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Here is our final installment of the Crip Mac series. In this episode, we sit down with No Jumper podcast host, Adam22, who first jumpstarted Crip Mac's career with a viral interview in 2019. We also speak with China Mac, Lupe, Mama Bear, Granny Bear, and finally get a 2-minute phone call with Crip Mac from jail, where he leaves us with some kind words.

In terms of fundraising, I do plan to try and raise some funds when a cut of this video eventually hits YouTube, but I've put a lot of thought into what sort of fundraising would be most beneficial to Crip Mac's situation. Assuming that we raise 100k, it seems useless to dump all of that money into a Federal lawyer, given what we've learned about Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Once the judge makes an offer, Crip Mac will essentially have to take it, so I don't think having a hotshot lawyer really makes a difference in his outcome. 

However, there are still ways we can influence the judge during this pre-sentencing period. 

I've learned that Federal cases allow for defendants to bring in 'Mental Health Expert Witnesses'  before sentencing. These witnesses are typically qualified psychiatrists who are well versed in PTSD, Paranoid Schizophrenia, and its connection to criminology. This expert testimony could lead to a significant reduction in the judge's sentencing offer, as well as provide Crip Mac with access to intensive mental health care during his bid.

That being said, it's not cheap to bring a Mental Health Witness onto this case, so we plan to create a 'Crip Mac Relief Fund,' to raise money for that, and also for the medical costs associated with childbirth and nursing for his first child, who is due on May 5. 




Joshua Duarte

Need that border coverage ion care nun bout this

Joshua Duarte

That’s fine with me, still my opinion and I’m allowed to have it - sorry that makes you mad bozo


So glad I joined this channel. Between this series, Philadelphia streets, the promising border series, not to mention all the previous content I've watched on YouTube, Andrew and the team provide an absolutely fascinating look at American society for me as a European. Keep it up lads!


Free Crip Mac


Same system that fails the immigrants and those on skid everything gonna c alright thou someday


Honestly don't care about this guy. He's not interesting.


What kind of a name is "duarte"? Bet your momma knows a thing or 5 about border coverage

Joshua Duarte

The fuck kinda stupid ass racist ass comment is this lmao do you feel better? Btw since you’re ignorant the last name is Portuguese/Spanish in origin and was the last name of a few of the kings of Portugal…but I guess your snarky little ignorant comment looks cute to those low iq humans like yourself and those who enjoy people like “crip Mac”


If he does go to jail, plz send us a mailing address so people can send letters and to keep him positive

Matt Guastaferro

As a mental health advocate , it’s nice to see this approach , Andrew . Anyone who is rational can see that a couple screws are loose with crip Mac , which is completely fine . We all have our shortcomings . I also confide in the fact that he’s worried about the world , which would explain his carrying of a firearm when not permitted . It’s justifiable . He’s a beautiful , yet misunderstood soul. Wish nothing but blessings and luck to him and his newborn


You put crip mac on the map

dude of fuck

for real you take that boognish off your profile you fucking custer! #FREECRIPMAC

dude of fuck

now im crying, fuck.. aww poor mama bear and granny bear, this is super sad. i feel for them all and miss ol' Mac! hope he gets out soon!


Free our guy.


Of course Crip Mac would make it to the final 5...

Easton Myers

Man mama bear is a saint. If there is a chance for us to help him out, I’d love to contribute.

Cody Malcolm

Great content Andrew. Keep it up!


Amazing documentary in all ways. And being from LA i learned more about my city.

C Jay

Best of luck to my dude in there. It's not joke. But we can always look forward to his release. On hood.

John S

its a character study. a microscope on compton living. view it like that and it might interest you more. less about the guy, more about how that area is producing people like the guy.


Yeah I get that. Soft White Underbelly has that market cornered.


I was watching the previous episode with my mom. At some point, she turned to me and asked, Who the fuck is this guy? I suddenly became lucid, dazed by such energy spent on a guy like Crip Mac... oh the Internet.

Cole Munton

cant imagine being in federal with a Hoova Killer tat. shit's a literal target on his head in there


Man things are rough right now, and hearing crip mac be so positive when things look so bleak, it broke me. "there's just things we gotta go through in life". Everything's gon c alright

Brett Moore

I'd buy a "Free Crip Mac" shirt


Not that bad tbh, he'll likely end up in a Medium and roll with his own people. He'll do his little 5 years and be alright. Also, he can get a year off if he takes the RDAP drug program.

Simeon Ayton

Never commit suicide!

Devin Smith

C Mac is very lucky to call you guys friends. Good luck fellas


You already know it's in the works and coming soon. but stay impatient my lil Portuguese "King" 👑😂

Lade Den

I love how his baby is due 5/5

Jonathan Strength

Is there any way we could write him or put money on his books? Maybe through some proxy if not directly exposing him is the best move??!


Everything gon C alright brother


Free the Mac


Cmac has such a terrific support system of friends and family, but also the online community. I've only seen ppl say good things about Cmac, and I have to believe that's helped his outlook tremendously. You can tell he really WANTS to grow and be a force of good for the world. #freecmac

Joshua Duarte

Immense W, great job, don’t mind all these weirdos who love the glorification of clowns producing more and more useless members of society through producing “content” via exploitation of mentally challenged and horribly uneducated gang members


"We banged her, my wife, together"? What a fucking weirdo.


Get that paternity test before you raise money for the baby fund gnomesayin cuh

Richard Springfield

His mom is shady. Put him in military school and act like she didn't have a choice. Living in a big nice house while CMac is living rough. She is shady.


It’s amazing how much crip mac projects when he talks. Andrew mentioned it earlier but when he’s talking to his mom about how she has to keep her head up he’s clearly talking about himself. Also the fact that he’s ok with 5 years in prison because it’s a nifty number is just perfect


Hold on - is his child seriously due on 5/5 aka May 5th?!?


Thank you for making the back half of this episode an extremely personal confrontation of his situation among his family. It personalizes Crip, who is so larger-than-life that it’s easy to lose sight of how much uncertainty and anxiety his situation causes him and those who love him. It’s a drama that plays out for millions of American families every year.

Ian Horner

I wasn't expecting all the porn stuff. That was weird. I mean I don't blame him for not wanting to show his friend his dick on camera.


Crip Mac is a good person. It's sad that the judicial system is trying to make an example out of him, and even sadder that they probably expect a slice of the Crip Mac pie before anything can actually be done. Crip Mac is a saint and I think the continued awareness of his situation will open people's eyes that the system we rely on for justice only cares about one thing and it's not justice.

Magic Plants

Sometimes your mistakes or enemies are too strong. It's sad but true. If you put Hoover Killer on your forehead then make an excuse you need a switch cuz you don't have any money, I'm not with that. You don't get to reform halfway, you either commit and take whatever threats come on the chin, or you stay in that gangster mentality and it continues to poison your growth. I hope he gets less than a year but this needs to be a wakeup call for him.

Vasco Varelas

USA if you don't c this man free. You lost the game


People do change, I do not believe that damming anyone to lead the life they lived is right. I understand for some that may be frustrating to see, but we should always celebrate repentance.


The whole thing is that its not really "we just say put him in jail" - it is more like Mac said "I am going to carry this gun illegally on probation and toss it away on school grounds". Should've taken the risk and not carried a gun and stayed low.


Agree with Julian. Try thinking ;)


nah I watched it. Maybe join "China Mac" and leave the country like he claims he will. But I guarantee you he wont leave.

Koolio 777

Free Crip Mac. This some bs.

Noah Wainwright

he was more likely to get killed walking around with a gun than he was likely to get caught carrying a gun, also the penalty for the first is death while the second is doing time, I would have 1000% made the same decision in his shoes


Free Crip Mac.


free crip mac


Free CMac


post it to the public everyones gotta hear this. We really could put the pressure on an free crip mac. Free crip mac.


yeah dude well its kind of asking for it painting targets on your forehead...very stupid thing to do, i dont care what anyone says..that is stupid as hell. Seems like he asked for jail or death and chose jail. No sympathy for this because he isn't even trying to avoid this shit. Everyone acting like this is a smart dude or even trying to do the right thing is a bunch of cope.


You do the crime, you do the time. You paint targets on your head, you get targeted. He is an idiot, plain and simple. Anyone defending this is coping hard.


Haha, very subtle AC! Nice touch


Have you considered a video on the Psilocybin treatment centers opening up in Oregon and Colorado?


You don't understand a thing man. Don't sit in your ivory tower and say shit like that. You haven't grown up surrounded by shit all your life have you. Disgusting.

Shane Black

You clearly have no clue what this whole video is about he was gonna get caught lacking and get smoked without a gun and to have him sit down in that area on probation is a death sentence


ANDREW put his info so people can put money on his books ya 5 me???


No cuz, we don't need to make the man a target


Crip Mac didn't grow up around that shit either dumbass! Find the video on YouTube. He was middle class and went looking to be in gangs and made up his own gangs and dumb shit like that. He is just fuckin stupid plain and simple dude. He was a fake gangster from the start of it and basically asked for what happened to him dude. Idiot


you dont pay for comments on here dude. Please go watch the videos only youtube explaining how Crip Mac is a total fraud and not even from the hood and never even really in gangs and basically is just a loser who went looking to get in trouble because he is an idiot. You guys need to learn something before trying to lecture people on the legal system and everything else.


dude never was a target of anything just watch the videos online explaining how he is just a fake gangster wannabe.


Free Crip Mac


You need to learn something about human empathy and respecting others situations. He grew up in a shit environment, with little guidance and found a family by being stupid and getting involved with stupid people and doing stupid things. Not everyone has the luxury of a family or support network and if you are in that sort of an environment your support network can only be one thing if the next area over to where you live are people who are also stupid and willing to do stupid things to you, the outsider to them. You can 'You do the crime you do the time" all you want and talk about youtube videos that've enlightened you and given you his entire life story, but the man is a paranoid schizophrenic facing many years in jail in one of the worst countries on Earth to be in jail, and the worst country in the developed world. Get a grip man. People can try to turn their lives around and it's people like you who stand in their way. The justice system is meant to help people, not crush them down until they're nothing. You're advocating for the former, really helps people not be 'idiots' when they have to go from violence to violence to violent environment and survive. Get out of your bubble.


That dude Adam is a snake piece of shit


Adam 22 ain't it. Low for gonzo, I'd say.


IDK, maybe not. But he's far from reliable. Perhaps I regret saying this. I'll leave it up. Not like it's going to make me not respect you or pull my support. Keep it up. Even with shitty interviewees.


Youre wacked out my man. Just because he didn't have to grow up in it, doesn't mean he didn't. Just because he wanted to be a gangster when younger doesn't mean he isn't stuck in it. Just because he has face tattoos doesn't mean the man doesnt deserve sympathy. You sound like some corny ass closet racist with real problems understanding the human condition. I've watched plenty of content on c-mac and you can tell he was once just a confused kid who made bad decisions, but who also has a heart of gold and takes care of those around him.


starting to think that this guy deserved to watch his wife get piped 💀

Matt Gray

Dude he's part of the crip mac story, doesn't matter if you like him or not.


actually, to even see the video you do so you definitely did, but way to speak from your privilege dude go sit down until you can talk with adults like an adult instead of bringing nothing productive and spewing insults, thanks . :)


Seeing Momma Bear hold back tears on the phone made me tear up myself... What a wonderful human being Crip Mac is Please start the fundraising as soon as possible even just for the patreon members. I would be happy to donate up to $1k to see this man free and bringing good to the people that need it, as he's been doing for many years already

Shake zula

how would that make him a target they don't announce your commissary amount to all the dudes in jail lol


brotha. i beleive y’all should fund a lawyer. Won’t get him out but will have more advice and get the years down. He might know other ways too. Please help crip mac



Virginia Hanna

I dunno if this matters, but u can see homeboys ph# at 9:21. If it's the jail num no biggy, but otherwise... Blur that and delete this comment.

Virginia Hanna

I think your proposed use of funds raised on crip macs behalf are well thought through and logical. How can people get involved and effect changes to the issues/laws that have been brought up in this series? What elected official position(s) is/are involved? Are there any trusted organizations already putting in the work?


Sent my $10 to the defense fund. And you already know why. CAUSE 5 IS THE BEST NUMBER AND WE DON FUQ WIT CUSTERS


god, adam22 is just so disingenuous its insane to me


adam22 is letting the evil spirits take control


demonic feds lmao


I fuccin love Crip Mac, he's one nifty nickel


Even though I knew a lot of what you said, it breaks my heart to hear every time. And for someone like Crip Mac who actively tries to help his community to go away. I fear about lack of access to medical attention


Idk I see it less as a video about some gang dude and more big picture about how our justice system fails those who are mentally ill


any word on our boy?