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Here's the full thing for those curious.

Here ya go!


Rabbi Shlomo Levertov Interview

Interview with Rabbi Shlomo Levertov from our Israel Rally video



I will never understand how someone can base their entire life off of old timey fairy tales that are just so wildly ridiculous. Religion is the worst pandemic the world has ever seen.


Has he read the New Testament?

Will Simon

Meh. I'd argue the truest pandemic the world has ever seen is blind faith. Blind faith in religion, government, or psuedo (or government or religious sponsored) science.


it's stunning to me how zionists cant understand why people wont just give up their land without a fight when it's the same thing that they believe in


It's quite interesting, how the rabbi avoids going into some topics, either intentionally (by saying so) or unintentionally - like portraying a hatred towards jews as something which appeared out of nowhere, just because arabs are like that. I wonder if this is a consequence of him doing his job as a preacher and hence feeling restrained even in slightest undermining of the current Israel ideology, or this is a psychological event based on an inner fear of destroying his own beliefs which are basically a major part of his life.

Will Simon

They have their land they are given. Palestine is allowed to have it's own place (Gaza), just with a closed border. And that land is a gift, from the people who have owned all that land, from the river to the sea, all throughout history. But it's not enough. Palestine wants to grab all of the land, and push anyone not Muslim out.


pretty sure this guy thinks jews are superior race and religion. cappity cap cap

Noms Chompski

What an absolute monster


good until you you cut fuck you


Love how he was like yeah we were promised this land!!!!! So its ok that we did all that horrible stuff in the first place!!!!! clown world we live in ngl


The victim complex is insane


Andrew, I love you. I love the work that you do. Your coverage of events lately has been of incredibly high quality. With that being said: why the hell did you let this bumbling idiot represent an entire people? The interview given by the professor was excellent. I thought he did a fantastic job, and that you did a great job by picking him. But seriously, why the hell did you pick this guy... He really makes an entire group of people look bad.


Like this is the dude you pick to represent all Jews?? Bruh! I'm sure there were many Rabbis who could have provided much more balanced, and not to mention decently articulated or logical takes on any of the topics covered here.


i honestly didnt have an opinion on alot of this til i saw channel 5 coverage of it. i grew up in oregon where a jewish neighbor is pretty rare, but this guy made me kinda uncomfortable. i will be looking into other rabbi opinion on this. death of innocent people especially children is fucking horrible. this guy has me kinda messed up though, he seems uncomfortable discussing this like he's not confident and it makes me uncomfortable. i dont see a resolution for this conflict and it's very sad. what a way of life. thanks for the work done reporting on this


I wish intelligent people would accept your interview requests. It's always some dumbass that I can barely stand to hear talk.


He said a lot of words for someone who denied answering most of channel 5's questions.


Homie DEHUMANIZES out of compulsion. that’s crazy