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Enjoy our final installment of Sidam's Daytona Bike Week series, featuring front-row angles of erotic co-ed wrestling, interviews with more boob-crazed bikers, live streamers, cosplayers, and beyond. 

Oh, and a special guest arrives mid-episode..

Hope you guys enjoyed. More to come!

- Andrew, Nic and Evan. 



Wanted to see that naked guys balls??? how am i supposed to keep it five five ""55""


Why the fuck can't I see Wally Cheese Curd from Wisconsin bang that broad in public??? I paid $5 for this shit... bait and fucking switch!!!


yeeeee bro was getting rdy here ... fml

Luke Fredsall

The DJ at the end really gets it

Chr0nic Bacon


Raj Doddi

Let's go! Thanks Channel 5!

G Clarke

Skrtttt Skrtttt Bap Bap. Love this content!!! Keep it up!!!


lmfao the guy at the end "WHERE'S THE SUIT"


he WHAT all over his pants he fucking WHAT


I would watch some of that channel 5 after hours footage. Guy at the end is hilarious.


holy shit that last part was more cringe worthy than a nathan for you episode

Sheldon Senger

thanks for calling out the guy taking pics of random girls lmao

Jack Winzar

That guy at the end did NOT know when to stop 🤣



Maximus M

dj at the end wasn't anywhere near sober


That DJ was fire though, I love his dubstep glitchy bass stuff, but wow that dude was funny/weird. GREAT WORK CHANNEL 5


them streamer boys are @floridacrazy407

Quest Author

Amazing how quickly awkward tension can escalate and how easily the cameras translate it. The little exchange with the King of Jamaica at the end was fascinating, seemed like AC really wasn't feeling him and it was the first time we've seen homie lose patience and interest with a subject. He called Sidam a llar and that shit aint cool. Nevertheless this little DJ Roots Dipchz seemed one of the more benign characters to get irritated with- as far as coleslaw and Wisconsin old man pervs, good job extracting the gold sessions and I hope we get some grills on the exclusive Patreon drops soon! (Still no porn and censored Satans Chew Toy pussy tho) Great work as always, you earned my subscription for another month, still waiting for the right drop to cop!

John Lake

dude @ the end made me uncomfortable


bro.... the fucking end. this is gold.

Andy B

You could sense Andrews frustration with pro trump rhetoric after covering the trucker convoy in the comment about Jim Jones lol, a good analogy I had never considered. Always great to see Sidam shine, the whole event seemed wild. Based on the fact most of the events you cover seem to attract a right leaning crowd, do you think left leaning events are less common, or is there a reason you focus more on right leaning cultural events? Love to see you guys upload, hope more great things are to come!

Matt Brummett (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 15:16:32 The guy at the end deserves a full video, that was the most awkward I've ever seen Andrew
2022-05-25 00:50:00 The guy at the end deserves a full video, that was the most awkward I've ever seen Andrew

The guy at the end deserves a full video, that was the most awkward I've ever seen Andrew


"Its almost like he lied to them, push them into action and some of them died and went to jail and he didn't help them" XD YES ANDREW!

Jonathon Angell

DJ Jamaican Grandpa does a terrific job showing you what it's like to take molly at the wrong time and place.

Skunk Ape

the end gave me legitimate douche chills. we’re gonna get an update a la Kai McGillivary


AGNB covered a lot of left leaning events.


Holy shit the end of that was rough. well done guys lmao


Dude at the end is a good reminder not to try and be weird with Andrew. Much rather be around coleslaw pervs.

Eric Burbeck

The last interview was absolutely incredible



Jakob B

Dude at the end had to be tripping pupils massive full tweak mode


Damn I wanted to see that dude ass naked

Alexander Noble

7:26 is the snarkiest i have ever seen Andrew :D was funny

Andy B

I think I failed to make my point, which is my fault. One of the reasons I respect you guys is because you come across as bi-partisan and more interested in letting people express their views than trying to "own" them. I was by no means accusing you of attempting to (or inadvertently) presenting a view of American culture as being biased towards one ideology or political party in particular. However, while some of the events you attend (such as Uhuru and the peoples convoy) are explicitly political, others ( such as complex con or Talladega) are about specific subcultures. It seems subcultures with a right wing biased audience are more overt about their political views. Do you think this affects the subculture as a whole in terms of acceptance of certain theories and the potential radicalisation of their audience, and what bearing does this have on the political division in America today? I don't expect you to reply in the comments, but it's something I have noticed in your journalism and I am interested in whether it is something you have noticed/think noteworthy.


Yo I was PROMISED some old naked butt and I got ZERO. Unsubbing /s Keep up the great work guys :p


I've met at least 50 dudes exactly like him when I was living in Florida and Djing lol. "Bass music" wooks are so hilarious

Li Reid

Oh my god that character reveal though


That Jim Jones conversation deserves its own YouTube clip!


great job leaning into the awkward with the DJ at the end


i still have no idea what he meant lmao and I don’t even care


Dude at the end should have known it was time to walk away lol


Andrew waving in front of the wrestling match is the best shot ever


Thanks so much Sean. Kind of reminds me of NastyNasty. I'm a sucker for good creative melodic bass music. Thanks


Do you have any recommendations for other music in this same style? I'm picky so having this as a starting point could help me find more great music. Thanks!


damn Channel 5 was a hit with the folks at the wrestling matches. sidam had the daytona bike week equivalent of court side seats.

Ken Baumann

all the teeth closeups in the last episodes all make sense now


more boober and asser in next episode please

Colin Williams

Big ups to my brother at the end

Conor Boran

God damn this is the trashiest event you've been to yet




Damn dude, that ending tho.


Where's the suit


That was the best interview

May May

I just love Channel 5 so much


The scene at the bar is what happens when Silent Bob doesn’t stay Silent

Nicolai Fonseca

That last scene at the bar was fuking amazing!

André Borges

"What are you thoughts about Putin some nuts in you mouth?" unnecessary, but hilarious.


Extreme mirror neurons from the last interview


Expected to see the old dude naked, dissapointed ngl


those "florida crazy" guys were actually the florida men they themselves were looking for


"it's been a great interview" perfect

Eli Herman

Last guy was rolling for sure


The kid at the end has to be the most picked on at parties

Mark Heijblok

skkra...pap..pap.. It's been a great interview.

Sid Mullendore

the coexist patch on the biker vest really tied this whole series together for me.

Jarred Sturges

EDM guy was chill af haha!

Joe Sirolli

the kid at the end realizing he's not in on the joke terrified me to the core. The second hand shame was too much


I’m just a fan that wants to be a part of channel 5 so badly.


andrew "jaws" callaghan

Nathan E Simpson

Kinda seems like the guys were just trying to have a drink at the bar and the EDM kid walked up to them to get interviewed

Konnor Reece

The last guy's pupils were pretty large. Mans was feeling it

Jordan Pierce

lol the dude at the end was rolling hard

Andrew R

I felt like I was watching The Office for a sec with this type of cringe


that dj is playing a song i made 😅 https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/i2h76VTHoUZm6Gge8

Mike Paine

That ending was intense. Andrew doesn’t miss



lets keep an eye out on that last kid.... we all know what those noises mean

Andy Gott

skkrrrr, bop bop. dap-ba-doooowop. shibby dop-ba-dooowop. dop ba-dooooo

Blue Cheese

What made me go from “oh this is a funny YouTube video” to “oh wow i would pay money to support this” was seeing video after video of the same pattern; by just letting people go off without coming across as judgey or preachy, you go beyond the subculture, political affiliation, etc, and see shreds of humanity in unlikely places. We are programmed to speak/think/argue in sound bites without really communicating effectively, but once you cut away all the BS, you’re left with core ideas that show how people think, be it ugly or beautiful. THAT’S the good stuff I come here for; I want some pierced dude dropping truth bombs while shooting the breeze at some convention I’ve never heard of. 🏄‍♀️

joshua barach

It's almost like he lied 😭

Florida Chillin

its this lol http://ssdd.samsbiz.com/store/item/38bll/Grateful_Dead_Goodies/Grateful_Dead_-_Lightning_Bolt_Pilot_Wings.html


that ending was hilariously cringe

Joseph So

Andrew can get along in any crowd. It's insane.

Sönke Goppelt

Damn you got to give the yt a twitch tos warning or 100 Streamers will be banned cuz of the vid




That… was… amazing…



Kelton Slaton

Yo who's that in the corner??????????


#1 awkward moment right there at the end. It gets the prize.


skrrrrrrrpp bing bong!


so is this that guy? who came first?


NC-17 version coming soon confirmed

Andrew R

Y’all going to the NRA meeting??

Tyler Faulkner

11:36 Andrew was so confused, he thought he had to be the weird one


poor guy at the end was just extremely high on MDMA and had no clue what was happening

Leonora Calzogna

andrew reveal was extremely terrifying.......

Trevor Slocum

Where were you when Andrew made a cameo on his own show?

brett (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 15:16:32 Just watched guy at the end have a mental breakdown lol
2022-05-28 05:11:46 Just watched guy at the end have a mental breakdown lol

Just watched guy at the end have a mental breakdown lol

Carter C

last interview got more awkward by the sec lmao

Penguin Gabe

Lmao that last guys brain fucking imploded what even happened

LiL Genetics

That silence at the end. Priceless .


i love channel 5

a k tomasi

that was a great interview

Alexis Gomez

Where’s the suit?

dayz hk

dude at the end tho 😅

Loren Carvalho

every episode of this show reminds me that humans are nothing more than the smartest animals

Justin W

"what are your thoughts about Putin some nuts in your mouth"

Onyx Cutts

Yo I'm subscribed on Patreon and don't see that dude naked aaaaaanywhere 😂

Nathan Taylor

Wait a minute, is the last guy calling Andrew out for making fun of him because Andrew has said that when he's wearing the hoodie he's being serious and when he's wearing the suit he's making fun of people? Then he immediately gets serious and asks about Putin. If you re-watch it in this context, it kinda seems like he's in the right... Like, the Jamaican bit is very cringe, but could be that my man's got a family member connected to Jamaican culture and is trying to make a living as a musician in FL and maybe opened up to Andrew thinking it was safe, not realizing he was gonna get an edit that makes him look like a fool until that moment. Mix some music-making drugs in and it all kinda makes sense.


I did feel a little bit bad for that last DJ kid. He seemed kinda fucked up on Molly or something, but was just a nice, awkward kid.

Nathan Taylor

Yeah I hope they don't light him up by putting him on YouTube. He didn't deserve the amount of shit he got in any case. His music kinda sounded sick too lol

ChubsTheRapper (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 15:16:32 "It's been a great interview." - Jamaican EDM DJ.
2022-06-02 02:26:21 "It's been a great interview." - Jamaican EDM DJ.

"It's been a great interview." - Jamaican EDM DJ.

Joey Planets

Is nobody really gonna say anything about Andrew’s insane grill?


I love channel 5

Parker Anderson

Dude at the end realizing he got channel 5’ed in real time. Siddam is hilarious. Thought y’all were very respectful running into the other dudes that bite off your style. We were promised peen


that poor kid at the end ;_;

Nathan Taylor

Hard agree to all this, also I think Andrew mentioned at some point that he wants people to go out and talk to people, he might see those encounters as huge success


So, I watched this video earlier by a black youtuber: "white boys ruin hiphop culture." And it's been on my mind. I honestly thought about Andrew. I heard him talk about hip-hop and rap, in some podcasts. And I was wondering what she would think about him. Then, I watched this, and saw who she was really talking about at the end. Wow. The way he called Siddam "fake", or wtvr the fuck he said, then looked to Andrew for validation....


physical effects from that last segment.

Neil Taylor

Guy at the end is XQC without Overwatch.

Jason Filloramo

Seems like the last two interviews are what happens when someone confident is aware of Channel 5, but not witty enough to avoid becoming the joke. The last guy especially seemed a bit too spun to realize he was digging himself a hole, and then the well-timed silence was the nail in the coffin . Anyone got a track ID @ 9:23 though?

Buz Lee

so good


Does anyone know if “local EDM club” was Grind GastroPub in Ormond?

Mike Vanston


Kavon Zamanian

I did not make that connection at all until now. Definitely feel for the dude


came here to see old man peen and left disappointed

Kyle Craven

“Skrrrp ding dong. - Andrew Callaghan

Dijon John

The last dude seemed mentally ill.

Dijon John

He has recently said that he is retiring the suit all together... But this person probably didn't know that haha.


I paid 5$ to see this guy buttnaked but I don't see any buttnakedness, wtf?


Saaaaamee, I'm Disappointed lmao.

Fin Hinchcliffe

Seriously Andrew im gonna need the butt ass naked porn cut of this episode. Deceit doesn't suit you, there's still time to make this right


I'm surprised you all didn't make it out to like Iron Horse area, froggy's or more of Main Street, but Seabreeze is great too


EDM DJ was rollin balls


Despite getting jebaited, the biker cheeks will have to do.


Seriously Andrew im gonna need the butt ass naked porn cut of this episode. Deceit doesn't suit you, there's still time to make this right

Gonzalo Uribe

Seriously Andrew im gonna need the butt ass naked porn cut of this episode. Deceit doesn't suit you, there's still time to make this right

Sir Moscow

Seriously Andrew im gonna need the butt ass naked porn cut of this episode. Deceit doesn't suit you, there's still time to make this right


yall shouldnt have left that weird edm kid out of the youtube one lol

Pink Demon

I only paid the $5 for the old naked man, Andrew. Deliver


I was promised naked people. That was the only reason I bought the patriot :(


Came to see scary biker gang dude and ass. 3 minutes lame ass White dude talking about EDM. No.

juicy jay

Seriously Andrew im gonna need the butt ass naked porn cut of this episode. Deceit doesn't suit you, there's still time to make this right

Mike Voss

Requesting butt ass naked porn cut


6:10 I actually came here for that and now I'm just upset. Where is it m8? Where

Ty Fleischut

'how bout putin some nuts in your mouth' should be a patch


The last interview hit different

Phoneix Risen

i was told there would be porn. My disappointment is immeasurable.


Where is the porn

Andrew Holmes

Andrew's entrance is the best non-Hoff Twin entrance

Kenneth Pierce

I really wanted to see that guy naked but….


How is there not 1 titty in this whole Bike Week series. Shame on you.


lool if you got Andrew Callaghan's Patreon just so you could see uncensored content of women gtfo goofy

James Tong

wheres the porn, brooooo