drugs (ozempic, wegovy) help with - glp-1 has been found to be the hormone that your stomach emits and your brain responds to telling you to eat. some of us are born with a body that over annunciates the glp-1 response, causing overeating food cravings. so ozempic, wegovy, et al attenuate this response and you feel less hungry more often


Welcome to Arizona! 🏜️ check out the White Tanks

Seymour Buetts

Down 25lbs and got 60 to go! Lfg

Bob BooLaLa

AZ got some bangin' hot springs and super nice backpacking trails! Theres even a trail that spans the entire state, aptly named "The Arizona Trail" 800 miles from bottom to top with the last bit crossing the grand canyon. Best way to get away from people for days on end is backpacking. Also, whuddup from NOLA. Crawfish is fucking expensive this year.

Parker Jones (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 07:58:19 AC - Big respect, I'm loving the nuance & approachability you're managing to capture in your work the past few months. Truly amazing. I might be in the minority on this, but I wish you'd do more to address the SA controversy and how you've grown / changed / made amends. Maybe you can't do that for legal reasons, I'm sure there's all kinds of complex shit behind the scenes I don't understand, and I really do feel for you in this situation. But for me I just can't rock my Channel 5 shirt in good faith until I see more public acknowledgement of how you've changed. Feels gross to just sweep that under the rug & hope your audience forgets. Again - I think the work you're doing is absolutely fuckin' groundbreaking and I wanna rep + share + support but I wanna see that you're able to stand up & own mistakes and model good behavior. I just want to understand what you've learned, how you're doing better, what you did to help the women that you hurt. Big opportunity for you to model the behavior & honest acknowledgement of wrongs that seems absolutely fuckin' impossible for men in the generations above us. Much love dude. - PJ
2024-03-29 07:58:19 AC - Big respect, I'm loving the nuance & approachability you're managing to capture in your work the past few months. Truly amazing. I might be in the minority on this, but I wish you'd do more to address the SA controversy and how you've grown / changed / made amends. Maybe you can't do that for legal reasons, I'm sure there's all kinds of complex shit behind the scenes I don't understand, and I really do feel for you in this situation. But for me I just can't rock my Channel 5 shirt in good faith until I see more public acknowledgement of how you've changed. Feels gross to just sweep that under the rug & hope your audience forgets. Again - I think the work you're doing is absolutely fuckin' groundbreaking and I wanna rep + share + support but I wanna see that you're able to stand up & own mistakes and model good behavior. I just want to understand what you've learned, how you're doing better, what you did to help the women that you hurt. Big opportunity for you to model the behavior & honest acknowledgement of wrongs that seems absolutely fuckin' impossible for men in the generations above us. Much love dude. - PJ
2024-03-29 07:58:19 AC - Big respect, I'm loving the nuance & approachability you're managing to capture in your work the past few months. Truly amazing. I might be in the minority on this, but I wish you'd do more to address the SA controversy and how you've grown / changed / made amends. Maybe you can't do that for legal reasons, I'm sure there's all kinds of complex shit behind the scenes I don't understand, and I really do feel for you in this situation. But for me I just can't rock my Channel 5 shirt in good faith until I see more public acknowledgement of how you've changed. Feels gross to just sweep that under the rug & hope your audience forgets. Again - I think the work you're doing is absolutely fuckin' groundbreaking and I wanna rep + share + support but I wanna see that you're able to stand up & own mistakes and model good behavior. I just want to understand what you've learned, how you're doing better, what you did to help the women that you hurt. Big opportunity for you to model the behavior & honest acknowledgement of wrongs that seems absolutely fuckin' impossible for men in the generations above us. Much love dude. - PJ
2024-03-29 07:58:19 AC - Big respect, I'm loving the nuance & approachability you're managing to capture in your work the past few months. Truly amazing. I might be in the minority on this, but I wish you'd do more to address the SA controversy and how you've grown / changed / made amends. Maybe you can't do that for legal reasons, I'm sure there's all kinds of complex shit behind the scenes I don't understand, and I really do feel for you in this situation. But for me I just can't rock my Channel 5 shirt in good faith until I see more public acknowledgement of how you've changed. Feels gross to just sweep that under the rug & hope your audience forgets. Again - I think the work you're doing is absolutely fuckin' groundbreaking and I wanna rep + share + support but I wanna see that you're able to stand up & own mistakes and model good behavior. I just want to understand what you've learned, how you're doing better, what you did to help the women that you hurt. Big opportunity for you to model the behavior & honest acknowledgement of wrongs that seems absolutely fuckin' impossible for men in the generations above us. Much love dude. - PJ
2024-03-29 07:58:19 AC - Big respect, I'm loving the nuance & approachability you're managing to capture in your work the past few months. Truly amazing. I might be in the minority on this, but I wish you'd do more to address the SA controversy and how you've grown / changed / made amends. Maybe you can't do that for legal reasons, I'm sure there's all kinds of complex shit behind the scenes I don't understand, and I really do feel for you in this situation. But for me I just can't rock my Channel 5 shirt in good faith until I see more public acknowledgement of how you've changed. Feels gross to just sweep that under the rug & hope your audience forgets. Again - I think the work you're doing is absolutely fuckin' groundbreaking and I wanna rep + share + support but I wanna see that you're able to stand up & own mistakes and model good behavior. I just want to understand what you've learned, how you're doing better, what you did to help the women that you hurt. Big opportunity for you to model the behavior & honest acknowledgement of wrongs that seems absolutely fuckin' impossible for men in the generations above us. Much love dude. - PJ
2024-03-29 07:58:19 AC - Big respect, I'm loving the nuance & approachability you're managing to capture in your work the past few months. Truly amazing. I might be in the minority on this, but I wish you'd do more to address the SA controversy and how you've grown / changed / made amends. Maybe you can't do that for legal reasons, I'm sure there's all kinds of complex shit behind the scenes I don't understand, and I really do feel for you in this situation. But for me I just can't rock my Channel 5 shirt in good faith until I see more public acknowledgement of how you've changed. Feels gross to just sweep that under the rug & hope your audience forgets. Again - I think the work you're doing is absolutely fuckin' groundbreaking and I wanna rep + share + support but I wanna see that you're able to stand up & own mistakes and model good behavior. I just want to understand what you've learned, how you're doing better, what you did to help the women that you hurt. Big opportunity for you to model the behavior & honest acknowledgement of wrongs that seems absolutely fuckin' impossible for men in the generations above us. Much love dude. - PJ
2024-03-29 07:58:19 AC - Big respect, I'm loving the nuance & approachability you're managing to capture in your work the past few months. Truly amazing. I might be in the minority on this, but I wish you'd do more to address the SA controversy and how you've grown / changed / made amends. Maybe you can't do that for legal reasons, I'm sure there's all kinds of complex shit behind the scenes I don't understand, and I really do feel for you in this situation. But for me I just can't rock my Channel 5 shirt in good faith until I see more public acknowledgement of how you've changed. Feels gross to just sweep that under the rug & hope your audience forgets. Again - I think the work you're doing is absolutely fuckin' groundbreaking and I wanna rep + share + support but I wanna see that you're able to stand up & own mistakes and model good behavior. I just want to understand what you've learned, how you're doing better, what you did to help the women that you hurt. Big opportunity for you to model the behavior & honest acknowledgement of wrongs that seems absolutely fuckin' impossible for men in the generations above us. Much love dude. - PJ
2024-03-26 03:24:28 AC - Big respect, I'm loving the nuance & approachability you're managing to capture in your work the past few months. Truly amazing. I might be in the minority on this, but I wish you'd do more to address the SA controversy and how you've grown / changed / made amends. Maybe you can't do that for legal reasons, I'm sure there's all kinds of complex shit behind the scenes I don't understand, and I really do feel for you in this situation. But for me I just can't rock my Channel 5 shirt in good faith until I see more public acknowledgement of how you've changed. Feels gross to just sweep that under the rug & hope your audience forgets. Again - I think the work you're doing is absolutely fuckin' groundbreaking and I wanna rep + share + support but I wanna see that you're able to stand up & own mistakes and model good behavior. I just want to understand what you've learned, how you're doing better, what you did to help the women that you hurt. Big opportunity for you to model the behavior & honest acknowledgement of wrongs that seems absolutely fuckin' impossible for men in the generations above us. Much love dude. - PJ

AC - Big respect, I'm loving the nuance & approachability you're managing to capture in your work the past few months. Truly amazing. I might be in the minority on this, but I wish you'd do more to address the SA controversy and how you've grown / changed / made amends. Maybe you can't do that for legal reasons, I'm sure there's all kinds of complex shit behind the scenes I don't understand, and I really do feel for you in this situation. But for me I just can't rock my Channel 5 shirt in good faith until I see more public acknowledgement of how you've changed. Feels gross to just sweep that under the rug & hope your audience forgets. Again - I think the work you're doing is absolutely fuckin' groundbreaking and I wanna rep + share + support but I wanna see that you're able to stand up & own mistakes and model good behavior. I just want to understand what you've learned, how you're doing better, what you did to help the women that you hurt. Big opportunity for you to model the behavior & honest acknowledgement of wrongs that seems absolutely fuckin' impossible for men in the generations above us. Much love dude. - PJ

Alana L

I thought the same exact thing and you phrased it perfectly. I love and recommend Andrew’s work as a geography major and lover of journalism. I know he’s doing amazing work that I support and love to consume, but it would be nice to see him address it in its totality after the fact, once and for all.


Man love this!!!

Shea Davis

Phoenix native here. Welcome to AZ!

Nick Bernstein

I know you did the Chicago Drill video, but maybe talking about crime in major cities, how the news portrays it, and where it sits in overall society. Violent crime is as low now as it was in the 70s, but the news has folks thinking places like Chicago are "warzones" and "hellholes". I'd be interested to see your perspective and peoples opinions.


You’ll lose plenty of weight running from all your allegations.

Marc Piechowicz

Just make sure you don't turn out like Russell Brand, or Rogan or Peterson. Fame has fkd with their minds and souls big time. Humility is the key Andrew.


You need to get yourself some tupperware with rubber seals, or some sealable glass containers if you wanna avoid estrogenic chemicals and microplastics. Can't be stankin out that fridge 😂

Smooches Produces

I pray to god he never works for The Daily Wire, or any major network for that matter. The beauty of this channel is Andrew, and with him working with such organizations would strip the content of what makes it so beautiful. I have to respectfully disagree.


Why u already a grandpa

Cheekz Clapperton

You’re a psychopath, BUT I can only respect your dominance. I could never eat fish in my break room, everyone would fucking lose their mind and talk shit haha.


I'm kinda new to your content, but I really appreciate how to talk to all classes of folk, all over America with equal respect. I also just subscribed to your patreon because I only get the vids on YouTube and I wanted to see unedited stuff. I'm glad to say, you are my first patreon I've ever paid. So here's the other shoe-


I love the meal tour/house tour, perhaps it's to confirm credibility - I feel confirmed. But I hope for continuing journalism instead of content. I bet it's a hard balance between work and life, and keeping fit would have saved Micheal Moore's career ( and perhaps other things? I don't know the guy) but I hope, because we all love the work that you put you first. Just remember only dance when ya want. And mostly when ya need to.

Joe Murray

Shat one out this morning. Great hat (content too) New UK member :)

Joe Murray

Oh, and you really need to mix a little mayo and salt n pepper into that tuna.


Keep up the good work you do really important stuff


Andrew, welcome to Arizona! If you ever want an interesting topic to do a video on inside Arizona, do some research on the feral horse population along the Salt River and up on the Mogollon Rim! Very interesting history, very interesting people who advocate for their protection, and very interesting methods agencies use to control these populations and create an accurate portrayal on the horses influence on the habitats they live in. Didn't know you moved to Arizona but welcome!


I feel ya on the weight gain/loss struggle. Just gotta take that first step and keep going. It’s not easy. Pushing three buttons on your phone to have DoorDash delivered is. Shit sucks . Thanks for the content 😙


My dude the fuck you eating tuna straight from the can for? There's healthy tuna recipes out there. You need a personal chef? I gotchu

Jacob Blake

Get some Primal Kitchen Avocado Mayonnaise and mix it with the tuna with some seasoning and you'll change your life


I’m fat as fuck can’t lose it.


When’s the next one dawg


I'm a strength and conditioning coach in Tampa. If you're ever in town, hit me up for some training!

Nefertiti Akebulan

Late comment but I actually just moved to AZ as well from CA. Im 21 and had almost been homeless several times in my life. Im also an inspiring creative journalist. Very glad I subscribed to your channel!


Very late comment. You can get mad ocky from just hiking around