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Hey guys - Here it is, the first installment of our up-close-and-personal coverage of Jack, a professional 'Bipper' who breaks into cars for a living. 

I plan to add music to a lot of all the informative, voice-over parts, but I'm still trying to figure out a tone .. but I wanted to give you guys this.

If you're new here. Welcome!

- AC


Sam Daou

Lets goo!!!

Joshua Duarte

Fantastic, have a wonderful thanksgiving Andrew, thanks for your unwavering commitment to producing some of the best & most important content on the platform today

burrito bronson

Just watched the video on youtube was fire guys


the only way out of this is to deploy 10.000 karens

Erik Mendoza

Super legit man loving the series so far


what a cliffhanger at the end of this one :D now i rly need the next episode pls andrew dont let us wait forever xx


Insane andrew going on a bip trip 😂


Keep it coming Dre!


Does it have content that hasn't been on here, or is it just a compilation of these videos here?


ay this was incredibly enlightening. his last monologue really related this whole issue to a lack of resources for the poor and their inability to access dignified employment.


I love the access, love what you guys do and that you’re passing no judgment. If there’s any follow up/clarifying questions you asked during the interview when dude is wearing the orange jumper I’d add it in before it goes live on yt. He’s a brilliant subject but it’s tough as an audience reading between all his “fuckin you know bro” ‘s when he’s talking about the cops in jail. Seems like his point is that the cops are coming down extra hard in jail since they’re trying to flex power that they don’t have on the streets - which is interesting, was just tough for me to follow and I would’ve loved to hear more detail from him if you have it.

Christopher Guerra

Have a happy Thanksgiving, Andrew 🙏 Stay safe out there


Nonetheless, I love my city.

No Name



The prison system has definitely failed and become a profiteering industry but I do think there are people I would not want reintegrated into society. I would be interested/open to hearing more about alternatives but straight up abolishing has some sticker shock.

Wyatt Miller

How you gonna stop the video there daddy :(


This level of access is a bargain for the $$$ incredible content mate


This is a patently absurd claim that is an ideological rot in our society. Many people much much "poorer" than people wearing designer clothes in SF have come from much worse circumstances with an entirely different attitude, like the family of immigrants I'm from. America was built by people that came with nothing fleeing wars and famine, this in comparison to the unimaginably abundant life in 2023 SF. The thieves' attitude is fucking pathetic. If you want money, build something that people want to pay for like every other worker and entrepreneur and decent human. No one has a "right" to live in one of the world's most expensive cities or the "right" to own a bunch of ridiculously expensive designer gear. I'd recommend anyone interested in reality to go on a youtube bender of Thomas Sowell interviews, a black man that actually cares about his community. Right this moment there are many places in the U.S. with cheap housing and jobs - but then they'd have to actually work for what they want. This behavior has absolutely nothing to do with poverty. And Andrew has a very naive view of prisons and people in general. Perhaps if he was the victim of a violent crime himself he would come to understand why people get locked up, regardless of whether they are ever "rehabilitated" or not. This naive view of human nature believes that everyone is identical, a mere "victim" of social forces. This view can only exist when someone has very very little life experience and, simultaneously, refuses to look at one piece of psychological research that shows the contrary. Every person is built different and psychopaths are real. There is this deranged view pervading our society that everyone is just a pawn in a sea of social forces, utterly incapable of taking any responsibility for their actions, as if there was no difference between someone that chooses to be a criminal and the next great musician or whatever. I really liked Andrew's work for a long time because he just shows people how they are but he's gonna lose subscribers if he starts putting his misguided thinking on top of it all like he did on this one.


rawdog Andrew out here facilitating empathy and understanding for the depths of the human condition... truly a noble purpose. Keep it up dood


Keep doing what you are doing. I'll always put my wallet out to support people having real conversations instead of judging from an ivory tower.

Richard Springfield

I have yet to see a more baby-man looking mofo than the newscaster at 4:07 in this video!


I was thinking about how that guy from a previous video says that they need $5,000 a month to live in SF. That’s outrageous, if you have to pay that much for rent and the minimum wage hasn’t gone up, move. Come live in the Midwest, comfortably, making $2,000 a month.


Real life Kenny McCormick lol

Monkeh Gaming

Uhhh okay? Good for you for passing negative judgement on others for the way they look I guess?


Can’t wait for the next one, so good thanks Andrew. Was this filmed during the week of dead and co ?


love this series


PLEAASE cover stop cop city


They will literally blame anyone but themselves. “Oh no capitalism makes me want to look rich so I break into peoples cars” 🤦‍♂️


3 weeks for armed burglary as a felon?!?! What a joke!

Jack Shufelt

Yo where is 5/6 and 6/6 at fam


What if you covered the ATL Stop Cop City movement next?


Love the videos just wish this shit wasn’t glorified


Thank you for covering all of this, from someone who hates leaving home 😂


You gotta uncensor their faces. These mf have ruins my city.


Keep up the good work! I am a huge Fan, especially of the background music.


Do these idiots not know about rocks? $90fuckingUSD for something to throw at a window or a sharp piece of metal to break it with? Shit I'll send these guys "Bip kits" I found in my back yard for $45CAD and ship them on me


I was thinking the same. Or you can use pliers or a nail in a block of wood.


I think it’s more of a question of speed , if you throw a rock it shatters in a way that leaves sharp pieces , when you use porcelain everything shatters in little pieces that you can push or just fold if it’s a tinted window. 90 dollars ain’t shit over there.


I think it's about 1% of the prison population that most likely can not be reintegrated into society and completely abolishing prison does not seem like a good idea. It seems to me that the US justice system mainly focuses on punishment, it's unbelievable that there are still tens of thousands locked up for something like marijuana possession. I wonder how many start their criminal careers in prison being in there for years with nothing else to do?


I love the endings to this series lol truly fantastic


Lowkey think Honduras runs the city now 😂


Vegas underground next?


Severe rationalizations. Their future selves is going to be plagued with guilt and shame. Not judging because they are like me ten years ago. Its just retarded to see. I was pleased to hear Jack the Bipper say the core of it is drugs. Thats a start. I just hope he finds some recovery before its too late. Stay up.

David Wojcicki

Im loving the background music!

dude of fuck

What a cliffhanger!


Happy Thanksgiving Andrew and crew. Thankful for all you do and that you got back on your feet to give us this fire journalism. Cheers yo!


Who knows, maybe even less than 1%. I agree, it’s a punishment based system when it should be focused on rehabilitation for sure. My uncle and aunt were locked up on and off for drug related offenses for most of my life. It was pretty soul crushing to watch the cycle. The system did not give them tools to function in real life or help them recover.


Lotta losers playing the victim card in this one. We can’t afford it here so we have to steal lmao move broke mfer


don't know how you get so up close and personal with all the right people to really show whats going on, you got a discerning eye for that shit i guess, beautiful humanizing coverage as always,


If even the US Dept of Health and Human Services recognizes there are social determinants of health, I am confident that they exist https://health.gov/healthypeople/priority-areas/social-determinants-health/literature-summaries/incarceration If you want to read it, I recommend ctrl F for the recidivism portion


Incredible series Mr.Callaghan


Fuck all these boosters, man. Will never go to their city


That’s a wet jacket tho

Pan Fryer

This media goes so far to humanize my own perspective of the situation. A core of Buddhism is seeking "buddha nature" in everyone. Thank you for including the conclusions. If you let people finish talking, the rationale etc... its always there. so, why do we allow this Malthusian social experiment to continue? we have to work together to reduce the scarcity... at least for food, shelter, healthcare... But yeah, don't tour disaster areas... I'm very grateful to the interviewees. its a mess all around them, no doubt.


why are you in favor of prison abolition? how would you deal with dangerous people who did some very bad shit and could potentially continue to harm people, the environment, animal lives and so forth? When you talk about prison abolition, do you take into consideration other correctional models around the world, or is it a reduced view based solely on what you experienced on the US? I ask this because, to express my honest opinion, to me it sounds like a really bad idea


Looks great! My only note is regarding the comment on you supporting prison abolition. Are you also planning to interview someone on prison reform?


What makes Channel5 so special is your commitment to showing, not telling. As always, thank you for "not asking the right questions"


America seems to be just really bad a copying solutions from Europe by just half-assing everything. It's like they read only the hadline and then be like "cool let's do that". Drug decriminalization works if done right, and the theft decriminalization in Italy is only for food if you're desperately trying to survive. You can't shoplift an Armani store in Italy.


Real news right here. Appreciate it.


ty Andrew and crew, loved the YT edit too 🖐️


Where 5 and 6


Best part is the first day Jack said he started doing it to look fly, next day nearly in tears about how they do it to survive lmao

What's that smell

To everyone who doesn't understand why prison abolition. It would cost less money (for taxpayers) to house and put a person through college, than it would to send them to prison. Or we can keep sending them to prison, compounding the criminality, continue the wealth divide... it's not a D or R thing.


prison doesn't work pretty much anywhere, except rich Nordic countries and shit, but what they got is hard to even call a prison compared to what you usually imagine

Urdnot Wrex

great way to showcase the real issue of SF - which is - instead of addressing income inequality, gentrification, and overprice housing, the City Country decide to try resolve this issue by making drugs and crime less prosecutable. It is almost like telling poor people to be like ... hey look i know the tech bro ruined your neighborhood, so here is a sparkplug and jade shards, now go bibs some cars at the parking lot in Embarcadero


Is this the final or will there be 4 and 6?


I don't think of prison abolition as a goal but more of an ideal. If you wanted to live in a society where there were no prisons you would need more social safety nets, better public education, stronger communities, and affordable housing options. The idea is to remove all of the reasons someone would commit crimes thereby creating a community where crime isn't common. Obviously, some crimes will always occur because some people are just broken human beings. But our current society actively encourages it. That said, introducing Prop 47 without any of the social programs necessary for reducing crime was a really dumb idea on California's part. Prison abolition doesn't work in a vacuum and prison abolitionists are not delusional. We want safe communities but instead of locking up all of the criminals we aspire towards a society that generates significantly fewer wrong-doers in the first place.


Prison reform, please.

Fractal Toad

Top notch stuff! Really love all the hard work you guys put into these type of topics. It feel authentic and truly shows a unique side of humanity.


Fire vid

Koolio 777

Love this series. I became a patron for this content. It’s nice to see a perspective from these people that don’t have a voice typically

Koolio 777

Part 5 and 6?????? We neeeed


When is e


Thank you so much for your wonderful journalism Andrew! I finally became patron!


The government seems determined to destroy California. Almost seems intentional. Really disturbing. Fuck all these worthless losers destroying what was once a great place.


Really enjoying the new content. Is there any way to make these releases more uniform (i.e. part 1 having a rough schedule of what's to come and where the public/paid content starts and ends) Obviously, this is hard at the rate that you guys are filming/releasing stuff so it's understandable if this comes with time. Looking forward to what's next. (FYI, the mix on the music is mad loud during some of the more informational parts is mad loud sometimes) (Also, would love some coverage of Philadelphia. I think the city has a lot going on that could be humanized in a similar way that you did with San Fran and also some other internal struggles like the 76ers arena project that could be covered and brought to a wider audience. Just a super misunderstood city in general.)


Wait where part 5/6


Keep doing this . I started on a random day on explore on IG back when u was doin Nola . Followed since and will continue best wishes and great work

Nav Bhatia

Where the rest of this shit?

Zachary Smith

Damn homie has that nice speech then cut to him bobbin lol


I see the resemblance lol but don’t disrespect Kenny like that😭😭


So many overgrown kids desperate to see fault in everyone but themselves.


imo it was the usual squinty rationalization folks of all colors use to justify their own exceptions to rules.


Sick video! I'm glad I finally became a patron


These kids absolutely see the fault in themselves, but what else are you gonna do to survive in that environment?

bat kyak

Very educational video Andrew! I have a question... If you believe in prison abolition, what do we do with people who do crimes? I.e. murder, SA, felony crimes


Abolishing the US prison system doesn’t mean abandoning all correctional/rehabilitative frameworks. Obv there are people that are dangerous and need to be kept away from the general public. But violent criminals are a minority portion of the current US prison pop. Angela Davis explains best if you wanna hit the library


It's a mistake to consider any of that survivalist behavior. They're emptying luxury stores stealing designer brands because they want to shine, not eat. They're demolishing others property who live within the system, causing further strain within it. If they were stealing bread, eggs, and water from the grocery maybe, but that'd be entirely different. You can look anywhere for negativity to pretend your own exceptions to the rule are appropriate. It's wishful thinking, a natural human bias.

Mike Guay

"I play 5 instruments, guitar, bass, drums and piano." The math ain't mathin bro

Liam Kelly

this series has been extremely challenging to watch. i can understand the need to reduce and defund the prison-industrial complex, but Jack the Bipper and others like him should not be allowed to get away with everything he does.


They're destroying it because they want it all to themselves


I hope someone runs him over fatally one day.

Shane Black

Seems to me miccalo you have a problem with everybody who’s committing crime to stay afloat I could only imagine a place where 110k a year is below poverty line like that in itself is wild how bad inflation is over there

Shane Black

If it says ?/6 there will be 6 parts he’s probably just waiting to release them like every other day


This has been the best series of documentaries that I've seen in such a long time! I bought the yearly subscription the same day it dropped!!!


Stealing is an effect of a poorly designed society. The people who work in the buildings also steal from humans. they do it on a grander scale that is even more insidious. try to look at the bigger picture. what do you think these corporations are doing to pay their workers so much? solving world problems? no, they're exploiting people. Your acting like all the techies are good people. they're not. the tech industry is a billion times more exploitative, destructive, and harmful to people than bipping. on top of that, they ruined the culture of the Bay Area. so no one likes them besides themselves. i mean, yuppies suck. if you don't think they do. your probably one of them.


The original upload said "final installment", it has since been edited to "first"


these are effects of capitalism. do you want insane police force that catches everyone doing everything? I don't. we gotta completely restructure society if we want any true improvements.


Why Andrew look like a 90’s detective


Ur now an accessory to car burglary😂😂😂


Countries like Japan and Korea live in very capitalistic societies and do not see crime like this. What makes you think restructuring capitalism is the solution?


> "The idea is to remove all of the reasons someone would commit crimes thereby creating a community where crime isn't common" Then advocate for those things. Saying "I'm a prison abolitionist" when this is what you mean doesn't further the goal at all.


reminder that drug dealers belong in cells.


Yeah cause it's societies fault, not the results of ones own actions. Dudes would rather gangbang 24/7 and ruin everything for citizens who do no wrong than work for 8 hours.

Vasco Varelas

This is such an intimate report... Mark my words Andrew, you will receive a Pulitzer in the near future. I'm sure about it, no one is coming nowhere near as close to the heart of the brokenness of today's society


Because they don't want to move to somewhere actually affordable, and get a real job. Big cities are becoming too expensive to live in.


Damn! That is exactly how Frisco is right now. You've really captured the streets out there. I miss that area, but simultaneously am happy to be outta there haha.Thanks for showing it for what it is and educating why. Ima be a lifetime member brody! 🤘

Joby Treegoob

When you say it's the minority, how many is it though? What system that's humane and viable can keep them away from the general public? Would it be more of a deterrent?


Just joined the patreon after seeing this youtube video; proud to see you making such inspirational videos Andrew. Thank you for everything you do!


when is the next video?

bat kyak

Look we all know if we funded education and other institutions that provide lower income people equal opportunities, it would decrease the prison population. There would still be the systematic racism that makes blacks the majority of prisoners. THATS the root issue to solve


They've voted for it. They're reaping what they've been sowing since the 1960s


The dude’s outfit alone costs about $500 and he’s crying about how he needs to steal to feed himself 🙄

Andy Gott

Only Channel 5 can get this kind of news coverage. No MSM could/would dare to be so brave as to get the real story of what's happening on the streets of SF. Keep up the good work.


He's one of those dudes you meet on the street who talk themselves up to be more than they are

Alexander Sharp

I like the restraint on music, adds a little more seriousness to a root problem. But i could see it being good too on youtube. Love your stuff, glad your back :)


LOL the Rammstein clip Love it


Pshhh who cares how it's said foo!? Take care of yourself haha.


Oh damn, I was at that exact parking garage just recently. Lol.


Ironic, your entire post is the exact kind of wishful thinking my original post spoke to. Continue to pretend I'm everything you're against to make it easier to reject my opinions. Reject and deflect, everyone else is wrong, huh?


lmao @ criminals shouting out california govt officials

Duck Dynasty mfer

Prop 47 should of came with more relaxed gun laws so anyone with a clean record can carry one and burglary is allowed to be met with deadly force.

Nav Bhatia

Eat the chicken !