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Hey guys .. thanks to HBO being awesome to work with, they've cut some clips from our upcoming movie 'This Place Rules' (Dropping Dec 30) and are allowing us to post them exclusively on Channel 5 socials before the movie drops!

Here's a scene that we filmed in Atlanta with the 'Spencer Family' who we met at a 'Stop the Steal' rally shortly after Biden was declared victor of the 2020 election.

This is probably gonna go live on our YouTube channel at Noon tomorrow - just wanted to give you guys a first glance. Thanks for all your support. 



hey guys, is there any website i could watch your documentary in germany? I looked for it but can not find it. Would love to watch it!!!! Greetings from Cologne


That was sad


This hits hard

Yuri Sagastume

is crazy how the contractor you hire to come do your concrete, or your roof, or whatever it may be, is also some crazy conspiracy theory person who is poisoning his kids with his crazy mentality.


The end of this documentary really summed up why QAnon/Trump fanatics have been increasingly creepy with their obsessions.


you're INCREDIBLY lucky the SA allegations were kept relatively quiet till the week AFTER your big HBO break - i was SO happy for you and now i feel betrayed and lied to - ashamed to have promoted you SO hard for SO long.


Anyone could say that kinda stuff at anytime you can’t just believe everything you hear

Quint from Jaws

this must be a fake account hired by mainstream media... joined just now in jan. 2023 making comments on multiple videos? people neeed to have more critical thinking


I only recently subbed here. I was pretty disappointed that there was no long form content….. I’m canceling because I’m even more disappointed when I learned you are an abuser.. Coercion is not consent


Suddenly making sense how andrew clocked the pedo..

Keah Mitchall

You should probably respond to your multiple Sexual Assualt allegations


One note for everyone throwing stones at him: PEOPLE LEARN. PEOPLE CHANGE. PEOPLE GROW. WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES.


What he did has nothing to do with pedophilia, are you that dumb to make such a connection?


Everyone can have their opinions on his apology statement, but he checked all the boxes of what you should acknowledge and say when addressing a situation like this one. The only opinion that REALLY matters are the victims and those he has hurt. If they accept it, and he speaks to them like he said he would (or was open to, as he said in the video) then that's fine with me. If they don't accept it, I will stand by them.